Hey jammers! Today's new "rare" item is the Rare Lei on the second page of Jam Mart Clothing. Nonmember item!

Funny adding glitch I guess. ^.^ Too bad I couldn't use all those gems! Now for our Monday mystery . . . but I guess it's kinda mixed with the Jamaasian Movement as well. Read below. . .
Rainye sent this article in, click here to read it on AJ's help site.
Now here is the mystery/discussion. . .
Does having a spiritual-ish belief in Jamaa offend you?
Do you dislike the two deities? Would the leading animals
being called "shamans" infringe on your beliefs?
Why does AJHQ find the need to change all of the sudden?
If you disagree with the name change email AJHQ!!!
If you disagree with the name change email AJHQ!!!

New artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the name alphas!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt just doesn't fit! Liza the panda alpha?! Peck the rabbit Alpha?! Amelia the fox alpha?! IT DOESNT WORK! whyyyy AJHQ!!?
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
Greely the wolf Alpha does... -and all the bloggers draw guns and swords, looking angrier than hornets- I was just kidding, you know. Just 'cause 'e's a wolf don't mean it fits 'im! I, personally, think Liza's my favorite Shaman. Greely second. Cosmo third. Graham fourth. Sir gilbert sixth. And So On...
Once again, AJ HQ took the easy route and got more profit for being less creative and making Jamaa the way THEY want it to be, not us Jammers who actually care about Jamaa and it's stories. I for once, and against this. Shamans should stay Shamans, not Alphas. A lot of Jammers realize this isn't just a computer game. It's an adventure of enchanted tales and exploration of nature and stunning animals.
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
Yeah. I never had a religion. I guess my mom and dad don't want me beliving stuff that might be dis-proved with evoltion and such. Im only starting to learn bits and piece of what religion is, even though im 11. I like shamans, Mira and Zios. But ALPHAS? Serously, even though it sounds jamaasain-y enough, SHAMANS sound better.
DeletePlease Check out the AJFB! And i have posted about the animaljam career's! And ya shamans does sound better.
Fox and wolf alpha are okay...but the rest: DX WHY?
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
yeah i know right i am getting over annoyed about this thing is a want them all to be called Shaman im sick of the new name in fact im gonna make a video of AJ shaman however i will be DRESSING UP in real as maybe the fox shaman i forgot her name and get my friends and we will talk about shaman and also talk about ways to bring the hope back into Jamma but now for real :)
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Call it whatever you want AJHQ, i'm sticking with shamans
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
:T Ya an ocean shaman would be nice or a shaman that only wears nonmember stuff that'd be nice too!
DeleteI like that they are changing it to Alphas! Shaman Effends, well, LOTS OF PEOPLE!even my mom who might kick me off jamaa because of the SHAMANS, ANIMAL JAM HAS MY ONLY FRIENDS! Don't do this to me:(
DeleteThis should be our next step in the Jamaasian Movement. Changing it back to Shamans!!!
ReplyDeleteYEAAH! If only. Third comment today... ;)
DeleteGood idea! Shamans was what they first called them, it's original, it sounds good, and well it's just good so I agree we should keep it as shamans.
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
We still have a ton of goals. ^.^ I forget.... But changing shamans to alphas is definitely a good idea >:(
Deletedon't tell me they changed their name!!!!!!no!!!!!!also snowy can you please change your blog arrow thing?it's too black and when i click a pic to read it i cant exite it cause i don't know where the mouse it..plz fiz that prob since your my fav jammer of all time!
well i like it myself...but however Anonymous that happens to me all the time D: but Snow may as well just changed it to a bit lighter like gray or to make it look good gold so it's easier :)
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and A user now
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI deleted that comment above ^ because I accidentally pasted in the letter I was e-mailing to my friend! >.< :p She speaks a different language so it looked all odd...
And yeah I have that problem too but I like the mouse!
(There's a contest going on (you have to go back some posts)and please join the Howl Club!)
I totally agree to MangoShapedSpace ! The name Alpha doesn't seem to fit, at ALL!
ReplyDeleteI know right...
Deleteyeah exactly..
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
I was like wahhhh! when I heard about alphas, its a horrible name!
