
Monday, October 12, 2015

Rare Heart Skull Helmet!

Click here to enter the AJS Writing Contest! A whole bunch of awesome new prizes have been added; including a Spiked Wristband! :D
The results of Chorus's awesome den decor mini contest, are coming up, too! The prize? A MIRA STATUE. Good luck to all who entered!

Ciao, jammers! Today's new item is the Rare Heart Skull Helmet, sold at Jam-Mart Clothing for a super cheap 500 gems.
Honestly, this rare's the scariest thing I've seen all October. Something about the flat shape and eerie, happy eyes... Eeeek! So, errr, good job...?

Here's an interesting den glitch sent in by thebearstudios!

I've been seeing this happen a bunch lately! Looks like AJHQ forgot to remove a rough sketch of where the item would take up space.

And now, the Monday Mystery!
You've probably seen this little guy around. This teensy little lady appears on the Animal Jam logo! But... why? The only in-game nod to the ladybug have been the Ladybug Hat, and the bonus ladybug in Pill Bugs. Why is a ladybug on the AJ logo? Does (s)he have a tragic backstory? Where are her/his brethren? What's up with those eyes?

See ya!
 Hey, guys! The prize pool will be open until October the 25th -- the deadline! Thank you all so much for your donations! The original contest post will be updated with your new prizes! <3

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