Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ruin Walls

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Hey jammers! Animal Jam has another fun item for us today, the Ruin Walls. I like do the human and nature mix. . .
But if these items are referring to an upcoming den, then I feel I'll be kind of sad. Because it means AJHQ decided what den the winning submission will be before even considering them all. :(
Enough of my complaining, here's a fun thing to do, a neat little trick to try out kindly sent in by snowflakedaisypet.
Become a ghost at the
Spoooooky Party!
Take a dip in the bubbling
mud pool of Appondale.
You'll come out as a shadow!
 I don't know about you, but I think this is a pretty cool look. ^.^ That's about all I have for today, sorry for my lack of contests and jamaasian things, my summer has been busy!
Happy jamming everyone.

New artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Hmm I'm broke lol I have the new walkway , I guess I have to save up and buy Afew new brick walls ;) thanks for all the work you put I in to your page snowy , you do a great job!!

    ~ footclane

    1. yeah Snow it's great and we know it :) and don't worry we will find out soon it may even be for the den BUT someone thank of it Snow a while ago i got this message saying the den contest will be ending after today or something but that was before the stuff came meaning they may like the Ruins den and someone may of done it if so so i think it was someones idea...well think....

    2. @Jammer2012

      I'm not quite broke but I need to get my gems back-I've been spending spending spending and not enough earning! >.< I still have 50,000 gems left but I had 55,000 so I want to get back up there....And yeah Snow's great! :D

    3. Kerriecat/Kerrie Marsh-

      How do I look with my new picture?

  2. Snowy, how didnt you know about that before?lol sorry, no hard feelings.Any way yeah its a great blog, better than mine for sure!


    1. LOL well yeah honestly i did not know that before...


      old blogger name and AJ name

    2. @PerryFilip(my AJ user name)

      I looked at your blog, it's actually really really can't compare...I'd just say both are good and leave it at that! :D

    3. LOL i know right it's awesome

      Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

  3. Lol a shadow XD. I wonder what the new den will be. (And I hope it's not a Temple Ruins den either Because then AJHQ would be betraying other jammer's idea before they got all of them. (Just like Snowy said)

    1. yeah i know right......

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ user

    2. A Lost Ruins den wouldn't be bad though. But I'm not saying that what AJHQ is doing is right..

  4. Doesnt it look like the brick wall is the same as the walkway? Just flipped over? Idk but to me i think aj just flipped it over n say its a brick wall, NOT GOIING AGAINST IT but im just saying

    Anyways happy jamming! (:

    1. not really it's mine it may have something to do with the new den as it is :)


      old blogger name and AJ name

    2. @Anonymous

      Yeah it does look like that a little...

    3. to me honestly i don't know why but not....

      Kerriecat you know right now im to lazy to type it LOL

  5. im bored.........i always see your blog when aj has an update:D

    1. LOL

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ name

    2. @Anonymous

      Yeah Snow does really detailed updates when the update comes!

  6. Um, I think it's probably going to be a temple ruins den too... :( And it's definitely going to be a members only den.... :( :( otherwise why the MEMBER items? :( AJ HQ hasn't even looked at all the pictures I bet! Probably just glanced at the first and said "hm, that one'll do" and left it at that! Ugh!


    1. I did Peck's den, and I made it have stone walls

    2. cool but i very much think that is not it but it may....

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ user

    3. yah not to be mean but it mayve happened XDD AJ such jerks sometimes =-=


    4. yeah they are really getting kinda annoying...

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ user

    5. Well AJ has been making tons and tons of member stuff...its like they are NOT fair to non members now!! I'm just sad and mad. -signed, wolves61874

    6. Well, a lot of ppl drew Temple Ruins, including me. Well, no, I did a cave ruins. But who knows? They're still forms of ruins.

    7. Well I did a cave den. Without the ruins. :I

  7. I always loved being a shadow and if I were to be a member I would totally buy those Ruin Walls and Ruin Paths!

    1. yeah im member and yeah im getting them later to FILL the walls with :)


      old blogger name and AJ name

    2. You people should totally check out infinitymagicheroisback's tree house den...It's totally awesome!!!! The last time I saw it it had the whole front COVERED in Ruin Path way thingies...It's EPIC!!!

  8. When i dis my den i made it a 3 story NONMEMBERS DEN!
    I am member but i think it would be cool to have it as nonmember!

    1. yeah pretty much i put a beta day den in i know exactly what it looks like :)


      old blogger name and AJ user

    2. You really never know. Maybe they are tring to trick you.


    3. no how i know is i saw a video done in 1999 or 2011/2010 and they was in there den they was non member and it looked so kinda like a tent but it had this shaman theme to it i even posted that to my blog a while ago but yeah...

      Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

    4. 1999?It would be 13 years old!:0

    5. awkward.... 2009 so soz made a mistake...i always do that...

      Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

  9. Er well I did ask for a jungle den

    1. A jungle den would be kind of cool!

  10. I'd feel betrayed too, but you gotta admit, a temple would be epic.

    1. i entered both Temple ruins and beta den :I well who knows...

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ user

    2. I was thinking Temple Ruins and Underground den was the one I hoped for.So I drew them both.:)
      Lol,I think I made it too descriptive(I take honors art in High School)lol.!

    3. LOL well if it was one of us i hope it's one of us :) but mostly you i don't seem to care that the fact i don't win :)

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ user

    4. It's probably not a cave den. :I

  11. I started feeling betrayed the moment the horse, penguin, giraffe and fox statues weren't named. I have lost all faith in AJHQ in a long time. It'd be nice for a Temple Ruins den but, like you said about them just using us, it wouldn't be fair or fun. And snowy, your epic, but remember. thousands (or millions) of peoples read this blog. Be careful with your words... :)


    1. I admit...I felt betrayed once,I drew about I think 30 something drawings of dens,items,statues,names for statues,and things like that...Every time,I would look back at AJ and nothing changed,it just kept on getting so modern.So I left AJ in January and finally came back in April.Right now,I'm building up AJ Faith,and I guess no one can break it now,not even AJ it self!:D
      @ Snowyclaw - You may feel betrayed now by AJ,but take a look around Jamaa,It grew.Beta days were awesome but its getter better.Thanks to you and other bloggers,Jammers all around the world go AJ Blogs just like this one and create stories.One's that we love to read,and mostly we learn about shamans and phantoms and other things!:D
      Don't feel so betrayed Snowyclaw!Your blog has done many a things for us Jammers!:D

    2. BTW, I saw like yesterday (or monday I forgot) but it was like, the last day to . . . or it may have been you guys . . . are right? yeah . . . (Doofensmirtz considering his failed inator) ... Yeah, I guess AJHQ are traitors...
      -pac10 who hasn't seen koala in so long... (5 days- 11 days)

    3. Yeah Snowy your doing an awesome job!!! I agree with LIkiroe completely!

  12. Guys, please stop freaking about "Oh no its members only" because members get it because they PAY to keep AJ online

    1. But the nonmembers might want another den that's nonmember so they won't have to keep using the small house den, not that I have anything against the Small HOuse den.

  13. uh snowy maybe they are doing a entry. maybe its just AJ trying something different. like giving us hints to be excited about. I mean yah its possible but i dont think AJ would do that.



    1. guys chill i overreact more then Snowyclaw over crazier things like for example when on moshi i tried the trick for Oddie one at the time but did not work after it took me a week to get each color right....and how i reacted i ran up stairs to my room right and screamed out loud OMG GIVE ME ODDIE

      LOL yes that is overreacting a bit over the top so yep that's pretty good from what i will of been like in fact...i was like OMG....and then kept my mouth shut and red...and now i chilled well yes im crazy at times....anyway yes i chilled...Snowy don't worry i feel your pain...and that was kinda embarrassing to say both of them out loud LOL

      Kerriecat old blogger name and AJ user

    2. Some people are dramatic. -shrugs- Not like it's bad or anything.

  15. also just a reminder a remount of days ago it said the contest is ending tomorrow so enter today before time runs out

    it was a remount of days ago before the ruin stuff so i think it may be someones idea since when you think about that message they probs just got it all ready im guessing if not how it is of they made the idea up kind of thing so yeah it's one of them...

    Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

  16. I hoped AJ HQ would like my Tunnel Den. D: I want an AJ HQ plaque. >.<

    1. ikr :( that's even better/beta LOL sorry had to say that LOL

      Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

    2. Lol sometimes I say "betta" too, lol.

  17. Another Member Item...I'm a bit wanting to get this item.
    But I'm still happy that I get to have my own items and get access to all the lands in Jamaa!(exactly why I didn't try Club Penguin again)
    I know mostly that members get more stuff because they keep AJ going with the money they use for membership,some and most go to help animals all around the world.I gotta say,thats pretty cool.:)

    1. Yeah. It seems like AJHQ is pretty generous when it comes to saving animals. :) Oh and sadly they took a species of wolf off the endangered list!!! I'm so angry! D:< I love wolves and there are not that many as it is!!! =( Now people can shoot them whenever!!! =(

