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Hey jammers! I'm sorry, I've just been so tired lately, I've been falling asleep too soon to post. How about I start author try-outs soon? Would that be fun? ^.^ Anywho, today's crazy colored "rare" item is the Rare Baseball Hat, sold on the ninth page of Jam Mart Clothing!

I'm not sure I could think up an outfit for those colors! :D Plus, as announced on Twitter, membership gift cards have changed.

Arctic Spirit?
Click here to learn about art commissions...
Happy jamming!
Hey jammers! I'm sorry, I've just been so tired lately, I've been falling asleep too soon to post. How about I start author try-outs soon? Would that be fun? ^.^ Anywho, today's crazy colored "rare" item is the Rare Baseball Hat, sold on the ninth page of Jam Mart Clothing!

I'm not sure I could think up an outfit for those colors! :D Plus, as announced on Twitter, membership gift cards have changed.

Aww, Peck is so adorable. :) And here's a post from AJHQ!
Let's do a brainstorm for new Monday Mystery ideas, new stories, new secrets, new puzzeles. Maybe yours will appear on the blog! And I leave you, with a funny little wolf drawing, one called...Arctic Spirit?
Click here to learn about art commissions...
Happy jamming!

First X3
ReplyDeleteCongrats, we tied! :P
DeleteCongratulations! :D
DeleteCongrats ! :p you tied!
DeleteCongrats ^-^!!!!! The Baseball Cap is soooo colorful :3 It's more like for girls XDD! O.O Peck does look cute ^.^ Btw Snowy, epic drawing you did =D!
Delete~^-^ilovecutechihuahuas~ Soon I'm going to change it into: ~^-^Chihuahuas~
ReplyDeleteWait, it was first!! Tie!! WOOP WOOP I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED
DeleteCongrats Pupp! :3
DeleteXDD I've just got to do this!
DeleteANIMALS AND GENTLEANIMALS! I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE A FIRST COMMENT TIE!!!!!! *Crowd goes wild saying yippee, yay and all those other happy stuff :3* Congrats pupp :)!!!
Okay, I decided to change it now X3
Congrats LOL!!!!!!!
DeleteP.S I'm sad that I can't go into my Google Account anymore, cuz i won't let me because of this veration code whatever thingy, and I can't be on the commenters list anymore :C I feel that I should have never made a Google Account so this wouldn't happen D: and now people have a better chance of impersonating me >.<!
ReplyDelete3rd viylmation
ReplyDeleteTie ^.^!!!!!! Congrats, both of chu :3!
Hhahahhahaha congrats- I'm really hyper sorry.
ReplyDeleteSO MANY TIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteXD true
DeleteYep, couldn't have said it better myself XD
3rd or 4th comment? I dunno. -Sudopretzel
ReplyDelete5th, congrats =(^.^)=
ReplyDelete6th actually XD
sorry my user name is vinylmation i was tied for 3 thanks for doing what you do snowyclaw
ReplyDeleteIt's okay =D! And yesh, Snowyclaw does lots of kind favors X3!
I wanna try out snowy!!!
ReplyDeleteOk.. my real comment now.
ReplyDeleteI don't like diamonds- they ruined the surprise of each month. The rare is.. ehh. Maybe they could have a new rare each month instead of week... and make it a GOOD rare!! Snowy, that drawing is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
I know this isn't the same thing.... but we can still be surprised by new items in the diamond shop, and have the choice not to purchase them if we don't like them.
DeleteI am a glass half full person. x3
Oh lol
DeleteWell, rares from the past should come back (except for skullies) cuz of many new Jammers or members every year. So they should at least give them a chance. I agree that there should be new items, too. I think they go into categoies:
Delete-Pillar with phoenix armor
Probably "special" items? Meaning that there could be armor, and outfits that have separate parts.
