Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sand Oasis, Elegant Curtains, & Cloud Party Tour

Hey jammers! Snowy here with today's little catch up post – apologies on being so busy. If you'd like to see some of my crazy patients at the wildlife shelter I volunteer at, be sure to check out my little Instagram.
It seems that one of the newest items in Jamaa is the Sand Oasis! I'm so excited to add this to my beach house den (though if I were doing it I may have made it a tide pool and added little sea creatures).
And over in the furniture orb of Epic Wonders we can find the new set of Elegant Curtains! I'm so tempted to go crazy with this style in my den. Is that silly? What color should I pick? So many choices. >..<

In other news, I posted a video! I wanted to give everyone a view of the Cloud Party, even if you don't have a membership at the moment. Sorry for the quiet, sleepy voice of mine. Hopefully it was a nice little explanation of the most recent update though. ^-^
I thought this was a funny little glitch, posted by Logan, which shows how adventures leak into the Jamaa mainland. Isn't this similar to a sale sign in the newest Save the Bacon adventure? Or am I crazy?
Ok, don't answer that last question, hehe. ANYWHO, it's the last day for Cool Hair to be sold in stores for the time being.
Grab your favorite colors while you can!
And finally a fun little post from AJHQ! Click here to read the whole article. Even in the simply ways, I enjoy the way the lore of Jamaa is explored bit by bit. What is your favorite Jamaasian story?
Happy jamming everyone!