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
If they change Shaman to Alpha I'm going to be confused cause a Alpha is a wolf thingy in a wolf clan, I don't know why they are changing Shaman to Alpha. :\
ReplyDeleteYeah exactly, when I saw the title of the blog I thought "what? is snowy talking about clan leaders or something?".... AJ HQ CAN'T change them to alphas! Meeeeep! And about the mystery/discussion, no it doesn't offend me, I think it's great that AJ has some sort of culture/religion. About the two deities...well, not REALLY...Meep! Anyway the RIM is quite cool, non-member and only 400 gems! -Remember ages ago, 400 gems was loads?!- Well, that's it I guess, bye!
exactly well i hear it's cause of the prob of shaman being real however the stuff they really do is not exactly the best to know so it's probs so they don't know the facts about real shaman as i did lots of study with shaman just for the fun of it but honestly myself i don't think young kids will ever know the facts about them in real cause there mom shell know they shell not know it yet only older kids...shaman on AJ are mine within name it 's a brill name.....okay right i will copy and paste the info i have been reading on to here :)
Delete(shä´msymboln, shā´, shă´) , religious practitioner in various, generally small-scale societies who is believed to be able to diagnose, cure, and sometimes cause illness because of a special relationship with, or control over, spirits. Different forms of shamanism are found around the world; they are also known as medicine men and witch doctors. Shamanism is based on the belief that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits that affect the lives of the living. Shamans are not, however, organized within full-time ritual or spiritual associations, as are priests. Shamans enter into trances through such methods as autohypnosis, the ingestion of hallucinogens, fasting, and self-mortification, during which time they are said to be in contact with the spirit world. Shamanism requires specialized knowledge or abilities, which are often thought to be obtained through heredity or supernatural calling. Among the Siberian Chukchee, one may behave in ways that Western clinicians would characterize as psychotic, but which they interpret as possession by a spirit demanding that one assume the shamanic vocation. Among the South American Tapirapé, shamans are called in their dreams. In yet other societies, shamans choose their career: Native Americans of the Plains would seek a communion with spirits through a "vision quest," while South American Shuar, seeking the power to defend their family against enemies, apprentice themselves to accomplished shamans. Shamans often observe special fasts and taboos particular to their vocation. Oftentimes the shaman has, or acquires, one or more familiars, usually spirits in animal form, or (sometimes) of departed shamans. Shamans can manipulate these spirits to diagnose and cure victims of witchcraft. Some societies distinguish shamans who cure from sorcerers who harm; others believe that all shamans have both curative and deadly powers. The shaman is usually paid for his services, and generally enjoys great power and prestige in the community, but he may also be suspected of harming others, and may thus be feared. Most shamans are men, but there are societies in which women may also be shamans. In some societies, the male shaman denies his own (to much detail) identity by assuming the dress and attributes of a woman; this practice is rare but has been found among the Chukchee. See Dyak, Araucanians, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute.
i got to say this is very interesting and it's not to bad as facts got to say it's really not that bad..only one kinda awkward word i blocked off by saying (to much detail) so no in this paste i made sure there was nothing bad in the paste to say if so anything else tell me and i will redo it in the better way blocking that out :) so anyway honestly theirs hardly anything wrong with shaman i found it interesting there the same with as a witch doc LOL
well with anyone really young i don't think they will get told about any of this AJ shaman are nowhere near real shaman so it's fine with that name (shaman) really....
Kerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
A Shaman is a person who leads and helps people, like Liza the Panda Shaman.
DeleteO.O Lolz when I looked at the paragraph I was like, Holy Shoot... And then when I saw how long it was.... BLEEEEEHHHHH I don't like boring history. Maybe it's not boring cuz I didn't read it :P
LOL i only copy and pasted from the internet i red for the rest one blocked out anything rude and so and honestly i was kinda interested myself some of it was KIND OF random like boys wearing dresses i was like NIIICCCCE LOL anyway and i know kitty but i got the bit from the internet but red a remount to see if it's safe and not to rude but this is the best i found so i'm guessing it's more or less right but i'm not 100 sure...:)
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
It will work out, you people should stop being negitive, some people can't play animal jam becuase they are called shamans, ALPHAS RULE! can't you change it to Lisa the panda master? Sophia the horse Thuro bread, and Greely the Alpha, or peck the bunny queen?
DeleteAlpha is a cool name, and it effends tons of people, my mom might kick me of jamaa because of SHAMANS, who are in real life, people who contol spirit creachures, DEMONS DUH! they are bad!
DeleteHey snowy i wanted to ask you how did u put that you might also like thing and your reactions?