-Pillar with legend, snow cloud and tail armor
It can be a monthly member gift or new item area. Where past and new monthly member gifts are sold. Also items that were never in stores like the arctic wolf and snow leopard plushies.
-Arctic Wolf Statue and Pet Pillar
Where you can get "special" animals and old and new monthly pets.
-Pillars with red blanket on top
Unknown. My guess would be probably "other". There should be exclusive patterns, features to use with your animals (size, ear shape, tail type, type of species of an animal for example: wolf, etc), new colors and also maybe special dens. Hopefully there will be an easier way to get diamonds before this new category comes.
Sorry that it's a long comment! >.< This is just my opinion.
Remember how you can win tickets playing games..? My guess would be doing the same thing.....
Delete@ krazygirl95
DeleteIt would be a miracle if skullies came back. But I think I may know why they were removed for the game, and why they caused "problems." But I don't think I should say it on here.
DeleteI hope so! Not many peeps like the Diamond Shop cuz they can't get enough diamonds. It can maybe take the whole summer to get all of the diamonds they want! Maybe they should put games or other stuff so you can earn diamonds. I wish every month, they can add new stuff in the shop, I don't see any more exciting stuff there.
Maybe they will bring them back, but they should make sure they won't cause any problems. The skullies were the first tail items. They should come back since we don't get a lot of tail items
P.S.- Maybe they should have 8 categories to put clothes on:
-Nose/mouth/chin items (beards, monster teeth, etc)
-Paw-finger items (rings)
-Eye items (sunglasses, monocle, etc)
I have a snow leapord with a monocle but I wish I can put a top hat on top. Should there bethose new features like this. Maybe there should be another update to update other things you can put on your animals
everybody does hate you
DeleteHaters gonna hate. ^
DeleteAlligators gonna alligate. XDD
@Random Anon
DeleteHate who?
Haters gonna hate.
I laugh cuz you skate. :3
^.^ Heehee! I actually got that from a Youtuber. Anywho, when I get my kangaroo, I will cry out: "HATERS GONNA HAT(E)! HATERS GONNA HAT(E) (I don't know if I'm allowed to say "hate" in AJ)"!
Actually I don't know. Cuz it can be insulting. I'm just excited. I can't wait to get a kangaroo! ^.^
The Diamond Shop items are still pretty surprising to me :)! @krazy an Arctic Wolf statue would be cool ^.^, and yesh I agree with the type of size you said and etc stuff =D! @Manxy XDD
I made one up XDD
DeleteHaters gonna hate, while I eat the chocolate cake on my plate :3! I know it doesn't really make sense, but to me it does. Especially the chocolate cake part XD!
LOL! I meant when you click the arctic wolf in the Diamond Shop, there's special animals and stuff. But it does kinda sound cool! O.O
Wait, I know what I'll say when I have the kangaroo:
DeleteHaters gonna hate! My kangaroo is gonna skate, for your nothing but jealous mate!
Oh XD ......... Sorry I don't really understand serious comments :3 (no offense). And good idea about what chu going to say, krazy XDD!!!!!! *Gives krazy a yummy cookie :3*
Haters gonna hate until they get.... until they get..... A LEMON IN THIER EYES!
Delete@ilovecute chihuahuas
DeleteYAY!!! *eats cookie fast*
Heehee! That will teach them a lesson! >:3
Please report dreamer1609 for scamming in Jamaa Township, server Zambezi. She said BEST TRADE WINS MY RARE SCARY BAT WINGS!!! We (another jammer was helping :3) figured out all she cared about was rares, and she didn't even have rare scary bat wings. Her best friend was also trying to defend her, but I didn't catch her username. Thanks for listening ^.^!
Haters, I WILL find you and stick lemons in your eyes! >:3
DeleteI can bite into lemons >:3
DeleteWait pie, what do you mean you shouldn't say the problems? Were they not glitches but something people were doing that was bad using them? O.O
DeleteI mean the problems of skullies!
