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Hey jammers! Today's item is welcome nonmember den item: it's perfect for holding small rares, showing off plushie collections, making stairs... The Tiny Shelf is sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
I've been meaning to repost this amazing website, but I had forgotten until Live1Laugh1Love reminded me. ^.^ The go back in the time machine... To a website from the beginning of Animal Jam...
Happy jamming!
Hey jammers! Today's item is welcome nonmember den item: it's perfect for holding small rares, showing off plushie collections, making stairs... The Tiny Shelf is sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
I've been meaning to repost this amazing website, but I had forgotten until Live1Laugh1Love reminded me. ^.^ The go back in the time machine... To a website from the beginning of Animal Jam...
Click here to visit the website! You can find so many old things, additions that never made it to the final game. Like...
Wouldn't that be fun? Leaderboards, to show your amazing gem earning skills! Anyway, hope to see you in Jamaa everyone.Happy jamming!
Click here to enter the Anthem Art Contest!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
A touching music video from Yllil254!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! :D
DeleteCongrats :DD
Congrats =(^.^)=
DeleteStairs :O? EPIC idea =D I saw that website before.... I just forgot what it was called XD Leaderboards? That must have been awesome :)!!!! Anyway, I'll listen to the music video later X3 I can't right now D:
One time I saw this website and it was like a website where you could log into animal jam "beta" but it looked real shady so I put in a fake password and username and when I hit enter it just said like message: username addgfsddh password asdfghjk. I then realized it was just something devised to get people's passwords and hack them. So never put your password into anything except the real animal jam .
Delete:O Okay now I really won't because of just what you said X3
Snowyclaw, I am not going to be here next week so if i can apply for a author job this week, that would be great. You can contact me the best by email @:
Congrats ^.^
second! :D Hello :3
ReplyDeleteCongrats! We tied! :3
DeleteBtw do we have to make a new account for it?
DeleteLol first reply for the whole day! Does anyone like my new profile picture? :3
DeleteI heard Back To Beta Animal Jam Website is a hack though...
DeleteWoah our replies tied 0.0
DeleteI like your new profile picture it's cute :))
Delete~ dooda123
I did hear that too because lots of jammers are making fake websites of that. But anyway I can't even make an account there..
DeleteCongrats XD Hewwo back to chu X3 Both of your profile pictures are berry cute :3 I heard the same thing, but it was a different website I think.
Yup, there's scads of those sorts of websites. They're all fake, and I like spamming them with all sorts of fake passwords and usernames. Don't put your password into anything except animal jam.
Deletei love your new profile pink ^_^
Deletebtw congrats!
ReplyDeleteTIE *Starts saying in an indian voice XD* YA YA YA YA YA YA TIE! YA YA YA YA TIE XDDDDDDDDDDD
DeleteI love da shelf too :3 Btw can someone read my story XD? It'll be on Pinks blog in the stories page :D
I'll certainly try to look at it! Although I have one question, can you tell me what pinks blog is called?
DeleteMy blog is called:
tie congrats anyway ^.^
Delete3rd! I like the shelf and its great that its non member :)
ReplyDelete~ dooda123
Congrats! :3
DeleteP.S. My profile picture is just zoomed in from my old one now that I can take close up screenshots! :3
Congrats c=!!
Delete@Pink Cool :O Btw you, Mia, and me are in the story that I'm writing on your blog in the stories page in the comments XD I just wanted to tell chu, because I thought you would be delighted to hear that ^.^
congrats ^.^ i love your new profile pink!
DeleteI want to get out of top commenters then back so my new profile picture shows instead...
ReplyDeleteMeh, I changed my profile picture like, 3 times before X3 No worries, you won't get out. It'll just take some time to load an' stuff.
DeleteMy mom was convinced by my reasons to buy the next Warrior Cats book, YAY =^.^= !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited =D *Runs around excitedly throwing bananas everywhere* XD
i have changed it 3 times too plus it doesn't add up your comments so you will get off
Deletebut once your off the commentors list they DONT start from 0 ^.^
I know I said I WANT to get off then come back on so my new profile picture shows :I
ReplyDelete6th I didn't mean to make my above comment a comment.. sowwy! 3: Just count this comment as 5th owo
DeleteNow for my real comment,
DeleteNice post, snowy! That site is really pawsome!