ReplyDeleteI think you go to the Layout on your Blogger Dashboard and click Add A Gadget. You scroll down and I think one of the Gadgets should say Reactions. You click on that and you can customize it however you want and have as many "Reactions" as you want. I think when you create a blog, it's already installed. I'm not in reach of a computer, so I'm trying to help you by thinking. XD Hopefully it helps, if I'm wrong, later on this day I can look it up when I'm on the computer. :P
ReplyDeleteI don't mind have Mira and Zios because they're not immortals. And maybe AJ HQ has changed the name of the GUIDES to alphas? That could be it. I wouldn't mind much but I'd simply HATE it if it WAS the shamans. Partly because it's been SHAMANS since AJ came to be, and partly because you can't have rabbit, koala, giraffe, panda and all those alphas! It just doesn't work! And many of those animals don't even live in groups! WHY is AJ HQ so heartless (about the culture thing) and brainless (about the animal thing)?
lol that happened to me to twice now and i was like cool
ReplyDeleteThe Tropical storm was so bad last night i have no internet. Also schools are closed on my first day of school. But i am so happy i got internet for a few minutes and i chose to go on your blog!!! Can comeone send me rare monday please? i will try to go on but plz!
ReplyDeleteand this was coolrabb
DeleteGoofy8966 came on chat last night and said that...
No way! Now all of the sudden, they pick to change the names!? I will email HQ.
ReplyDeleteI think the "religion" isn't bad. It's good to have something interesting and new in a interactive website. AJ is starting to fall apart.
ReplyDeleteNo, the shamans aren't like immortal or anything. Their just leaders. Their not some kind of all all powerful beings or what not.
DeleteI think alphas is a code name for shamans
ReplyDeleteBut only AJ calls them alphas?
well they made it up you see Shaman are real however not how AJ had them i think they did not like the fact of what shaman are really like... but yeah..
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Well, they did create the Shamans in the real world! But now they took the easy road to get more profit and became lazy and changed everything to the way THEY wanted it to be. A lot of Jammers realize this isn't just a regular computer game. It's an adventure of enchanted tales and exploration of nature.
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
cool this new item is bill
ReplyDeleteI am christian, but I'm not against playing along with some cartoon leaders; I'm pretty sure God isn't against fun.
ReplyDeleteSame. I'm Christian, too. I don't look at them as gods. I look at them, personally, rather as two-to-three steps down from God- creators and mothers and fathers I suppose. The Shamans, if they helped with the culture at all to some people, are a big part to me- changing their names to "Alphas"- This is why I RESENT AJHQ. Sadly I can't write an email. (At my church I'm the only one in my class who doesn't have a phone) Anyways- looking at it was a religion offends me, sorta. Looking at it as a prospering- (if only) -culture makes me feel a bit better. I know this sounds weird- 'cause it is. Wait, Snowy, are you offended that some of your site members ARE Christian? (Can you please I dunno, reply to this I really want to know) And if so will you do anything about it?
i am a christan also, i think what animal jam hq calls it is is to be, im not try to make a big problem ilovesonic000000
Delete-Trots around saripia and growls- Alpha is a term used for wolves, and there are 6 shamans and only one wolf! Besides, I've got a pack (You dont have to join to be in Saripia) and packs are groups of wolves and I'm the alpha... But if they're changing the names it's not really successful, is it? I argue deeply with this....
ReplyDelete~Fire66300 (AKA Firewind)
I blame Twolegs and Twolegs alone for the extinction of the dire wolf... Not anything else. We can fight this, right???!!!???!!!
If only... I agree with you, though. I have a Clan- and I JUST became an apprentice. I've seen what those twolegs can do... (what? stop staring at me, half of my "buddies" do it) I don't think we can fight it, I mean, no matter which way we look at it- Clanners, Packers, Mortals, Immortals, Shamans, Snowy, Bloggers- we, most of us, right pedefiles?, are kids. We brought back the Shamans. But do you really think we won, now in retrospect?
DeleteI can tell you we only just. That's why we gotta go down fightin'. (I give up EASILY, forgive me, I also degrade myself) Yet's go, peoples!
Yeah... I had a random protest where every shouted:
OMG AJHQ!!! I been around science beta and never has AJHQ thought of something this stupid!!! If not shamans, call them something else like leaders or something! I HATE THE NAME ALPHAS!!! Exept as referring to a wolf.
DeleteIF THEY CHANGE IT I MIGHT QUIT! but prob not cuz I luv aj.
~ Lizrocks
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way they are Thayer going to be called alphas! Thats just not right! I am definitely going to email them!
ReplyDeleteDoes having a spiritual-ish religion in Jamaa offend you? : No, it does not offend me, I actually prefer animal religion!
ReplyDeleteDo you dislike the two deities?: No! Not at all, I love birds, and I don't really know what animal zios is (sorry D:) but I think because of the elephant statue he's an elephant, and I'm still fine with that!
Would the leading animals
being called "shamans" infringe on your beliefs? Nope, not at all. (:
Why does AJHQ find the need to change all of the sudden?: I don't know, but I think they just broke off a piece of culture!
Why do they need to change, I don't know. I find it weird, what was wrong with the name Shamans? I also have no problem with the two deities. iPuppy is going to be asking me about the Shamans all day now.... *Sighs*
I'm still calling them shamans idc care at all if AJ calls them alphas they will always be shamans to me! It doesn't offend me at all maybe it offends others but this USA virtual world ya know. It's not the end of the world if AJ calls them Alphas maybe it was a one time thing. Alphas, shamans whatever it will be good just to have them back! Look at the positive stuff ppl
ReplyDeleteO btw USA is supposed to be a stupid auto correct
DeleteWell, no, shamans don't bother me. I guess I liked the name shamans but alpha is OK too.
ReplyDeleteshamans are real in fact if you look above i have some facts about them :)
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Alpha? I rather call them shamans. But I'm not ok with the name change. So Does this mean that it another mission for the movement?
ReplyDeleteProbably not. If it does affend some people, then we best leave it how it is.
DeleteOh. My. God. I. HATE. MONDAYS. -,-
Hey, it's Rare Mondays. Usually they're always fun. ;D
DeleteI don't like Mondays because that's the first day of school for the week and I'm all tired. (I haven't started school yet but I know from previous years). Otherwise, Mondays are pretty good.
well im the same as you with Mondays but with Fridays it's the other way round i love it cause he are going to the weekend but hate it cause it seems to be my day of bad luck (all the time) D:
Deleteno none of Zios or Mira bother me i actually respect them as a symbol of animal jams culture. im not calling the "shamans"s alphas, it just make them all sound like wolves or somthing!anyway i thought the "alphas" may be some kind of descriptive word for the people who work for AJHQ, i just hope shamans stay shamans, Zios and Mira stay Zios and Mira as long as the main culture stays they can change a few things but only like the couple things they already have!!! LONG LIVE THE SHAMANS! NO ALPHAS! NOOOOO ALLLLPPHAAAAAS!
ReplyDelete- lovelion123
I suppose Geckoguy had something to do with it... :L
ReplyDeleteAnd no, it doesn't offend me. It's not a religion, it's a culture. A CULTURE. And now people are getting angry because they think it's a religion? Some people are even making mean pots about it, saying that Snowy is ruining Jamaa... DX No she isn't...
Delete@Piplup131415 the Cryptozoologist
DeleteIt doesn't offend me, It just kind of see it as, well, sad... Well, to some Snowy is helping Jamaa a lot and to others she is ruining it-they can think what they want. I personally think she's helping it. :D
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
exactly Piplup it's just so annoying i hear lots of hates D: even in my school... thing is Snow is helping a lot if Snow saw my art i did for Snow herself it shows how i care :) well Snow i'll send it to you sooner or later :)
Deleteit says we will never give up the bless within Jamma keeps us alive we may not be shaman on the outside but we are within :) sorry had to tell you :)
Kerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Wait. What? Geckoguy? Interfering? Being the odd one out because I'm offended? AGHHHH im stuck in the middle.
Jam On!
don't worry sometimes with other stuff i'm the odd one out.....
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
It is a culture - no offense is taken from me. Shamans have been named what they are for so long - it would be pointless to change them.
ReplyDeleteExuse me, NO!
Ahm.... Because they have bees In their brains. And they deserve it! Changing Shamans to Alphas?! What do they think they are!?
DeleteYeah! *writes AJHQ* SHAMANS. NOT. ALPHAS. GOT IT AJHQ????!!!!! (That's not actually what I wrote to them).
Can someone tell me what alpha means? Please!
Deletewell i hear there something to do with wolves weirdly and as most of us know what Shaman are i posted facts above a while ago my first comment :) there the same thing as witch doctors..and there known as spirits in a animal form and the truth is there real not made up by AJHQ....
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
The new name kinda reminds me about Alpha and Omega... Kinda strange for a bunny,giraffe,seal..
Deletewhen is the party snowy? you have not mentioned it in a while.
Hello! Here are two blogs which are having contests:
Please spread the word, post about it on your blog and enter!
Do you seriously have THAT many gems? If you do, that's CRAZY! Your so lucky! I only have something like, 18,000.
ReplyDeleteIt's always offline. >:( And AJHQ doesn't even do anything :|
Deleteexactly what they going to bed or something or works over?...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
dear snowy i just found out how to do the monkey peace sign! you do a leaf pattern on your monkey and then TADA! You have your very own peace sign!!
ReplyDelete- lovelion123
Yep, it's cool, huh? :D
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
ReplyDeleteyou have as many accounts as me!!!!
Deleteyay!!! someone has as many accounts as me!!!
also, what's your user in animaljam?
I have about 10 accounts. All storage or I create them when I'm bored. :p
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
Deleteawwww i only have one....and also if you guys want you can always add me :3
Kerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
That's alot of accounts :)
Deleteikr Kerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
Deleteanimal jam off line :( ilovesonic000000
ReplyDeleteI just said in my comment they did a update. :I
DeleteReally AJHQ.-.- How umber can you get with shamans and I don't care if they're called "alphas" to me they will always be shamans. >:I AND WHY DI YOU HAVE TO DO A UPDATE RIGHT NOW!?1?!?!?!?!? ; - ;
DeleteAnimal Jam is offline? I'm like terrified of it being offline now because of that huge blackout that once happened. >.<
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
It's offline because they're updating. Probably adding the rare.
Deletei know but sometimes there is pretty annoying updates like them phantoms as they was saying but as so it took like forever till we got the cages now that was annoying...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
grr got to wait :(
ReplyDeleteWell to me it fits in. Alpha means the leader of a group, right? Well, aren't shamans the leader of their species?
ReplyDeleteYes, but what about the SHAMANS? You know, Greely, Peck, etc....The name fits for Mira and Zios but not the rest really...Well that's just what I think.
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
Does it really matter? Whya re people arguing about it.
DeleteThat is true. People are getting a bit stingy over them trying to dance around a possible lawsuit...
DeletePlus it is pretty much the same. Maybe less mystical, but all the same.
in the mean time ill go to poptropica :)
DeleteNot yet I think...
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
well i don't think it's probs just a rare..
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
bye bye :P
ReplyDeletei think so........
ReplyDeletebye for now ilovesonic000000 ( sonic for short )\
ReplyDeleteI might go on Youtube or play Sky High in NG Kids. =P
DeleteI will stick with shamans. Greely the Alpha sort of makes sense, because they use alphas in wolf packs and Greely is a wolf. But the others-that wouldn't make too much sense, like you said.
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
I dunno what alpha means. Am I the only 1 that doesn't know?
DeleteAlpha means a leader of a wolf pack like the top wolf
DeleteI MISS BETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO ELSE MISSES BETA REPLY BACK
ReplyDeleteBETA WAS AWESOME :( i miss it so bad when non members had cool things
DeleteI really miss it really bad!!!! Sadly, we can't make it come back. :(
(There's a contest going on (scroll down or go back some posts) and please join the Howl Club if you can/want to!)
i wasn't around in beta but i was in early 2011 so i know what you feel like.
Deletei miss AJ on its 3rd year...
Beta was so awesome! I can't believe they took it away!
Deletevery i hardly had time to enjoy it :(
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
Although i wasn't in it and just joined last year November the pictures make me miss it :(
DeleteHi guys again its me who said if you miss beta reply back those of you miss beta buddy me on aj because your awesome jammers my use is gem98154
DeleteBeta was cool, they had all the shamans and gods, plus it was a more simple time.
DeleteWHY!!!!!!!!!!!! AJHQ YOU TOOK BETA AWAY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!
Deleteim going to check if aj is back on
ReplyDelete. . . A
ReplyDeleteXD IM SO BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI haven't gone on AJ today yet...
If u read warriors plz reply! :)
ReplyDelete-Wolfgang20733. (Dawnmoon of Skyclan.)
I read Warriors! I love it! It's 1 of my favorite books :D
DeleteI <3 Warriors!!!!!!!!!!
user: snaper6010
ReplyDeleteyes, my parents don't like it that they're called shamans.
i think of it like this.
zios is the god, mira is like in charge of everything except zios, the shamans are angels, the phantoms are demons, and the king phantom is the devil.
I don't feel any offense about the way Animal Jam has a religion. I think that's what makes it unique! And in my opinion, it's not quite a religion, it's just a belief. ^^
ReplyDeleteI don't think they should be renamed alphas. When ever I think about that word, I think about the top of the top, and shamans are at the top, but if anyone should be called an alpha, it should be Zios and Mira.
Just my opinion. ^.^ Anyone can disagree with me.
Snowy please check your e mail!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAlphas is a bit of an odd name. I don't have a single disagreement for the "religion" or "beliefs" of Jamaa. I kind of like them! It doesn't quite make sense for people to oppose Jamaa's beliefs, as they are for the game (I know, for me, Animal Jam is so much more than a game!). Yet, since I had to research some areas cultures in school, I can see how shamans might offend some religions. I can say that it's a great idea that AJHQ came up with, the Alphas, but I do like Shamans better.
ReplyDeleteI think i'm so used to shamans and we all are so we are all attached to the name cause we've heard it for a while..
DeleteI really prefer shamans. Alphas should be bots. I. Really appreciate what AJHQ is doing.. Bringing back shamans, getting more natural and interesting... magical and everything... But this time I feel as this enchanted puzzle isn't over without shamans.. Is this goodbye to shamans? I hope not. Least they should hear our voices. Its not a big change, but... Sometimes things are going to happen...
Shamans are religious leaders, a leader and a doctor to be exact(in Native American culture, I'm not sure about others) But I'm Catholic, so warned not to trust Pagan ways
ReplyDeleteIm guessing that possibly they mean alpha as a word for first (and omega as last).and FINALLY a nonmem item. Not too rare tho as i should say- but aj isnt there to just collect rares so i am happy that a ney item finally awaits me! awholenewworld
ReplyDeleteI dont really care, i mean seriously, its just a GAME to me. Its like any other game. And if it gets too 'normal' for you just play another game. Animal Jam isnt going to change a whole game for a blogger and a whole bunch of people..
ReplyDeleteHey guys! I started a new blog today and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out!!!
Okay. I like the background!
DeleteThank you :) thhat means alot to me
DeleteThat happened a while back to my friend! Here is the URL to see it:
I thought my friend Milkywaykitty was the only one! I guess not >.<
^.^ My dad doesn't let me go on AJ today, sadly. Could anyone buy an extra lei for me?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI like the lei. Did you get my email about the howl plaque?
Check out zebrasavvy.deviantart.com!
ReplyDeleteSure thing your art work is really good! you should send some of it to Snowyclaw's email so you can go in the gallery! Here is her email (animaljamspirit
Delete@gmail.com) :)
DeleteI don't think the Jamaasian beliefs are offensive. Me and my friends have great fun pretending to be explorers, and if the beliefs weren't there, it would defeat the point! -caracal100
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, believing that Mira and Zios can be "gods" is definitely against my religon....
ReplyDeletePlus, I don't think of it as "believing" in Jamaa, I just think of it as another world, or like you said, an escape. (Although the real world isn't THAT bad... ;)
But one time, I even heard a few Jammers "worshiping" Mira! As that happened, I just felt upset, so I logged off. But I can't interfere with others' opinions.
Oh and I'm not saying I hate the Jamaasian Movement, I think it's cool of you doing that for Jamaa.
BUT THE TRUTH IS *dramatic effect*
I'm against the Jamaasian Movement.
I don't hate you or your blog, honestly! I mean I'm kind of in between.
Like I want Shamans (well Alphas or whatever) to come back, and I want Animal Jam to be "animalized", not humanized!
I just am, and I like Animal Jam now.
But I'm DEFINITELY going to protest against those dating Jammers and "HEY GIRL LETS GO SHOPPING" type of human stuff.
Jam On!
Thanks for being honest on how you feel about it! I love hearing opinions like yours. :) Also, I'm not saying Animal Jam is a religion or some should believe in it, I think I meant in my head that Jamaa is another world, and our animals are the inhabitants. To our animals Mira and Zios are like a god and a goddess, but not to us humans playing as the animals. Does that make sense? I should post about it. ^.^
Yay your commenting again!!!!
:) I don't think people on animal jam talk about religion very much.. but i never thought of Mira as a god just kind of like a mother like it said in the story. Like she reminds me of Mother Earth you know :)
DeleteOoops when I said im in between i meant in between of the Jamaasian Movement not hating your blog oops.
ReplyDeleteJam On!
:O OMG snowy look at at all those gems in the glitch... woah XD oh and by the way everyone is already seeing shaman/alpha sightings around jamaa. People say they are seeing Greely and Peck walking around together!!!
Wolf and a bunny maybe they're trying to get clans to stop being mean to bunnies :D
DeleteCrapity crap crap shamans yayyyy!!! Woot woot
DeleteCrapity crap crap shamans yayyyy!!! Woot woot
DeleteYo Snow! :p I got that same Clicking-the-Store-Too-Fast glitch, too! Except the items were showing and they weren't all labeled "rare". It just at the 99,999,999 million gem thing.
P.S. Hope to see you on Animal Jam tonight!
I did too but like a week ago it only happens to me in the morning tho.. because, i got it twice only in the morning.:)
DeleteMy religion is christian and I don't worship mira or zios I worship god, my holy spirit I don't worship them but I find them as "leaders" of animal jam like there to help yes it's virtual but my opinion is it's very disgraceful to see someone worship mira and zios yes it's virtual but it's also ran by people >.<
ReplyDeleteI am pagan and I really don't care about names.Why even make a big deal? Shamanism is the oldest religion so far and even though I don't really believe in that religion doesn't mean the word "Shaman" offends me. In fact I would rather have the word "Shaman" instead of "Alpha". I think maybe some christian emailed AJHQ and was all like "I don't want my kid exposed to all this!" Well, if you don't like it, then don't play it. My opinion. I will not be giving out my name because some people do not like pagans. The majority is Christianity and I hate that. I also really hate Christians. Not because of what they believe, but because of how ignorant to science they are. Wait... How did this comment escalate this far? I don't know... In a nutshell: The word "Shaman" doesn't bother me.
ReplyDeleteThis guy has a point it's just a name!!!
DeleteI find it offensive that you hate Christians and that you think were "dumb" i'm sorry if it bothers you but I will not change my religion, your comment should be monitored by snowyclaw.
Deleteinfinity has a point is what i meant :D
DeleteI'm fine with it, but I think the name 'alpha' is better.
ReplyDeleteAlpha is the letter A in Greek and is also the term of the leader of a wolf pack.
ReplyDeleteA shaman is a witch doctor to be put simply.
Even though Alpha may or may not make more sense, Shaman does and always will sound much better and more fitting to me. =3
ya y did they do that alphas sound bad and shamans dont and btw who cares about the real meaning this is a GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aj hq is being dumb with that choise!!!!!!!!! >:(
DeleteI think that alpha would fit good for a wolf but on a bunny or panda it sounds really really strange cause alpha means leader of a wolf pack and "bunny alpha" or "panda alpha" sounds like a bunny or a panda is a wolf pack leader, so change it back AJHQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou are all selfish, brats, people get effended and are not allowed to play jamaa because of shamans, when it is changed to alphas YOU ( YOURSELF)can still call them shamans!
ReplyDeleteAj isn"t that fun anymore because of people saying bad words, hacking, scamming,doing bars and clubs,It just makes me wanna cry because those bad jammers ruin animal jam! and i just hated when AJHQ took away the hut in coral canyons and replaced it with a den store im like do we really need a den store???? still it just makes me wanna cry :,(
ReplyDeleteNo, no, and no! None of it offends me crazy offended peeps! How would these offend anyone? I actually like them a lot and they are some of my fave Jamasian things! sorry if offended anyone!
ReplyDeleteI had a growing fear that would happen. People are really scared about religions and stuff. Like in school, we are studying world religions, but we can't even ask questions about them, because it would be like the teacher trying to convert us or something and she would be fired.
ReplyDeleteI say it's not very offensive, but since they were using terms that were already being used... eh.
They're just trying to stay out of any trouble. Lol, but then they are saying a giant bird and a floating sun head created the world, so...
Hm. True.
DeleteThe sun as a symbol actually (In my belief which I am positive is correct) represeting Satan.
I don't know if they meant to do that, but hey- whatever.
I prefered Shamans but if they feel they need to say "Alphas" instead-it's their game to mess with.
Plus it's sad, they really had something going, they dared to be different; and different is good.
ReplyDeleteThey do care about the minority after all... if they have lawyers and are threatening.
ReplyDeleteAlphas are only for wolf packs!!