Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shaman Focus: Sir Gilbert

The great warrior, a tiger shaman.
Sir Gilbert, the regal tiger Shaman, is a proud warrior. He takes his ancestry very seriously and always makes it a point to honor those that came before him when going into battle. Even though he has a rough appearance, Sir Gilbert is a very thoughtful, spiritual animal with a caring nature. His personality is serious, reverential, and soft-spoken. He has a deep, low voice that can be as soothing as it is menacing. As a mentor to new tigers, Sir Gilbert can be a tough teacher, but he possesses great wisdom and knows a lot about the history of Jamaa and its ongoing struggle with the phantoms that inhabit the Animal Jam world. ~Ancient AJ Legend

Sir Gilbert seems to be an inspiring shaman, hopefully he comes to visit Jammers in Jamaa. Though his home could be anywhere, there seems to be a likely cave in Crystal Sands. Tiger Rock seems to be a good home, with the mouth able to slide open as an entrance. Hopefully Sir Gilbert will reveal his whereabouts soon.