Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mushroom Chair

Hey jammers! The new item of the day is the Mushroom Chair, sold for members only in Jam Mart Furniture. You like?
Also, here is today's AJHQ Daily Explorer post.
Also, there were able to respond to my Alpha questions.
I'm very happy they were able to reply to what I asked, thank you Josh! ^.^ And it also made me realize my mistake. By taking away the word "shamans" AJHQ has made the game approachable for all religions. Also, the world "alpha" means "first" or "beginning" and isn't that what each of the animal leaders is? Peck was the first rabbit, Liza the first panda, ect.

Not to mention the fact that it takes away a human aspect (shaman = person) and replaces it with a more animal related term (alpha =  animal ranking). We should be thankful that AJHQ even considered returning the shamans/alphas to Jamaa, they really do listen to us you guys. Be sure to send them a thank you at some point, for this wonderful world of Jamaa.

With the start of the school year Goldfishypuppy will be helping me with the daily posts, I hope that's alright. I'm sorry I didn't have time to do author try outs this summer, they take a lot of time and I didn't have that. Also, Goofy8966 is retiring from her job as Spirit Jammer, as she, like me, is running out of AJ time. Thank you for all your help on AJS goofy!

At this time I'd also like to invite ducier to become a Spirit Jammer, I'm sure you all have noticed her commenting around the blog. Keep up the great work ducier and next time I see you around Jamaa we can get your picture up on AJS.

New artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Good item :) first comment :3

    1. XD, the item is pretty cool. I think it brings the Mario feeling back. XP

    2. Ya like when you click on your turtle it spins like a Mario shell like when you jump on the turtles in the game..

    3. EVERYBODY LOOK On Ajf animal jam lovelost blog! She made a post answering some of your questions! Please check her blog, if we comment enough we might bring her back everybody looks at AJF in a while right? Everyday we get up in the morning with our pjs on we check snowyclaws blog everyday! I know that because I do it! But in that time that we are checking snowyclaws blog, we still have time to check AJF too. I loved that blog and I love snowy's blog too! But please comment on lovelost blog. Lovelost is a great writer and everybody knows that. Just give her another chance.

      And if she doesn't come back then she doesn't we will still remembering every single day.

      The only word we can define what all this mean is


    4. Yeah! I love the turtle shell and mushroom items. Maybe I could make a Mario Kart Den. :D

    5. FallenStari
      I forget it all the time DX

  2. Think maybe it's in the furniture market, not clothing market ;) ... Should go good with the table

    ~ footclane

  3. lol no worrie, I'm surprised you don't make mistakes more offtin , with all you have going on !!..still an awesome blog ;) .. Great job

  4. Sorry I know this is off topic, but I need to know how many different colored nonmember clover blanket are there? Your rares blog says 8 , but 3,4 people have told me 10 ... If someone let me know , it's killing

    1. Trust me, theer are 8 colors. Green, Yellow/Green, Blue, Pink, Red, Purple, Orange, and Aqua. :)

    2. Thanks, and woot I have them all !! Not a big deal to some , but I'm still newsh

      ~ footclane

  5. Oh wow now I get it! I didn't know that! Thanks Snowy! :)

  6. I know so much more about tornados now Ty :) .. Nice blog

  7. hey snowy claw i just found a weired glitch around jamaa is you wear a blanket and a rare lei the lei goes though your blanket try it out :D

    1. I thinking of trying that glitch! :D

    2. Cool, awesome job finding it! I wonder if it works with regukar Leis too! It probably does.

    3. Oh cool I just might have to do that also if you wear a dragon mask on your wolf the nose goes through. >.<

    4. I'll have to try that glitch out! :D

    5. I tried it on my fox it looks like it doesn't work on foxes, what animal does it work on?

  8. Can anyone send me this item I am in a hotel because of the storm and not able to get on. I luv the item! And tanks to whoever send me rare monday i did not get on yet.

    1. Which storm like a thunderstorm or something?


    2. And also I'll send you the item :)


    3. Either a thunderstorm or Hurricane Isaac. A mandatory evac somewhere was executed.

    4. I need the rare lei D:
      Please send me a lei!!!!!


    5. Was it hurricane isaac? Ive seen multiple people saying they've had a storm going on and they have to off computer on here. I'm wondering if it's hurricane isaac...

  9. A Cheese table, Now a Cheese Chair! Go Cheese! :D

    1. I like Nachos. <B3

    2. That's. An. Amazing. Idea. o.o A swiss cheese table and chair set!!! Yessss! :D

    3. I'm not into the whole food for furniture idea although some of it makes sense :T

    4. Hamburger table and chair. XD

    5. CHEESE!!! I bought a mushroom table and chair and i ate it right away because it was CHEESY!! XD

    6. Sushi table!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  10. I really like the the new item, but I think alpha is not good. Shaman doesn't = person, it = intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds. And it's been shaman since Jamaa came to be! How could "shaman" be offending? It's not saying they're gods or something! And if people don't believe in magic, that doesn't matter, because for instance it's still fun to read say Narnia when you don't believe Narnia really exists.

    1. Deal with it punk

    2. The punker -- there was a much nicer way to put that. Please try to be nicer in your comments to people and respect everyone's opinions.

    3. At least he used capitalization. >.< But the Punker it would make jamaa a nicer place if you were nice. :)

    4. Lol, the punker, nice name XD

    5. It's not that big of a deal that they're changing it but people can call shamans whatever they wish -shrugs-
      Before i thought of it as:??? But now it's not that big of a deal. I'm still calling it shamans though


    6. Really? I think "alpha" is a nice name
      I have been waiting for learning more english in Animal jam,
      But instead i learned the word called "shaman" which is really similar to my language
      And they even read it the same way! Sha-man. Just like i read it in my original language.
      Well most of the time english people read "e" as "i"
      And they read "i" as "ay"
      Thats what people in my country say about english and americans and other people from other countries that speak english!
      U know at first i thought "Mira" will be read "My-ra"
      But it was read "M-ee-ra" just like the people in my country does

      Anyway, I think "alpha" is a great name!

  11. Hi Snowy. I only have a couple more minutes until I have to go get on the bus for school.i'm going to be in the highest grade in elemantary school which is 4th grade.


    1. Wow that's weird my elementary highest was sixth grade.Good luck at school!

    2. Good luck! I'm going into fifth in the coming week...

    3. What? The highest grade is 5th in my school -btw I'm in 5th- do u like go to a private school or somthin'?

    4. I'm in 4th, which is the highest grade on the 2nd floor..........

  12. Ducier is my friend, so I'm sure she will be happy too!

    1. If you all are wondering my sister livieloo6 that was in the hospital has passed away. We all were horrified by the death and decided to just zone out and chill out. I have decided to take my sisters place as livieloo6. Thank you all for the great comments!

    2. I'm so sorry for your sister :'(
      Really sad!


    3. As am I. I'm really sorry that she died. :(

    4. I am sorry that your sister died. I hope she'll be watching you.


    5. I'm so sorry for your lost. You don't have to answer but how did she die?

      ~Bunnyfoofee :(

    6. Huh? You GOT to be kidding?! She... was she tots, for sure a Christian? (I'm not trying to be religious, but she might... not...) I thought she JUST broke her arm, that day in chat? Man when I was scrolling up I thought Snowyclaw lost 'ers. This Might be worse.

      -pac10 :(

    7. Your poor sister...I feel so bad. :( Poor thing...

    8. Livieloo Rest in peace :'(

    9. I'm so sorry for your lost. May she rest in peace. :(

    10. I am sorry. I hope she rests in peace


    11. R.I.P. :( People should honor her. I'm going to make a post about her.... You know. :((((((((((

  13. I quite agree with AJHQ, Alphas are much better.

    1. JollyMelody/EternalWinterSeptember 11, 2012 at 4:51 AM

      Me too! Alphas are way much better
      I wonder why so many people hate the idea at the first place

  14. LOL, yes, I do like. I love mushrooms.

  15. I like the idea of mushrooms, but I don't really enjoy the items. OwO

  16. Replies
    1. Hi Josh :D, it'd be cool if Animal Jam head quarters did read this blog. :)

  17. Hey Snowy! My google name is Weronika59 but I have to classify as anonymous. I'm starting a blog about AJ too ^.^ My AJ username is CleverQueen and I'm a member I joined about 4-5 months ago. I would really liek to be a spirit Jammer I'll comment again on my other Google account.
    -CleverQueen (Weronika59)

  18. Congrats, ducier! I've, for the AJHQers, Molly, Josh, Sarah and another one... (forgot, of course) Ok. Any way I can return eleven complaints of "we want Shamans and NOT Alphas"? -sighs- Guys, do I really gotta APOLOGIZE to THEM?! (heh, kidding, I'm not THAT juvenile) I still resent them, though! And, now that I think of it, they're right. It's like (HG fan) when Katniss shoved Peeta into that (spoiler, don't read what's next if you haven't read, it's not important- too much, though) urn 'cause she was mad at him for making her look weak and foolish and then Haymitch said he did the best thing ever... YEEEAAAHHH.

