Hey jammers! An exciting new human item has arrived, the Fancy Vanity, sold in Epic Wonders. I'm sure this will be an excellent prop for fashion shows all around Jamaa!

I was reminded that Freedom Plushies may leave with the next update.

Of course I have less than 100 tickets and no plushies. >.< If anyone has some extras, or perhaps tips on earning tickets, I'd be eternally grateful. I have no time after blogging. . .
There were so many amazing stories from yesterday's mystery, I don't know where to start. Click here to read these masterpieces. Here is one with an interesting perspective on shamans. . .
Great job with the stories everyone, each one truly captures the spirit of Jamaa! I read ever single one of them. Keep up the jamaasian spirit, happy jamming everyone!

Hi Snowy!
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw u know everyone has met a shamaan They've met Liza :D and also how do u make a banner and heading AND again i have a problem
DeleteWell I made 40 posts so far on my blog AJ super starr and no on i mean no ones commentin g I always feel so lonely and sad when its like that.How did u get sooooo many views and comments on ur blog plz answer asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats a great question how did u snowyclaw?
Deletesame with I ask the same question as lily9o and anonymous
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletesorry didnt mean to do he question
Deletealso anonymous and anonymous r me just wanted to see how it looed like!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL clever Lily90!
Deletesnowyclaw, already done!!!!!! i just sent u 4 freedom day plushies!!!!!! my user is snowflake5050
DeleteHi Snowyclaw! I just wanted to say that I thought you were doing more then one story? But that was a good choice i read that one and it was really good. Good job to whoever did that story. :D
I am going to make a blogger acount and a small blog. I already had one, but I discovered it had my real name in it and I don't think you can change your name :(
DeleteSo I'm making a new ones!!! And I'm on commenters! (yay)
thanks dragonwing but no one answered me question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deletei never got time to write a mystery story D: Nice vanity thing i guess
ReplyDeleteOMG! I can't believe this! My story was picked!
ReplyDeleteWow! Your story is amazing!Thanks for adding it on Snowyclaw's blog so everyone can read it!
DeleteGreat job Anonymous!!! Your story was AWESOME!
DeleteThank you guys so much :)
DeleteNo offense but ur story made me actually cry I can't believe sir Gilbert would do tht it's so sad
But good story still
I <3 your story, it's realllly sad Greely was my FAAAV shaman, but I LUUV it.
DeleteYou deserve it! Your story was great!!!!! Awesome and very dramatic!
I just got a gold sign saying animal jam will be closing in 15 minutes for short update
ReplyDeleteWhat we have to do so AJ HQ will not humanize this game?They still add human things like this one...
ReplyDeleteEmail AJHQ, tell AJHQ everywhere you can, do as much as you can.
DeleteI know right! What kind of item is that? I mean it's really cool and I like it but I mean really!!!! It's a human item and there is no getting around that!!!! When will AJHQ listen?!
Hi Wolfskin XD
DeleteWe should all have a protest and maybe AJ HQ will see it! I'm starting my protest at 8:00 AJ time. See some of you there!
ReplyDeleteI agree,Fancy Vanity is a great prop for Homemade Fashionshows!:D
ReplyDeletei think the fancy vanity is YUCK!!! it is really humany...! all pink and make upey, why do animals want to use make up?! yuck, yuck, yuck!
DeleteIm not a huge girly girl or anything but I actually like it
DeleteIm not sure if tihs is offensive for snowyclaw but,Snowyclaw is a normal jammer like us! When i go to her protests, I saw someone say, "Do you think we should bann clans fromm jamaa?" Like, theres nothing special bout her! (Snowy, i am NOT saying that u are lame,and not special O.O) Shes a normal blogger like us! I know shes popular but that doesnt mean you have to give her the special treatment! Sorry snowyclaw if this is offensive to you *O*
ReplyDelete-A word from wolfgang20733
Hey wolfgang I try to post on your page but couldn't maybe if you had the anonymous posting more people could or would post : ) anyways I'm not typing it all out again ( I'm lazy ) .. Just wanted to say I'm just north of toronto ( about 3 hours ) :) check out my den if you find the time
Delete~ footclane AJ user name ( yes with an e footclan was taken )
I forgot to say the other line of the clan thing. Like, We need more votes! U cant just BANN clans from jamaa with just ONE VOTE!
