Hey jammers! Well, the update is here, and foxes have come to Jamaa. Just real quick we'll go over the new items. In Jam Mart Furniture is a neat little wooden nonmember Mailbox and in the Sol Arcade is the multiplayer Jamaa Derby!

There are two new pages of high price plushies at the Summer Carnival in the main sale tent. Snakes and more!
In other news the Antlers color issue was fixed and something happened to the horse shaman statue in Zios' Temple. . .

HOLY Mira. . . No matter the name, at least it has a name! I'm so excited, you guys know what this means? We made a difference! Keep at it everyone, we can convince AJHQ to give them all names! At Jam-a-Gram mail we have a new card and stamps.

Now the big part of the update, the foxes! Sadly they are member only animals, as many of us expected.

There are many adorable actions with these critters! However, playing while wearing Leaf Armor is not recommended.

See the floating leaves? There are also new member badges as well as nonmember fox plushies in the claw.

How cute are those plushies? ^.^ Moving on, there is now a sale on all old items at the Summer Carnival, check it out!

There is also new painting activity in the Art Studio of Coral Canyons, basically you can now paint free form, anything!
Simply click on Peck's paint canvas! In the upper part of the Canyons there is a den shop, but it's simply to take up space (and stop complaints about the old shop). How do I know? You can still easily buy dens from the comfort of your own.
Plus, turtle pets will come to Jamaa in two weeks!
There is also a new icon in the top right of your screen for your in-game settings. Now you can lock your den away from home!
I believe, however, that the 999 days remaining thing is a glitch, because I don't remember buying so many memberships. AJHQ also has news about monkey endangerment.
And lastly there are repeated posts from last update.
And to wrap up our post is the new calender for the next two weeks. Did I mention Super Sort is on double gems and that there is a pawsome fox video in Jammer Central?

Enjoy the update everyone, keep up with the Jamaasian Movement, and most of all HAPPY JAMMING! (\^.^/)

Do you want to make a difference? . . click here . . .
Wow Snowy! It's so early! -yawns-
ReplyDeleteThat's probably why I'm the first to post -hehe-
The foxes are so kawaii! If only I could, you know, use them! Oh well ^w^
I love the mailbox! And new plushies!
Finally, I can actually stock up on plushies now that they're cheaper. I have to do it on my second account though, since I've run out of room on my original. lol
I'm glad we can free-paint now!
Sophia! Pretty! Yay!
I really like the Shaman name,Sophia.Neat!:)
3rd comment! (not really)
DeleteI think the name is kinda bland, but still, not bad sounding. The AJHQ hasn't really made up any stories about Sophia. . . I wish they could keep on posting legends and stuff.
Yay! she finally has a name!
ReplyDeleteYay foxes! Yay named horse shaman! Yay for the more jamaasian update!
Thanks for the info snowyclaw! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so happy with this new update and all......
I am mostly happy with the foxes :)
I was so excited about the foxes and I was more excited then any other animal actully.
I am smiling right now and enjoying animal jam.
Thanks for the update animal jam,
Keep up the good blogging snowyclaw ;)
I forgot to mention that Sophia is a great name for a horse shaman :)
DeleteMy username is
see ya
cool i,m kerriecat you may add you with you may :)
DeleteLol I might add you.
lol if you may XD
DeleteI just tryied to add you kerriecat,
DeleteI like your animal and the colour really suits it!!!
Please accept my friend request,
yay foxes and i just became a member again I'm lucky
ReplyDeletewow this update is crazy awesome thanks for the info snowy!
ReplyDeleteGrrrr, i thought that foxes would be nonmember because they're like wolfs. Sophia is a great name~! You made a difference wonder what the next one will be ca11ed~?!
ReplyDeletewell foxes are like member wolves...and yea pretty much it,s gr8 :)
DeleteIk! The nonmembers barely get any good animals well the wolf, seal, koala, and bunny are pretty good but I mean REALLY.The foxes should have been nonmember, but they aren't. :((((((
Thanks for the info! I have been checking everyday for the update to come! And i can't believe u wake up at 3-4 in the morning just so we can get the news! And YAY THEY NAMES THE HORSE STATUE!
ReplyDeleteFoxes being member: :(
ReplyDeleteNamed the horse statue: :)
Just to say im not going to play aj as much no more...
Best Update EVER!!! They named the horse statue an AWESOMELY EPIC name, FOXES R HERE, setting's are here! (so now when a stalker comes to my house I don't have to trick him to lock it!!!) Nonmember mailbox (looks jamaasian) monkeys are coming back AAAAANNNDDD there's a new coral canyons shop!!! THANK YOU AJHQ! (that rhymes)
ReplyDelete-pac10 who is happy in bittersweetness that AJHQ fixed things but can't play because account is LOCKED
man i was looking forward for being a fox :(
ReplyDeleteWOOHOO FOXES!!! :D Too bad they're nonmember though :( And it's not fair, they replaced the old beta shop with a den shop... :P
DeleteIk! I was making a video about the updates today...and I went over to where the beta stand used to be and i'm like, "OH. NO.THEY.DIDN'T!!!!!!
DeleteI'm actually pretty mad about that.
Me too u can buy dens at ur den seriously and the coral corner closed right when I started playing aj well the news said it was soon going to close.good memories
Thats the worst news I ever got on AJ. But the horse shaman, YIIIIPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! But now foxes are member, NOOOOOOOO! When I heard the news I started CRYING a bit. Yes, Im 10 years old... Not I think, you know how the trailer for animal jam says, Be you favorite animal? My favorite animal is the dragon. (Yes a dragon)But so many people love dragon, alagators, horses, and most of all foxes. That statement is a big lie. In my oppinion, I can't use foxes is worse then being grounded on aj for a month. :( Look at all the member people with the word fox in there username compared to non member usernames. I use to play everyday for hours, now in going to play a few minutes ever other day. T.T
Dragons are my favorite animal too! :D
DeleteK so we did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy but anyway my name is Sophia i feel so happy cause also my favorite animal is a
Ok, im mad.
ReplyDeleteThe plant stand was a favorite hangout of mine. I loved it, it was actily Jamaasain. I am only still playing AJ because my friends on it. I got on AJ to get away from the real world. now AJ IS the real world!!!
I know right!? Like, I'm thinking of AJ all day, everyday. It's crazy...
Me too I can't stop thinking about aj too and I have a big problem: I'm addicted to aj!!! All I need is a purple laptop and a 12 mOnth membership and it will last me a year
OMG Snowy guess what!! When you click on a fox's name tag, on the player card the fox looks 3D!!! X.X
ReplyDeleteWell, every animal looks 3D... Not to be rude.
DeleteAnd a message to all: I am not going to comment on this blog as much as I do before. I will still read it, but do not expect me to comment. I know, it isn't that serious, but commenting spends so much of my time, that I just have to stop commenting.
Yeah, it is all gradienty. I don't like it that much.
DeleteOk ok ok, I'm like over excited. Way over excited. We made a difference!!!! Yay!!!! Hold on while I get my "happies" out. :D Ok, yah. That's all I had to say. ^-^
