Hey jammers! Snowy here with today's little catch up post – apologies on being so busy. If you'd like to see some of my crazy patients at the wildlife shelter I volunteer at, be sure to check out my little Instagram.
It seems that one of the newest items in Jamaa is the Sand Oasis! I'm so excited to add this to my beach house den (though if I were doing it I may have made it a tide pool and added little sea creatures).
And over in the furniture orb of Epic Wonders we can find the new set of Elegant Curtains! I'm so tempted to go crazy with this style in my den. Is that silly? What color should I pick? So many choices. >..<
In other news, I posted a video! I wanted to give everyone a view of the Cloud Party, even if you don't have a membership at the moment. Sorry for the quiet, sleepy voice of mine. Hopefully it was a nice little explanation of the most recent update though. ^-^
I thought this was a funny little glitch, posted by Logan, which shows how adventures leak into the Jamaa mainland. Isn't this similar to a sale sign in the newest Save the Bacon adventure? Or am I crazy?
Ok, don't answer that last question, hehe. ANYWHO, it's the last day for Cool Hair to be sold in stores for the time being.
Grab your favorite colors while you can!
And finally a fun little post from AJHQ! Click here to read the whole article. Even in the simply ways, I enjoy the way the lore of Jamaa is explored bit by bit. What is your favorite Jamaasian story?
Happy jamming everyone!

ReplyDeletePost: late? Yes.
Worth it? Yes.
So wonderful that Snowy is posting more and more, just when our community starts falling apart. <3 I absolutely detest the new update :) but, well, there you are.
Oh and the elegant and beach items are pretty okay, I love the sandcastle idea as the Beach House just came out, anyone still buying it, can now decorate appropriately! o3o
ReplyDeleteHey Snowyball, what sorta animals do you get to work with?
ReplyDeleteI like the sand oasis! I'm so happy to see Snowy post more, but if there is ever a day that Snowy is super busy why aren't the other authors helping?
ReplyDeleteSecond hey ppl anybody here?
ReplyDeleteyou seem to hate all new
ReplyDeleteis it real gemmarocks12
ReplyDeleteShe's taking care of bald eagles currently ^_^
ReplyDeleteI wish I could work with cats my parents won't let me have one because they tear furniture up. There not allergic and there more dog people with our dog patches.
ReplyDeleteCongrats =3
ReplyDeleteI don't really like it the big dens there too BIG XD
ReplyDeleteScary huh!
ReplyDeleteThey don't tear furniture up if you buy a designated scratching post. Even if you don't want to spend money on a post, as they are very expensive, just use an old wooden plank in the garden. It worked for 13 years with our cat - 13!
ReplyDeleteI didn't catch the last bit :3
Hate all new WHAT?
ReplyDeleteNot if you have lots to put in them, I have 400 inventory items most days of the week.
ReplyDeleteThanks =3
ReplyDeleteAsked again including the scratching post part they said cats aren't as playful and will claw you. Bleh I just think the don't like cats.
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw, I have been stalking following you on IG and the eagles are so cute! Also I don't know if it was on purpose or not but it says in the post "save the bacon" LOL. ok bye!
ReplyDeleteBacon is better anyway x3
ReplyDeleteI just realized my grammar I always get theirs there and they're wrong I always type there same with too I only type to I really need to work on this
ReplyDeleteBacon is ewwwww (no offence if you eat it)
ReplyDeleteI do it's different in other countries though I'm in America England is way more chewy I hear so that may be why
ReplyDeleteI'm not in England XD but i don't like meat
ReplyDeleteSame here. I want to buy cool stuff, and I'm too lazy to trade stuff to my storage, so all the items I don't have room for go into The Black Hole Of Recycled Items......
ReplyDeleteYay! *gives pancakes*
ReplyDeleteThis is my dog she's a bit camera shy
ReplyDeleteThey won't hurt snowy, because snowy probably has protective gloves and the eagles trust her idk
ReplyDeleteSnowy, I posted (kind of) yesterday and annoucement of what was going on on AJ and I noticed that you missed a bit. Here is a copy of what you wrote so you can keep track of what is leaving next.
ReplyDeleteSince no once seems to be posting today, I thought that I should try it, Here goes nothing...
