Hey jammers! So sorry to be delayed in this update exploration – AJHQ updated many hours later than usual, and I had a full day working as an intern at my local wildlife shelter. Hope you'll still enjoy a little post after a day of llama shenanigans! First off, the new animals...
Llamas are officially here; after leaks, rumors, clues and announcements, they have finally arrived! Sadly, you must hitail it over to the diamond shop to purchase these fuzzy deer giraffes.

Hopefully with the introduction of this new member animal AJHQ will consider allowing another animal for all jammers.
In other news, I'm the Doctor. The Llama Doctor. Doctor Thellama.
Bow ties are cool. Fezzes are cool. DOOOOOWEEEEOOO.
On the second page of the Jamaa Journal we find a new pet contest, with some pretty adorable options, doncha know.
ERMERGERD. What do I choose?! Armed-madillo, Toucan-peacock, or BABAR THE ELAPHANT???
Props to anyone who knows what I'm talking about. That's my childhood right there. In a bowler hat and black spats. Glorious.
The third page brings the return of the Freedom Party and the Freedom Plushies for the Freedom Day festival coming up. We even have a few new ones, including the chubbiest sugar glider I've ever seen.
Be sure to buy a few over in the Summer Carnival before the season ends (likely a week or so after the fourth of July). On the fourth page we have news on the llama minibook and a Wild Peaks exhibit.
The Chamber of Knowledge minibook is accompanied by the real life book over on the Daily Explorer. Click below to visit the fun new PDF construction for the newest Animal Jam animal.
And the Wild Peaks exhibit is available – it actually has some lesser known creatures featured, be sure to check it out!
As a random new feature, we have achievements and currency available in the player card instead of the main navigation.
Which reminds me, what do you think of the new navigation around Animal Jam Spirit? I'm kind of just playing around with the HTML, CSS, and JS aspects of it. Let me know your thoughts on the design!
Is it just me, or does the Rainbow Armor look like a big collection of Play-Doh? Now that I have that image in my head though...
Over on the Daily Explorer we have a few Jammer Snaps and Epic Den contest results. There are some quite creative ones!
And the long awaited den item contest has resulted in something beautiful, and something I bought in record time...
Isn't it beautiful?? And AJHQ is calling the item the MIRA Waterfall!
I'm quite glad they're referring to the guardian spirit of Jamaa by name. Kind of how I felt when AJHQ brought back the alphas' names.
With that happy note, I conclude this update summary. I hope you enjoyed my babbling. Perhaps I'll even make a video of them! *tips hat* Good day my friends. Happy jamming!