Thursday, August 7, 2014

Turning the Tide & Ice Cream Parlor Item Set

Click here for the complete Jamaa Journal!
Click here for current clearance items!

Hey jammers! I apologize for posting late today; I'm on the east coast, and when AJHQ updated it was 3am and I was just plain tuckered out. Will you ever forgive me? You might, with this awesome update!
It all starts with the Turning of the Tide and the finding of the Dolphin Alpha, Tavie! Isn't that a cute name? But you already knew that, as she was in the last adventure. Be sure to click below for more!

Next up, the arrival of the den item contest results. The set that jammers chose was the Ice Cream Parlor! You can buy all the items (released all at once) in the Jam Mart Furniture shop.
They come in a multitude of different colors, so be sure to grab a few today! Also concerning the buying of denish things, AJHQ has now added a preview feature to each of the dens in the shop!
I must say it's kind of peaceful in there... It'd be cool if you could see it decorated too... I wouldn't mind doing that... Me, me, pick me! I volunteer as designer tribute to the art of putting funny things in funny spaces!
Since it is currently adoption week, AJHQ as pitched in some support by putting every pet of Jamaa on a 50% off sale. Even the diamond shop is putting in the extra effort, so this is the perfect time to buy!
The adventure seems to pretty darn cool, and guess what? Infinitymagicheroisback has already compiled a prize guide for us. Click the picture below to enlarge, and be sure to check out the loot!
We were correct in our speculations of the otter being the new animal! It's being released so fast though, I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be in the diamond shop. I'm sure it'll still be great!
Be sure to go watch his little animation! CLICK HERE to sea the leaked photos of its adorable animations, and with that I leave you to this pawsome little update. See you around Jamaa. ^.^
Happy jamming!

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