    Anyways, to wrap it up:
    Congrats Ducier, I'm sorry AJHQ, Hey Josh (L.L.J.), Eh-for-the-new-item, Alphas is cool, And now my signature with how I'm feeling and what not, below:

    -pac10 who REALLY, REALLY, REALLY needs to get a blogger account. (I'd make it to a Spirit Jammer in a WEEK, tops! ^^)

    1. Welcome.

      -pac10 Shortest comment EVER (for me)

  19. Hi Snowyclaw, I've been wondering what are these strange animal marks around aniaml jam? Etc.Near the pathway there's a moose carving,at mount shiver there is a seal carving. Please reply

    1. Do you think it represented where certain alphas lived? Or just animals?

    2. There's a moose carving?!?!?!?!

    3. Yeah there's a moose carving in the Coral Canyons Pathway somewhere.

    4. Yeah! lots of carvings everywhere I never thought of the moose as a carving but as paint of a shaman who lives in there what shaman do you think would've done it although once you mentioned carving i think your right. >.<

  20. Snowylaw and others!!! I am wolf7739. Add me on AJ everyone! I wanted to tell people about my blog so that it can start growing. Please click on my profile picture so that you can find my blog!

  21. How do u become a spirit jammer?

    1. @Kajal patel

      It says on <-----that side of the blog that you have to comment and answer questions of others. So I guess that how.

      P.S. Author sign-ups are coming on my blog!!!!! :D

  22. Congratulations Ducier! I knew you'd become a Spirit Jammer! :)


  23. Kind of while this topic is at Spirit Jammers, I noticed that ever since Goldfishypuppy became a spirit jammer she kind of just stopped comment ing :/

    1. Say what? I check this blog every 3 hours.. many other people comment and answer questions on Ask snowy, too. If you remember a few posts back, snowy asked to mellow down on the ask snowy. If someone answers a question, you don't need to answer it too.

    2. Goldfishpuppy comments ^.^ looks at see :)

  24. Awesome!!! Congratulations Ducier!! You truly deserve to become a spirit jammer!!
    :) :D

  25. I found this weird thing happen when I was playing falling phantoms. A sign popped up that said "YAY you received 1,500 Gems!" Has this happened to anyone else?

    1. Yep, it was my first time glitching with the tree house glitch it said yay award yay you've earned 1,500 gems! I asked my friend if she gave it to me she said ya I bought it for 100 bucks so I can give people gems but only once..So I asked her why me she said you got your first glitch :) I wasn't fully convinced she gave it to me are you?

    2. Woah... I want 1,500 gems for no apparent reason. :D

  26. Awww man, I wanted to post on snowy's blog. Snowyclaw, I have an idea, you should have a poll. It's not fair that only goldfishypuppy gets to post! Please reply. It would be my dream to post. :(

    1. I think its fair she/he ran out of time you can't blame her she/he ran out of time with all the new things and all the new commenters and questions and she has to read everyone she forgets some things so choosing Goldy was the best option..

    2. I'm sorry. :( Snowy didn't really have time to hold author try outs, and we have been talking about this for a long time. Snowy also requires to get up early to post the item RIGHT when it comes out, which is at 2am Central time. I often stay up with snowy at that time, so that's one of the big reasons I will be getting to be an author. I hope I can exceed your expectations. :)

  27. Ducier can you buddy me? I keep forgetting to.

  28. I've heard rumours there's an update tonight! Alphas alphas alphas and maybe monkeys!

    1. It's not a rumor its for real I hope.. but donate for the monkeys poor monkeys we have to save them
      :( yep shamans and alphas :D

  29. it's snowy's decision who gets to post. The reason why they chose Goldyfishypuppy is because they have known each other for a long time and they trust each other to post. Plus Goldy is a VERY experienced blogger.

    1. Hey, thank you! I hope I can exceed everyone's expectations!

    2. You will be great on snowy's blog Goldy. You're very trustworthy, and a great person too. I'm sure snowy's blog will continue running greatly with you as a new author.

      ~largemuddydog (P.S. I forgot my username on my earlier post. XD)

  30. Tomorrow is the update!! I hope alphas come back. I actually like the shamans being called alphas better.... also snowy's choice of having goldyfishypuppy as an author is great. shes very experienced.