ReplyDeleteI started crying right now because of the story sir Gilbert is my favorite wht would he do that it's so sad :,( :,( :,( but good story I don't think I might forgive sir gilbert for a while
ReplyDeleteWhen you have time, try playing all three games. Find witch one of 'em you do best and keep playing it when you can.
ReplyDeleteTHE BIG HELP OF JAMAA Myth:ive found out were zios is guys! Blossom:were? Myth: in the lost ruins of zios!Queen:its to dangerous phantoms r in there!Eternal:ya and the phantoms r escaping the volcano! Myth:look i am going to do everything to get moms *mira*s soul back!Myth: iwill find the shmans stop the phantoms!i will heal Greely give Sir Gilbert his faith i want to stop the darkness!Queen: for once hes right!Eternal:WHAT I AGREE WITH HIM FOR ONCE BEST DAY EVER!Myth: now lets do dis!based on a true conversation.from Mythical IcyShark AKA K1rby3
ReplyDeleteI have a trick keep playing phabtom ball and plus i do have an one for you and also i have like ten.
ReplyDeleteyea ik what ya mean snowy... but honestly even know the thing is cool its still human like ruining Jamma in a way..know what i mean epic wonders was
ReplyDeleteone of the only human-free stuff in but now...human stuff in there it was a wonderful place that was a place of the long lost shaman now lost...forever well at least we still go the hope within it honestly...but anyway honestly snowy it works playing whack the phantom and do not fit any reds and lots of golds works for me :) wish ya luck
I agree with kerriecat. It's a great item but that is the kind of thing you'd see in a human house not an animal den. It's just getting super annoying because it's like AJ HQ doesn't know how to get it back to being less human. Why can't they just make it not human? I mean take the Fantasy Castle den or whatever it's called. That's an AWESOME DEN! But face it. It's from a fairytale. It's not completely animal like. And this Vanity set certainly is human like.
yea ikr...it is just going well to far...
DeleteUmm...not to be offensive, but the Jamaasian Movement isn't about getting rid of every single human-like item. It's about bringing back the culture. And about the Fantasy Castle, it's kinda nature-ey. The waterfall on the right. That is part of nature. Look around and see if anything is in nature. I didn't get to be insnowyclaws den for a long time, so I didn't check out the details. Just the waterfall and the rooms.
Delete...being honest i know that but in a way it just ruins Jamma that is all im saying
DeleteBut I love the fantasy castle. It looks like a place from my favorite book. Jammers like these things because they like those things in real life too! Like you love warriors in real life so you make clans. I agree with chu.
DeleteMermaids necklaces should be like mer-bunnies. And vanities should be made out of wood. Only some items that are human should go, and the thing is some people like those items.
But I think AJHQ mean us to wear like avaitor hat, flag, leaf bands. Not like a modern wolf trying to be "cute" with a skirt, flip flops, and a baratte.
the vanity might be made out of wood, but it is after all painted pink so you can't tell.
DeleteI like your way of thinking! I mean, that is a very nice way to put it. The vanity could be made out of wood (positive thinking), but then again it couldn't
I think that a seal's den should be an ice cave and penguin's have a nest and wolfs and foxes should have caves in the ground and the horses can keep the barn and so and so.
DeleteAll I have to say about this item is- meh :/
Hi Snowyclaw! MisterChunkybuddy from Animal Jam Cheats & Codes here. This blog is awesome to show how much I like it I send youa freedom kitty plushie.
ReplyDeletei will look later but i am like half asleep so lol
DeleteLol I was like that yesterday. Basically asleep on my feet. >.<
DeleteI dont want them to leave! I've been waiting and waiting for snakes and freedom snake plushies to come out!
ReplyDeleteYeah! Snakes are awesome! I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting so much I nearly forgot about them!
DeleteAwesome!! I feel like I'm a movie star when I look in the mirror. It is really great if you put it in your den!
ReplyDeleteI agree with kerrie. i mean, Animals dont se these vanity wut ever. we dont user perfume! but i think where this is going is that animaljam is going where animals are Alive and like a LITTLE (0.1%) human.
ReplyDeletecontinuing my point of the special treatment of snowyclaw, Once again, Shes like us! I met a jammer at one of her protests crying at the jamaa protest. I asked her why and she said tht when ever she talks, no one listens to her and no one really likes her. And she said that Snowyclaw is like us. Theres no point to make her the queen. Shes a normal blogger! Like, Snowyclaw is popular but just because of that doesnt mean u JUST check her blog. The only person who checks my blog is kerriekat :) Im gonna stop blogging since no one checks my blog! I made a shamman party about greely and EVEN posted it on snowyclaws blog! (Commented) Well guess what? NO ONE CAME. I always say. Please check out my blog! So the point is that snowyclaw is like us. Theres no meaning to treat her like a queen! (Hope this isnt offensive to you snowyclaw)
ReplyDelete-A word from Wolfgang20733
don't stop blogging i find it hard to get people really hard i have to tell my friends in real to look and tell there friends and it goes on try do that it works from time :) just let them spread the word :) you are doing a bit of it by telling your mates :)
Deletethere was probably a time where no one cam to snowy claw's parties or checked her blog.
DeleteNo, there wasn't. Snowy was already very poplular before she made her blog. She had 30 VIEWS on her first post.
This is FUNNY!!!!! XD
ReplyDeleteAnd disappointing at the same time. :(
Why This is Funny to Me: I have a lot of female buddies. Some are VAIN, so I'm trying to hold my laughter. It's hilarious when I catch them putting on makeup and other vain stuff (I don't usually let them). The new den item could be a source of vain-ness and laughter at the same time. >:3
Why This is Disappointing to Me: Similar to the above, except I really expected some good non-vainhead items... Like a Mira Swater or something. :(
Also, I do agree with a balance, but the human side is out of control, with rares, Best Dressed, and now this VANITY!
It's only my opinion on this vanity, so don't be mean like saying "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE IT? IT'S PERFECT!" It's because I'm not girly, so I don't usually like stuff like this. So, overall to me, I don't like the vanity. :3
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
I meant sweater... I type too fast. :/
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
But best dressed is so much fun! But yeah there really should be more balance.
DeleteI played Best Dressed once and didn't earn any gems... I don't know if it's true or not, but that's why I quit playing Best Dressed. It used to be fun, but in my opinion, the voters are BAD. :l
DeleteSo that's why I kind of dislike Best Dressed. :l
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
Well it's their choice who they vote for so you can't really dislike Best Dressed for that but then again you can. I don't know what I'm saying. :P
btw, can u read my story snowyclaw?
ReplyDeletei will anyway wolf as i said just tell your mates to help :) works for me :)
Deleteoh wolfgang by the way i red your comment about you wanting to stop blogging cause of no one liking your blog
Deleteokay now check out my blog i got something for you :)
I can get you a freedom dog non mem plush snowy. ^-^
ReplyDeletelol i will get something but i don't have the tickets lol
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if I could try to become a Spirit Jammer? I love your blog by the way!
You have to try, by commenting, helping on Ask Snowy, and visit the blog often, you can't be a Spirit Jammer just like "poof!" it took a while of commenting for me.
lol by listed it says i comment most lol and i always just try to find something to help with :)
DeleteAlright thanks for the info SpiritHowl!
Jam on!
ReplyDeleteI can help you with earning tickets. When play phantom ball, always aim for the ring glowing gold. I hope this helps!
Im also lazy to post =P Nothing new in jamaa and importing pics from i pod to computer to blog is TOUGH WORK! trust me, I should get pics from google now :\
ReplyDeleteSo the conclusion of my point is that Snowyclaw is like us. Theres nothing different about her! We all are special!Theres no point of giving snowy the special treatment.
ReplyDeletein a way pretty much...sometimes no offense snowy but as i know how much you worked on this i will still check it out but yea wolf...
Deleteoh and i get my pics from something else then me lol if not i do em from Youtube it helps :)
DeleteI'm commenting with my story right now! :P
ReplyDeletelol guess what i am to lolz
DeleteSkee ball is the best way to earn tickets fast. I got 300 tickets in one game before!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Leafpool! 1 time i got like 400!
DeleteSO that's why Greely never shows up...
ReplyDeleteHow to get approx. 500 tickets in 1 play! first you must play phantom ball, get up to a X4-6 multiplyer then just get 250 the rest of the time
ReplyDeleteLast comment!
Play the skeeball game. It is pretty easy.
ReplyDeleteyou know I am a girl but that facy vainity stuff is like coco coco i mean that's just like what the boar who cares about that I think there should things like games that are more like where phantoms are taking over Jamaa but no instead there's a carnival and people say you get a prize for jumping on ice FIB ALEART!!!!!