Hey jammers! Today's new item is located at the Freedom Party, be sure to purchase the new and returning Freedom Fox Hat for 1,250 Gems! Celebrate Freedom Day in style!
What is your favourite item over at the Freedom Day party? I think all the items are pretty awesome, I especially love the Freedom Day hats! Be sure to visit the party and celebrate Freedom Day in Jamaa.
It looks like wolfs can now climb in Jamaa, well not really. I've noticed at Jamaa Township Jammers can sit on the Jammer Central notice board. Maybe this is a glitch AJHQ needs to fix? Or is AJHQ letting us do this? Hmm...
It's your final day to purchase the Hovering Table in Jam Mart Furniture! Tomorrow you won't be able to purchase it, we've seen quite a lot of items leaving Jamaa but hopefully AJHQ releases some really good items and continues too.
It's your last day to submit your Jamaa Snap entries! Can you manage to fit 27 animals in one photo in Jamaa? It might be quite hard, but I love a challenge! Good luck to everyone who has entered!
Now Jammers, would you like to ask me some questions? Well feel free to in the comments area. I'll try to reply back to all of them, I can't wait to see your wonderful questions! ^.^

Lastly, I leave you with a Daily Explorer blog post. Have you visited the Freedom Day party?
Happy Jamming!
Got a glitch? Email your epic glitches to: akachip8967aj@gmail.com and I'll feature your glitch into a future post on AJS.
It looks like wolfs can now climb in Jamaa, well not really. I've noticed at Jamaa Township Jammers can sit on the Jammer Central notice board. Maybe this is a glitch AJHQ needs to fix? Or is AJHQ letting us do this? Hmm...
It's your final day to purchase the Hovering Table in Jam Mart Furniture! Tomorrow you won't be able to purchase it, we've seen quite a lot of items leaving Jamaa but hopefully AJHQ releases some really good items and continues too.
It's your last day to submit your Jamaa Snap entries! Can you manage to fit 27 animals in one photo in Jamaa? It might be quite hard, but I love a challenge! Good luck to everyone who has entered!
Now Jammers, would you like to ask me some questions? Well feel free to in the comments area. I'll try to reply back to all of them, I can't wait to see your wonderful questions! ^.^

Lastly, I leave you with a Daily Explorer blog post. Have you visited the Freedom Day party?
Happy Jamming!
Got a glitch? Email your epic glitches to: akachip8967aj@gmail.com and I'll feature your glitch into a future post on AJS.
The first retextured fox hat..... we're still getting Freedom retextured items, eh? No offense but I find it boring.
ReplyDeleteOh and about that "glitch". Well, it stayed there for a long time actually. I don't think it's a glitch. And it's hard to notice. :P
You are entitled to your own opinion, but I do find all parties in Jamaa fun. Sometimes it's fun when AJHQ brings back items, maybe soon new items will be on sale at the party?
DeleteUh, Jammer, no offense, but, I don't think saying "You are entitled to your own opinion", and stating your own as if it's right, isn't exactly going the right way...
DeleteIt's ok what Akachip says. He just wants to state his other opinion after I stated mine. But I agree what he said. Hopefully maybe a new item will be in the Freedom Party. I like the party itself but it's just a little bit boring that items are retextured as if AJHQ is lazy or something. Who knows? They probably ran out of ideas?
Yeah, I wish ajhq would bring some new items in the party, not just different colors or textures...
Eh :U
DeleteGj on first.
DeleteCan somebody get me a black hovering table? I'm non member, But I'm getting another membership ASAP.
My user is Basgetti, JAG me!
Congrats, and OMG they brought fox hats back!
Great job on 1st, Krazy! :D
DeletePS: I haven't commented on here for a while. O-O
Omg i am so freaked out! I had emailed AJ on making freedom fox and raccoon hats and they did!! Omg.
DeleteNot to burst anyones bubble but the fox hat aren't rare like they oringinal :( but at least you can get one!
