Hey jammers! I apologize for posting late today; I'm on the east coast, and when AJHQ updated it was 3am and I was just plain tuckered out. Will you ever forgive me? You might, with this awesome update!
It all starts with the Turning of the Tide and the finding of the Dolphin Alpha, Tavie! Isn't that a cute name? But you already knew that, as she was in the last adventure. Be sure to click below for more!
Next up, the arrival of the den item contest results. The set that jammers chose was the Ice Cream Parlor! You can buy all the items (released all at once) in the Jam Mart Furniture shop.
They come in a multitude of different colors, so be sure to grab a few today! Also concerning the buying of denish things, AJHQ has now added a preview feature to each of the dens in the shop!
I must say it's kind of peaceful in there... It'd be cool if you could see it decorated too... I wouldn't mind doing that... Me, me, pick me! I volunteer as designer tribute to the art of putting funny things in funny spaces!
Since it is currently adoption week, AJHQ as pitched in some support by putting every pet of Jamaa on a 50% off sale. Even the diamond shop is putting in the extra effort, so this is the perfect time to buy!
The adventure seems to pretty darn cool, and guess what? Infinitymagicheroisback has already compiled a prize guide for us. Click the picture below to enlarge, and be sure to check out the loot!
We were correct in our speculations of the otter being the new animal! It's being released so fast though, I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be in the diamond shop. I'm sure it'll still be great!
Be sure to go watch his little animation! CLICK HERE to sea the leaked photos of its adorable animations, and with that I leave you to this pawsome little update. See you around Jamaa. ^.^
Happy jamming!

To post anonymously simply leave the email animaljamspirit@gmail.com instead of your own. Come and join the conversation!
ReplyDeletey this is happening to meh!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEverytime second!!
I really want to see the otter art contest results! Please! When are they going to be posted?
ReplyDelete3rd? ;-;
ReplyDelete*eats cookes*
ReplyDeleteI voted for the egyptian treasure den, oh well :P but the ice cream parlors really cool too!
ReplyDeleteno need to rub it in our faces.. .-. but congrats
ReplyDeleteMe too :(
ReplyDeleteRANT TIME!
Otters are so cute!!!! They are like cats mixed with seals :3
ReplyDeleteim deciding if i should play animal jam or not
ReplyDeleteSnowy when are you gonna announce the otter contest winner?
ReplyDeleteYou shoukd
ReplyDeleteI am going to jamma soon i am gonna try and comment evry day and become a spirit jammer i just got my google account
ReplyDeleteits kinda spamming if ur just going to comment every day just to get spirit jammer .-.
ReplyDeletebut cool
ReplyDeleteAnimal jam need ice cream parlor worker hats :3
ReplyDelete:3 yea
ReplyDeleteim gonna make a account
ReplyDeleteI gonna make new google or maybe soemthing else. Cuz i hate my name
ReplyDeleteWait, they have monkey claws now?
ReplyDeleteHai :D
ReplyDeleteUmm wut type. Do u ppl use
ReplyDeleteDisqus? idk
ReplyDeleteIs anyone here?
ReplyDeletei am
ReplyDeleteI am here
ReplyDeleteMeep :P
ReplyDeleteUgh, ice cream parlor won. It's cool, but I'm getting somewhat sick of this. Animal Jam is slowly but surely turning into 'Humanoid Animals Party and Buy Our Expensive Things To Even Remotely Enjoy This Game' and I'm fuming. I had hoped they'd make all of the sets, but coming out at different times. Also: The items for sale are turning into, instead of things like swords, bows and arrows, and armor, are turning into mustaches, pillbox hats, etc. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my spike and party hats and everything, but for me, I can only go so far. I enjoy the items that you might see on an animal if it could choose to wear it, like weapons. Has anyone seen those Animal Jam ads? What are they wearing, I ask you? Helmets. Gloves with claws. Swords. Battle gear. They've taken to advertising the Adventures, which isn't even too important in the game. The other ads I've seen? Best Dressed ads. One about pets. Really, HQ? REALLY? You've decided to not advertise the true essence of the game, making buddies and trading and the like, but instead, you're advertising some other appealing aspects. That means, if someone who's seen an ad might think that: a) It's a virtual pet game. b) An animal dress-up game. Or c) It's a battle game with animals. Then they'd sign up, see what it is, get caught in the 'membership trap', and then ragequit because they were hacked. This isn't the cool animal game I've come to know and love, guys. This doesn't feel like Animal Jam.
ReplyDelete:3 changed username
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or did the Buddy List font change?
ReplyDeleteThe Gems font changed too. OoO Ooooooh
ReplyDeleteI dont see anything, is it a glitch?
ReplyDeleteThe fonts
ReplyDeleteThey are normal once again like in the older days o.o
ReplyDeleteIdk I'm not on i will be soon and when I am i taking picture of my charachter
ReplyDeletewhats a font?
ReplyDeleteThe way something is written, say if it's bold or written in comic sans..
ReplyDeleteSays the person who said "but cool." In one sentence.
ReplyDeleteo ok thanks
ReplyDeleteJoin me in Boxy1's Den.
ReplyDeleteOr mah den whatevs
ReplyDeleteok the person below is being mean to me :(
ReplyDeleteIm a wolf *Noms potato*
ReplyDeleteI like the den set, makes me feel happy c:
ReplyDeleteI'm from outer space :3
ReplyDelete:O *Throws bread at*
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to tell you guys, be careful of nicegirlhappyface. She asked for my password. I said no and she locked me out of her den. Just so everyone knows
ReplyDelete*Eats the bread*
ReplyDeletePeople who now have a voice. >:3 Hasta la vista, outdated commenting system!
ReplyDelete*Cries* So many new strangers ;-;
ReplyDeleteNu, thats for the ducks.. ;-;
ReplyDeleteo im sorry
ReplyDeleteI am a fox. :Stares at coolly:
ReplyDeleteThen I'm part duck XD
ReplyDelete:| Okai
ReplyDeleteI told you guys the otters weren't coming on Wednesday .-.
ReplyDelete*Throws 20 loafs at apparently a duck* .3.
ReplyDeleteWednesday? o.o
ReplyDeleteYep, they do. I hope they release a fox claw! Though somehow I doubt they will.
ReplyDelete80 followers *Faints* Omgai omgai *Breathes in and out* xD
ReplyDeleteMhm. .-.
ReplyDeleteForgive me for saying this but I think you're lame. .-.
ReplyDeleteugh i wanted the Egyptian one of cours the stupid ice cream wins .-.
ReplyDeleteBut you're not the fun one because you're always serious! :T Hmmmmm......................
ReplyDeleteIKR!!? >:O I wanted the Egyptian one too >:I
ReplyDeleteStupid? I voted for the ice cream one. No offense, but I don't really like your attitude.
ReplyDeleteI gotta say, the update is not bad! Good thing the hair salon didn't win. Having hairstyles on your animals would be creepy..... I still want the Egyptian Treasure though.... It kinda fits for certain animals like the big cats. The ice cream parlour fits more for humans besides animals but..... WHO SAYS NO TO ICE CREAM??!! XD Oh and I can't wait until the otter comes! Yes, there's a high chance for them to be in the Diamond Shop but it's worth it to buy those animals since it's not only a land animal and my membership is expiring before the next update (in 2 weeks), so I will get 10 more diamonds from the card. Too bad the otters will come when it's VERY close to the end of my summer vacation.... And I love the Adventure! I tried it by myself, but it is a pain to go back to get more of those whirlpearls to blow up Phantoms and other stuff in your way. The "Preview" feature for the dens will be very useful when more dens come out (mostly in the Diamond Shop) so that Jammers think that they won't buy the den for nothing! ^.^
ReplyDeleteSo those are just my opinions! Can't wait for the next update.
im here
ReplyDeleteWell, it makes me feel hungry in my tummy. :3
ReplyDeleteI agree, but I don't think it's stupid. :\
ReplyDeleteI agree. I made a rant still waiting for approval, and it isn't just about the ice cream.
ReplyDeleteOTTERS OTTERS OTTERS!!!! :DDD One of my all time favorite animals :DD
ReplyDeleteOh God I'm glad the salon didn't win T.T
ReplyDeleteBut, I voted for the Egyptian set, -mutters- haters..
The ice cream den's items are kind of boring to me. We already have something similar to icecream currently selling in the Summer Carnival. I don't know why these jammers wanted more stuff related to icecream. I also wanted the Egyptian one because it's much more cooler. This is my opinion everyone so don't rage at me -.-
ReplyDeleteI agree fully.
ReplyDeleteIkr, even though I didn't like how you called 'ice cream stupid' would you rather be a tomboy and have the salon win and be blinded by girly-girl stuff that you hate?! T.T
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to buy the Ice cream stuff anyway. Let the lovers of ice cream buy them. .-.
ReplyDeleteI won't rage at you, and I agree 100 percent (couldn't find the percentage symbol on my keyboard xD)
ReplyDeleteMy friend's mom is from Egypt and also, I rlly like Ancient Egypt and its cultures, but it won to ice cream. Btw, Neon, wanna be buddies on AJ? I'm kiki51772 X3
ReplyDeleteMhm...Welcome to my world.
ReplyDeleteWe already had ice cream stuff and a bar stool why couldn't the Egypt stuff win T.T
ReplyDeleteI like ice cream, but when it's shoved in ur face and everyone screaming 'ICE CREAM SHOP AT MY DEN' I'll have issues..
ReplyDeleteAlso, why the heck would you buy all those ice cream stuff for a shop when you can GO TO THE SUMMER CARNIVAL AND BUY ICE CREAM T3T (my opinion so sry ^.^)
Reply this if you wanted Egyptian Treasure to win.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was AJHQ that chose Ice cream stuff because they might have had an Ice cream party -.-
ReplyDeleteI wanted Egypt to win.
ReplyDeleteIt should've we already had ice cream from carnival and ice cream from the dinner party and a bar stool too! THATS PARTICALY DOUBLING THE ITEMS!?! Why did people not look into voting -.-
ReplyDeleteMe too :(
ReplyDeleteI think the Egyption one was the most boss of all, but somehow it doesb't win :I
It's like picking between Snivy and Oshawott. Snivy is boss at first stage, but turns into a serphent, but Oshawott evolves into a samarai otter, serphant or samurai? Which to pick? lol im getting way off topic, nonetheless I agree Eternal xc
Animal Jam is turning into 'Humainoid Animal Party'
ReplyDeleteYeah, actually now that I think of it all the items were human like 0.0
ReplyDeleteI did, I thought it was the most clever one, hencing AJ is worldwide..
ReplyDeleteThe teeth below the otter make me think its a wolferine O-O
ReplyDeleteWhere money and items are all that matter
ReplyDeleteMe too but I'm not making a big deal about it. I'm just happy it wasn't the salon, to be honest...
ReplyDeleteThey are evolving
ReplyDeleteSo did the chat :P
ReplyDeleteI totally agree!
ReplyDeleteI am freaking out too much XD
ReplyDeleteAnimal Jam is brainwashing you, WE'RE GETTING WOLVERINEESSSS O3O
ReplyDeletehai :D
ReplyDeleteI'm watching the new AJ clip, my God LOOK PPL OTTERS ARE SUPER-ANIMALS O.O
ReplyDeleteSo ticked about it. *angst*
ReplyDeleteOh my god, AJHQ TROLLED US T3T
ReplyDelete:0 :D Snowy you made a The Hunger Games reference :D
ReplyDeleteikr I'm going to sue AJHQ jk jk jk XD
ReplyDeleteUm sure. I'll try to send you a request.
ReplyDeleteShould I buy a pet giraffe or eagle .3.
ReplyDeleteDat Hunger Games reference doe.
ReplyDeleteLol Wolverines are my school mascot!!
ReplyDeleteEagle .-.
ReplyDeleteOh, eagle for sure. ^.^
ReplyDeletek o3o
ReplyDeleteI personally didn't like the Egyptian Treasure set. It was actually my least favorite one. Please don't hate on me for saying this, it's just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI respect your opinion :)
ReplyDeletei think the ancient tomb should have won
ReplyDeleteMe too :)
ReplyDeleteMy comments keep getting deleted....
ReplyDeleteMine too! Like the other day, I was trying to spread the word about my new book, and it was deleted..
ReplyDeletePeople don't have to look into things they like....
ReplyDeleteEagle giraffes necks too big in my view, it kinda scares me 0-0
ReplyDeleteum.. you just replied to your own comment... >.<
ReplyDeletedoes anyone agree with me that betas should not be in adventures or stores
ReplyDeleteNo, pay attention to the usernames..
ReplyDeleteit's the same person
ReplyDeleteI heard that otters will come out on the 21st
ReplyDeletewait what???
ReplyDeleteNo, the person that started the conversation had a simular username to mine, but I didn't post it.. :)
ReplyDeleteno it is not
ReplyDeleteI keep trying to reply to comments then it says "you can't reply to a post that's not active"!?!?
ReplyDeletexD i said that cause i saw the same username, but when i reloaded it wasn't
ReplyDeleteIkr I:C
ReplyDeleteLol same here I was just like, ok ok it could be two people who just chose a letter off name
ReplyDeleteI worked so hard on a comment and then it says that DX
ReplyDeletei think that animal jam should come out with a den that looks like a regular house does anyone agree?
ReplyDeleteIKR CX
ReplyDeleteotters are adorbs
ReplyDeletelol why :O
ReplyDeleteyou have a book??? :DDD
ReplyDeleteI know, I know, ppl say that all the time and its true C:
ReplyDeletei voted for the egyptian set XD lol its ok the ice cream is nice too though
ReplyDeleteyup! i was frusterated when i found out they didn't come out xD
ReplyDeleteLol, I wrote a story a long time ago, and I'm thinking of making a sequel :D
ReplyDeleteyesh :)
ReplyDeleteeagle :3
ReplyDeletei really wanted it :3
ReplyDeleteYou know what they say, you can't please everyone..
ReplyDeleteikr! but... i waited years to be a age so... i can wait on an onlint game xD
ReplyDeleteHunger Games at mah den, may the odds be ever in your favor. XP
ReplyDeleteum... i just saying for the people that want to go... what is your user xD
ReplyDeleterendall2002 XD
ReplyDeleteum... you blocked or somthing?
ReplyDeleteIf you guys didn't know, EternalMyth stopped commenting on the AJS. He's my buddy, so I know.
ReplyDeleteikr :3
ReplyDeleteWow So Since ALL Jammers Got To Vote For The New Den Items Well I Thought It Would Be For ALL Jammers -.- AJ Is Messed Up Big Time 👿
ReplyDeletewhy did eternal stop? :C
ReplyDeleteawesome :DDD
ReplyDeleteyea it's been a while :l
ReplyDeleteBecause of Disqus and something else :c
ReplyDeleteme too C: but the ice cream is cute!
ReplyDeleteyesh ^-^ i like shiny stuff
ReplyDeleteI agree .-.
ReplyDeleteAnybody want to meet at my den...?
ReplyDeleteuhh sure? i have bubble chat xD
ReplyDeleteOk, user is Edenkub, I'm at my den :3:
ReplyDeleteAJHQ are trolls, and good ones too >.<
ReplyDeleteok let me log on xD btw if a purple fox comes to your den, it's me!
ReplyDeleteTrolls with power..
hello??? anyone?
ReplyDeleteWHAT THE?!?!! I swear I thought it was the otter update!!! Ugh AJ tricking us ðŸ˜.
Hi :3
ReplyDeleteI know, it's so annoying! I wrote a story for Monday Mystery and it took several hours to write and it just got deleted :'(.
ReplyDeleteand now no one...
ReplyDeleteAJ only wants da money now.
ReplyDelete-Shinymewgal 🙀
OMG!! This is so cool. And YES!! Some of the Ice-Cream parlor is for nonmembers... And cool we can preview the dens.
ReplyDeleteWAIT!!!! TROLLLS