Today, there is once new item in Epic Wonders, Elegant Curtains (member item). AJ seems to be in a bit of a rush today xP, they forgot the "NEW" sign on the item. The Sand Oasis (also member) is another new item that is being sold at the regular furniture shop.The Clam Shell Ottoman, Clam Shell Chair, and Bubble Emitter (all member items) are leaving in 5 days, catch em while you can at the Sunken Treasure Shop. The Skull Necklace and Lifeguard Whistle (both members, again... -_- ) are leaving as well (skull=6 days, lifeguard=10). You can buy them at Bahari Bargains. Other than that (unless I missed something... eheheh) no other items are leaving or are entering AJ. Well, that's all I got.
All the other AJS authors sign of with something, so here is MY sign of :D:
In the end, you will always kneel. -Loki
Of course it was on purpose, the adventure has a completely different name x3
ReplyDeleteOh, IDK what you mean "chewy"
ReplyDeleteWell they must look weird still
ReplyDeleteAdorable check out gemmarocks112.wikia.com to see my dog
ReplyDeletecats are definitely playful
ReplyDeleteHmm try this rule:
THERE - T here
Recycling doesn't mean they disappear, they are remade into new items!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYay, there's a rainbow dash in the thumbnail xD I really like the elegant curtains, but sadly I'd have nowhere to put them ;-;
ReplyDeleteGet them claw covers, there just little colorful rubber or plastic covers you put on there claws. But I don't suggest you de-claw them, because to do that in the surgery they just cut of the tip of there toes, and bandage there paws up. Poor kitties.
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
ReplyDeleteevery animal is unique even the evil ones
ReplyDeleteNot as crisp as we have it here (then again everything's deep fried)
ReplyDeletethat aint true
ReplyDeleteBut you don't deep fry bacon, so it's probably the same
ReplyDeleteWhat does a bald eagle actually LOOK like?
ReplyDelete1) Never heard of claw covers, they sound horrid!
ReplyDelete2) Eww, de-clawing, never heard of that either!
Is what real?
ReplyDeleteIt's ok :)
ReplyDeleteit said save the bacon DX
ReplyDeleteThe purpose was to start a discussion on bacon. Muahaha..
ReplyDeletetbh I read it "Save the Bacon" too
um guys help
ReplyDeletetheres somethign wrong with my aj
ReplyDeletenp :D
ReplyDeleteIKR! Hello, AJHQ, what happened to the window..?
ReplyDeleteVIRIDESCENT! WHERE IS THE PRISM!! Was talking with horserider, soon to be author, who did not know! Oh viridescent what horrific thing has happened to the AJP?
Claw covers are WAY better then de-clawing. Because you can take them off your cat's claws, lol.. But de-clawing is cruel.. But don't worry, claw covers cause no harm or anything to the cat, because they can still scratch things, but it won't leave a mark because each claw has the teensy little cover at the very end of it. I have never had to use 'em, but at least there better then de-clawing.
ReplyDeleteheres your order ma'am
ReplyDeletemy dog
ReplyDeleteCuteness attack!
ReplyDeleteGuys there's a way too make frozen soda like a slushy 🙀
ReplyDeleteI seem stupid I'm a 6th grader who still can't figure this out I blame crappy teachers who don't even bother
ReplyDelete*grabs shield*
ReplyDeleteThat kinda looks like my cousin's dog! I love these types of dogs, they're cute <3
ReplyDeleteWell, hallo every people!
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling the cool hair is going to become popular
ReplyDeleteHello! :)
ReplyDeleteHi ppl i loves this. Very much i have a blog itd called kid blog!!'-
ReplyDeleteThere. Another bella u guys can call me bella.s
ReplyDeleteAww! So cute <3
ReplyDeleteBald Eagles, crows (the teenagers are little twerps, hehe), pigeons (we feed the babies from little shakers), as well as baby squirrels, chipmunks, opossums, and many different types of birds. :)
ReplyDeleteYou can always check on my insta! ^-^
ReplyDeleteI could never eat bacon :( Poor piggies XD
ReplyDeleteI love all the photos of them you have on your IG! Can you pleaseeeee post some more Snowy?
ReplyDeletePlease post some more photos of them if you have any! SO COOL! And nature photos! And maybe you could do a video of you working with the animals? Like a vlog type thing? *puppy dog eyes*
ReplyDeleteIn AJ they go to the black hole though XD
ReplyDeleteI have a photo of Snowyball as a baby ):D Anyone want to see? Seeing as it's the only photo of her EVER? (I found it on her IG)
ReplyDeleteDid Birdy Crossing do your profile pic btw? It looks like her art :P
ReplyDeleteWho is Snowyball?