DeleteBut a lot of people don't know they are in the freedom party so technically they are beta when they leave.... -does evil grin- Sorry I am a weirdo and I am sorta evil.... I might buy 3 of them even though i only have 10 clothes space left but it's worth it. That's my opinion so no haters can get made at me.. :L But I still think the freedom fox hat looks like the white and red one they sold for rare item Monday.. Also If anyone has noticed no one is wearing the new fox hat around jamma. ):D I am not trying to be mean but I am getting ideas of what I can n do with the new fox hat.... So anyways I like the blog you set up AkaChip :3 So, Happy Jamming!
I did a a long comment..... O__O
Congrats on first, Krazy! :3
DeleteI too, am getting a little tired of item recolors, but if you don't want it you don't have to buy it! ^.^
Recolouring items... really AJHQ? Really?
DeleteLiza: okay team! We are going to be releasing our rare item monday soon! Any ideas?
Ajhq: we have a brilliant idea! We shall recolour the item! Then after that we will continue doing that so the jammers don't buy a anything! And when they stop buying items all the shops will be removed from the game!
Liza: grrreat idea..... wait what?
Hehehehehhehehehe..... Remember what i've taught you...To steal first when nobody claims it.. o3o
DeleteO.o Wait Eternal... what? XD I thought you're on a trip and won't be able to comment for like 2 weeks or something. Well, now your YARGENS are back- right.?
Hey! Eternal! Your baaaack! :D
DeleteWhats up?
Hmmmm.....she says she would be at the Dominican Republic for a bit...something smells fishy...
ReplyDeleteYou and snow feather tied! Krazy is first. Congrats!
DeleteActually they're both first :D Krazy didn't claim first so they got first in my mind XD. Congrats Bunneh and Snowfeather!
DeleteWait im confused :U First Moliy and Anon say that Bunneh got tied in first (I think) But Bunneh actually got second :U Someone explain because i had nachos for breakfast and me mind is not dat good... :U
DeleteYeah, I don't care if people stole my comment. XD All I do is comment opinions, writing AJ based stories or replying to comments (like what I'm doing now). I don't race for the first comment.
Or second?!
Or 60?! :3 XD Sorry sorry I took it too far XD *Smiggle Giggle :3*
DeleteAnnoying much?
O__O Am I annoying? To you or you? O-O O__O
Anonymous ):D
You are entitled to your own opinion. AJS can't just stop people from doing this, it's their own choice and decision. Please respect other people.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think the fox hat isa rip off because it's just like the regular white one except with a small hint of blue.
ReplyDeleteA lot of the Monday "Rare items" are recolored... It should be called "Change-the-Color Monday"!
DeleteIkr XD
Im glad dat fox hat came out cuz i now have *Randomly does harlem shake* DOUBLE WHITE FOX HATS!!!!!!! :D DO DA HARLEM SHAKE!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the new item. I love all fox hats!
Also, I have a question for akachip. When did you start playing animal jam?
Hi, Kitkat8529!
DeleteI joined Animal Jam in September 2013. :)
So you've not even played a year.... And you probably think your some know-it-all.
Delete- jammer47389
Delete@Jammer47389 I joined Aj in 2012 but with another account called noo87. But i didn't know about AJS yet :U And i don't even know dat much about AJ But da only thing I know about AJ ish dat sum ppl care about rares and the roleplaying warriors are cool and dumb :3 .... (Right I might make no sense :U)
OMG I joined AN in October 2013!
P.S. when the Mira statue changed into a phantom, I made a squeaky sound of fright. XD
I joined when fox hats weren't rare and in stores, when was that? XD
(Aka ms. Forgetful)
Oops, I meant to sign off as feming. I hate commenting using my phone! And `Ms. forgetful' I think you joined in the beta stage.
I sort of agree with David, actually. It's kind of getting on my nerves.
ReplyDeleteReal comment: Yay 2nd is a nice way to start on AJS again! I had to spend three weeks in portugal no introwebz! D: Well I'm home now and have my adorable dog again! Anyways It's nice to know that some plp can get a fox hat if they don't have one yet! Can't wait to see which lucky jammer(s) got all 27 animals in jamaa!
ReplyDeleteSmile it's good for u! ^·^
I ALMOST got 27 animals until me membership ran out .-. CURSE AJHQ!!!!!!!! Err i mean....Woo yay... Lucky dog...Lucky owner... :U ..... I should be quiet now... :3
DeleteBy the way......YARG!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteCharlie the cat: Hi people meh human doesn't know I am on but do you know where the my poop gravel is? Oh no my human is waking up bai!
DeleteMkitty12: Charlie get off of my computer!
Charlie the cat: Remember me and wheres the poop gravel....!
I like the new fox hat, I just wish they put a little more blue in it's design. I've been to the Freedom party a few times and bought some of the fireworks. :3
ReplyDeleteCan chu give me some fireworks so i can work with fire? :3
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Fox Hats reappeared!
Please visit my blog: rainbow000pegasus.wordpress.com
I'm having a tiny quiz that can earn you rares!
Oh, and I'd like to ask!
DeleteAkachip, when did you start up blogging?
DeleteI started Animal Jam blogging in March 2013, owned an Animal Jam blog but it closed when I come to AJS. :)
Yeah, it's a little annoying but at least people have fun doing it!
That isn't even a glitch... It's been like that for a long time.
ReplyDeleteYesh yesh we know :3
DeleteDon't be rude please. I just wanted to post it.
Delete"Don't be rude please". its like you guys are offended by everything. :l
DeleteEveryone is talking normally, and then Jammer is like:
ReplyDeleteIt's okay. You are entitled to you own thoughts. AJS is a place of freedom. But don't forget to respect the rules! Thanks, and jam on!
Heh reminds me of AJHQ e3e
why is snowyclaw a scan?
ReplyDeleteshe scan my friends rare long spike a month a go
snowy claw is a scan
snowy hasn't ever scam any jammers.... whats the username u find? snowyclaw? impossible! that username is already taken! please DO NOT accuse her...
DeleteI don't think she would do that she seems so nice.
DeleteMaybe your friend is just lying just so other ppl think snowyclaw is bad. But snowyclaw isn't bad at all! She did this blog for us! Like someone accused me of scamming their top hat in a video but i didn't! I just traded a rare shark fin and a feather mask for the top hat then the person accepted and accused me of a scam just when the person accepted .-. I said i would be trading that to the person and the person said that yeah i could trade it to them and the person accepted and called me a scam! >:U WUT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!!!!!!! YARG!!!!!
DeleteSnowyclaw is possibly the most nicest Jammer I have ever met. She doesn't scam Jammers. This is probably because you sent her a gift via Jam-A-Grams and she never gave anything back, Snowyclaw gets around 300 Jam-A-Grams daily.
DeletePlease think before you comment.
It kinda gets on my nerves when people falsly accuse others of scamming..
DeleteIf my friend told me that, I'd say 'show me the proof' :I
Do your research before you accuse, and make sure it's scamming and not a piece of a brat's life (sorry for the rudeness im just tired of it T_T)
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Well, considering you spelled scam wrong....
Deletethink snowy claw is a scan
Deleteit shows on all blogs about her
she is a scam
go peaple who say she is a scan
Eh, frankly it dosen't bother me a bit o3o if it's getting on your nerves, why pay attention to it? Just don't even read it.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah, kind of does!
Akachip, you said you started AJ blogging on March 2013 and started playing AJ in September 2013?
ReplyDeletePlease explain I get curious easily :)
Yeah. I wuz thinking about that too!
DeleteI was wondering that too.... Although you probably won't get and answer is it meanssaying that he's wrong.
Delete* an answer if it means saying that he's wrong.
DeleteAkachop probably meant March 2014 i think... :U Well at least im not the only one who gets confused with years! :D
DeleteOpps, terribly sorry for that! Yes I started Animal Jam blogging in March '20'14'. :) I have to rush sometimes when there's 100 comments to reply too.
DeleteActually you can't fit 27 animals into one picture (some animals only go on land, and some only water)
ReplyDeleteYARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS ABOUT TO SAY DAT!! >:U (XD Jk but your right)
DeleteHas anyone noticed you can no longer climb the tree in appondale? I really liked sitting up there too.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that has been like that for a few months.
DeleteNooo!! I really like 2 sitting up da tree too....
DeleteYea :C
DeleteI miss that tree..
*Does grumble face* It wus because of da eagles! >:U CRUSH THEIR INJUSTICE WINGS!!!!
DeleteI kinda miss that tree! ^.^
DeleteI knew land animals can no longer climb the tree in Appondale ever since Eagles were released. No offense or anything. :L
Delete@ Kitty:
OMG i love that signature. The lettering, the fonts, awesomeness. *o*
DeleteYup, your right! AJHQ was changed Animal Jam :T
REALLY??????????? O.O 3 diamond codes???? A-a-a-a-a-and castle den???? Where do u get that info? O__O I cant believe it .O.
ReplyDeleteNo she was saying those were just her ideas :3 or at least I think so
ReplyDeleteAkachip, do u mind if I draw ur wolf and send it to u for your profile pic?
ReplyDelete(PS, click my name for something AWESOME and FUN!!
DeleteOf course I don't. You can do that, I would love it to be my profile picture. :)
Just don't draw Akachip TOO ugly :U Cuz my friend did dat once and i raged o3o XD *Tries not to think of the gigantic creepy head*
Deleteg2g have to go to church
ReplyDeleteI go to church on Saturday! Dats why I didn't comment yesterday :3 But i also had to visit my cousins on Saturday! :3
Delete@ tigerfort:
DeleteHey, I see you have commented on my blog (The Jamaa Mist) so thanks! XD I don't go to church- except if it's like my cousin's wedding. Ya. o3o
I already went to church. Nice to know that someone else goes to church. This is the only nice complement i made about you tigy wigy.
DeleteXD yeah anon..
DeleteEternal are you jewish or another denomination… DX
I don't know anything….
I'm a Roman Catholic.
DeleteTake that heretic protestants....
DeleteAnd Jews worship at synagogues, tigy wigy, not churches. Dumb tigers.
DeleteBy the way, us protestants aren't heretic. We simply follow what the bible says, and look at Jesus as our savior, not just some dude who only half-way saved us so we have to go and do all this stuff like good works to get to heaven.
(hes a catholic jammer that used to live near me)
The protestant church was split off from the catholic church because some fat catholic monk named martin luther didnt get his way. and what do you mean some dude who half way saved us? we believe in jesus :l Ever went to a catholic mass???? And saved through good works? Perhaps you mistaken it with mormonism.
DeleteI think adventure for everyone or another animal slot for everyone :D
ReplyDeleteFreedom fox hats look like the white ones in a way. Lol anyway I did the news crew it took me one hour and couple minutes lol. It was really fun though.
Did you guys notice..
ReplyDeletefox hats are rare, but this one isn't!
Random comment, cuz its 8:58 am.
Cuz its... *Drumroll* ITS FREEDOM!!!!! :D *Facepalm* I make no sense :U
DeleteIKR They look almost exactly like the white fox hats.. :D
DeleteSo apparently, AJHQ lied and they did bring back fox hats after all. >:D
Would I strike you as a protestant christian..?
Or do I seem so devilishly evil..?
Because I named myself tigerfort and Mr. Miller laughs at that name because its so stupidly random?????
XD sorry for asking that question.
DeleteHow do you do the News Crew? because most of my life is spent writing and I would love to be on AJ for something epic - -
Just send it to them by the jamaa central i guess... I actually never got to join the News Crew :U Cuz im stupid :3
DeleteI thought you were at the Dominican Republic? :l Yeah right.
ReplyDeleteIT'S ME GEMMAROCKS112.........
How often do you log into AJ? Do you lock your den? Is snowyclaw your username?
Please answer ASAP because I would love to chat to the real you XD
I'm Akachip8967, the Sunday Author.
DeleteI log into Animal Jam daily. :)
Anon wasn't talking to you :l
DeleteOMG EVERYONE IS SOOO MEAN TO AKASHIP OOPS I MEAN AKA CHIP SOZ TOOO LAZY TO BACK SPACE ANYWAY i have not commented for long time sooo yeah ~memango
DeleteHi, I'm actually playing on AJHQ, but I think its the best day ever! Yesterday I did one adventure in my life and I got Ten rares in one day is that possible?!? and I have a question can everyone stop scamming because it's really annoying and it's not fun for me well maybe for others,but still its not fun! Can u do something for people that scam!?!? Oh and I'm: Wolfy68252
ReplyDeleteWolfy68252, there have been multiple attempts to stop scamming, but its nearly impossible to stop ALL scamming. There's a report button that you can use to contact AJHQ, overall AJHQ receives so many complaints that its really hard to find scammers. Also if enough people report said person, AJHQ can ban or suspend them. Over 40% of the jammers have tried scamming. Hope I answered your question. ~Ivy
DeleteI believe to stop scamming is just making the Jam-A-Gram gifts for buddies only. This means that there will be less scamming in Jamaa, please use the trade system to avoid scammers.
DeleteSee you in Jamaa!
Akachip, I don't think the Jammer Central place is a glitch. It looks like there are stairs that lead to the board. And I have a question for you: What is your favorite animal in Jamma?
ReplyDeleteYour friend, Kmcbob22
DeleteMy favourite animal in Jamaa is the raccoon. They are so cute. ^.^
Comment 25!
ReplyDelete(No replies)
- rascalcat
ReplyDeleteBut how if i didn't comment anything yesterday... O.o
No need to apologize. I was at a sleepover. :3
DeleteHello guys!
ReplyDeleteChapter 5 will sadly not be posted today, as I have to get ready for my major camping trip tommorow! I will miss you all!
The Freedom Fox hat looks like a red fox hat too me. xp
ReplyDeleteWe need color glasses here!!! :U
Delete*Cough* ERR I *Cough* I have something to say *COUGH* Wheres the bathroom? :U (XD Sorry for changing the subject)
ReplyDeleteI am really excited about the freedom fox hat… my user is seabubba61298 and if you buddy me and if you have f fox hat, please trade or send me one thx~seabubba61298 :D
ReplyDeleteLUCKY CHARMS!!!
DeleteCan someone send me a Freedom Fox Hat? I rarely go to parties and I almost never notice when parties start and end 0u0
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Isn't the freedom fox hat the same thing as the white fox hat?
ReplyDeleteLUCKY CHARMS!!!
DeleteOnly bad thing about the fox hat, is that it looks almost looks exactly like the white fox hat, other than that, its super cute :)
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
DeleteYEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish AJHQ made like an extreme update for nonmembers :3 *DayDreams* Ahh....Nonmembers could get hyenas and eagles and new dens.... :3
ReplyDeleteHow do you get all 27 animals when there's 4 underwater only animals? Hmm....
ReplyDeleteAnyways, question for Akachip: What's your favorite item in AJ?
DeleteMy favourite item in Jamaa is the Headdress, I think it suits my animals very well. ^.^
88th comment! (counting replies)
DeleteHas anyone seen Dragon Ball Battle of the Gods? :3 Like...Its not good...ITS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well not for girls since it has too many EPIC fights and no make up or romantic scenes...But that would have been useful for me since my sister didn't let me watch it well with her new ''My Little Pony'' shows! >:U So i just watched it on my laptop and it was so FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey. My friend is a girl, and she likes watching "EPIC FIGHTS" and stuff like that. And not really into those girly girl stuff. XD mlp.
DeleteSomething tells me Loki might enjoy it too. O.o
Hey, not all girls watch girly only stuff and obsess over makeup. I love action movies and stuff like that. Also, I hate cheesy romance movies. Blech! Boring! I like my movies with explosions and car chases and gun fights, thank you.
DeleteI have no problem with romance or MLP.
DeleteBut cool movies are much better like Star Wars…..
Also I like stuff like oceans 11. (just in case you don't know what that is, its about a bunch men who rob three casinos)
DeleteSOZ FORGOT MY USER `memango
Delete100th comment counting replies!
ReplyDelete- rascalcat
I love the freedom hats @_@. Question for Akachip: How did u find out about Animal Jam? :U. ~~BlackRainbowzBelle~~
ReplyDeleteHello there,
DeleteWell, my friend (judisue) told me all about it and how fun it is! So I checked it out and in about 1 second I loved it. ^.^
Aye my friend told me about animal jam too :P. ~~BlackRainbowzBelle~~
DeleteHey, Akachip. By the way, I know that ever since Snowy left to go on vacation, you've been doing the daily posts. That's so nice of you! :) I'm saying this because I haven't been commenting on here for a few days. c:
DeleteThank you so much :) Snowy has asked me so I will help her. It's quite hard to do daily blog posts, but I love to keep the blog viewers happy. :)
Congrats Akachip (do I sound like your mother? I hope not)
Deleteon doing the posts on here, and they're almost like snowy's, but with a bit of uniqueness
*bow and round of applause*
- a congratulating ow0
- ow0 is scared. of herself.
Its basically a white fox, I dont even see a difference.. It needs blue...
ReplyDeleteTime for my random and true fact of the day! -claps- Enjoy! >:3
ReplyDeleteSo umm. I was playing that Best Dressed arcade game in that arcade called Sol Arcade. I intentionally did the opposite desired theme. Ex.: Theme -> Happy. I dress Sadly. Somehow, I've got 1st place sometimes by doing this. Ya.
Don't just meh. It entertained meh. I'm such a rebel. >:P
* Don't judge meh.
DeleteWe can judge all we want. I hate it when people say that......
DeleteNo. You may not. *Slaps Eternal* >:U
i know akachip8967 in real life
ReplyDeleteREALLY???????????????????????????? Oooowwwhhh.... I can't believe whut u said.... whuts ur user?? .o.
Deletei know akachip8967 in real life and he is hot
ReplyDeleteHot? Hot about what???
DeleteShe means that she likes him and he is cute.
- rascalcat
errrrrrrrr...... okay...... IM JUST GONNA GO.......
Awesome item :D
ReplyDeleteIt is almost like the white fox hat though, there's only a slight difference in the red tail part...
Pricey, and can be used to scam.Beware!
P.s: If you want a really tasty dessert for the Summer, pick ANY combination of fruit and put them in a fridge/freezer depending how long you will keep them in there. Then, make them into a fruit salad! YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM.
who wants akachip8967s password lol
ReplyDeleteYOU! YOU might want his pass,.,.,. YOU ASKED it D:<
DeleteAre u a hacker??? it seems u know his pass.....
Deletehehehhehhe.....us anonimys are clever...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhy did you start a blog for animal jam (As in what inspired you to?)
Uh, my question is stupid.. but what gender are you omo
ReplyDeleteHaha... your so funny ;3
Akachip, there's an anon said he/she know you in real life! Are she/he said the truth? I can't believe whuts da anon said... -,-
ReplyDeleteAkachip, there's an anon also said "who want Akachip8967's password lol" -__-
ReplyDeleteStarting on WENDSDAY i will be gone for 3 weeks ):
DeleteNot yay!
Hope you get kidnapped 8)
Deleteooooh thats sad.....
How so?
DeleteHope you get kidnapped Anonymous the BlingBling Jamaa hater.
Back hall, behind refreshment table.
ReplyDeleteI know where you sleep tigy wigy......
ReplyDeleteHey everyone on friday at midnight me and my family will go to san diego for Freedom Day. (XD Independence day)
ReplyDeleteIn mexifornia? How lovely.
Deletewhat the heck? Mexifornia? Your weird.
DeleteWe go to San Diego because my grandpa and my cousin's family live there.
Mexifornia???? Because of all the illegal Mexicans????? Geez.
DeleteXDD Seriously????? How about we all hold hands and catch butter flies 8D It makes me all warm and fuzzy. Good grief.
ReplyDeletePeople are raging about the fox hats and how they can easily be used for scamming!
ReplyDeletePeople who get scammed are stupid enough to fall for those tricks :l poor pitiful victims.
Deletei will comment till it reaches 200
ReplyDeleteNO PARTY NO WHISKEH!!!!!!!!
The bathroom is in front of where the customers eat! No doors needed.
ReplyDeleteImagine ajhq makes a toilet an item... :3 stinky idea?