Click here for the complete Jamaa Journal!
Click here for the current clearance items.
Hey jammers! Exciting update today, but first we pay tribute to the PRO Soccer Goal in the celebration of the World Cup in Brazil. Isn't it fun that AJHQ often reflects on current events in the real world?
Bubble bubble toil and trouble, cauldron burn and cauldron bubble... It looks like we're having some trouble under the sea. Have the phantoms invaded the ocean? Head to the Base Camp to find out!
That little dolphin is absolutely adorable, even if he is being chased by aquatic phantoms. Or maybe he is leading them somewhere... IT'S A TRAP *obscure star wars reference*. But look at the Daily Spin!
AJHQ has also expanded the color palette! They're some great new additions to the outfits of Jamaa, don't you think?
To go with the colors, there are also some other fun artistic activities around Jamaa. Even an accessory design contest!
Spirit Armor has come to the Diamond Shop, and AJHQ has even added in some tail armor and necklace stone!
There's a little flag sale over in Sarepia as well! If you like decorating your den with flags (making custom wallpaper)...
And finally, lions are leaving!!
Be sure to save up and purchase a diamond lion if you have the chance. Happy jamming everyone, see you in Jamaa!

First Comment!
ReplyDeleteReal Comment: The daily spinner looks amazing! I like the new colors too. And I really am considering buying the new spirit necklace and tail armor. I hardly buy anything from the diamond shop but I really want to complete the set.
DeleteOmg ocean adventures and new colors??? IM GOING ON RIGHT NOW- wait.. I have to wait till 3:00 poop.
DeleteCongrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3
DeleteIkr? I love today's update!
Congrats anonymous!
DeleteChihuahuas, chu needa add meh owo
Congrats! I love the Daily Spinner too! It looks so cool :) And the new colors. Lol, I want to buy the new spirit armor stuff, but I kinda don't have any diamonds left... And I'm really frantic cause I just realized that the fire armor is leaving stores! I just need the tail now :3
Delete-chucks The Wolverine at Eternal nn.... then thinks about it and grabs The Wolverine back and runs away- CRAZY COMMENTER!!!!!!
I need to wait till after school to go on AJ.
DeleteI feel your paaaaain gwen.
XD The funny/crazy comments of Eternal & Loki.
DeleteNow time for my acrostic of Congrats to: Anonymous! Enjoy it! >:3
More weird every time.
PS: Please visit my blog:
Thanks so much if you do! :P
Congrats! ^.^
DeleteI'm definitely wondering what comes from the gift box, anyone get anything good?
ReplyDeleteAwww no. At least I got second!
DeleteCongrats! Close enough to first >:D
DeleteJust 1 minute away!
Congratulations, Amir!
DeleteActually chu got tieee :U
DeleteEternal, shursh. Let them think wat dey want owo
Congratulations! *throws pie* :D
DeleteThird comment!
ReplyDeleteCungranuts :U
DeleteCongratulations! ^.^
DeleteFourth comment!
ReplyDeleteCongrodonuts! I like donuts :3
DeleteCongratulations! I love donuts too, they're delishh ;u;
DeleteFifth comment!
ReplyDeleteEhh congraonuts..Im getting tired...):L
DeleteCongratulations... (same here)
DeleteSixth comment!
ReplyDeleteCoongra- Goes to sleep -
DeleteCongratulations!! (What if these anons are the same person claiming all the places ;u;)
DeleteSeventh comment!
ReplyDelete-Is still asleep after 70 hours-
DeleteCongratulations, possibly same person or not...! :D
DeleteEighth comment!
ReplyDeleteYou commented all at the same time, so you're technically just third comment and fourth. You shouldn't be wasting comment space saying that over and over again -_________-
Yeah, chihuahuas is right. You're third and fourth..
Delete-pulls a rainbow and smacks it with an electric spambot swatter nn-
I wouldn't judge. There have been many a day when lots of different people have commented different numbers. Plus, who said nobody could be more than one place?
Delete-Wakes up startled- Wuh wha?? Oh err yeah i agree with Ronen because he err i mean she or whatever gender actually gives sleeping pills.....-Sleeps again-
Delete-whacks Eternal with electric flyswatter nn- WAKE UP YOU OVERGROWN SLOOTH >8U
I wish I could be a sloth.. sure beats being human... ugh... anything to get away from school. ;u;
OH nvm 9TH
Actually 5th. Congrats! ^_^
Nope, you're ninth! Congrats, purrclaws :)
DeleteOops DX I meant fifth. Sorry purrclaws!
DeleteCongratties! ^u^
DeleteNinth comment!
DeleteTenth comment!
ReplyDeleteHi! I love today's update! Too bad lions are leaving!!
