I don't know about you guys, but I won't be playing on Animal Jam much during the school year (school starts tomorrow). There won't be many things posted until next summer, but I'll keep the contests running every couple months hopefully (please donate to the AJS prize supply), as well as major update posts. Does anyone want to volunteer to become a writer for the blog? Just during the school year if you're able to. You'd have to get each post checked by me, and I'll add the signature AJS banner of your user.
Here are the requirements:
Able to write clearly and efficiently,
Able to be on Animal Jam often,
Able to write posts regularly,
Able to follow guidelines about posting,
Allowed to email, and sign up for blogger,
Allowed to share email with other trusted writers.
Note: You can make a new email just for blogging, that way you and your parents have less to worry about.
There are tons of ways to join the AJS blog:
+ Join Spirit Fans! All you need is an account on blogspot to stay up to date on all the recent AJS posts.
+ Become a Spirit Jammer! Just comment around the blog, and answer jammers' questions. You can see the top commenters on the bottom of the left column on this blog.
+ Be a Spirit Artist! To do so, submit regularly to the Spirit Work mini blog, illustrate stories, or create AJS banners.
+ Be a Spirit Writer! Write for the blog during the school year, but you'll need to have a blogger account to sign up, or be able to email me posts.
I hope you all want to join, the bigger the AJS community, the greater it will be! See you in Jamaa.

+ Join Spirit Fans! All you need is an account on blogspot to stay up to date on all the recent AJS posts.
+ Become a Spirit Jammer! Just comment around the blog, and answer jammers' questions. You can see the top commenters on the bottom of the left column on this blog.
+ Be a Spirit Artist! To do so, submit regularly to the Spirit Work mini blog, illustrate stories, or create AJS banners.
+ Be a Spirit Writer! Write for the blog during the school year, but you'll need to have a blogger account to sign up, or be able to email me posts.
I hope you all want to join, the bigger the AJS community, the greater it will be! See you in Jamaa.

Note: The blog email is animaljamspirit@gmail.com