Naw I think Pollylacke is right X3
DeleteCongrats :D! Because on the second comment Pink, chu and Geekypanda tied :3
~^-^Chihuahuas~ P.S it is? I'll go check that site out later :).
O.O My comment here is gone DX
DeleteI'll just redo it -.-
Congrats :D! Naw, I think Polllacke IS 5th because Pink, chu and GeekyPanda tied on second comment :3
I went to the site, and it won't let me scroll down on the Story DX Help anyone :)? Thanks if you reply back c=
Nvm now my comment is showing =P
congrats ^-^
DeleteCool website, although what exactly does it do?
ReplyDeleteIt's a blog, it helps jammers pass time and also helps them find the new items.
DeleteYep! It's like a blog that shows you the past of AJ :O XD. It's useful, and very helpful too ^-^ I find it good in reading =P
Delete~^-^Chihuahua~ I always put an s on accident DX
Cool, thanks!
Delete5th comment!!
DeleteCongrats anyway! ^.^
DeleteMeh 7th .!. And Congratzulations X3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7th congrats anyway ^-^
DeleteDid you know that Amy Jiao was involved with what happened with snowy and infinitymagicheroisback because of her links with snowyclaw. At least that's what she said on ronenthegamers blog the animal jam world blog for all jamaasians
ReplyDeleteOkay I didn't know that, but are you trying to make it sound like Amy is guilty O.O? Uh-uh. No way is dat going to happen -.-
25th comment!
ReplyDeleteNow for my comment! I really like that site I wonder who made it O_O I didn't join when AJ's homescreen was like that so it's a good chance for me to actually see it... Reply if you agree with me :D The "Tiny" Series is kind of cool but why did AJHQ spoil the suprize by putting it in the Adventures? D:
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
9th Blogger counts replies as comments but we don't.. You're 9th! :P
DeleteYAAAAY THAT'S THE HIGHEST I'VE BEEN ^_^ wait, I didn't know that! O_O Scary but AWESOME! xD
Delete~iki51772 peace love spiders~
Yep, 9th ^.^! I know right D: It's not a surprise anymore >.< (I luv surprises :3)
DeleteSo it's your highest? Well, double congrats! Chu deserve an award :3 *Gives a cupcake, cookie, and chocolate cake X3. Pancake for fun =D* ~^-^Chihuahua~
Thanks, Chihuahua! -nibbles on cookie and eats pancake and cupcake whole- O3O How did u know I like cookies xD You deserve a huggeh! -hugs Chihuahua and gives her an epic chihuahua blanket-
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Says in Rainbowdash voice*
DeleteOMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG YAY XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs back and gives a cookie blanket X3* I hope to be chur buddy soon :3
Congrats ^-^ *gives cupcake*
DeleteTHANKS, CHIHUAHUA AND CLOUDCLAWS!! -takes blanket and cupcake-
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
When I was playing tunnel town I found a loli bug! yay! :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finding it, Mia!
Thanks! I just found the BOpA too :D
DeleteAwesome XD!!!! BOpA? Some ones getting hoppy :3
congrats for finding it! *gives chocolate chip cookie*
DeleteXD i`ve visited the Old Aj site many times. i wish it let you log in, ive tried it just redirects ya to the sign-in page.
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty cool to see the old server tho.
Agreed :3.
Agreed >:3
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
If it let you type in your username and password but didn't let you log in... I think that that's one of the hacking websites..
Deletei wish i was able to log in.. DX
DeleteI loved that website! I wish AJHQ can make it look like that. But sometimes, games make changes once in a while. I remembered when I first played it. It was around August 2010. Such good memories! All I want was AJ to look like the beta times again - The beta den, no rares, no scamming, no dating, and no adopting. It was peaceful. Every single Jammer would've loved the beta times.
Yep even though I never was in the beta times XD, I think it was epic :3! I want it to come back so I can find out every single thing that happened XDD
I agree... I miss beta, and that site... :(
Deletei wasn't on beta times but i agree that it would have been great :(
Delete:O I JUST GOT A BOpA!!,!,!!,!! Sorry my caps lock doesn't work correctly on my grandmas ipad soo..... Anyway, the BOpA is my favorite bug so I am super excited that i got it in tunnel town. :D
ReplyDeleteBopa is also my favorite bug! I love the swirly blue design on it's back. It's beautiful when you look at it! :3
Ikr! :D
DeleteI got a Bopa also! I've been wanting to get it ever since I downloaded the game, which was the date of worldwide release O-O I like the swirls on it x3
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Hehehe. Bopa is sooo pretty :D
Delete:L adopting is fun....unless it involves dating. I immediatly quit and leave the family if the "mom" n "dad" are dating. I prefer a one person and a few kid family.
ReplyDeleteThings I want back from Beta:
Beta Dens for all jammers (nm`s would freak out!)
Old Crystal Sands
Beta clothing and den items
^-^ we should all send that same list to AJHQ. it shouldnt be much right? they can always bring back the old coding, like the time the MEDICAL CENTER suddenly appeared on christmas 2012. If that came back, it proves they still have the old coding. So whatcha say guys? wanna help me out here?
P.S, you should watch this! XD
I'm in!
Delete-I want non-members to have a bigger den.
-I like the way they put waterslides, but it removes Sir Gilbert's Rock and we already have waterpark dens! So the New Crystal Sands is taking away a bit of Jamaa'a culture.
-I don't want no more scamming. The beta stuff were Jamaasian. I want peeps to feel like their Jamaasian. I no longer want to see peeps so poor while peeps with rares bully them.
If they bring back all those things you said. Animal Jam can change from a stealing and sad game to a safe and happy game! I'm on your side! I'm tired of others caring about themselves and not others. Let's make a change! :)
Sorry I meant I no longer want more scamming. I was typing too fast.
I'm in too =D! The non-member beta dens might attract more jammers to play Animal Jam ^.^! And AJHQ can make more money :D I saw pictures of the Old Crystal Sands. It looks wildly fun =)! I see no reason why to remove it. Beta clothing and den items? IT WOULD BE AWESOME XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow I find the Medical Center better then the Pillow Room. It treats you, and you can roleplay there or do a video like someones hurt X3! The Pillow Room? Don't get me there -.-. It has too much adopting, and no buddies there to enjoy it D:! So... yep :)!
I agree, chihuahuas. The Medical Center is kind of there for Jammers to feel better. The Pillow Room supposed to be a little area to hang out with friends! Not an Adoption Center! I find the Medical Center better because of this.
Yesh, Chihuahuas I agree >:3 I hated it when the jammers decided to turn the Pillow Room into the "Adoption Center" ugh =-= I just want the Medical Center back! You know what'd be cool? Is if you went to the Pillow Room, you have to type in your username and only your buddies can enter :D Only one host at a time, that is.. If else, there will be locks on it and it'll say "Oops, someone is in here! Try again!" And it automatically unlocks when you leave :D I should type this into AJHQ so this can be the new update soon in the future >:3
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
P.S. MY MOM ORDERED THE NEWEST WARRIORS BOOK IN HISTOREH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xD
COOL IDEA O.O *Pats kiki's head XD*
DeleteMy mom will buy me the second series first book on Friday :)! CAN'T WAIT YAY YAY YAY CHAY YAY YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteYep I'm in let's do this emailing stuff! What did the med center look like? I never saw it!
i wish the old nonmember den was back :(
Delete@ icecreampants - The medical center looked like a hospital make of wood, basically. And when you go in, it would look like a place with lots of boxes. There would be "Doctors" that would heal you :D And since AJHQ removed it and put the "Human-y" Sol Arcade >:|
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders!
Hey peeps!I found something. More like a mystery. I went to the site and clicked "Parents". Look behind Cosmo. Have you ever seen a background with a tree like that? Is it supposed to be Appondale or a land that was never reached? Or is it just me?
:O That looks like it could be the new land somehow :)! Btw when you first click the site, Peck is in the Old Crystal Sands. Here are some objects in it that might lead to a mystery :3:
Delete1. The Volcano in the back round
2. The Tiki Torches
Sir Gilbert's cave is already solved. That's his home ^.^
Did the Volcano ever erupt? If it did, is that what destroyed the Old Crystal Sands, making the Alphas and jammer build a new one? This is getting SO exciting =D! Did enough, and all jammers escape? Where is Sir Gilbert's new home? Soooooooo many questions to ask, I can't ask them all ^-^!