ReplyDeletePlease visit my blog
Today's update is crazy and AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have so many new looks to create! Yay Lolz! Good thing I had a lion waaaaay back. When are the rhinos coming back? I hope they arrive soon! :D
I agree! And congrats on the unsaid sixth!
DeleteLol, chihuhuas. Hmm... Let's think.. You must hate this new update! Am I right?
Hate it? ...........
There are no words.
I'm glad I got mine with diamonds before I got the hyenas. WHY ARE THEY LEAVING?!?! They've been in Jamaa since I have joined in August of 2012! That is just sad--almost as sad as the pandas leaving. :'(
@ Wolvie/Loki:
DeleteI think I get what you mean. Restricted chat (aka "Stupid Non-Free Chat" is what I call it- long long story) because you made new account and now needs membership for free chat. ikr! I hate AJHQ so much for 'fixing' the chat system. Really AJHQ? I mean really. Now non-free chatters can no longer say, "u, r, i, a, (and probably more that I haven't discovered yet) D:<
And why AJ WHY!?! Pandas, now LIONS. UGH!! -chaos erupts nn- I thought your goal is to help save lions- not make them go endangered on AJ as well as in real life. GRRR...
7th I think i love the new update especially the color palette change and the daily spin too.I hope AJ makes a hard mode version of the new adventure too.
ReplyDelete-Vcandy & Sweetlittlecat--
Note: Please visit meh blog Aj dreams and shimmers (Its dude save, not much girly stuff) link:
Yup, congrats Vanilla! I love the update too :) I agree, we definitely need a hard mode - the adventure is so short, and easy to memorize :P
DeleteEternal, we have a dude-safe dreams and shimmers blog for you. owo
-HISS- But those shimmers! They're just begging to attack me because im a boy! >:U HISSSS
DeleteI wonder what the hard mode is gonna be for The Forgotten Desert adventure.... We'll never know until the next major update.
I got the gift box. It gave me a clover blanket (orange), freedom bunny hat and pink bunny hat
ReplyDeleteWhich gift box do you mean?
DeleteThe one in the daily spin.
DeleteI wish I got it! My luck with that is terrible :T
I got dat on mer storage account >:U
Its cool
ReplyDeleteDo you mean the update? If so, I agree!
DeleteI have been suggesting more colors for a long time. And I'm sure other jammers suggested it too. But I was sooooooooooooooo excited when I saw actually did it. :D And the secret blue color is still there too!
ReplyDeleteI know, epic right? :D
DeleteP.S Im back from camp!
Yet now I can get a rusty color!
DeleteYay! I have so many purple items I can FINALLY match!
Hey, jammers! Tigerstar here with A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I am pleased to announce the engagement of me and Jammer1023. My twin daughters on AJ requested a "magical wedge" (you can't say wedding on there) for me and their father. Nothing inapropriate, I promise. We aren't even going to KISS in the wedding. Anyways, no official date has been set, but it will be sometime in July. As far as I have planned, I am the bride, Jammer1023 is the groom, Gabbyprincess2468 is the bridesmaid of honor, and my daughters who will not be identified will be the flower girls. I have 3 bridesmaids spots left. If you want them, plz reply. Also, I need 3 groomsmen and a best man. And I also need a DJ to play some music. Invites are limited, and only up to 20 people can come. Sorry, but with all the planning, I need limited seats. Maybe 25 or 30 can show if there is seats available. If you want to reserve a seat for yourself, jam-a-gram me I am tigerstar26. The theme is costumes, as Jammer1023 likes costumes. Plz wear something age-apropriate. A good idea could be princess, fairy, ninja, cowboy, angel, etc. but keep it PG-rated. Plz arrive up to an hour before the ceremony. After the wedding, there will be a 2-hour after party and we will dance away! I promise you, it will be as AJ-related as possible. In the ceremony vows, we will promise to let Zios and Mira light us with their positive spirit and let the alpha spirits guide us to a happy celebration. This was all my kids idea. I didn't like the idea at first, but I am trying to focus it not on the romance, but the fun and the pretty costumes and music. Plz don't hate me for this! Think of it as a party, not a wedding of 2 people. If you think this is stupid, don't come. But you are free to come if you wish. Remember, invites are LIMITED! Hurry and reply to this for a seat! I have been planning this since May and i hope you will enjoy it as much as i do!
can I go Tigerstar it seems intresting -stoneytstarxx
DeleteRandom number!!!
ReplyDeletePlease visit my blog:
Sign the petition for anti-scamming!
could any of you guys trade me a party hat please mine user is
Ok guys! The ocean adventure is so cool, and the items are neat, BUT, I must finish Wolvie's story. I have so much more to go DX
ReplyDeleteWolvie let the phantom sight her, then led him into a trap, turning, she saw that all of her friends were having difficulty. She heard a high-pitched squeal, and, turning, she saw Naffy hit the ground. Rage and despair wound up inside of Wolvie, and, something.... happened. Her usual seafoam eyes went white, and her moon necklace shone like the stars. A wave of pure magic shot out, covering the whole area, yet only blowing away the phantoms.
"Wolvie, how did you DO that?" Balaur asked, shocked.
"I... I feel.... faint," Wolvie muttered, and hit the ground with a sickening thud. The last thing she saw was a lithe black wolf racing toward her, trying to help...
Wolvie woke up in a dark cave. She tried to sit, but agonizing pain shot up her right hind leg. Moaning, she lied back down.
Delete"It's good to see you're awake," An unfamiliar voice said from the back of the cave.
"I was afraid you wouldn't make it through the night. Not many people I know can perform magic like that, you know,"
The voice said.
"W-who are you?" Wolvie asked, her tongue and mouth dry.
"I have no name, I ran from the Wolven Pack so long ago, I cannot remember what my parents once called me," The voice said, but, with such a tone that Wolvie figured it was a male.
"Hmm... Take my name. Wolverine. It fits you. I can go by Fawn," She said, obviously not waiting for him to object.
"O-ok," He said, obviously uncertain.
"There. Now that's settled. What's next?" Wolvie asked, her eyes bright.
idk if I can comment about your story and read the rest of it (if there's more) so...
DeleteInteresting story you got there! :D
DeleteSee what Im doing in it? Take a very close look at the.. err...
lol I know.
DeleteYour username, Nafaria9 (Naffy), Balaur, and any others that I'm too lazy to search for.
Wolverine is the dude -coughnoreasonforthatcough-
DeleteWolverine is the dude -coughnoreasonforthatcough-
DeleteI messaged animal jam about ocean adventures so its all on my
-throws pineapples into the air and yells yippee-
ReplyDeleteWoah, dat's coolio! If only I have a water den... I mean, I could buy one, but I'm just too lazy :P
DeleteTHAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!! :O
WHOA!!!!!!!!!!! MORE AWESOME THAN THAT 3 TIMES 3 EQUALS 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI like the Daily Spin and new adventure update but i think aj could still make more :I
ReplyDeleteI think AJ could make 500 inventory space for members and non-members. I have to recycle WAY to much! :C
I like it too!
DeleteChihuahuas, I totally agree! After the adventure, I have to recycle SO MUCH STUFF!
DeleteI have alot of space left, but that may be because I put all my extra rare worns on storage owo
Now I want to get those kinds of Daily Spins. I hit the diamonds once on my main account and like THREE TIMES on Trevenant (my backup account). I seriously hope that my luck doesn't go to Trevenant like it did the last few times... I seriously want the head and back pieces of the Mystical Armor. DX
Cool! Underwater Adventures!
ReplyDeleteVisit my blog:
OMG YES! I just tried out the eagle adventure and when I open a treasure chest it doesn't lag anymore! YAAAAAAAAY :D
Woohoo! I thought it was just my slow computer! Whoop whoop :D
DeleteMine lagged SO MUCH
Mine would always freeze! TAKE THAT COMPUTER! *Throws a million tacos at computer screen till it breaks down*
DeleteThat's what u get for freezing my awesome eagle! >:D
I seriously wanna try out that adventure, but because Animal Jam is updating AGAIN, I have to wait! IT'S SO NOT FAIR! >:( I seriously hope it doesn't freeze my computer again...
I played da new adventure and it LAGGS AND ISH BOOOORGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI.. i liked it..
Delete-sniffles, and then wails so loud Eternal falls out of the sky-
Hey guys! I'm not sure if anyone else commented this, but I have a prize guide! Here it is :)
ReplyDeleteTop left box - ocean treasure chest
Top middle - 1000 gems
Top right - reef coral
Bottom left - chomper clam
Bottom right - phantom coral
Hope this helped!
Also, please check out my blog:
Thanks! I got back from dentist appointment, they numbed my mouth to pull 2 of my baby teeth out. It's still numb! XD
DeleteNow I only have 2 baby teeth left. :3
I had all my canine teeth pulled out and then all I had to eat for a week was chocolate milk-shakes owo
DeleteI have a sensitive jaw 3:
DeleteTo change the, er, SUBJECT, is anyone having a pain in the tail logging in? As in, you log in, and it takes 500 hours to get off the loading screen? I am currently typing this while it's loading.
Oh, and while it's loading I might work on Black Doves!
(guys, im seruously sorry for not posting the things and you know, :T)
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
That happened to me yesterday when Animal Jam went offline. I went to commenting here too when it was loading! Lol, twins.
DeleteBTW, does anyone have fire tail armor? I'm willing to trade a couple of Monday rares for it :)
ReplyDeleteI do! I might trade u it if I like le Monday rares. I hope it's not the light blue worn, no offense. I bought 7 of those :(
ReplyDeleteIt's such a shame..
DeleteThat's the second time within two days that Animal Jam's offline. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT IN JAMAA IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I wasn't here when it went offline. Hehe, I'm lucky >:D
DeleteAJHQ fixing virus stuff? Dadadada, and updates. DAT'S WHAT IN JAMAA IS GOING ON :O
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLIONS ARE LEAVING.?? WHAT? What about AJHQ trying to save big cats?!? I love big cats and I am pretty upset about this! :( I'm happy about the ocean adventure though! I wonder if there could be an ocean alpha involved? :0 I guess I'll have to wait and see ;D
ReplyDeleteEEE NEW COLORS! I'm so excited to customize my animals now! :D
ReplyDeleteAs you can tell by my three comments above, I really love this update. Sorry for spamming you with three comments, I should have out it all into one.
ReplyDeleteHere's a reply to your comments Mia o3o
DeleteLions Leaving - They're one of my favorite wild cats! I'm gonna miss them a lot. -Hugs lions- BYE MUFASA! AND SIMBA! Ocean lover forever, Lolz Mia! :3
New Colors - AWESOME UPDATE! I can match perfect colors to my outfits now <3 <3 <3
Don't worry. We all do cray cray stuff! XDDDDDD
............. Im just commenting to get my numbers up O3O
DeleteSometimes I do that too...
Other times.. to do this!
-Le hulk punches Eternal nn-
if you get reef coral its huge
ReplyDeleteIt's a
DeleteFIRE IN A LASER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a humongous pile of squishy awesomeness! And pretty! lol ^_^
AHHHHHHHHHHHH AJ IS RESTARTING IN 10 MINUTES! Phantoms have invaded Jamaa! *Gets out an army of chomper plants for ocean and land* Just like plants vs phantoms! I DECLARE WARRRRRRRRRRR!
Warning: I may be hyper o3o
Please check out my blog ( I posted some pretty hyper stuff on it. Today's post, my Clowns Invading Jamaa post, and who can forget my Funny/Random Stuff tab!? XD Now I like to call that stuff hyper!- or just random. o3o
DeleteHnng too bad my computer has a virus, this update ROCKS! ( I'm a goofy goober, Rock! * guitar solo) Dumb virus. I do have a replacement computer for now, but it's too slow for animal jam. D: And ocean adventures sound awesome! And I also want to try out the new colors. They should add rainbow o3o The chomper clam thing sounds really cool, so does the coral phantom. And this means we may see *gasp* Ocean Alphas!! *0* I can't WAIT till my computer is fixed so I can try that. Madi, out!
ReplyDeleteNuuu I dont habe enough diamonds!!!!
Neither do I. I have 00000000000000000000.
DeleteI'M THE IMPATIENT GIRL ON EARTH! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:U
At least I got enough diamonds to buy a spirit amulet and a spirit tail armor. Now my raccoon is a SPIRIT WARRIOR! XD Now I have to wait 5 weeks because I want the back and head pieces of the Mystical Armor. -_-
I'm glad they made an under water adventure for all jammers! Sadly, I picked my bunny and wolf to be my non member animals! I love them both so much, I just can't sell them! Curse being a non member!!
ReplyDelete~Husky Smile~
I wish they had four slots for nonmembers because...ETERNAL ISH TURNING NONMEMBER TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! *Dramatic music* DUNNN DUNNN DOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteNon-members should be able to have as much space to make other animals as members do. SO UNFAIR! I had that same problem when I was a non-member. Judging between getting a wolf or penguin. Eventually, I chose wolf. LOL!
I am dealing with this situation on Trevenant, my backup account. I have to change my second animal to be whatever I feel like doing. I guess I'll stick to just monkey and seal animals on there. I seriously DON'T wanna recycle my monkey. It is my main animal because of how I created it; it seriously looks like a Trevenant with clothes XD. ANYWAYS, I feel your pain.
Delete~Keremel (aka Trevenant)
DeleteOh, I forgot! Visit my blog!!
Please and Thank you!
~Husky Smile~
-leaps and huggles Eternal- SANITY :DDD
Wait, Antz, sursing?
DeleteOh my god, Dreamworks, WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
i mean cursing, darn my spelling :T
Delete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
P.S. I better start watching Dino Squad to wash out my ears. See ya in 50 years :D!
There were like 5 scenes i heard that said cursing words O.o
DeleteThe first one was when the ant general was talking to a random dude and then he agreed something the random dude said and then da general said *d word* *d word* good.'' I promised myself to NEVER watch that movie again....Like why would they put a bunch of bad words on a KIDS MOVIE!!??? After i got home i watched ''A bug's life'' instead and my ears were washed.....THANK GOODNESS!
Well, that's not the only thing cursing around here. When AJHQ said they were gonna update, EVERYONE in Jamaa Township got mad, started a strike, and even CUSSED! I am NOT lying!
@ Eternal:
DeleteO-O Wow!
BUT I had to read books for school over the past few years, and some also had movies too. So in the books and movies were lots of cursing and violence. AND we were required to read/watch the books & movies.
And they are WAY WAY WAY (100000 more "WAY"s follow) more violent than my story I'm writing.
DeletePS: Eternal, I visited your blog. I like your story on it. c:
XD Me and them stories...
Cool update!
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody have rectangular coffee tables or spiral lamps? Ideally blue, please.
I'm Sandyberry, and I would like to trade! :D
Animal jam says its updating... Still.... When will it come bak...? Waited all night 0-0 030
ReplyDeleteWell Aj did that to me when it wasn't even updating! So, try getting on a different device or computer, or restart your computer. If that doesn't work, keep trying to get on!
Delete~Husky Smile~
It didnt say updating on me screen :U I wonder does everyone have a different sight hmm...
DeleteI got on yay :D Missed the prize by TWO On the daily spin. Bad luck?
ReplyDeleteOh o3o Well that was a waste! Oh well!!
Everyone in Jamaa is getting annoyed and upset about Animal Jam updating like EVERY SINGLE HOUR! D:<
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, It'll be back in 5 minutes. Lol. It keeps updating. I'd think you'd get like, I dunno, Maybe a update we notice?
DeleteEveryone, especially me, is upset about this. SOME JAMMERS CUSSED AT AJHQ AND EVEN STARTED A STRIKE! This is getting WAY too far! >:(
Well, at least I got my Petpet Park account to keep me occupied until Animal Jam comes back online. ^_^
Delete~Keremel (aka jessalynn on Petpet Park)
I know, But still. Everyone is just like, "THATS THE LAST STRAW I"M CALLING AJHQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It's annoying. I'm not looking for hate. But still.. You know, Animal Jam should just shut down the site for a week, See how the little ungrateful people deal with it **NO OFFENSE** Mk, So, Yeah. I'm just annoyed with those people..
ReplyDeleteAnyone remember me?
I am Vinter303 on Aj, and I have not been online for like a year, because I took a Loooong break from animal jam.
Wow, things have changed. Yeah, no one remembers me.
I think I knew you.. Does the username doggy39 ring a bell? No? I dunno.. :3. Your username just rings a bell to me.. Beh. o3o
DeleteVinter, I STILL remember you! :)
DeleteI think I still have you on my list, remember me?
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
P.S. Love the name!
I do! I thought you quit AJ forever. Sorry for unbuddy-ing you. Yes, a lot of differences since you left. Good thing u didn't quit! C:
I remember you! You are still my buddy. Don't worry, I feel the same.
DeleteOMG! When adventures first started I suggested that they make an underwater adventure where u save dolphins. No lie.
ReplyDeleteLol. So they do take your suggestions! I suggested mustaches and eyebrows (Which they didn't make yet) And look at us now! Mustaches have been sold and people like dem. No lie. o3o
ReplyDelete50th or 51st. Wait is the fire stuff outta stores? I gotta check once animal jam stops this update. SECOND TODAY!
Ok 142 or 143?
Ok, I'm starting to get a little scared... After I replied to a comment, it said "Server Not Found". And when I refreshed, AJS loaded a little slower than before. I'm getting a little terrified about this. O.O Ok, I lied; I'M REALLY SCARED RIGHT NOW! DX
Also, just to give a heads up, I'm gonna start commenting by the Google Account. As soon as I ask my mother about verifying it, I'll start commenting by that.
BAD AJ BAD AJ!! STOP GOING OFFLINE. WHYYY?! -slaps each ajhq worker ten times with burritos nn- Stooooopp!!
*whispers* why.............
LOL Why a burrito? XD
I...I truly don't know Keremel..Maybe i just CHOSE to use a burrito >:U?!
LOL!!! Good point... :-I
I choose u Pikarrito!
DeletePikachu <3s burritos too :3
Ok, I finally finished Black Doves! Enjoy while I eat a burrito :D!
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Black Doves
DeleteBook One: The Mystery of the Fox and the Hound
Chapter One: Hidden Village High
Kiki stood at the door of Hidden Village High. She breathed cautiously muttering to herself “Kiki, you can do this. Mom told you that it’s just like Dove Hill High.” She walked into the school and suddenly felt like a tiny ant in a picnic. Not that she liked everything, but everything was huge, like a castle! She thought it’d be impossible to build such a huge school, but it’s possible. As soon as she walked in, an Arctic Fox with mech angel wings and an airvator hat looked like a nerd, but to the looks of it, he was HVH’s schoolhouse bully. Him and a red Arctic Wolf with a top-hat-too-big-for-his-head and ice-blue striped was there bullying a cheetah. She had aqua-blue back and head with a pink belly and chest with maroon stars, a head flower, a princess necklace, and freedom wings on her. Obviously she just joined HVH like her. The fox sneered “Hey toddler! When will you be done with those Duploh blocks?” The wolf imitated a toddler crying “Wah wah wah! My necklace got stolen! Wah wah wah!” They both immaturely cracked up. As they walked away innocently as if nothing had happened, the cheetah started to cry. Kiki rushed to the scene, worried. “You need help? I can get someone to help you get to class, I bet it’s about to start.” Kiki helped the new girl. But she wasn’t done. The cheetah sighed “I should go back to preschool. Danist and Benzo are right, I am a baby.” She started to break out, tears like tiny faucets with the pipe broken. Three minutes have passed since the bullies left the cheetah, known as Kylie, in tears. But Kiki knew that Benzo wasn’t trying to be a bully but she didn’t know why he hung around with Danist and the title as a bully clung to him like a burr.
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Chapter Two: The Mystery Of The Framed Wolf
DeleteIt’s been a month since Kiki has been a student at Hidden Village High. The last period, History class, had ended and all the animals in Hidden Village High were doing their daily gossiping and chattering. A heartbeat later, all of the animals had immediately became dead silent. All had scooted as far as possible out of the center of the hall, as if it was a play, and Danist, with an aqua backpack and following was Benzo, with a red backpack with an ice-blue zipper and a flame design on it. A penguin with a tiara stood in the middle of the hallway, whimpered as the duo cornered the penguin. Danist bellowed “Where’s your iceberg, Mumble? Dance for me!” The penguin dropped her pompoms, by the looks of it, she was in HVH’s cheerleading squad. She squeaked “I-I can’t dance! I don’t know how to!” Benzo pounded the innocent penguin on a nearby locker and snarled, “Hah! Then you’re a loser!” He mumbled something in Danist’s ear. The fox barked “You have to! It’s either me, or Sasha gets it!!” Benzo squeaked with fear, “Yes, Danist. I promise to come tomorrow before school.”
The animals continued to make a path for the bullies. Kiki thought in her head “Why am I letting this happen?! I need to talk to Benzo and ask him why he’s acting that way! I know being a bully isn’t his true self, and he needs to escape that prison!” Kiki knew she couldn’t just follow the strong wolf to his den, so she decided to just leave him a letter in his locker. She got out her rainbow-cat notebook and her glittery pen and wrote:
Dear Benzo,
Meet me at your locker before school starts tomorrow at 7:30!
The next day, Kiki came to school early and scanned the school for Benzo’s locker. At last, she found the locker with the same fire stickers on his locker like on his backpack. At 7:05, A shadow loomed over the school. The recognisable Arctic Wolf walked in and slouched his backpack near his locker. He stared at Kiki with bewildered eyes “What made you come here so early?” His voice was tender as honey on waffles, and the wolf’s gleaming ice-blue eyes shimmered with curiosity like diamonds were impossible to tell he was a bully. Kiki stammered “Uh.. There’s a note in your locker, I need to talk to you about how you are.” He tucked his tail in as if he was being scolded at by Grandma Ellie. He yelped “I’m sorry, it’s just, you know-”
“Stop right there. Why are you doing this? I see your innocence in your eyes and soul.”
“It’s a long story..”
“I bet it can be told before school starts.”
“Actually, it’s complicated…”
“Nothing’s complicated!”
You see..
Before you came to HVH, I was in love with an Arctic Wolf named Sasha. She was intelligent, kind, and gentle with any animal. But Danist made me lie to her, and..” He broke into small tears, not as desperate as Kylie, but these were love tears. Not sadness in general. Kiki cooed “What a sad story, but that didn’t sound long or complicated. Benzo perked “Oh no, there’s more to the story than that. Talk to my sister when you see her in Homeroom. She’s the orange and blue Arctic Wolf. She has blonde hair and her name is Starmy.” “I’ll find her.” Kiki whispered to herself. Right when she finished her sentence, the bells rang like gongs and the animals rushed back in, relieved to see their private belongings in perfect shape. A blonde wolf, just like Benzo’s description, had pranced the halls, relieved to see her brother. “Benzo! Isn’t that Kiki? She looks nice! Why don’t you as her ou-” Benzo clammed a paw on her chatty muzzle. “Starmy, don’t remind me! I’m not ready for another girl, ok?” He released his grip and stormed out of the halls to Science. Starmy sighed “My classes don’t start for another five minutes. I wish Principal Mira could solve the problem of Danist. I can’t believe i’m related to a bully!” Kiki squeaked, thinking of how tortured Sasha must be. “So Starmy, can you tell me the rest of.. your brother’s relationship with Sasha..?”
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Starmy turned her head. “I’d be glad to, but not now, it’s not a good time for rumors to spread like viruses.”
DeleteChapter Three: The Fight
Starmy walked with Kiki after school and when they reached the alley behind the school, Starmy began to talk about Sasha. “So, you know the part when Sasha was cheated on by Benzo, so i’m telling you the rest like you want me to, ok?” Kiki nodded shyly, rage boiling inside. “Benzo wanted to apologize for the mistake he made, since it wasn’t his fault. Sasha got furious and they broke up.. but that’s not the point, because Danist stood in a shadow and actually LAUGHED in front of Benzo’s face, actually CONGRATULATING him for breaking up with his true love. Benzo make a pro-”
“Starmy, how did you know all of this? Did Benzo tell you or were you.. spying..?”
“Great Mira, no! I never spied!! He told me..”
“Go on, then.”
“Ok, Benzo make a promise to Danist swearing that he will stay by his side and follow his command for the entire school year, and if he failed, he was going to suspend Sasha. Mira and Zios don’t realize what a bully he is, and we have to stop him!”
“Starmyyy! Wait for meee!!!” An elegant tiger with long beautiful hair, a perfect-pearl necklace, lilac tanktop, purple skirt, and a velvet pink purse, finishing the look with high heels. “Starmy! You have to come! Your brother just started a food fight with Mira!” Kiki’s jaw instantly became 3 ton dumbbells balancing on my lip. Kiki howled “No animal would dare start a food fight with Mira! She’s the principal of all animals!” Starmy welled up with tears, as if the tiny faucets were turning onto full blast. She coughed “My brother…why would he do that?! Ugh! He’s kind to all animals, why is he letting Danist control his life?” I wanted to say Because foxes are clever, Starmy. They make animals do what they want without getting into trouble. But Kiki knew she already knew that.
* * * *
At the lunchroom, it looked like a spaghetti tornado from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs but combined with a salad hurricane. Benzo was standing on rear paws, dangling a plate of chicken pot pie with olives near Principal Mira’s beak. She was tied to the floor with spaghetti. Kiki thought
How is that physically possible??
Principal Mira screeched “Benzo! One more food fight and you will get suspended forever from Hidden Village High! Benzo dropped the plate and hesitated. His eyes drowned in tears, his top hat drooping in the echoing silence. Starmy, mouth gaping open, stared at the scene. “It has to be impossible..” she muttered under her breath. Kiki saw out of the corner of her eye a white fox slouching in the corner of the cafeteria, laughing. Danist… she snarled in her head. You started this war, and we’re going to finish it!
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
hapter Four: Tiger
DeleteA week has passed since the food fight. During classes, everyone knew what happened, even the teachers, which made Benzo sit in the farthest corner of the classroom. Kiki put down her backpack one day and scanned the classroom. 7:10 read the clock. Kiki sat in her seat and drew doodles of Benzo gaining good fame, not cruelty from Danist.
A minute after Kiki finished her sketch, the tiger from the alley strutted in. She was popular and pretty, by the looks of it. Not the bad popular, but everyone knew her, popular. She took out a glittery pen, glitterier than Kiki’s. The tiger muttered “Benzo isn’t a bully, I know it. I am not convinced that he would be so cruel by himself. Someone has to be behind the torture.” Kiki’s ears perked as high as Mt. Shiveer. Her fur bristled like tree bark. Not surprisingly, I know… At 7:30, the classroom door slammed. Mrs. Eagleheart glared at every soul in the class, as if her creepy stare hadn’t made us die of fear. She screeched, “Every peer in this classroom must be on SILENT!!!! It’s time for MATH.” Danist snickered, surprisingly so high but low that Mrs. Eagleheart hardly heard him.
All through math, it’s as if Tiger studied for the final, hardest college test in Jamaa and beyond. She was pure genius, and when it was time for break, Kiki knew it was the perfect moment to get more info from the tiger. She ran down the hall to her, her gaze sharp with mystery. “Kiki, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be going to LA? I have to get to class..” Kiki was losing time fast. “I need to ask you a question..” the tiger’s eyes beamed with curiosity. “Oh, umm, I think I have time for one question..”
“Did Benzo really cause the food fight?”
Tiger gasped, “Of course not! Benzo wouldn’t do ANYTHING like that unless he was forced to!”
“He WAS!”
“By who?! No wait, I got it, Danist!”
“Yes, exactly! Let’s solve this mystery together!”
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Chapter Five: Danist Returns
DeleteSuddenly, the bell rang for the school session to be over. Wait, what? Kiki wondered to herself. Benzo stopped Kiki in her tracks. “Kiki! Wait! Principal Mira ended school early because of an accident. I saw you, and I knew what a great mystery solver you were, and I need you to help m-” “If she’s coming, i’m coming!” the tiger’s voice boomed.
Kiki blushed with pleasure. Did he really say that i’m good?! And she’s helping me! Wow!
When the trio rushed to the scene, they stopped at the field. Danist was violently punching a bunny named Clyde, and the bunny was wearing a Thomas the Engine shirt. The shirt was torn badly, but nobody cared except Clyde. Kiki and Benzo snarled at the same time “How could you?!” Tiger drew the scene, along with who’s in it, and their information. Danist barked “Benzo! What are you doing with her? I’ve been waiting for you ever since school came out!” Benzo beamed “Me?! What was I doing?! I was actually trying to be in school, and not be with you, you snotty troll!” Danist gasped “How could you!! That’s it! Sasha is NO MORE! Everyone, meet me at the roof of HVH, and i’ll show you the end of the story!” Benzo gasped in horror, and ran away from the field. Kiki took out her glittery pen and rainbow notebook, and wrote:
O Benzo runs away
O Sasha is hiding
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Chapter Six: The Meeting
DeleteAs Benzo, Kiki, and Tiger meeted Danist at the roof, Sasha, a perfectly tan Arctic Wolf gasped, “Benzo, you TRAITOR!” Danist smirked “She will be on MY side now. If anyone chooses to be on the winning side, come to me.” Kiki slapped her pen at Danist’s ugly muzzle. “Winning side?! You held an innocent student HOSTAGE! And this is the ‘Winning Side’?!” “I never stole her! She came with ME!” Benzo took of his top hat, icy eyes roaring with revenge. He stepped forward, snarling, “I want to just, KILL you!” and lunged toward the fox. Tiger yanked his tail, “No, Benzo! This is what he wants! Don’t fight back!” Benzo collapsed to the ground, his growl muffled. As Kiki and Tiger pulled him up, Sasha and Danist had vanished. “Who knows what Danist will do to Sasha… Brainwash her? Make her love him? UGH!” He pounded on the stone roof. Kiki stared into the afternoon sky. “Come on, class will start just about now. Tiger, get Benzo to Doc Cosmo,.”
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Chapter Seven: The Confrontation of Danist
DeleteAfter school, Danist and Benzo were still up to no good. The two kicked a koala around as if it was a simple toy. The poor koala was covered with bruises and blood trickled down his cheek. Danist was whisker to whisker with the koala. “So, what’d Ma give ya for snack?” He snatched the koala’s lunch bag. “Benzo, look inside for any, REAL, snacks.” He sniffed inside. “Eww! What a DISGUSTING snack! An apple, really?” The koala snapped back, “My mom wants me to have a healthy snack!” Kiki boomed with her strong, defendant voice, “Leave the koala alone.” Danist had enough of this foolishness. He launched toward Kiki, fangs bared to kill. And, as if time was going by oddly fast, Starmy and Tiger pinned him to a locker. Principal Mira gazed down at Danist. “You have left me no choice but to send you off to private school. Or, maybe you’ll be homeschooled. I have no idea what’s worse!” Her soft voice echoed in the halls. Two large staff, Guard Greely and Sir Gilbert, took Danist by the halls and dragged him across the halls.” She turned toward Kiki, “Kiki, you are an honored detective in this school. But, all detectives need to report bullies to me or Zios. We could’ve solved it together.” Tiger stepped forward, “But Principal Mira, it felt like the entire school was under his control. We could have never done it without our friend Kiki.” Benzo’s furious gaze returned to the soft, fuzzy, kind stare she remembered. “We’re all sorry for not reporting this.” “What’s there to be sorry about? We saved the entire school!” Starmy chipped in cheerfully. I think I know who I’m going to be in love with Kiki returned his soft gaze, but no animal knew what was about to happen with the two animals.
*Nothing in this story relates to any real events, all is fictional.
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
@ kiki:
DeleteI never read the ending (or is it o.o) of your story before, and let me say it again, YOUR STORY IS SO EPIC!! (no kidding)
Wait, so is everyone's stories too! ^.^
FIFA is today! ^.^
ReplyDeleteHow many of you are voting for the USA or your country at least?
Im so glad they added the new colors, I was trying to get the perfect shade of blue on my lion, and now I can :D oh.... Lions are leaving :(
ReplyDeleteHello fellow Jammers, it's me Akachip8967! I can't wait to publish my Sunday post. ;)
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Thank you. ;)
Just sayin' I TOTALLY CALLED IT ON THE UNDERWATER ADVENTURE!!!! If commented way back about what was going on underwater and suggested about underwater adventures and here it is! HAHA YESH! Also . .. AJHQ messed around with the chat again so no "I" or "a" ??? what was the point of that?
where is underwater base camp