LOL, im way excited. I love updates, who's with me!?
DeleteMe!... OK, that sounds anti jammasian, but I love when there is a new animal or contest!
ReplyDelete:P I am reading my parent's Baby Names book, and apparently "Spohia" means "wisdom". WISE HORSE! :P
DeleteOH I knew that you can look up tons of names on this website called zelo.com
DeleteI thnk that's the website.
I am so happy for the foxes! I really wish they were nonmember. I'm a member and all, it's just that they are making a huge impact on the clans. If they were nonmember, it'd make the clans more fair. I hope they become available for all Jammers soon!
ReplyDeleteNow, the horse statue ROCKS!!! I can't believe we did that!!! Sophia is a really great name! Maybe we can name the penguin and the Giraffe Statue Next? And maybe when they come out with the fox statue, might they name that right away?
I'm nm so I'm sad. AJ hq should have gave us foxes instead of penguins.
DeleteI know!
DeleteYa. I don't even like penguins. :(
DeleteIk!!!! I'm so excited for the horse statue!
P.S. Nonmembers- I know it's completely unfair. :(
I totally agree with you. It isn't fair for non-members.
DeleteAs for the horse statue... YAY! I would have expected a bit of a better name, though..?
yea, the name is a bit, i dunno, so un-orginal and flat sounding. Like a really typical name...i wish they named it Anastasia or something fancy-ish.
DeleteI have the 999 thing too, and I'm sure I didn't buy 999 days of membership!
I have that glitch too! It's very weird indeed. Maybe because my membership automatically renews itself....? I don't know.
I was thinking that too, Ducier. o.o Cause I have 999 membership.
Deletebut that'd be cool if you got to keep it ya know...
Delete:D they named a statue!
ReplyDeleteikr XD
DeleteYay I'm so happy!!!
Do it some more name the
ReplyDeleteHi Snowy! I have seen that now animals are 3D in the Change Your Look Page. If you post please give me credit. :) (If I noticed first of corse)
Ugh.. I am on vacation... No computer....
ReplyDeletelol, i was in the same situtation when giraffes came out!
DeleteAWESOME SNOW WE REALLY HAVE FOUND HOPE....OMG all that we need now is the beta day stuff much as dens and places back and CRYSTAL SANDS :)
people i got a idea for a name for the fox Andisiarnaia shaman like and good :)
ReplyDeleteHmm I guess that name is pretty cool. :)
And long too... LOL!
Deletelol shaman names are weird and long so
Deletehi snowyclaw! i found something different in animal jam. when you log onto animal jam, when you put the wrong password in, it takes you to, returning players,or make a new animal! but they switched it around! returning players was to the left, and now its to the right! and make a new animal, was to the right, but now its to the left!
ReplyDeletei am SOO happy about this update, 1, they're mailboxes aren't all 'fancy' with all the paint and technology, horse shamans actually are NAMED, they replaced the empty shop, good times, good times, with a den shop (tho a little fancy) and a new animal, sadly with members only. IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY ~awholenewworld
ReplyDeletecool but i wish it was non member :(
ReplyDeleteWhen I logged in today, I got a Legendary Glove gift for "being such an awesome Jammer!" did anyone else get that? I also got two imprisoned phantoms... it's really weird. Although I'm not complaining! lol
YOU GOT WHAT???!! No fair! I only got a imprisoned phantom. :(
DeleteI alreday got like, 5 of them.
Really? I got one Imprisoned Phantom "Just for bring Animal Jam back to Jamma".
DeleteI'm not complaining either.
ReplyDeleteI'm in LOVE with the new foxes!! <3 *knew that was going to love the foxes*
OMG!!! FOXES!!!!!!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteATTENTION SNOWYCLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnimal Jam DOES know about making a difference, because I did it on AJ, and when I logged on I got a letter from them that said, "Thank you for bringing Animal Jam back to Jamma" and they gave me an Imprisoned Phantom! Wierd right?
Aj is givving gifts to the members who pitched in to make a difference. :) And, Ignore my long one. I'm now saying is, i'm sad that most things are member, but they payed REAL money for that computer game. If you have membership, you sould feel good, knowing that you can afford it. Many people can't even click a mouse once. :( And know that when you are paying for animal jam membership, you are helping animal jam become better and helping a poor animal out there. Oh my gosh what a speech! I'm feeling emotonal.
errm, actually i got one too...im a non-member girl!
DeleteI am not a member and they sent me a gift!
They didn't send me a gift! And I did the "Name the shaman" thing for days! I feel left out. :(
DeleteIk my brother got a gift and he didn't help at all. And I helped and got nothing too so don't push it. ^-^
Deletei'm kind of disappointed foxes are members only. Not only they are all around you wherever you go but now theres all these fox parties at places like sarepia forest and they force us to get out.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh never judge person on aperance! They don't know, just because youi don't have a fox dosn't mean you lame! You could be a super awesome person! They just missed an opertunaty to make a new friend! And members, don't tease non members! Some people can't aford a membership! Your lucky you have one!!!
DeleteOmg!! I entered a Mailbox for the furniture contest. Perhaps they got the idea from me (and possibly other people) Heh heh im so joyful :3 ~ Purplebelle1
ReplyDeletehey, snowy, i dont know if other people have told you yet, but if you go thro a random persons name, and they have a sea animal, not a sea/land animal, and click it then another animal (land) on the same person, the background turns out black and gray for the land animals! awholenewworld
ReplyDeleteyah! ive noticed, weird huh?!
DeleteI LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the new update! First of all, foxes are here! Im not worrying about membership cause I get membership around meh b-day. :3 You could now lock your den away from home, see how many days you have left on your membership, (even though there is a glitch) and... there are so many new things, I can't even keep track! Oh yeah, THEY FINALL NAMED THE SHAMAN STATUE! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WHO DOESN'T LIKE SAYING YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... Ok, I'm done. They have the plushies, the new painting-by-yourself studio, and...the new no mailbox! The only bad thing is the Den Depot, which spends my time pretending to be a shop keeper and annoying random people. It's fun. :3
ReplyDeleteI meant the new nm mailbox. And the way you said HOLY Mira... LOL!
DeleteI must admit, the Holy Mira part was funny. In real life, I said something I shouldn't say. lol, Not often Snowy says Holy Mira! XD
LOL so true. so glad that the shaman statue was named...what do you think the fox statue (if there is one) should be named?
Deletehey snowy im lirdi and i found some thing jammasian go to temple of zios if you look in the middle of braddly bars lab and the chamber of knowlage you can see mira
ReplyDeleteSo. AWESOME!!! I can't wait to get a fox, so cute!!
I think I'm about to cry... My friend just called me and told me what class I got in school and we didn't get the same class... DX I did get the teacher I wanted though... DOn't ask why I'm posting this on here because I don't know why either.
Aww that way too bad! :( But it's good to talk about you feeling to others. Especaly people like you! There are many trubbles you will face and you have to talk about it! Anywhere, no matter how silly it compares to the subject i don't care!
Dolphin Plushie!!!!!!!!!!
Snowyclaw when foxes run their tails divide into two
ReplyDeletewho has a fox plushie, any color but red, cuz y friend fuzzy needs them for his collection
ReplyDeleteAj lets members "test" new animals and then they let nonmembers use them.
ReplyDeleteI luv the foxes but their feet are tiny!!!!!! And im going on vacation so I wont get on for four days! :( but this morning I atleast got my fox.
ReplyDeleteHey snowyclaw, I was wondering why hasn't Lovelost posted anything on her blog. I thought maybe you know something?-anonymous
ReplyDeletei think shes was updating her blog...not sure
DeleteOh great thanks a lot I thought she might have quit. I would have been like NUUUUUUU!-thanks
DeleteI just happened to have this great idea! It would be Fox Den, made out of tunnels and no modern stuff! I even emailed the HQ about it since so many people liked my idea.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed something, when you change animals, there's this weird high pitched sound mixed with it now. Not very good for people with sensitive ears, like me. OUCH!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I noticed that too. :/ But I think it's just a glitch and AJ will fix it soon.
DeleteYa, it's a really weird glitch! I wanted to buy the antlers, though. XD
ReplyDeleteYou should write more shaman stories!
ReplyDeletewell um...seems like they don't know how to spell carnival... :l
ReplyDeleteAWESOME UPDATE!!! I love the foxes! They are so fun!! Also I'm so thrilled that they named the horse shaman. Now lets hope they name all the other un named shamans!!
ReplyDelete-TheSafari07 :)
i also have that glitch 999 member ship i payed for a month i saw that in my account and said omg more than a year? its very wierd . and on 1 of my nonmember acounts it said that to that i was memeber but i was nonmember
a year is 365/366 days long... LOL
Deletedarn, too bad the foxes are non-member...>_<
ReplyDeletethey foxes are sooo adorable!
HOLY Mira!
ReplyDeleteCassidy the fix shaman
Fox I meant
DeleteAnyone else notice that if you put pride in the last name of your fox it turns up to be proud?
:3 Also, If anyone or your friend is a fox, and chu open there nametag it shows up as sorta 3D!
ReplyDeleteYEAH!!!! WE GOT THEM TO NAME THE HORSE! I am so happy! The movement is working!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the name Sophia (mostly because it is my name and i now have an excuse to keep telling my friends in their face)! And i FINALLY got a fox AND A HEADDRESS!
great for you i cant get a headress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
DeleteWell I have a HEADDRESS and U can't have it!!
ReplyDeleteAwww no more monthly member gift, just diamond shop.
ReplyDeleteNo more Shamans, just Alphas.(Well the Shamans were renamed, but still, I like Shaman better than Alpha.)