DeleteWell, just the shape of them. That's all I can say.
Delete? Let me see them again...
DeleteHmmmm..... I looked at it again but I don't quite see it....
DeleteJust never mind >.<
DeleteSkullies were removed cause the way they looked on pandas. Lolz
DeleteOH O.O
DeleteNow I'm curious what the heck you guys mean. xD I don't have one to try on a panda so.....
DeleteI like saying "OH" XD I don't know what it looks like! XD
DeleteThis 13th comment is the highlight of my day! :P
ReplyDeleteChu mean 10th X3? Congrats =D!!!!!
Nice membership cards! I'm glad they include the alphas.
ReplyDeleteGuys, if you hear anything about me and how I was making fun of Ravenpaw, I am telling you riht now that NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE. :"CCC
I feel like I want to quit or something. Everyone hates me :c.
Huh? Who is ravenpaw?
DeleteI don't hate you Mia and I don't imagine you would make fun of anyone. I hope you don't quit. You are so nice!
Ravenpaw comments here sometimes. That's her user, btw xD, not the warrior cat lol. I guess I know how Snowy feels now with the whole "Snowy/Lovelost" thing. :P
DeleteWell I met you on the game a few times and you are one of the nicest jammers I know. :) I have not read any of the posts saying otherwise, but I don't think I would agree with them anyway.
DeleteMia, you're awesome! How could anyone say that. I didn't hear a rumor about it. If I heard it, I won't believe it. I need PROOF if it's true or not. But if you are my friend, I know that these things would never again.
Mia don't worry :) We'll ignore those rumors that belong in the trash, cuz were your best friends ^.^! And we know those rumors aren't true. It's because your so kind, that we would NEVER think that you would make fun of anybody =D! And please don't quit :C We all go through hard times, and sometimes we don't make it. You will, you always will cause your smart, fast, sweet, nice, epic, and AWESOME! Quitting won't make anything better. Jammers will be sad, everyone'll miss you, you'll miss the fun and epic things in Animal Jam, and I'll miss you best of all! And nobody hates you. Your family loves you, your friends care for you, but those haters out there don't care about anything. Just remind yourself, they aren't special and i better ignore them. okay :D? Sorry for the long comment, I just realized that =P
I agree, chihuahuas. By the way...... haters gonna hate! ^.^
I suspected they were going to change the membership cards.... because I couldn't find any at target or wal mart recently, where I would usually see them.
ReplyDeleteAnyway that is a beautiful arctic wolf drawing! ^.^
You couldn't :O? It's so beautiful :D! Btw Snowy your an EPIC painter ^.^!
Dont listen to them Mia your a kind jammer I read your comments everyday
ReplyDeleteThanks. <3
DeleteYeah, I rather ignore peeps who are being mean to me. :) It's ok, Mia. They're just being mean to a nice Jammer like you.
I try to do that. Maybe I just need more practice. Lol. That does not mean I want to be bullied though.. o_o. Thank you krazy <3
DeleteNo prob! Just take my advice and everything will be fine! :)
DeleteAgreed c:
Mia, ignore those people who are mean. They don't have a life, and they are NO friend. Be happy that your not those mean, ugly, fat, dumb people XD. Enjoy who chu are :3!
And please believe me Jammers, I swear on... Idk... A lot, that I did NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER EVERRRRR do those things. I want to quit :"C.
ReplyDeleteI believe you Mia! :3 You are one of the most pawsome friends on AJ! :D
DeletePlease don't quit! D:
Thank you so much <3
DeleteI wont, I just feel that way lol. I don't think I will quit.
NUUUUUU! Don't quit! D: Oh and I believe you. You are never mean to anyone. Why should peeps be mean to others? We're a family! :3
I wont, I wont. I just felt really sad when I wrote those comments, so I went overboard.
DeleteAww thank you, Krazy. <3 <3
Agreed. Jamaa is a family.
Yes Krazy, we are a family! We should stick together and be kind! We are all unique yet the same! We are a family!
DeleteEven when "rare" peeps think they're better, well they're wrong! Maybe that's another reason why past rares are coming back? So every Jammer will have an equal value of appearance?
P.S.- I can't believe peeps think rare peeps are more unique than anyone else. They might look like they are but it doesn't mean that they want to be popular or it is the way to bully "non-rare" Jammers.
Turns on It's Always A Good Time music to cheer up Mia :)
DeleteMia, I know how sad you feel. We swear to god that you ARE NOT mean and that those rumors are infinity X infinity NOT true. Just remember, we believe in you. We know whats true about you, and whats not. What is is that your kind and a best friend that everyone can trust. What's not true about you is those rumors. Hope you feel better ^.^! And I know, saying your quitting means that your really sad. So cheer up, brighten your day with a smile knowing that nobody can stop you from being happy ^-^!
And it's always a good time! ^.^
DeleteI was actually humming that earlier LOL
Please please please author tryouts!!!!
ReplyDeletePS: Nice Artic Wolf!
Artic spirit isn't funny..
ReplyDeleteShe was just using an adjective to describe it. It's not like she would say, heres and AMAZING DRAWING.
DeleteYep c:
DeleteShe doesn't want to make others feel like shes bragging, because shes not ^.^! But I know people who WOULD brag about their rares o.o. Scammers, hackers, bullies, and mean people. Luckily Snowyclaw isn't any of those ^-^
Btw never judge another jammer by the way they look :O
DeleteExactly. ^.^
The rare today is kinda lame. :C
ReplyDeleteI agree...
DeleteYeah. The color combinations look...ugly. So that's why I don't buy any more Monday Rares unless I like the color or if it was a beta rare (like the fox hats and Viking hats).
I agree, Krazy. I do like the colors. I was never a fan of this item, too human for me, so Idk why AJHQ had to use nice colors on an item I wouldn't buy. .-.
DeleteBlue is my second favorite color and purple is my fourth favorite color! The colors match the rare angel wings, and everyone liked that rare! I like it! :)
DeleteI mean I like the rare angel wings! XD
DeleteBlue is my first favorite color and dark purple/purple is my second favorite lol.
Delete@ Pink
Here's the top 5 colors I mostly wore for my animals:
Delete1. Black
2. Red
3. Orange
4. Yellow
4. Blue, pink or green
5. Brown.
I don't really know which color is my favorite but it's either these colors up there.
Oops, I meant top 6, I forgot to correct that and even the number 4 one. The second 4 supposed to be 5 and the 5 supposed to be 6.
I am still hoping AJHQ will like my suggestion of white faerie wings (you know, the ones that used to be sold in the mt. shiveer shop).
DeleteI think that would be awesome. O.O
I agree, Manxy. I wouldn't need my angels wings that look small on most animals when those white faerie wings come out.
Kind of agreed with the rare being lame :P......
DeleteMy favorite color is dark blue, second light blue, third rainbow (XD), meh... I don't really know the others XDD
DeleteNice.. RAINBOW :D
I NEED HELP how much is a vampire mask worth???
ReplyDeleteA Vampire mask is probably worth another Halloween item. Maybe a witch hat? That would be my guess.
DeleteI am not a huge fan of halloween masks. Try putting it on your list for a week and see what the best offers you get are.
DeleteHmm maybe what Mia said ^.^. Maybe a Rare Worn, or rare scary bat wings? I don't really know. You decide :3!
Delete~^-^Chihuahuas~ P.S I'm listening to It's Always A Good Time and I'm going to be wanting monster teeth when Halloween comes X3!
Hey, so i need help... i have 22, 156 gems and i want to have 2 land animals (1 should be able to go into the water as well as go on land) so whats cuter, a Penguin or a Seal? HELP PLZ!
Jamaagram ur thought!