    2. Hmmm.I didn't notice the wolf on the Endangered List!I guess AJ is getting more help and things and the wolves won't be endangered anymore,who knows!:)
      I really think that AJ is doing good work.If it wasn't for the game it self,members wouldn't exist or jammers.We wouldn't have a fun place to be like Animal Jam,we wouldn't get to learn so many new things from AJ,we wouldn't get to experience how being your favorite animal and having your own customized den was like,and animals around the world wouldn't have so mcuh help from AJ and others!:) So I'm really thinking the future den that probablly won't be the one I want is the least thing to worry about.:)

  18. I did that glitch before.. And when I went to Jamaa.. My shadow wolf turned COMPLETELY BLACK!

    But when I went to my den, it was gone :(

    Well, at least I enjoyed the last moments :)

    1. I did it tons of times. :) only thing was is that I had to dance in the nvisiblemstuff and then go to Jamaa township and the more I moved around, the faster I turn completely black. SHADOW! Sad thing is is that nobody else could see I'm a shadow. :(

    2. OMG I WANT TO TRY THAT LOL i want to try them all in one but water :)

      Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

    3. You can do this with the Snow Fort den.
      Here are the steps:

      Steps for Getting Thick Ice Blue in Snow Fort Den:

      1. Go into a Snow Fort den.
      2. Go into the top chamber with swirling winds around it.
      3. Stay in there for a few minutes.
      4. Then go to the mud in Appondale.
      5. Walk out of the mud and go someplace and you will be all thickly coated with a ice blue color!

      Snow if you haven't already could you publish this little thing?

  19. Umm... Snowy, remember. The Jamaasian Movement isn't getting rid of the human things, it's about bringing back the culture. And the Temple Ruins is kind of culturous. And the number 1 you said about, I'm not really sure, so I agree with you on number 1. And since it is culturous and only a tiny bit of human, I don't think you should feel betrayed. You should feel good.

    1. yeah....Snow just trust within yourself if you read my comment from before it was awkward to say out loud LOL

      Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user

    2. Yeah. I agree with Chu. Well, really you shouldn't feel betrayed or good. Just feel neutral.

  20. Well, the entries were due on Monday so maybe they already picked the one? I think it has to do with my den, which is a waterfall cave with vines. Although my cave probably wouldn't have bricks... but ah, who knows.

  21. Snowy I don't mean to disagree but maybe AJHQ is just giving out the items like they always do. But your reason for the items is also right but who knows what AJHQ will do!

  22. I agree, AJHQ would not have even looked over half of the entries. Plus, they would have been adding to the den. If I had designed the den, I wouldn't exactly want them adding to it, because I feel it wouldn't be mine anymore.

  23. hey first time i saw the blog cool blog :)it was the best
    by the way the new item is so amazing but sad its just
    not for members :>(
    yours thank fully for reading my comment
    from chloeh10.

  24. After you do all that if you go to a icy-blue spot it does a kool glitch with your nametag exept with a brown nametag


  25. Lol I don't know why I just posted this comment! >.<

  26. Snowy you look invisable in the 3rd picture. Or are you just sleeping? O.O

  27. I think the new items are becuz of me and my friend. :P Maybe AJ was watching us "playing" our game. XD (not really) And, the last den contest was SOOOOO unfair. they had a fidge, a stone, a waterfall, and all that good stuff and all they chose was a silly dresser. >:( And my den was a dungeon den with a treasure room outside, long hallways, a jail, bones, and cool stuff.

    1. Wow....Dungeon Den?Never in all my Jamming Days would I have though of that!Great idea!
      I sended in a Temple Ruins Den,Underground Den,and Old Time Shaman Den(<== that Den was my favorite I added drawings of old time things in Jamaa Culture style and also Spear Staff stuff and other things Shamans probablly used back than!:)

  28. Someone scammed my legend grey glove!!:...(I'm crieing!!!!will someone give me there's if your kind anough!


    P.s.if u would repeat magz!!!!he scammed my grey legend silver glove,friends tail armour,and someone's spike an yellow glove!

  29. Hey snowy! shamans will come soon to jamaa :D

    1. I read about it,its exciting to know about it!:D

    2. I know I can't wait to meet harper,sir gilbert or greely OMG OMG OMG :3

    3. I can't wait to meet any Shaman!It would be my first!!!!:D

  30. I have thew all new update about AJ on my blog.:)
    If you want to check it out just search " Animal Jam Passion " or
    Thanks Jammers!:D


  32. Umm... 2 Years ago?

  33. hi ppl from 2 years ago... : D

  34. greetings people from the past


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw