Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Raccoon Tail, sold in the clothing booth of the sunny Summer Carnival. :)

You all had great stories yesterday, I read every single one! Here's a fun one about the crazy rabbit shaman, Peck!
That's all I have time to post today jammers, happy jamming!

ReplyDelete1. >.<
ReplyDelete2. Hey! c:
wow, why is Aj`s prices rising, I don`nt think it does them any good!
I don't know why, and it sure doesn't do US any good!!!
exactly.....i am getting annoyed by this now it needs to stop some of us may as well contact them about this they want to bring what we want right? i guess we may just contact them and find out the answer :)
DeleteIkr such a big price... plz stop Aj not all of US have lots of tickets in the carnival
DeleteI wish that there was at least one non member tail armor D:
Yeah... And also that story is BRILLIANT! I love it!
lol i red that one XD anyway aww i never get picked LOL
Deletesame and i,m memeber...
DeleteThanks SO much! I am glad you like it so much!! :D
yeah it,s awesome good job
DeleteI wish. Why can't AJHQ make more things nonmember?
DeleteAnd yeah you are right THAT STORY IS SO COOL!!!!
yeah for both comments you are so right about the nm things it is soo annoying....and for the story awesome
DeleteI know, but it's true! Why can't they??? Mhmm
Lucky that non members get anything check out club penguin and you'll know whT I'm talking about
DeleteI'm member but I still think non mems should get more items they like that r 4 non member!!!!!!!!!!!!:D hey if u want 2 meet meh on animal jam meh user is foxluv14725
DeleteCongrats to the storyteller! I had read your story in the last post! I've gotten picked once. Anyway, whose excited about SUMMER OLYMPICS 2012??? I sure am! London's doing a GREAT job hosting.
Thanks! :D
DeleteI AM I AM! :D
DeleteMhmm it was a really good story!!!! ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!! XDD
go london olympics! though the opening ceremony this year is weird...
DeleteYeah I know...I saw the Opening Ceremony and I'm like WHAT? What's happening... Because when they moved out, it wasn't in a pattern. At Beijing 2008, They moved out in a spiral.
Maybe we should make an impostor list. we could watch for them, and when they pop up, ask why they are imposing. Reply the imposer's name. I know one. Snowycaw!
i guess....but same time no cause it may be for a good thing or so...
DeleteHow about not just an impostor list, but a scammer, hacker, impostor, bully, bad username and dens list? I also saw one that was copying Snowy but i forgot their user. Also we can find other impostors too, not just Snowy's.
an imposter list, scammer list, etc causes a lot of drama and false accustions... but other than that it's a great idea!
DeleteYeah... But we're not making false accusations. We're just asking the person. Maybe it was an accident! Then they'd be off the list.
DeleteAs for scammer list..that's the one that causes drama.
I saw some 1 who looked just like snowyclaw once but wasn't snowyclaw.....
Delete:D wow!! Im on the Blog!! :D Im glad you liked my story so much!
ReplyDeleteyeah it was great way better tben mine
DeleteYou earned it! It was great! I didn't even write one. :P
ha nice one way to go lillilou22! das my buddy ^^ come join us on AJ my username is btrdtoast
ReplyDeleteThanks Crunchy :D
Deletelol das MY buddy ^^ Seriously, BtrdToast has a EPIC den!
I'm just getting onto Animal Jam! I'll check it out if it's not locked!
i will check it out later myself i guess and i bet it is epic XD
Deletethx ronnie ^^ you are welcome back anytime...hope you like it kerriecat :D
DeleteHa ha! Told ya! He is a awesome guy too. And he will soon have a non member pumpkin in that already epic den as well :-D
DeleteOh yeah and if anyone is wondering, my username is Lillilou22, same as on here
Deletewoot! thx lillilou!! come hang with us...trading parties all the time at my place :D
ReplyDeleteHey Buddy Cute576 Hear !
ReplyDeletewoot cute576 thanks for joining in check out her trade list for good stuff...only good trades!!! :D
DeleteIkr i love chatting oon blogs xD i feel sooooooooooo weird doing this anyways great room !
ReplyDeleteAnother TAIL! I AM GETTING IT 5,000 TICKETS TO GO.
ReplyDeleteMe too! Does it cone in different colors?? :)
ReplyDelete**come lol
DeleteWell, I guess so! In my opinion it looks like a faded out tail armor, but if you change the colors, I bet it'll look great! Too bad it's member. :( But it's a coooooooooooooooool new item! :DDDDDDDDDD
DeleteYea it reminds me of chester the cat from alice and wonderland.
