Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
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Hey jammers! As we had supposed quite a while ago, the "rare" plaque on the now Rare Scary Bat Wings meant they were coming into stores. It seems we were right, for they appear today!

And off in the phantom ship's hold in Kani Cove there lies a Sunken Treasure... The Scary Barrel Sponges! Whom are returning from their yearlong trip to the Caribbean or something.

There continue to be jammers showing up in techno colors, glowing and changing one dimensionally. And they always seem to have an item from the adventures by their side. Hmm... How...
Thank you for submitting these pictures, bunnyisb! And now to our Monday Mystery. Your task (if you feel up to the challenge) is to write a mini story about the picture that follows...
In the Chamber of Knowledge, near a Zios figure, a collection of spears, and Sir Gilbert's battle armor, there hangs a broken shield. How was it shattered? Who is responsible? Why does it hang in this hallway if it is no longer useful? What could it possibly represent?
Happy jamming, and beware the phantoms!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
A fantastic music video from MintCocoaX3!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!
Congrats! ^.^
DeleteHmm okayyyy tough story choice snowy! Doing my best here;
"No dad, you can’t leave me! Dad, stay with me"
"Promise me young one that……*cough* you must always be brave…"
"I promise dad, but you can’t leave!"
"I…. must, but I will …. always…. watch over you…from above…"
The frolicking little tiger cub, named Gilbert, like all cubs, was doing something, which his older self would have poured scorn on the senselessness of it; trying to catch his shadow. Gilbert was so intent on pouncing his shadow, with accuracy, he didn't look where he was going, and he fell THUMP into a purplish black hole. As he scrabbled out of the strange hole, he became aware of his surroundings, he soon realized that he had strayed far away from the ambush of tigers, his family. He had no idea what to do, so he sat up on his haunches and made a noise, which was a mixture of a whimper and a roar. In no less than a moment, his father, the head of the pack, came lumbering through the vegetation, and guided him, gently chiding him not to get lost again.
After a week or so (in tiger's time), Gilbert noticed his father was becoming edgy, often irritated and twitchy. Even a little noise, like when his armor clattered to the dirt floor, set him off, jumping in surprise. 'What happened to make him so set off?' Gilbert often wondered. 'Maybe it has something to do with that strange blue feather, which father found in his territory.' However, since Gilbert was a very inquisitive cub, he did not pay much attention to this strange matter.
DeleteAs the weeks flew by, he also noticed all the adults in the ambush becoming similarly edgy, like his father. When he dropped a spear, his father gave him an earful, when he knocked his head against a rock, his uncle demanded an explanation from him, when he forgot to sharpen his claws, his mother lectured him for two tiger hours about claw cleanliness. 'All this supposedly for a pretty blue feather,' he grumbled, 'I can get a blue feather from the jay that comes round everyday! Or even from the kingfisher, his feathers are multicolored! Oh I really need to find out why, or else I will never be back to the same cub I used to be, I will become a splitting image of my mother!
One day, as the cub was cave alone, he heard a faraway bang. I sounded somehow muffled, like it was underground, but it was not a pleasant sound. It sounded like a million and one bugs have invaded some far-off place (in a way, this prediction was right), but because of his inquisitiveness, he ventured around their cave, only to discover a black cloud on the horizon. He scampered to tell his father there was a 'weird black raincloud' and with a horrified look, his father bounded over to where his son had seen the 'weird black raincloud.' As the surprised cub observed, his father gave an earth-shaking roar, and in a moment, all the members of the tiger clan were assembled, with another earthquake roar, Gilbert's father pawed his way through the black 'cloud' which turned out to be millions and millions of phantoms. His father managed to keep them under control, but he lost his footing, and became trapped under all their spidery shapes.
DeleteWith all the strength he had left in his body, he let out a roar, and flung all the phantoms off. But, with the phantoms, went his strength. And his life.
As the tired pack members gathered in a sorrowful ring around the once-strong tiger warrior, a small orange ball of fur shoved his way into the cirlce. Gilbert. "Daddy? Wake up please, don't sleep.' he merely asked, wondering why everyone was so devastated.
As his mother came through the now-parted ring, she gently licked his tousled fur, and, told him that his father was gone."Don't be silly mom, there he is, right in front of us! Can you wake him up please?" "Child, your father's spirit might be there, but his soul is up there." "So that means he cant talk? Or play? Or run?"
DeleteWith each question, his mother sorrowfully shook her head. With a pitiful roar, he leapt onto his father's body, and tried to lick it, for his father hated being licked. No movement, not even a flinch.
After a few hours after the ordeal, his mother took him aside, and even in a world of drastic changed, Gilbert could not expect what she was saying. It turned out, the reason why his father used to be so edgy was because of the blue feather. A shaman, known as Mira had personally stopped and given Gilbert's father the blue feather, asking him to join her. With tears in her eyes, his mother informed him about his father's indirect acceptance, to think about it, but now that his father was not able to take the position, his mother asked 'Are you interested in taking your father's place, and helping and her shamans, in the world of Jamaa? 'Jamaa..', the name of it sounded good on the cub's tongue. As he thought about it for the next few hours, he decided to give it a go. As he packed his belongings, though there was not much to pack, since he was just a cub, he was surprised by a figurine of a beautiful blue bird, with feathers like blue silk. Mira had been alerted of his decision, and came very quickly. She was surprised at how little the cub had packed, and when she saw a suit of shattered armor of the brave warrior hanging on the cave's wall, she asked the cub to bring it, because she was sure it had some meaning. The cub obeyed her, and thought this was a very wise thing to do, so everyone will know of his father's bravery no matter where they go. After bidding all the tigers he had grown up with, and his dear mother good bye, he silently vowed three things, to never lose courage, to protect all animals from those spidery things (phantoms, as he later on learnt they were), and to make his father proud. With a deep, shaky breath, he was ready. "Okay, I'm ready Mira. Let's go.
DeleteThe shattered armor in the chamber of knowledge was Gilbert's father's armor, and it is shattered from the evilness of the phantoms. However, even though the armor of the warrior was shattered, the spirit of a great warrior lives on.
Sorry this story is kinda sucky, my exams are on the 21st of October, so yea.... where I live, my curriculam is kinda different >.< Hopefully, I can write a better story AFTER my exams!
DeleteThanks! ^.^
No, this sotry is awesome! :D
DeleteI mean story
Deletelol thanks! :)
DeleteThe story is not bad! You put Gilbert's beginning into this story and I loved it! It's ok, school is more important than stories in a blog! :)
OH DEAR GOD THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Would you mind if I posted your story on my blog? I'll give all credit to you of course!
Delete@Anonymous: Do not call people that. Unless of course you mean we are Beautiful, Intelligent, Trying, Caring and Happy, then do not use any bad language on this blog.
Delete@avabug: Can I have ur blog, if your going to post the story? I just wanna check it out! Sure, you can post the story
@krazygirl; thanks :D
DeleteHey guys I have encountered a jammer named Ajplaywildhelp, I friended him/her and traded him/her and traded me back. He/she said I gave him/her items for a glitch repair and wanted to give me a headdress as reward and told me to put something on trade. Then he/she left mysteriously and unfriended me for some reason. I don't care that I gave some items to the jammer, but I worry this could lead to a hack. Can someone help me with this?
Delete@Sarah R.,
DeleteCongrats! :D
And awesome story! I love it! I"m sure Snowy would be interested in it too! (^_-_^)
Delete@Splashywaters: Either the jammer was a scammer, and thought you were someone else, or the jammer wanted to hack. If you think it's a hack, you must...
Delete1. Change your password ASAP!!!
2. Make sure your parent's email is logged in, so your parents can moniter your account. It may be a pain in the neck but hey, safety is better than hacking!
3.TRYYYY to remember that jammer's username, and report him/her to AJHQ, with an email, telling AJHQ what happened!
@Willaforce Jamaa; Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :D
@ Sarah R. wonderful story ❤ it!
Delete❤ -snow131313- ❤
Yep, 2nd ;)
ReplyDeleteArgh, I missed the SBS >.<
Congrats! :D
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to feel about bats coming back. I have two already but then again I don't mind they are back. I used to really want one and I got one ages ago it was very rewarding. Now other jammers can feel that pleasure I suppose ^^
ReplyDeleteDat modesty... Well done.
DeleteReal comment:
ReplyDeleteI don't really know if scary bats coming back is good or bad, well at least they WILL help stop scamming but some jammers traded lots of rare and beta stuff for these so the jammers are kind of getting scammed too! D: But some jammers have ALWAYS wanted scary bats and nonmembers cant wear the regular wings but they can wear the scary bats. Well in my opinion, the scary bats WILL become rare again as time passes ^.^ Its kinda sad how Monday rares don't ACTUALLY be rare though D:
So.. What do you think? yay or noo?
Congrats Kinyonga!
Congrats! Maybe I think its nooo because i traded in for a bat wings! >.< I feel really silly now, but thankfully i had some backup rares now!
Thank you!
ReplyDelete4th Comment
ReplyDeleteHey Snowy,
I've made the story
Story of the shield
Sir Gilbert's ancestor, Albert ,who lived when Zios left Mira , when phantoms came to life owned that shield that he used to battle the phantoms but one day,when he was practicing ,the phantoms came and captured all of the alphas then when he returned he saw that there was no one but it seemed to him that the phantoms came there. So, he hurried and ran towards the cave of phantom. Then he fought the phantoms but they captured him so he used his shield to break his cage and the other alpha's. The shield was damaged then he used it to defeat Phantom king I. When battling the king his shield shattered into pieces.
I hope you like it
congrats! :D
DeleteNo one is commenting O_O
ReplyDeleteMira's Shattered Shield
ReplyDeleteThe shield has been in the Chamber of Knowledge in memory of Mira, protecting Jamaa until she fell.
Chapter 1 - The Creation of a New Weapon
Peck decided to carve something that can protect everyone in Jamaa that's made of sky blue crystal. She thought that it can help in the Great War between the Animals and the Phantoms. Mira will love it, Peck thought. And that was when the shield for Mira is born.
Chapter 2 - No Need for Shields
By the time the shield was done, Peck hopped quickly to Mira's hideout.
"Mira, take a look on what I got", Peck showed the shield to Mira.
"Thank you, but I don't think this will be that useful to stop the Phantoms", Mira responded.
"That is the most stupid idea I've ever seen, Peck", Greely gave the mad look at Peck. The bunny flat her ears, showing that she's sad.
"I guess I made this for nothing", Peck rubbed the shield and went outside.
Peck didn't go to discuss about the battle, since everyone was mean at her back at the hideout. She decided to not battle, but if she gave Mira the shield, she won't be needing it anyway.
Chapter 3 - Useful
Peck heard flapping of wings that's coming straight towards her. She got up and looked up at the sky and saw a heron. The heron landed right next to Peck and looked at her.
"Mira, why are you here", Peck asked.
"Forget about the other Shamans", Mira responded. "I came here because that I need your shield. I studied the crystal and I realised it's the same color as your shield. It says that it can stop the Phantoms. I might needs this in battle".
Peck can't believe it. The crystal that she carved was rare! And it can defeat many Phantoms. Mira decided to save it when she'll battle the Phantom King. Peck gave the shield to Mira and said:
"Good luck".
Mira flew back, ready for battle.
Part 2 is in the making.
Part 2
DeleteChapter 4 - Crystal Mystery
Mira hid the shield so the Phantom King won't see it. He will know if Mira has a plan just by looking at it. Mira isn't afraid of anyone, she wants Zios back. No matter what happens to her, she still wants him. She was alone, on a branch. She thinks that the crystals are maybe HER idol. Maybe the shield was her heart? Are there more crystals that's just like that in the world? If not, she'll fall if her shield bursts into pieces. She found that out when she found a silhouette inside that shield, or is that Peck who carved it? Mira decided to use it only in the Phantom King by a surprise attack.
"I'll do my best", she said at loud.
Chapter 5 - The Battle
The Animals, that are in armor stared at the Phantoms that went into their position. Mira was above the Animals. She looked at the Phantom King. What an ugly face he has! Her shield was camouflaged in her tail feathers. She doesn't know if it'll help. Everyone charged at their enemies. Most of the Animals are falling off of their paws. The Phantoms were winning! It was time to use the shield. There came a force field that suddenly came out from the shield. It protected every animal that were fighting. Sir Gilbert was throwing spears at the Phantom King but failed. Mira attacked the Phantom King. She forgot to use her shield! The Phantom King suddenly fainted. She looked at every animal when the Phantom King electrocuted Mira. That was when the shield fell from her tail and shatters. Mira realised it and fell to the ground. It was her idol, and her death.
Chapter 6 - Sad Days
Peck thought that the shield didn't cause Mira to fall. She thought that it was the Phantom King's electricity who destroyed her. Peck bursted into tears. The Shamans sadly went back to their homes. There was no one who can save Jamaa from the rotten Phantom King now.
Sorry if it's long, I often write 6-chapter stories! ^.^
I JUST CANT STOP READINGGG It's so amazing!!!!!!!!
Thanks! ^.^
Krazygirl wins. xD I can sense it!
DeleteWhat an awesome story! I love it! Rockin'ly amazing. Truly. ;D
DeleteThanks everyone! ^.^ I can't wait for next Monday! I really love sharing stories with you guys!
It's a poisoned apple o.O
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time there were jammers. An old wicked witch gave them ancapple, and they ate it. They started changing colors, the end XD
~NyanChocoa (on the nook)
O.O ancapple? An APLLE XD!
An apple -.-.
!! xDDD. Nice :D
DeleteGood one! Lol
I think she/he wins. O_o
DeleteLOL good one XD
DeleteI think it's YAY! It's fair for non-members to get their own pair of wings. I know it's not fair for rare collectors but non-members feel worse when the non-member scary bat wings aren't there.
Does anyone have an unwanted headdress
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I traded my scary bats for freedoms! :D
ReplyDeleteWhoa, you7 can see ahead in time! "Are you from da FUTURE!?"
DeleteLol, that quote is from Brian Regan's stand up comedy,
it's so funny! ^-^ You guys need to watch him. Right now. So why are you still reading this? Go on YouTube and search it up. NOW! xD
woww Bat Wings is on sale ! AWWW YEAAHHH!!! #meeehappy long time ago i wish i had Bat Wings and now i can to buy them ! yayaya
ReplyDeleteand that neon glitch is very very wierd :D i hope that soon we will know how to do it ;)
I know right! I don't even know what the Neon Glitch is, but it seems AWESOME! My favorite color is Neon Green, so yeah. x3
DeleteI know right! :D i can finally buy one too!
DeleteI like neon colors, there awesome. ^.^
The fight had begun. The alphas were eye to eye with the phantom king. Liza gave the signal to charge. Greely, peck and Cosmo went for the phantom king's eye. Liza went for the mouth, and Sir Gilbert taunted it into smashing itself on the ground. Just when the phantom king hit the ground the electric force suddenly rushed through Gilbert's shield. There was a loud "boom" and the phantom king disappeared."CRACK", everyone turned to look at Gilbert's shield. The shield had cracked into four large pieces. There was a long silence and Liza finally said" keep the shield, GREELY can study it later." But no one ever touched sir Gilbert's shield after that.
ReplyDeleteWow that was really interesting!
DeleteThat was like.. AWESOME! x3 You have really good Grammar, Summerlin. Very interesting! ^-^
DeleteI agree, it has really good grammar!
DeleteI wana know how to do neon glitch! Its so cool. Anyway if you turn into gost at party, and then get all muddy, all you can see is your eyes! Owlzzz
ReplyDeleteYah i know XD You look like a real ghost when you get muddy :D It also works with the lava in the wolf party and becoming frosty and the penguins only party/ice den
DeleteRare Scary Bat Wings is on sale!
After i buy all of it, after some time, i will give it to non-members for FREE!!! :DDD
Happy halloween, dudes!
That's a great thing to do!
Aww, that's nice of you Dadragon! ^-^ It's great what Jammers do these days.. *Sigh of happiness.* ;)
DeleteAww, thats so nice of you ^.^
DeleteNO NO NUUUUUUUUUUU DX The bat wings are todays rare DX DX I cried when i saw this.... There were my BEST items..... Now look at them... there a monday rare... DX
Aww, Superwolf... I feel so bad for you, and all the other Jammers who lost their best rare! What is it with AJ and Rare bringing back?
DeleteI think they are trying to end the "reign of rares" (as I like to call it) That was back a couple months ago, before the diamond shop, when scamming was a huge problem. I couldn't go into any world without seeing at least one scammer.
DeleteI think they should make those 45 gem necklaces rare. They should randomly take them out of stores. So all the people who got scammed by trading for a necklace can have a rare item! :D
( dumb idea)
I think that is a great idea :)
DeleteNM bat wings were getting pretty common before today anyway, due to all the people winning them from adventures. I don't know if it will be that much of a difference, lol.
DeleteI think that the phantoms broke the shield and then the alphas hung it up to represent their victory.
ReplyDeleteCool stories ya all ☀️ here's mine:
ReplyDeleteOne rainy day, greely sat outside, sharpening the blade on his prized silver sword. He wondered, what could match the brilliance and beauty of this sword? Suddenly he had it! He ran into his lab and shut the door. Greely locked himself in the lab for many days and nights. All the other alphas waited by the door, wondering what he was doing. Finally, greely a merged from the lab, A brilliant shining silver shield to match his sword. All the other alphas gasped in surprise and complimented greely on his fine work. Many many moons later, the final battle with the phantom king approached. Greely and the other alphas charged into battle, meeting the king head on. Greelys silver shield was what saved them. It hit the phantoms weak leg and sent him crippled with pain. The sheild broke in half. Then Cosmo and Liza locked him up in unbreakable prison. Greely put his special sheild in the temple were it can still be seen today.
Hoped ya all liked it!!!
-garfieldgirl307 ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Nice story! :D
Amazing! Very good word choice! I really enjoy reading jammer's stories.
DeleteWait, the Phantom King's shield broke in half? Lol, he needs to get a better Blacksmith. ^-^
DeleteUse Hephaestus! The Greek God of medal working and fire. :P Or more theoretically, use Graham, the monkey alpha. xD
DeleteGreat story! ^.^
ReplyDeleteBut I feel sorry for those that traded so much for them...
Someone even offered one for my rare bow. :/ I said "no". Because I knew it.
I'm happy also!
DeleteI KINDA am happy for Bat Wings to come back. The 1st reason is that people that wanted them can now have them. And the 2nd reason is that I traded my scary bat wings, red worn, and freedom wings for a black worn. I missed my scary bats a lot and they came back today! Yipee! But, now I have nothing good to trade for a purple worn :(. To the adventures I go!
Hey jammers! Go to my blog:
ReplyDeleteI'm Not lilac petal. I have games, Polls, and things you can comment on. Please feel free to comment or follow anytime you want! Thanks for reading this, and stay awesome.
~Chocolateh *AND FIRE IN DA LAZZARRRRRS (meme)*
What is an Orange Pirate Sword worth?
ReplyDeleteEveryone seems to act like their stuff is worth the most, even if it actually isn't. Sometimes if I purposely do a generous trade just to get rid of something I don't need for something "worthless" on someone else's list, they will actually decline anyway, not knowing I was basically trying to give them something for almost free. Sorry.... mini rant. xD Orange swords are probably not worth too much because they clash with a lot of colors... although, maybe since halloween is coming up, more people will want an orange than other times of year. You might be able to get a couple fox hats or a nice diamond shop item for it.
DeleteWow, I really need to stop commenting before I look. "Hey, that's a new one!" Yeah, I just made like.. 3 comments that I just now realized are entirely out of context. x3
ReplyDeleteHey jammers! Go to my blog:
ReplyDeleteI'm Not lilac petal. I have games, Polls, and things you can comment on. Please feel free to comment or follow anytime you want! Thanks for reading this, and stay awesome.
I'll trade a red nm glove fir four pairs of bats! Let me know if you want to do that!
sure :3 my user is skyofwonderz, what time, day, blah?
DeleteChapter One - Lost
ReplyDeleteWhen Peck was a kit, she always feared the Temple of Safe because legend said that it used to be a phantom lair, then Sir Gilbert helped Peck overcome her fear.
But one night, in Peck's burrow, a phantom patrol came in and murdered her parents. She squealed and cried for almost 13 hours, legend says! The Alphas adopted Peck and she never worried about her parents, but she always thought of them.
One day, Peck, Greely, and Sir Gilbert walked to the Temple of Safe. They saw phantoms steal all of Peck's gold and tazed her patrol. She bit a phantom's tentacle but got a sting in her mouth. This was just like what they did to her parents.
Part 2 coming up :D
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
it makes no scence i know it :|
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
I HATE it >:O I traded a lot for mine... I really wish they didn't come out... ajhq is sort of uh scamming us >.<
ReplyDeleteMeh... I don't really mind Scary Bat wings coming back. :I
ReplyDeleteBut I do like those scary sponges! Even underwater animals won't get left out of jack-o-lantern carving! :D
Um.. People are saying bringing back rares will REDUCE scamming. Well, if it's a Monday Rare, not everyone can get on on a Monday, am I right?
ReplyDeleteEasy target for a scam right there.
Yes, it goes both ways, quite sadly. :P
DeleteThe best way to get rid of all scamming 100% of the time..... is to ban every single player that breathes on the game, and close down Animal Jam permanently to protect people from getting scammed.
Delete.....I don't think I like that idea though..... :P
My story:
ReplyDeleteOnce, long ago, in the midst of the first Phantom War, there lived a monkey named Fuzzy. Fuzzy loved inventing and hoped to be just like her ancestor Graham, the Monkey Alpha. Now, yes, she was related to Graham, but then again all monkeys were. You could say that Fuzzy was over-confident in herself, but she didn't think so. Fuzzy was never really busy with "important" things. Well, that's what some other Jammers thought. She stayed home all day drawing her inventions, hoping some day they would pay off, and they finally did.
*This is part one, sorry! I have to go do homework. :c*
Hm... where exactly are the demon masks? I looked in the spooky party... I couldn't find them?
So In the Haunted Forest party, you go to your right all the way. You will see a bin with masks in it. Click that and look for the demon masks.
DeleteHey jammers! Go to my blog:
ReplyDeleteI'm Not lilac petal. I have games, Polls, and things you can comment on. Please feel free to comment or follow anytime you want! Thanks for reading this, and stay awesome.
ReplyDeleteNM bat wings are for sale? Didn't everyone already own a pair of NM bat wings because of all the adventures? I had such a hard time getting rid of bat wings for anything remotely fair, it's kind of the same thing as them being a RIM anyway. x3
ReplyDeleteSo ....yay?
Mira and Zios were together and the phantoms came to attack Jamaa. Zios was using a shield to protect him but then the phantom broke it. (lol thats it im bad at stories). Then the other alphas came and put zios and the broken glass in there to remember him and Jamaa before phantoms invaded. DX ---bunnyisb
ReplyDeleteOh noes! when i was logging on after a game of hearts, i got a MASSIVE scratch. god bless my little arm
ReplyDelete@Molleh Meep,
DeleteSorry to hear that! :C
ReplyDeleteYes, correct! You are 2nd! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! :D
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteOne day, Sir Gilbert was polishing his prized, silver shield. It was almost time for the battle with the Phantom king. Sir gilbert sighed looking at his weapons. "How could these possibly defeat the powerful phantom king?" He wondered. Suddenly Peck came rushing in Sir Gilbert's den. "Sir Gilbert! i have got fantastic news!" She shouted excitedly, "What is it?" He asked hoping it was something actually helpful. "I have heard that a blue stone can save jamaa! i think its located in the heart of Frosty caves in Mt. Shiveer." She replied. "Fantastic news!" Sir gilbert said, "What does it look like?" "Well, its round and shiny and defiantly blue, a bit like a turquoise but pure blue and smooth." Replied Peck. "Great! Lets ask Liza if she's gotten a map of Frosty caves." Gilbert said. They went to Liza's hut. "Welcome! what brings you here?" She asked. "We have come looking for a map of Frosty caves, in the heart of it, there's a big blue stone that can save Jamaa from the phantom king!" Peck said. "I think i heard of that stone but i never heard it can save Jamaa. But i heard it needs to be placed on a silver shield to work." Explained Liza. "Sir gilbert has one!" squealed peck excitedly. "So you will be going to Frosty caves?" Asked Gilbert. "We all will." Said Liza. Peck squealed with excitement.
Sorry if there was a lot of speaking O.O Chapter 2 will be coming soon!
Chapter 2
DeleteLiza, Peck and Sir Gilbert told all the shamans and they got ready. They all gathered at Jamaa Township. "Remember, we only have 3 days and no more, because that's when the war will start. Explained Liza to the shamans. "Now are you sure you have gotten all your stuff?" Asked Liza. All the shamans nodded their heads "we should set off then." said Liza. So they went to Frosty caves. At last they arrived. The walls of Frosty caves where not rock but ice, and covered in frost. "Wow, this cave is beautiful!" exclaimed Peck. "Enough chitchat, we have got to find that stone." Growled Greely. They Walked and walked following the map, the floors where ice too so they had to keep their balance. At last they reached the heart of Frosty caves, on the center of it on a plinth covered in Snowflakes, was a beautiful, blue stone. The shamans stood there, admiring the stone. Suddenly a phantom came and took the stone in the blink of an eye. "HEY! come back with our stone!" Shouted Peck. The phantom took no notice and rushed to another path in the cave. "Lets follow it." said Liza. They followed the phantom to the path, and found the blue stone. Suddenly, the phantom kind appeares. "Trying to steal MY stone?" He bellowed. "Its not your stone! you have come to take it!" Said Liza. "Well, too late for that now!" He said, shooting a ray of electricity at the stone, filling it with dark, evil power which would help the phantoms. The phantom king laughed evilly and vanished in a cloud of mist. The shamans looked at the stone in shock, it was no more smooth, shiny and blue but Black with purple swirls and a bumpy surface. "NO!! THE STONE!" Cried Peck. She was so sad that she was almost crying. There must be a mixture to make it good again, there must be!" said Cosmo getting out his book which said "Herbs: Mixtures and potions" on the front cover. He flicked through the pages until he finally found it. "The mixtures recepie is, 5 blue flowers, 3 of them must smell good, 3 Aquamarines, 4 Turquoise stones, and the Beam Of Light must be shone at the pot when all the things are added. The Beam Of Light is a power Mira used to defeat the phantoms, only Mira had it. "The blue flowers are fine, i saw lots of them surrounding the plinth and im sure Mira will shine The Beam Of Light when its finished, but where on Jamaa will we find Turquoises and Aquamarines?" Asked Graham. "I heard there are some Aquamarines in a part of Frosty cave, And i know where 4 turquoises are, they are outside the cave. We must dig because the Turquoises are under the ground." Explained Liza.
Chapter 3 coming soon!
Chapter 3
DeleteThe shamans had a sleep. They slept at a Large, flat piece of rock so the wouldn't melt any ice or snow, It took lots of warm fuzzy blankets to keep them warm. When they woke up, the begun their journey. The shamans finally arrived at the Aquamarine cave in Frosty caves. The walls where covered in Sparkling, blue Aquamarines. "I have brought spades for everyone!" Said Peck. It took lots of work to get them out of the hard, ice walls but they finally got out 3 Aquamarines. Then, they found a shortcut outside and started digging. Sure enough, there where 4 Turquoises. They went back inside and got the blue flowers and added them to the pot. "Whew, where finally done!" Said Graham. The Beam Of light shone at the pot, the mixture was defiantly done now. "so... how do we pour it in?" Asked Peck. "Leave it to me, i know how this is done." said Greely.He took out his Magic wand and made the mixture go out of the pot, it hovered in the air then it went inside the Stone. The blue stones evil power that the Phantom King had put vanished, and it turned smooth, shiny and blue again. The shamans set of for home, it was a long journey. After they had returned, Gilbert carved out a circle in the shape of the stone, and put the stone in the circle. He was certain that it would save Jamaa.
Phantom war:
After the shamans defeated the phantoms all there was left was the phantom king. The phantom king shot a ray of lighting at Sir Gilbert, GIlbert used his shield, the stone in the shield shot a ray of blue light at the phantom, Everywhere filled with light, the shamans couldn't see what was happening. The power of the stone vanished the Purple cloud hovering above Jamaa and Healed all the wounds that Jamaasians had got from the battle. The light dimmed, the phantom king had dissapeard and Jamaa was back to normal. All the Jamaasians and shamans cheered and decided to have a huge party to celebrate. And the shield? Well it was broken into three large pieces, stating it could only be used once. GIlbert hing it in the Chamber of knowledge where everyone could see it, because after all, it did save Jamaa.
Hope you enjoyed it! :D
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't go on animal jam today and I wanted it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad 😥😥😥😥can someone PLEASE SEND ME IT???????! I am seanrulesthistown. I will tell Julian2 to give u a shout out. After all, he IS my brother!
ReplyDeleteI mean I wanted a scary bat wing pair
DeleteUser? I'll send you a pair...
DeleteSorry you can't be Gray or Julian2's brother. srry.
Dude, you arent Julian2's bro. Please don't lie or try to, because we all know the truth.
Chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteMany Jamaasian years ago there was a family, with a curious tiger named 'Sir Gilbert'. Sir Gilbert's mom wanted to name him just 'Gilbert', but his father thought it would sound royal if they added the 'Sir' to the front of his name. Squire Tiger, Sir Gilbert's dad, had a very good reputation of protecting the village of tigers, which was very helpful to other tigers. One day, when Gilbert was about 4 years old, his father went out on his usual morning hunt for antelope, deer, or other good food. As Sir Gilbert hugged his father goodbye and wished him good luck, his father quickly frowned as his head turned toward the dirty, dusty distance from Sir Gilbert's family tree (house in tiger language). "Gilbert," he said to his son, "there's a dark cloud forming in the west and I'm sure it can do no good. Keep an eye on it, and if it does do any harm, protect your mother, and get the silver shield. Okay?" Squire Tiger looked his son in the eye. "Yes, Daddy,"Sir Gilbert replied. "Good,"Squire Tiger patted his son on the head. "Goodbye, my son,".
Chapter 2:
About an hour later Sir Gilbert was waiting for his father, playing with a little circle of dry grass, which kind of looked like a ball. He kicked his little legs back and forth as he lay on his stomach. The dust floor of his tree was getting hot. He rose up to check the black cloud, and how it was doing. His eyes were popping at what he saw. The black cloud, which wasn't really a black cloud, had been 978,529 phantoms! "Mommy!" called Sir Gilbert, "Where is the shield? I need it!". Mommy Tiger looked at her son. "What's the matter, dear?". "Look! Just look out the window!" Sir Gilbert pulled his mom over to the window. His mom's face clouded with anger and fear. "Why," stammered Mommy, "It-it's the PHANTOMS!"
Chapter 3:
A fraction of a second later, Mommy Tiger handed Sir Gilbert the silver shield. "Be careful!" All of a sudden, as Sir Gilbert was going out of his tree, he felt scared. Why hadn't Daddy come home yet? Didn't he see the cloud? Was he okay? If so, where was he? So many thoughts filled Sir Gilbert's mind. He felt the power of woe coming upon him. He shook his head and charged toward the phantoms, the villagers cheering him on. "Be careful, Gilbert!" "Keep your distance from those phantoms!" So many voices from the villagers filled Sir Gilbert's mind. 'I must go, I must defend my village, whether Daddy is here or not. I must. I must.' he thought in his head. The power of the Alphas suddenly fell upon him. He, suddenly, knew what they felt. He had to, he had to fight the phantoms. He charged toward the phantoms with a terrifying roar. The Phantom King stepped back, ready to spring upon Sir Gilbert. With all his strength, Sir Gilbert flung the silver shield against the phantom as he flung himself upon the phantom. 'Even if this is the last thing I do,' he thought, 'it's worth it for my village. I must kill this phantom. I MUST!'. And, as he thought these thoughts, he pierced his claws with all his might into the phantom. The phantom king was killed, and the villagers rejoiced. Mommy Tiger ran out to pick up her son as the rest of the phantoms ran away. "Son, son! You've done something great for your village! Son, son!" She cried, for not only had Sir Gilbert had done something none of the other villagers had done; he had lost his life. But Sir Gilbert is in a wonderful place now, and that is the place of the Shamans of Jamaa. He is now a Alpha of the Tigers, and is protecting Jamaa as long as it thrives.
Thanks for having the patience to read this! It took a lot of thinking power! *phew*
Nice story! ^.^
DeleteCool story! :D
@Cloudclaws, Sarah R.,
DeleteThank you for your compliments! I really appreciate it! :D
Um I have a q. If the phantom king was killed why is he um in The Hive?
ReplyDeleteIs that a different phantom?
DeleteYes, it's a different one. :)
Monday Mysteryy::
ReplyDeleteCenturies ago, when Jamaa was still in progress, Zios, the sky god, invited animals to thrive in. But there was a downside, black floating creatures called the 'phantoms' came in. They ruined the crops and broke their homes, the Alphas tried to defeat them, but there were too many. "What shall we do?" The mystical crane, Mira said to her husband, he remained silent for a while and stared at the injured fighters. He finally said out "I will fight for my home, for the animals, and you, my darling.". Mira was shocked, it was dangerous. She tried to get him back, but it was no use "It`s for Jamaa`s own good.", he said often. He wore Sir Gilbert`s armor, which fit him perfectly. Right before Zios went out, the crane halted him. She gave the brave creator a shield and spears, "Be careful, I will wish you luck." she said with a tear coming out of her onyx eyes. Zios hugged her and went off. He went into the battlefield and a bright, blue light shone around him and his mask. He gave out a shriek and charged at the phantoms. The will for Jamaa was so strong, that he was able to defeat most of the phantoms. All Zios needed to do now is to defeat the King. "Oh, you TRY to win, you pitiful excuse for a CREATOR." the phantom mastermind said with a smirk. Zios hissed and hurled a spear at him, which went into his eye. The phantom roared and swiped him off. The masked one clawed the phantom multiple times, which was a critical hit. Later on, both of them were scarred and injured. Zios thought it was his chance, he ran over the phantom and was ready to attack. Right before he could do it, the phantom let out a beam, which was too strong for the shield. Zios layed passed out on the ground, with a shattered shield. Mira recieved the news, and she sent Liza and Cosmo to help Zios regain health. She placed Zios`s mask and shattered sheild in a chamber, with Sir Gilbert`s armor. A scroll was hidden somewhere, saying "The creator fought for his creation".
End, ok im done.
How did u find the last pic?
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE WRONG! That was the best story i ever read. i think i'm crying a bit
Buddy me my user is zippy4656
ReplyDeleteI don't like it... I traded a lot for them when I was nm and now I feel kinda betrayed by AJHQ lol. It's the same with foxhats, they shouldn't have been monday rares, either. -.-
ReplyDelete❤ -snow131313- ❤
Wow. Just wow.