
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Parasol, Glitched Freedom Mohawk, Freedom Hula Skirt, & the Jammer Wall

Hey jammers! Apologies again for late posts – it's lovely having family visit me, but it is so tiring too. I fell asleep without posting last night. Anywho, what kinds of items do we have today??
It's sold for gems, not tickets? In the
Summer Carnival?? How very strange... 
My favorite of the recent items to emerge from AJHQ is the Parasol. It's so cute and ruffly, and I heard they can make you fly. Although that might just be Mary Poppins... Anywho, check below the little page break for almost twenty new items you can find around Jamaa!

The Freedom Party holds a fascinating new item. I suppose this one really puts the "free" in FREEdom, huh? When I took the picture the Freedom Spiked Mohawk was entirely free, and also recycled for free...
Yet my gem amounts were changing sporadically, so I'm not sure if I gained or lost gems from these transactions. What were your testing results? Do you think AJHQ is fixing this little bug? Also...
There is the cutest little Freedom Hula Skirt available. I find it interesting that Headresses are considered cultural appropriation, while Hula Skirts are socially/culturally ok... Aren't they an element of many cultures?
Above are all the Freedom clothing items available in the Freedom Party thus far, and below are all the furniture items!
Are you disappointed AJHQ isn't posting fireworks for sale this year? Do you think those will be added closer to July fourth?
The Raccoon Claw is also available in the Diamond Shop since the recent update, which I believe I forgot to mention. How are your plushie claw machine collections coming along? What animal is next?
Big thank you to tigerlypaws for sending the picture to me!
As you might have seen in yesterday's video post, we appear to be having a "Jammer Wall" come to Jamaa. Will it be texting? Will it be group chat? Will it be Facebook? Will it be a forum? Who's to know.
I hope the little "AJS Breaking News" segment was a fun little way to present it. ^-^ Over on the Daily Explorer we also have some fun new stuffs. First some little crafty science experiments...
Click here to try it for yourself!
And then we even have a diamond contest from Graham himself.
Click here to learn how to enter!
Finally we have our daily clearance item. This time it's the Painter's Ladder from Jam Mart Furniture that is making its way to a rare oblivion. Will it be remembered in future jamerations? It's hard to say.
That about wraps up our crazy big Sunday post. What does the next week have in store? What does your next week have in store? WHO'S ENJOYING SUMMER VACATION?? I know I am, hehe.
Happy jamming everyone!


  1. The Lone Wolf 2413June 28, 2015 at 12:42 PM

    Nice post. I have bought 10 Free(dom) Mohawks so far.

  2. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 12:50 PM


  3. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 12:51 PM

    I bought 1 but I'm afraid it'll charge me, LOL

  4. Second! (Or third)

  5. Congratulations! But the lone wolf is technically first...

  6. The Jammer Wall seems like a great new addition to Animal jam, however I am a bit concerned. Hopefully there won't be any flamewars, but we'll have to see what the format looks like first. I expect it to look like a mini-forum (like the mini-cafe on Transformice) but i want to keep it friendly so that i don't have to worry about fights/disagreement that occur on the Jammer Wall.

  7. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaJune 28, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    3rd or 4th!

  8. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM

    I know

  9. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM

    Sorry I was recording XD

  10. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM

    Just got Screencast sooooo yeah

  11. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM


    "If you're waiting for my videos to be posted on YouTube, I don't have an account yet so it may take a while - but in the meantime search for Jamesgames00 who is amazing!"

  12. Fuzzhead Derp Face :DJune 28, 2015 at 1:25 PM

    Yea, in America it's a holiday celebrating freedom and stuff.

  13. I can't buy items that costs tickets anymore ughugh

  14. Fuzzhead Derp Face :DJune 28, 2015 at 1:30 PM


  15. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    e3e That's gotta be a mistake, a Carnival item for Gems..? Also, I guess AJHQ also forgot to add in a recycling value for one of their items... Do you think maybe they have certain things they need to do for new items? Make other varieties, attach the new signs, etc. I really love the new Hula Skirt though! The Freedom Mohawk looks pretty cool too. ^-^

  16. Gemmarocks112 is Love, is LifeJune 28, 2015 at 2:10 PM

    It's not just recycling value, you buy it for 0 gems as well. Although there are some adventure items that recycle for 1 gems.

  17. Penguin Agent #3 (Miacupcake1)June 28, 2015 at 2:30 PM


    A Jammer Wall?

    That sounds SO cool!!!!