I think a seal is cuter lol. The seals are just adorable. :3
DeleteWell, you have plenty of gems to spare.. I don't know which one is cuter- I love both of them!!
DeleteWell, I like both the same! :3 I think you should get both, so you can switch in land and underwater! :3
DeleteMaybe both is fine. You will still have 20, 156 gems left! ^.^
I agree ^.^ both animals are super-duper cute, I can't decide X3! @krazy yeah I pretty much agree =D! If you can't choose, go for both X3! That's what I always say :P I don't know what to say because I have both animals XD ... penguin and seal :3 P.S Swiftpaw died (Warrior cats) :'( Bluestar, why couldn't chu have made him a warrior earlier? And why give Lostface that MEAN CRUEL NAME!? Your just being mean to her Bluestar :C
DeleteIs that a spam? Sorry if it is, I just wanted to tell someone that because my parents and brother don't care. Oh well, life is hard XDD
To me... Jamaagram ur thought of whats cuter a penguin or seal to me!
ReplyDelete~storyteller88 (Sorry, 2 comments :P)
Pengies! ^_^
DeleteSeals are cute too, but they kinda remind me of crawling human babies. I am not one of those people who fuss over babies. XD
And I've always had a soft spot for penguins....
I guess I could have just answered with one word... but I tend to ramble when I've had caffeine (which I have). x3
@Manxy XDD
DeleteLet me tell you a short story X3 *Pulls out beard* When I was young, well, a First Grader, I had a love of penguins. Idkw, but I just did. (Don't judge me D:) then, I had a love of horses. Then giraffes. Then bunnies. Then chihuahuas. Then it finally came to cats. Not just normal ones, but exciting fierce Warrior Cats! Meh, well... that story didn't help, did it XD? Chu can't choose forever :3 Because your wasting time XD (No offense)
I guess I should have said my current favorite is penguins. :P That way I am not deciding or my future self, lolz.
DeleteAlphas and phantoms at my den im snowy1262. Also subcribe to me my channel is barbra ryan.
ReplyDeleteSnowy, I'd LOVE to be in an author tryout! (If you decided on making them)
ReplyDeleteI'll keep up with the news in Jamaa (Hopefully with other trusted authors in case I can't post?)
But after all you didn't decide on the tryouts yet so I'll save my time for those.
I want to be an author here! :3 It would be so cool! I would love to help a busy person like you, Snowyclaw! :D
ReplyDeleteWOW,2 thoughts already! :) Thanks mia (I don't know ur user on animal jam D: but thanks anyway!) and thanks xxpandapunkxx for ur thoughts!
ReplyDelete:) Btw, kind of unnexpected to hear a boy (xxpandapunkxx) say to a girl that a penguin is cuter (As in looking cuter when the actual boy is cute too :P don't take that as in "I like u and i want to go out with u" blargh, plz don't! :D Cuz its just cute, as in sweet, for helping me!)
~storyteller88 (I'm always ready for jamaagrams! Jamaagram me ur thoughts, whats cuter, seal or Penguin?!)
You're welcome! My username is Mia776. :)
DeleteAlso, i wanna keep my wolf animal plz so i just want to know, whats cuter or fluffier or nicer (Or 1 of the "ER" things...)
ReplyDeleteMembers, jamaagram me ur answer, nonmembers, comment ur answer on Animal Jam Spirit Blog!
Hmm. I don't like how AJ makes most of the rare monday items contain the same colors. I think they should use neon colors.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for author try-outs, I'd say that's a good idea. But I probably won't enter, since I don't even post on my own blog that often lol.
And I think that's an amazing drawing. :)
Ya.. the rares got old quick. No one even wants them!!
DeleteWho even wants the same items but with ugly combinations of colors? There should be beta items that should come in stores instead like what they did with viking hats and fox hats.
Come to my den and tell me as well as doing those things! :)
ReplyDeletePLZZZZ, i wanna actaully see u!!!
Snowyclaw might be busy at the moment so she might not get to your comments. Or any comment! So she doesn't have time to reply to other peeps' comments.
Does anyone know what a cream worn or beta rose bush worth??
ReplyDeleteA cream worn you can get... Well, maybe the least rare kind of spike, I think. Or maybe an art easel.
Deletesnowy claw stinks join me in da war broter if you think na thn you rong broter jin da war my firend has been talkin bout you
ReplyDeleteYou are soooooo wrong, bro!
DeleteSay I if you are sick of noah's hating.
I! It's getting annoying! =.=
I! I told him that Snowy was busy, and he could care less :I
DeleteI! Has he hated before...?
Delete@Mia, he is also ninjaguyman.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just wish they can do that, too. When I saw those cards and I was thinking for a kangaroo card containing diamonds, I was like: "Dang! Now I would never be rich with diamonds while I have an awesome kangaroo!"
GUYS! I just played phantom treasure for an hour and a half straight, and I'm really good at it... so I got up to 20,356 gems... so I left, and because it is the double gem game it doubled it to 40,712 gems!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you don't believe me, I got a screenshot to prove it!
Lucky, but maybe not as much as I do! >:3 I got more than 300, 000 gems.
WOW ! xD... After awhile though I get tired if playing but congrats!
Deleteoh and I can't click the link for sme reason...
Wow.. I did that with overflow once, got up to level 64 then it froze.. it was EPIC!! I got like 23 thousand
DeleteWhy not drag the link and make a blue box then copy and paste on the search bar? I do that! ^.^
@krazygirl, I actually have over 1,000,000 now. I would have had more....but I splurged like crazy on a bunch of freedom gloves. x3
Delete@arcticpenguin, try highlighting the link (making it turn blue), then right click it, then when the menu pops up click "open link in new tab".
Ok, ok, you win. You have more gems than me. O.o Although, that is a lot of gems to get. Who will ever carry that much? XD
DeleteI am better at the other theme :3
noah, sorry if this sounds mean, BUT GET OUT OF HERE! if you dont like snowy, why the heck are you commenting on her blog?!
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt make much sense >:U now please go mind ya own buisness
bring back edge bring back edge bring back edge poor bad mean snowyclaw to tired to nknow that im gonna take her out hahahah im after you snowy is that cool I am not your buckaroo I wanna be like not you
ReplyDeleteWhat's with "bring back edge"? Oh and 3 words: LEAVE SNOWYCLAW ALONE! If you have something mean to say then just keep it to yourself! If you really hate Snowy, then just leave and never look at her blog again.
P.S.- Hey! Buckaroo (not sure what that means) rhymes with kangaroo! :D
bring back edge I know what it says it he misses the username edge so do I but I think snowyclaw needs to get mad at him and go to war-noah185
Deletecorrect or he wants wwe edge to come back and kick but-ninkelback202
Deleteright noah185 and nickelback202 plus buckaroo stands for your idle
Deleteyou will never ever be the same again
DeleteHey Snowy! I got the perfect idea for a mystery: The Forest in the Adventures. Here are the questions: What do you think the forest is called? Why isn't there a new land that is similar to that forest? Will there be a land like that in the future? Do the Shamans/Alphas call that forest home besides the other lands (Mt. Shiveer, Coral Canyons, etc.)? Why is it like the Paradise Party but it's not called a "paradise"? I hope to see my questions in the blog. I would love to see peeps think about it! ^.^
I am ninjaguyman's you who thinks Snowy is a scammer. -.-
Aww Snowy!
ReplyDeleteThat picture is AMAZING!!!
Check out my blog,
The Jamaa arcticcloud,
Have the BEST luck!,
no -ninjaguyman I have my own blog
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSnowy doesn't mean to ignore you, she is just busy and her computer lags a lot!
Deleteit said hhhhh listen everyone please listen snowyclaw I can get you mad and everyone else si si si si si
DeleteHey snowy! Hi jammers! If anyone is so nice as to send me the rare item today as my hotel has no wifi and I am missing out on rare item Monday ._. Will anyone please send me one?? Thanks in advance! Angel1143
ReplyDeleteSure! :)
Thank you thank you thank you ^_^ you made my day!
No prob! I love helping out Jammers! :3 I'm very rich anyway so I don't care if the items peeps want are expensive.
no I comment with noah hinkle -ninjaguyman someone who learns my way in one way
ReplyDelete:o oh god I can't believe people hate snowy so much, snowy is great person unlike you people who call her bad things. -ellanicole2003
ReplyDeletelisten I think I have something ot say about snowy put oyur foot on the break your foot on the gas always ready to kcik some a55 to scammers and snowyflaw
ReplyDeleteUm did you look at my other comment, and yes I am an a55 I just got mad over. Stuff because my bff just began to not play with us because we weren't acting like friends, but I was. So I just got crazy. ;c I'm the worst 10 year old kid ever! -ellanicole2003
Deleteso bad idea number 200 DX army is after you just kidding I am after you and if you ain't down with that I got 2 words for ya suck it
DeleteToo bad, because I'm not a bad person and I found out who actually hates snowy and that means my plan works! Well you don't know me so what? If your my enemy then how will you track me down?
DeleteI'm getting sick of the bad words here -.-
ReplyDeletecan anyone check out my blog its new! heres the url sorrry if this is spam!~zipper787
ReplyDeleteWow! That is a fantastic drawing of your arctic wolf, Snowyclaw! I'm honestly jealous! I don't think I could draw that good like you do!
ReplyDeleteDid you do the arctic wolf drawing on the computer?
ReplyDeleteI have proof the club penguin betas animal jam just meat me and I will tell you this time its PROOF plus I have PROOF that snowyclaw is a scam go the the blog ajf ps I have my own blog I will edit it now!
ReplyDeleteIDEAS!!!!!! (Sorry If You've Done These!)
ReplyDelete1. The Creature in the Mt. Shiveer ice! (By the red panda)
2. Captain Melville.
3. The Canyons Pathway Cave Moose!
~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, I MADE CHICKEN NUGGETS AND THEY TASTE GOOD!
I cant wait for author try outs!! It has always been a dream of mine to write for this blog. I love this blog. It is what wakes me up in the morning. Thanks Snowy for tge best blog ever!!!!!
Sorry if this is spam.
Please look at my blog and comment on it. It's not HALF as good as this one, but could you still please check it out? I am referring to all Jammers, not just Snowyclaw. This is the link:
Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase visit my blog:
Please please pleaseeeeee visit it! :C
How do you make a blog I have been trying to make one
DeleteWell, just go to, sign in, then hit "new blog" That's all you need to know! :3
DeleteWell I guess the old gift cards are now collector's items XD
ReplyDeleteD'awwww I never got a lion card :(
And that's a cool drawing snowy, I like it :D
I have a huge pile of old used gift AJ cards. I never throw em out after redeeming. :3
DeleteMe either :3
To Mia and krazy XD: 40,196
I was so close! I guessed 40, 162 gems! .0.
what are you talking about? -smart06703
ReplyDeletecan anyone check out my blog its new! heres the url sorrry if this is spam!~zipper787
Say I if you visited my blog! :3
There was this guy that said "Is Julian2 a scammer?" I said "No, but sometimes it makes people want to scam." Then he said I was an idiot and said that I like to scam! All I said was he makes people want to scam. One of my friends wanted to be rare like Julian2, then started scamming.. I feel like I never want to come back onto AJ again.... :,(
ReplyDeleteIf You Are A Transformice Fan
I Have A Website For You it's called and you already have all the titles unlocked. Also you don't need to worry to buy fraises or cheese you already have 100,000 in shop. :) please try it out it's an awesome private server with friendly mice.