Were the Tiki Torches/Tombs a sign? Who put it there? Why did they put it there? What was it supposed to mean? Hmm... mysterious indeed XD
Do chu guys know the blocked save in Mt Shiveer? When chu click the site, and click press, it's open :O! Wonder who lives in there or whats in it... and Greely appears there too XD Really? I thought he lived in Coral Canyons. And if you click Membership or Help, there are random monkeys in it o.o Sorry if I'm spamming DX I didn't mean it...
maybe thats why the old crustal sands isnt here anymore.. O.O
DeleteIf you guys know Balto the movie, doesnt Steele (the jet black and white husky) seem like scar??
Wants to get rid of Balto
Has 3 huskies as his partners
Wants to Get rid of Simba and mufasa
Has 3 Hyena partners
(btw the voice in the vid is scar`s, not steeles)
When I watched the video, I think you're right. I always see 3 huskies that are with Steele like Scar. I saw Steele fighting with Balto like what Simba and Scar did. They also both act a little decietful while looking at Scar and Steele and they both almost have the same face (they look evil and hideous by looking at them X3)! You're really right. By the way the voices (from the Lion King) for Steele and his 3 partners in the movie Balto fit really well for them!
I don't know that movie, but I just searched it up and watched Balto Vs. Steele. It's JUST like Lion King =D And it's epic how Balto doesn't fight, just get hurt a lot and Steele falls down with more pain X3
Delete~^-^Chihuahua~ P.S SCar should have died, not Simba D=
I don't know the movie Balto, too but I watched the video that faolan gave to us (the link).
DeleteO_O I just watched it XDD
ReplyDeletegood eyes!! that must be the new land, after all, COSMO did set out with the koalas for a new land. and that must be some sort of shop planned to be there!
that one land must be awesome....look how long it`s takin! all the way from beta to now
I don't know. I hope so! But there's one thing: It's been a long time ago, so they might not follow what they did in their old site. Like I said, games make changes once in a while. It's really similar to Appondale so I'm not sure if they'll come up with another land with a tree that's just like from Appondale. We'll see! The new land will be released in 2 days anyway!
you can also downlooad wallpapers from the old AJ site :3
That's cool!
Aaw, the shelf is so cute! I'm getting it!
ReplyDeleteThe website is really interested too, I hope AJ views this blog ~(OUO)~
Lots of pretty cool member rares on trade for non member bat wings, visit
I have every bug in tunnel town at least 2 or more of the bug but i have all of them including the rare ones :D took me about 2 days to get all of them.
ReplyDeletesmart06703 ^.^
Wow! I just got the bopa and the loli. The bopa is my favorite. I just love the coloring/patterns.
DeleteMay is really mean though I think every deserves a second chance. Even those who insult you snowy.
ReplyDeletethats what my pack will be all about on
please join! ^.^
ReplyDeletelets all email AJHQ asking for the beta den!
YAY! :3
:3 i just got a bunch of people to listen. they all are excited XD i told them about the old den in th ehorse party and township. AJ does have the old coding!
Deleteremember the sudden appearance of the med den last year? its proof AJHQ still has the old AJ coding. so they have all of beta :D we can at least get crystal sands and the den back
I really hope so! I really want everything from the beta times to come back!
Yay! I want no more rares and trading system! Everything rare could be in stores!
yippee! :D
DeleteThe "old aj" is not loading for me.
ReplyDelete=] cause, its not payed and running anymore :P you cant play old AJ. the wayback machine just lets ya see it. sorry that you were dissapointed ^-^
gotta go, bye!
DeleteAww, I wanted to make an account on there and get a bunch of orange beards. Then I would send 1 to snowyclaw.
DeleteCahill AJ
I hope Tunnel Town comes to the Google play store soon... I think my moms phone will become mine if that happens, I will be playing tunnel town all day... ;)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I got 9th comment! O_O (Don't believe meh? Scroll up to the first few comments and you will see "25th comment!" but then, I was found out that I was 9th comment if u go down :D) >:3
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Has evenyone noticed jamaaliday jam is on again
ReplyDeleteYep, I noticed that before.
Me too. ^.^
ReplyDelete*tries to croll down and explore shaman stories but not moving*
Report Salaz101 for being mean and a bully to jammers she said to me -steps on- and tried to in game injure me.
ReplyDeletesmart06703 :(
~salaz101 (salazlol people call me X3)
Deletedude really? that all ya got report her ^.^
guys this is salaz101 i did not do that she is a lie it makes me cry ;-; thx alot
ReplyDeleteI've heard of that website before! It's really fun isn't it?!