  18. Ugh, I was suspended on Animal Jam for a day yesterday and when I got on today ( at the same time I got suspended ) I am STILL suspended from animal jam :I Hopefully I get unsuspended soon, I really miss it D:

  19. I hope they'll be easier on us for allowed topics and chat, haha.

  20. yee diamond challenge about crocodiles

    we are finally noticed by aj senpai

    also about the 0 gems thing
    some of the carnival den items sell for 0 gems

    also what's with the parasol being sold for gems instead of tickets?

    aj needs to get their act together

  21. AJHQ have been making quite a few mistakes lately. A carnival item for gems? An item that costs 0 gems? Leaking stuff about the jammer wall? :P
    I do think the jammer wall looks cool though, whatever it will be for.

  22. The jammer wall looks cool, I can't wait for it to be released!

  23. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:09 PM

    I feel like I'm really late on this, but Play Wild came out on iOS, and I only figured this out yesterday. I also saw someone on there with the username 'Twinkle0122'... Maybe I met her ^0^

  24. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:10 PM

    *raises eyebrows* Never knew that.

  25. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:11 PM

    DIS BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY! (at least, until they notice)

  26. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:11 PM

    *cough* Should've noticed the 0 gems sign... XD

  27. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:12 PM

    It's summer. I bet AJHQ staff are on vacation, so maybe that's why? Maybe they leak the pictures on purpose so we get excited..! DUN DUN DUN!

  28. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:12 PM

    I feel chu.

  29. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:13 PM

    PWB on iOS's items are so overpriced... D:

  30. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:36 PM

    Erm, on your iOS device?

  31. Today I saw a cheetah at the cloud party. It was a bit weird, but here is a picture of it.

  32. viridescentfutureAJJune 28, 2015 at 3:37 PM

    LUCKY! ^.^

  33. I'm actually glad the parosal is for gems.

  34. Dear AJS Community,
    I will be commenting anonymously if I comment at all from now on on AJS. I will still read all posts. I am doing this due to repeated hacking of my account. I have changed my password and decided to stop putting my username out so much until this cools down. In specifics they hacked my rare worn. Oh, and spent a few thousand gems, but that's it. Thank you for understanding.
    The Big AJS Fan,

  35. oh it came out on the ios? nice

    i should try getting it on my android tablet

  36. a FREE mohawk, you say? Whaaat? xD

    FIND THE WITCH! - Gravity Falls

  37. Can I get it on an iPad Mini.. 2 I think?

  38. I hope this "jammer wall" is going to be nm.

  39. How do you test the jammer wall?

    If you are a member.....

  40. oh
    i bought 200
    i put one hundred on my spare then gave away 50, still trying to get rid off 50.

  41. im so sorry but your voice sounds so professional snowy, like you'd been practicing that for 3 years...

  42. Hello lovely people ^.^

  43. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 28, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    I just got back home from LA!! 😀 missed my cat so much 😓

  44. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 28, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    It doesn't work for android yet

  45. Koalasrock55082 AJJune 28, 2015 at 9:22 PM

    Anyone here?

  46. The Lone Wolf 2413June 28, 2015 at 9:52 PM

    It's like nobody saw anything. Also, you didn't see anything of me getting all of these free Mohawks. It only changed my gems the first time. >:D

  47. Will it be texting? Will it be group chat? Will it be Facebook? Will it be a forum? Who's to know. Imagine That A New Facebook Haha

  48. Hello?




  49. pomeranian aka JordanJune 29, 2015 at 7:48 AM

    O,o. Not to advertise or anything, but I bought over a hundred glitched Mohawks which you can see on the video, glitched free Mohawks. :D great post Snowy!

  50. is anyone here??

  51. Ooh I'm excited for the Jammer Wall. Looks like so much fun :3 I hope it's like a forum, but with Private Messaging so you can talk to your friends too.

  52. im glad they are adding a jammer wall it seems to be the only good idea the have come up with lately.....

  53. It's only out in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

  54. omg yes... private talks..
    this is gonna be awesome
    maybe if u get it u will get free chat on the jammer wall

  55. viridescentfutureAJJune 30, 2015 at 8:18 AM

    I guess..?

  56. viridescentfutureAJJune 30, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    Search up Play Wild or Play Wild Beta. I'm guessing it only works on iPads and the such.

  57. No I can't :( Now, I live in Australia. But I think mupy iPad is not new enough. So now I have this crazy idea to use my friend's iPad Air 2. I'm thinking that's new enough right? Except that my friend would probably find that annoying.

  58. just wanted to say that the parasol changed to tickets, instead of gems. Did anyone else notice this?


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw