Hey jammers! Today's new "rare" item is the Rare Lei on the second page of Jam Mart Clothing. Nonmember item!

Funny adding glitch I guess. ^.^ Too bad I couldn't use all those gems! Now for our Monday mystery . . . but I guess it's kinda mixed with the Jamaasian Movement as well. Read below. . .
Rainye sent this article in, click here to read it on AJ's help site.
Now here is the mystery/discussion. . .
Does having a spiritual-ish belief in Jamaa offend you?
Do you dislike the two deities? Would the leading animals
being called "shamans" infringe on your beliefs?
Why does AJHQ find the need to change all of the sudden?
If you disagree with the name change email AJHQ!!!
If you disagree with the name change email AJHQ!!!

New artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!