ReplyDeletesmart06703 >:(
Ok this is STILL salaz101 she sayed those stuff t post that -.- thanks alot
ReplyDeletesmart06703 >:(
Who is she? Why is she being mean? I reported her ^_^
Deleteshe was just saying those stuff to get her on her team -.- ~salaz101
omg i never thought my aj user would go into AJS XD thx snowy! :3 but it IS a really cool website X3
I can't get on animal jam become my bro broke my laptop charger and my laptop is dead :( this blog will keep me up to date
ReplyDelete~ pielover213321
IKR! It's awesome!
DeleteI tried one of those 'go back in time websites....'
ReplyDeleteand tried to log in onto animal jam, and it just froze o.o
Haha yay I am finally commenting on here =3 Anyway do any of u know how to breed the following bunnies in Tunnel Town?
Thank u so much! ^_^
~Gravity Falls rocks!~
Yay! Another person who likes Gravity Falls! I watch it too. And no sorry I don't... The highest level I am on any of my bunnies is level 7, because I just started playing Tunnel Town this morning. :)
Deleteisnt it amazing :D but thanks! i know i forgot what level i was on but i think i am on 7 to. Have u ever visited other peoples tunnels?! they are like at level 28! I guess we can figure out together :)
Delete~Gravity Falls rocks~
(sorry i am on my moms phone)
What was the medic center? Can some explain it to me?
The medical center was a room where the pillow room is today. The medical room was replaced because of its unpopularity, besides serving as a hospital for inappropriate jammers who thought it would be ok to Roleplay birth. That was one of the main factors in removing the Medical Center. The Sol arcade was added last year (I believe) and they pushed the pillow room to where the medical center was. The medical center was removed, and was never mentioned again.
DeleteHope I helped!
I MISS THE MEDICAL ROOM WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAA. Wait, no, it took over the Sol Arcade!
Deleteplease check my blog out
(copy paste link)
ReplyDeleteOk so on the old website you can read the story of Jamaa and it says there will be new lands and animals! It say MANY animals and lands maybe there will be new lands after Cosmos adventures! It also shows a totompole at a safety box that looks different from the wolves only party! I wonder if this could mean anything! Also send me a jamagram if you want to join my club called bring back beta club! We will try to bring back some beta things like the beta den and old crystal sands! We would also inform Jammers of beta times and all that stuff! Please jamagram if you would like to join!
Yeah I saw that totem pole too. However you must consider when they say they'll be more lands nd animals it already kind of happened. Also fun fact did you know when lions came out AJ said that there might be a way to get lions without buying them? That was in like 2011. So they were planning the diamond shop all along!
DeleteWoah, cool!
Deletehow do I sign up for it what do I need?
ReplyDeletesnowyclaw I lied about you being a scammer and the truth is I like you too
ReplyDelete!?!? Huh?
Deleteis that true?
ReplyDeleteofcoruse not im thievery stinking rich ome on I am kidding again-ninjaguyman
ReplyDeleteUmmm, that grammer drove me crazy. XD
DeleteDon't you mean wrote you crazy o.o
DeleteAdam does this by encrypting the message with Eves Pk2 which he has found on the server.
ReplyDeleteBeing a committed tech geek trolling about the dark
corners of the Internet, Avast has kept lots of nasty stuff
out of my system. If your school has a web filter,
chances are that you didn't succeed.
Feel free to surf to my blog post: google pass proxies
?!?!?!!?!??!!? I got that on MY blog too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteCould someone check out me and my brothers youtube channel? I will give you links. I really don't want to be a spammer but I want to achieve my goal of 60 subs. Besides, you will hear my voice! Oh yes, and if you thought I quit commenting, Im always here!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, Here is my youtube channel: (I don't want to sound to scientific like the spam bot XD)
What are sweet walls worth!? I want to trade mine for a spike! Can anyone help!?
its worth rare spike hair rare knight helemtn and underwater bow
u were listening to the sound of siglence on the void thing i remember that song i heard it when I was little….
I don't comment, however I broweed a bunch of remarks here "Tiny Shelf and the Past".
ReplyDeleteI do have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind.
Could it be only me or do a feww of the remarks appear
like they are left by brain dead people? :-P And,
if you are posting on additional social sites, I'd like
to follow you. Could you make a list of the complete urls of
all your social community sites like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?
My webpage ... m88