    1. I like them both and Snowy picking Goldy was great! :)

  31. Update tomorrow or did I miscount? I think updates tomorrow right? Lol. >.<

    Maryp7~With the awesome den~

    1. Yep! Can't wait for those shamans!!!! and the den this is going to be a awesome update!

    2. They enlarged the map and I think the new place is going to be below apondale I'm sooooooo excited!

    3. Yeah I did a post about that on my blog about how the servers are giving us hints here is the URL >.< it might not make sense but the server Kooteney is what looks to be what is above Appondale

    4. I think the new area/place on the map is going to be above appondale. XD I just don't think the place is going to be coming soon, :L I hope it does though! :D


  32. You have some terrible followers, Snowyclaw. They won't stop terrorizing me on my blog saying I am trying to destroy your movement because I convinced AJHQ to change shamans to alphas. Now that they see your on my side, maybe I can stop being the public enemy for standing up for what I beleive.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I never made fun of you. Read my whole comment before you try to correct me.

    3. I think we all just need to calm down a bit. The excitement of shaman/alphas is making people a bit more rambunctious, it's only to be expected that some people would get a bit mad if they knew who had convinced AJHQ to change the name that they like. Just don't let it get to you.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I posted a comment on Jammer central Geckoguy please read it was the one about the alphas

    7. I agree with Mistgaze. Geckoguy, that was a bit rude of you to have that kind of attitude, yet I understand your point of view. You don't need accuse snowy of having 'terrible followers'. Be happy that the shamans/alphas are coming back.

    8. Whats wrong with being excited? It's a natural emotion I get it alot even though theres nothing to be excited about lol.

  33. Tomorrow the shamans return and the den contest winner well be told.


  34. Congrats ducier and Goldfishypuppy! Welcome back Goofy!
    I am so excited for tomorrow! But at the same time, I'm not... I have a math quiz tomorrow on linear equations -_-
    But whatever! Alpha/shamans are coming back! WOOTWOOT!

    1. Wow, that's exactly how I feel right now.... I have a Science Test tomorrow ;-; I wish we were born knowing everything.....

  35. Good job Ducier! :D She's really helpful with answering my questions. And one more thing for Ducier.. When I search your blog, it says it was removed.. O.O Yea... And I guess the "Alphas" are OK.. I'm just gonna miss the name "Shaman" ~Animalgirl58943

    1. Thanks Animalgirl. :) Oh and I don't know what the thingy going on with my blog...Some people find it, and some people don't...

  36. YAY DUCIER!!!! I was going to suggest you make her a spirit jammer!! she is incredibly nice, great choice!!

  37. congrats ducier for getting to be the next spirit jammer! I think you will be great in being a spirit jammer and snowyclaw, some blogs have music, so if you want to use the idea that would be great.Happy jamming!


  38. i know how you get plagues ajhq tells us on help on animal jam write plaques

  39. I thought that "alpha" meant some sort of violent clan or pack term... My mistake ^.^

    1. It's most commonly used as the head male wolf of a pack.

  40. Hi jammers! I love this item!!! Shamns come out tommorow!!! Be sure to go to the summer carnival cause it ends tommorow. My blog is please comment and check back often!

  41. BTW, my blog is having a contest soon! The prizes include- a blue moon balloon, a plain fox toy, a phantom in a cage, and a mini hamster plushie! Enter soon!

  42. Hi snowyclaw. I don't mean to be rude or anything but i think MangoShapedSpaceship deserves to be apart of this blog.She comments often. It's just my opion.Sorry if you took it the wrong and ducier is a wonderful person, keep her. If you want.

    1. I think she helps a lot too! Maybe once the school year starts, and I officially move from spirit jammer to author, she can one!

  43. I think my mouse is pregnant it has side lumps o.o Baby mice aww :)

    1. How cute! Baby mice! :D

    2. Sounds fun! Have fun caring for them, mouse are adorable ^.^ My bunny had a baby once.

    3. Aw baby bunnies :3 >.< adorable

  44. I'm trying to save as many gems as i can for the update :D

  45. I'm happy plants are coming back but you know I traded a lot to get them.. So all those good items gone for something that is coming back anyways? .O. And my little brother LittleEmoWolf (not emo just wears a lot of black and is called that) he got me some plants and had traded his bow and arrow.. and now we can buy them.

  46. Lol Not the bow and arrows the plants.. I made it sound like bow and arrow didn't I?

  47. I wish I could help out with the blog. To snowyclaw: You would say no right? I mean not knowing me and barely knowing me as a jammer. But even if you did say yes I can't with homework.. So yah. But I will comment if there is anything you guys missed. Codes if I find any working ones. Just say so if you don't want me to snowyclaw. Wow. I have posted like 3 comments so far, too many I guess in a row. Sorryz.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw