Herro, jammers!
Hungergames here! Wow, there's quite a lot of new items today! C: The Monday rare today is the Rare Heart Glasses! Today's new pizza-y item is the Pizza Parlor Light! A delicious new way to light up your Pizza Parlor! And in the depths of Kani Cove, a treasure can be found. A very, um, Pink Treasure!
He he ^_^
Anyway, on the Daily Explorer, the AJ Academy posted a lovely Gum Drop Tower craft.
I'd rather just eat it X3
Sure does look yummy. Yummy gummy ^_^
Anyway, apparently AJ has snuck another unreleased item into the game: the Princess Bed!
Thank you SquiddyBlah for sending this in! She's actually a close friend of mine C:
I've personally never seen this item before, but it does look cozy! I wonder when it will be released, along with the workout bench, and the little wooden toilet. ^_^
And now....
Drum roll, please....
-Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun-
Is returning :D
*Blows Noisemaker*
So without further ado, here is today's Mystery!
In the Chamber of Knowledge, busts of Alphas, armor, pots and jars, and
bejeweled staffs litter the room. But...why? Why is any of that there? Was it left by the Alphas?
Was the armor remnants of fallen warriors in a battle? Are the staffs Cosmo's?
What do you think?
Comment your ideas! I will feature some of my favorites on Wednesday's post. I can't wait to hear your stories! C:
Happy Jamming!