DeleteIt does!!!!! That's so weird I knew it reminded me of something but I wasn't sure what and now I remember it reminds be of the cat in Alice and Wonderland. :D
I'm gonna go around jamaa as a tiger creeping people out as a Cheshire cat. XD
i knew there was a reason i was saving all my tickets :)
ReplyDelete~ footclane
LOL oh by the way Snowy random i put cat tail into the ideas so we have a chance
DeleteI looked at the new tails , didn't like any colors .. So I had a friend that wanted one, I traded her a raccoon tail for a black bow ;)
DeleteSorry. I wasn't able to post yesterday. So i'm posting the story today. Hope you like it.
ReplyDeleteOn the chalk board, written in a paw language, It said,
Welcome to Captain Melville's Juice Hut. I am crystal and I'm a pirate. If your a nice person, could you please keep a lookout on our treasure? It's behind the coral canyons waterfall.
Soon, when the phantom king saw this post, he went for crystal's treasure. So, a brave jammer went after them. Her name was Fiona. Fiona followed them to the coral canyons waterfall. The bashed through the wall to see so many items. But deep within, through a hole, lies a big giant clear crystal. The phantoms started taking them away until Fiona jumped in and said, "That is NOT yours you little wicked phantoms!" She tackled all of them and growled. The fled and Fiona put the Crystal back in the place. Then, crystal's spirit appeared. "Thank you Fiona, For if a stone that powerful fell into the wrong hand... The life itself will disappere in jamma. You Fiona... A fox?" Fiona was stunned. She had never seen a spirit of course. "Y-yes I am." Crystal continued, "I can promise you. Soon, many more foxes will be roaming jamaa. And you, can be the top one of them, taking those phantoms, didn't it hurt?" Fiona's eyes widened. Her eyes started to close... "Ugh i'm driffting off..." Crystal just said, "You may rest here, Until you shall rise again...
~Another story by Maryp7
I really don't get why it's in the "caneravil".because it has nothing to dO with"carnival".add me or send me a buddy repast in my mail!!!!!!(in julysweet)bye the ways im switching to this pawsome blog!!!not fuzzys boring blog!!!!Happy jamming!:)
ReplyDeleteFuzzys blog is NOT boring. I know the authors and they have a lot going on in real life. I understand they don't post that much anymore, but please please don't be rude to my friend
Delete"not Fuzzy's boring blog!!!!"-
Delete@ Anonymous - I didn't ever think Fuzzy's blog was ever boring,they probably are having a really busy lives of their own,out there somewhere in the world.Please just don't talk that way about other people's works or even them.Everyone has feelings.
(Please don't take this like I'm being mean,I just wanted you to know.)
Breacking it down with a nOn stop summer!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYea you go the person how commented before me!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this item so much and I really want one but their so expensive -.- chances are I probably wont get one
DeleteI won't be buying it either-only have 3,000 tickets....
i got it p,s when i look at my nail it makes me feel half asleep i don.t know why...
Deletep,s i joined the blog :D
At least I tried :D
I'm really mad right now!!! I'm in a car driving to the airport to fly to Korea!!! I have very low connection in the airport... I have all my tickets to get the tail but I can't! If anyone could be so kind to buy me one and send it to me? I will be willing to send a glove back in return. Please help!!! I would appreciate it! (For colors I want black or all brown!) Thank you!!! THIS IS NO SCAMM IM SERIOUS!!!!! USER:Livieloo6
ReplyDeletecool new tail armor!
DeleteI know right!
I might if I have anough livieooo6!(julysweet here add me on animaljam)
ReplyDeleteHi! That is so cool. Um, if someone could help me out and get me a racoon tail, that would be nice, I'm trading for it. I'm Ivysong, as it says on my name thing :D thanks for listening, and snowyclaw, your welcome for the caged phantoms and stuff!
ReplyDeletei just got one so... however when i look at mine it makes me feel half asleep..LOL
DeleteWoah! You have that many tickets? Cool! I only have like...3,000....:P
I'm. Soooo. Tired. I was fast asleep then somehow woke up at 2:00 am. But anyway I still like Elf Tail armor better than this raccoon tail. It's not even "racoony". It should he black and grey like the raccoons that like to climb the trees in my backyard. And I have 3,000 tickets and I'm saving up for a green carosel hat . This was no fun to type because I'm on my moms phone and its an Android so auto correct corrects like everything.
ReplyDeletePs there will be a contest on my blog soon
DeleteEveryone!!! Jamanimal135 (I think I spelled it right) is quitting her great blog! Go on there and comment to bring her back! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :(
ReplyDeleteWell if she is then why don't switch to this blog!im julysweet and made a very hard desion to switch to fuzzys to this 1!it was hard but I did it anyways!!!!
ReplyDeleteHer blog needs some TLC!!! Go over to Jamanimal135's blog and comment to bring her back!!! Please!!!
Hello! Hows it going? :-D
DeletePlease don't spam.
DeleteSorry...I didn't realize i was spamming... I won't do it again.
DeleteI'm sure Lillilou22 didn't know she was spamming though...but who was Anonymous???(and did you mean Anonmymous was spamming or Lillilou22?)
Delete@ Please don't take my questions too hard,I'm really just am curious about this.xD
oh guys pleadr check out my blog if you have no already i still need people i only got some followers 2/3/4 but that,s not lots as so i think you guys are interested b both moshi monsters and animal jam :)
ReplyDeleteWhatis it,I'd like to check it out.:)
DeleteI'm already sure its epic though!:D
P.S.-If this isn't too much for you,can you check out my blog? (Animal Jam Passion : animaljampassion.blogspot.com)Thank you Kerriecat.:D
Don't freget august monthly member gift tomorrow! By the way this is mldriver i am on my phone.
ReplyDeletehmm...i wonder what it'll be...
DeleteHappy happy happy!!
DeleteI think I know! I saw a jammer with a golden phantom that I don't think has been out yet... I bet it will be the monthly gift!
DeleteThe racoon tail huh...It make's feel like AJ should make non-member racoons...hahaha....
ReplyDeleteP.S. - This blog is getting more views every single day,my blog is getting lesser everyday lol.
I guess I havn't tried hard enough.Anyway,Snowyclaw your a good blogger/jammer!:D
Hey jammers! ^.^ I'm having a contest on my blog! It's www.animaljamleaf.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteIt ends August 3rd
I'll enter!:D
Deletep.s.-your blog looks awesome.:)
Ello guys. I have some bad news.. I accidently deleted my Gmail account which deleted Nat geo wildlife T.T Im gonna make a new one with the excact same info.
ReplyDeleteSo that explains it!
DeleteI was trying and trying to go on it for the past 5 minutes,lol.
And yes,ofcourse you should make another one.The NatGeo Wild Life Blog was awesome!:D
Will we be having new contests than?Because I was looking forward to another one.
/).(\ Plz dont make fun of me. My name! /).(\
ReplyDeleteI like it :)
DeleteIs that your real name?
DeleteIt's really epic though!I'm being honest,I find names like yours cool because their so unique and awesome!Every name is actually!:D
I certainly have a weird name(When you know the meaning,I actually think its pretty awesome.lol im showing off too much though sorry about that)
Deletei love the new racoon tail! it is sooo cool, i have not seen anyone wear it yet, so if you have one, please tell me your user name so i can see what it looks like (i want to know if i should save up for one or not) my user is catypoee, please add me snowyclaw, i love your blog!
ReplyDeletedoes anyone have carnval stuff for trade? please comment if you do!
ReplyDeleteI do, i have plushies and a lollipop necklace. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat would you trade for your lolliepop?
Deletemy user is catypoee by the way
DeleteLOL it looks like a blob. *-*
ReplyDeleteRoseyicybunny :)
ReplyDelete@ Likiroe and mangoshapedspace
ReplyDeleteThx guys :) I feel really happy.
Sincerely, Wolfgang20733
You deserve to be happy!And no problem!
Ok let me get this strait,the reason why the prices are high,is because that AJHQ whats people to be members and if the prices are high and items are good,more people want them.and if you really like animal jam then that's how they keep it going.so those NM can cry all they want,but they don't realize this.that's why I joined o I could keep AJ going.
ReplyDelete-...........you'll never know me!
ReplyDeleteHi!whats up with the member gift??????it's weird!!!???and I agree with .....,,you"ll never know me!!!!!!!!!those NM really need to stop being so sad and if they want a membership ask for 1,save up for 1!!!I had to save up...it's only 40 bucks!!!!!felling of the day:mixed????
ReplyDeleteWhat is Animal Jam????????:/
DeleteAnimal Jam is a online world. You can click on my name to go the the site to check it out if you want. :)
Animal Jam is an online virtual game,you use animals as your avatar and learn things about animals,nature,and many other things.Also you can decorate your den(it's like your own house in a way),shop(for items for your den or yourself),trade(trade your items for other Jammers items),and socialize (meet other Jammers around the world and chat with them and play games).Hope Lillilou22 and I helped with your question!:)
Thanks so much! I was really wondering where raccoon tails came from.
ReplyDeletei was wondering where it was to! thanksxx
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Meh really want a tail plz if u have 1 u don want plz and I m begging plz send it 2 meh oh be4 I 4get meh user is foxluv14725!!!! Plz I m begging I really just want 1 just 1 plz only 1 and I no I am begging like a lot but really plz just 2 just 1!!!!!!!!!!! Plz plz I wanted 1 since I started Aj and don ask how I found out about it......
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