I'm caving into popular demand of announcing a few of the Skyway glitches. I'd like to make this clear - the Coral Canyons one was shown to me, and they said nothing of telling others, the Sarepia slide, I'm not as sure. If you hate me for putting them up, realize this. AJHQ knows about these glitches. They are in the process of getting
fixed. I'm going with a compromise, I am revealing the most popular Skyway glitches (this is also called by many other names, I know, this is just mine). Please enjoy! If you do not like this, please comment (no swearing please).
Start about here... |
Make sure you can
see the stairs, click one. |
As you run, when you reach about here,
you do what I call a sameswitch. |
Click Switch quickly... |
And click the same animal. |
Click below the bridge right away. |
If you are quick enough you will
now be flying! It takes practice. |
To fly above the bridge start here.
This glitch is more difficult than the first. |
Slowly inch along the wall, you'll
get about this far when you suddenly
start running left. |
When you start running up you
will near a cactus. |
At this point click somewhere on this
wall, this may take a few tries. |
If practiced and done right you'll be
flying in no time! Remember,
don't get frustrated. Take a break
and play a game if it's too difficult. |
I realize this may be a controversial subject, that's why I only showed one glitch. Please tell me how you liked this post, and whether or not I should do another one. Please respect others (and our ears), otherwise I can't leave those comments on the blog. If this goes through ok the next post (if not fixed first) will be on the Sarepia slides. Happy jamming, jammers!
Note: There is a AJHQ letter post below, this will be closing
Friday night, be sure to comment before then!
That is a really cool glitch!
ReplyDeleteHey, I have noticed a glitch, I don't know if it is still going on, but when raccoons do that laughing thing their eyes disappear, and I don't think that is normal! Please check it out! Buddy me! -Miakate
DeleteThey're begin fixed?! :'(
ReplyDeletegrrr...cant do it -.-"
ReplyDeletesnowy or anybody plz help
you know ow you make your screen clearer for videos or pics?how do you put the screen back to normal???
i cant fix it!!!PLZ HELP!!!
ReplyDeleteyou know HOW
ReplyDeletesnowy why havent you posted like pictures of horses or your horse doing stuff?
is it because everyone would already know their out on that day?just wondering.
i cant do it and i broke my mouse LOl now i have 2 save up $40 for a new one its a wireless one. im not blaming you i blame me for clicking to much!
ReplyDeleteAJHQ are fixing the gliches!!??
ReplyDeletewhy? DX
ReplyDeletethey are not fixing the glitch people just say that to be mean and see what you will do but lots of the time it is so they can scam you because they will say give me a rare and i will tell you and they are saying they cant tell you for free because aj will fix it but that is just how they will get your rares so AJ HQ will fix it in 2 weeks and not because everyone knows but because AJ HQ aways fixs glitchs like that in 2 weeks so anyone that really thinks AJ HQ will fix it because to many people know how to do it well people that say that are just being mean and if you ever can do it tell other people its the right thing to do
I want them to fix the glitches soooooooooooooooooooo bad D:
ReplyDeleteHe sarepia one is easy. All u have to do is stand on the third step On the ladder and click above the game icon for super sort. Not directly above it, but like near the place where u can stand. Then while running, quickly change ur animal. Don't worry, u can change ur animal while flying again if u want.
can u tell us in the next post how u did the glitch on the elephant that one sounds cool
ReplyDelete-jojoismygirl :D
@fuzzy cottoncloud
ReplyDeletecool thx for those details!
I know how. To do the forest one all u do is stand beneath super sort game icon then u click a little above to then change animals! I have done it hundreds of times lol :)
ReplyDeleteLike Oranoo said in her second comment, I'm seriously confused about the second glitch. I have no idea how you start inbetween the two walls. -.- I did the first one, but the second is extremely hard.
ReplyDeleteI knew the same thing, I told that to the Jammers who wanted to rip people off by that...anyways, I was wondering how to get to the sky better...thanks!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I did it. But, I'm stopping on the wall. How did you get on that shadow of a mountain?