ReplyDeleteSnowyball AKA Snowyclaw XD
ReplyDeleteOh XD Sure I wanna see :D
ReplyDeleteI shall post it :P But if Snowy wants I am happy to delete to or she can delete it herself :P
ReplyDeleteIts easy to get in the Eagle Adventure
ReplyDeleteBaby Snowy! (From her IG)
ReplyDeleteI can't find your dog? Where did you post it?
ReplyDeleteYou made a wikia about yourself? XD
ReplyDeleteWe are the only survivors. Everyone else here has DIED.
ReplyDeleteI don't see the picture?
ReplyDeleteit says its posted, maybe refresh?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'll refresh
ReplyDeleteWait! There is another survivor! SNOWYCLAW
ReplyDeleteAww, she's cute! It's a little blurry though, is it just me or is it like that?
ReplyDeleteShe did!! Isn't it lovely? ^-^
ReplyDeleteShe's on?
ReplyDeleteYes she up voted the comment XD
ReplyDeleteYay, another survivor! XD
ReplyDeleteHeeeyyy, that's an easter egg, people are suppose to find that, hehe. ;)
ReplyDeleteIts so cute! <3 But you need to post a selfie that isn't about 19 years old haha!
ReplyDeleteAre you sure? I think it's the haters because it shows they up voted me
ReplyDeleteOh! It is snowy XD Hi snowy!
ReplyDeleteNaw, more like 15 years old!!
ReplyDeleteOn AJS
ReplyDeleteSee? lol
ReplyDeleteWho is this snowy you speak of? >:3
ReplyDeletePlease post a selfie snowy?
ReplyDeleteXD Oh idk, some person with a blog that likes animals.
ReplyDeleteWhyyyy? Imma wolf.
ReplyDeleteWolfies don't post selfies.
Ooo, that sounds like meee!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we're related...
I wonder! And i have a question for the Q and A but could I post it here instead so it doesn't get buried?
ReplyDeleteI won't let anything get buried, don't worry! I'll make it a multipart series. ^-^
ReplyDeleteCan I post my question here? I don't have a Instagram so I can't do it on your post
ReplyDeleteWhy would you like to see me?
ReplyDeleteSure!! I'll do my best to get to it. ^-^
ReplyDeleteOk! But maybe its easier if I post it here? IDK :P
ReplyDeleteI wanna see what the REAL you, not Old Frozenspirit, looks like :P
ReplyDeleteOk! My question:
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favorite thing about animal jam? And how did you find about animal jam and decided you wanted to play? (I know that's 2 but you can answer either one or both)
Hehe, perhaps someday. ;)
ReplyDeleteI hope someday comes soon! And have you got anymore photos of the wildlife centre ?
ReplyDeleteOh and snowy, maybe you could post more pictures of the animals you take care of on your Instagram?
ReplyDeleteMy question is: If you had to hack or scam someone, and you WERE'NT allowed to hack them and just decorate their den, what would it be?
ReplyDeleteYou always seem to find loopholes to difficult questions XD I have seen the video you did with lilac and appari
ReplyDeleteI do, would you enjoy seeing more?
ReplyDeleteYes please!
ReplyDeleteJust going to wait on your IG page XD
ReplyDeleteHey Snowy- What's an elk?
ReplyDeleteI found a wolf selfie!
ReplyDeleteHai, I'm new.
ReplyDeleteSee snowy? Wolfies takes selfies :P
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw, how do i become a spirit jammer?
ReplyDeleteYars I am famousse
ReplyDeleteOn Photos about a billion times XD
ReplyDeleteSweet, I don't have instagram though :(
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! So amazing!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOk :) they just sound uncomfortable like wearing itchy gloves all the time :D
ReplyDeletesnowy can i still be an author?
ReplyDeleteLol, they don't touch there paws, just there claws. :D.
ReplyDeleteHi there, Ocean! Welcome. :)
ReplyDeleteYou don't need one to view it, don't worry! There's even a little widget on the side of the blog that has some of my pictures. ^-^
ReplyDeleteit's like a reindeer. though im not Google, are I(hint hint)?
BAI bai
Adorable! ^-^ You are an amazing author and I put you on my honours on gemmarocks112.wikia.com Just visit the honours page!