ReplyDeleteLOL, I did it. Trial and error, I guess.
ReplyDeleteIf you're confused, I made a video tutorial of it. IT's at: JamaaVisual.blogspot.com
I did it! I figured out the saripia forest one too
ReplyDeleteIKR! I REALLY want to know that one, it looks cool. Or a Mt. Shiveer one if there are any :P.
ReplyDeleteLooks like AJHQ is updating... Are they fixing the glitch?
Aw, it doesn't look like Graham's winning the story vote. I love monkeys. (Sorry, off subject.)
Okay, something else off topic, but I'd like to ask:
ReplyDeleteFeralHeart's available for Macs now. Oranoo told me whom was informed by you. It is EPICALLY glitchy. Every time I want to play it, I have to re-download it once or twice. But most of all I'd like to know, what do you do? All I have been able to do is run around. Do you (or anyone else) have any pointers on things you can do there?
Oh, I didn't notice your "Ask Snowy". Sorry for all these off-topic comments.
thankyou very much snowyclaw with your help i did the first glitch =D yay me! but having problem with the second one D= where do i click near the wall?
i didn't get the 2nd one but i got it now thx snowy!
ReplyDeleteUGH!!!! i don't like how AJ HQ removing this glitch :-(
ReplyDeletePLZ PLZ PLZ do the glitch on how to get on the Elephant in Lost Temple Of Zios!!!I would really like to see how to do it and/or show us how to get on mira's wing!!Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz
ReplyDeleteI beg Snowyclaw I bet!!!!!*gets down on paws*ans says:"Plz SnowyClaw Plz Do this for your Fans!!!!!!!!!!" Lol!!!!!!
I know the glitch for Temple of Zios, add me and I will show you; my username is Cesalia
ReplyDeleteTheir being fixed?! WAAA!
ReplyDeletei was able to do the below the brige one but not above the brige (you are right it is tricky)
ReplyDeletethanks i finally did it! and i took a screen shot of it! it was awesome. i'll try to fly above the bridge next
-sigh- the sameswitch not working anymore. T^T :( WAAAAAHHH!!
ReplyDeleteCool! I tried both of the glitch and it worked! I LOVE THE ABOVE THE BRIDGE! =D IT SO FUN!
ReplyDelete- prycepan XD WEIRD USERNAME =P
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEveryone i know all the glitches on Jamaa except Crystal Sands. If you want to learn just add me azhura123 or give me an advice please to do that glitch on Crystal Sands now.. Really, i don't know the glitch!
ReplyDeleteNow all glitch in Jamaa not using sameswitch, but GAMES TRICK!
ReplyDeletewell, want to see some new glitches? just open my blog at www.ajsecrets.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletehey snowyclaw ther is a easy glitch for coral canyons sky way stand right by the sky high game then click someone tag then click under the bush on the bottom right corner then the wall
ReplyDeletei posted the one above this ^ right there SNOWYCLAW FRIEND ME IM goldenking315
ReplyDeleteI readed mostly all the comments on this and people are wanting the glitch so here it is.The glitch in Coral Canyons is different that I got taught. Its kinda the same .Ill tell you for all the people that don't know this glitch!:
1st You start beside the waterfall like always.
2nd Make sure you can see the Best Dressed Game
3rd You click a players tag name
4th Click Games
5th Click on the Best Dressed Door (But not the game sign)
6th Quickly click any game you want to play in the players tag thingy.
7th Cancel it!
8th Next you will run down the hill.
9th While you are running you might fall and do the glitch again so click near the waterfall so you can stay on!
It looks hard but trust me... Very Simple.. You will get the Hang!
i wonder why they called it skyways.... but i like that name cuz it wouldent of ensipered me to give myself my user!
Glitches are awesome makes me happy :D
ReplyDeletei tried but it did not work