Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Hey jammers! Today's returning Day/Night of the Phantom den item is the Evi Jack-O'-Lantern, sold in the Mystery Emporium!
The evil, yet winking pumpkin face. I think he's just misunderstood. ^.^ In other news... There isn't any! Hehe, I have some pawsome tidbits of info submitted by other jammers, just for you!
Rainbowcat1 has submitted this jamtastic guide to adventure rewards for the Hive and Cosmo normal level games. Useful!
Ajslender sent in this picture, as many jammers have, of phantoms having eye troubles. Do optometrists specialize in phantoms?
Missile5 reports jammers are having a hard time appearing in some of the slower worlds. Experts believe phantoms are the cause. Of course, there's no evidence, they just say that to sound smart.
And as clarissa shows here, the activities page is having an identity crisis - or maybe it's just lonely? Either way, everyone ends up pretty confused. And looky here, a fun activity!
Submitted by Ramon. I think this is a great idea! Why don't you and your buddies hang out near the phantom and welcome new jammers to Jamaa! It's actually quite fun, and it's a fanTAStic way to spread that Animal Jam spirit. Until next time, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
A simply amazing music video from SevereWarning!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!
1st, maybe?
ReplyDeleteYep, 1st! >:D I'm a genius.
DeleteAh, thanks Rainbowcat1! That's a useful thingy :3
I 'ope this don't count as advertising (Ok, yeah, it plainly does count as advertising. Is advertising allowed?), but when my blog has 135 followers, I'm goin' to 'ave a contest...currently at 129. Follow? :3
DeleteLol! Congrats! *Gives cake that says- congrats on being' a genius. I would have never guessed u were first :P* KINYONGA IS A GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS -2
DeleteYep first! Congrats!
DeleteCongrats! You got first this time! :)
Yay now I know how to get the boomseed tree :D
DeleteYay now I can make explosions and not get banned
Lol wolfhead! Yipee!!!
O.O -explodes boomseeds- hey this is FUN!!! LOL
DeleteCongrats Cloudclaws! I <3 your username!
DeleteCongrats! :)
Please visit my blog
Nice site-I love the header!
Deletei ask you a question on your ask cloudclaws page - please answer
Delete- Thunderwonder
DeleteGood site!
Snowyclaw, your blog wasn't boring before! You're trying too hard to sound fun and exciting-just be yourself!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree!
11TH COMMENT OH YA!! *Does a happy dance*
ReplyDeleteNow for meh real comment.. I read lots of comments yesterday. Don't want to say what I read.. I saw a LOT of misunderstanding and comment wars.. mainly :O Rememba! If someone does not like AJ you don't have to be mean to them AND YELL AT THEM LIKE THIS IN CAPS!! >..< :O!! So show them who is nice and dont yell.. If u want to defend.. defend NICELY! I would hate to see snowy have to take care of this matter in a civilised way.. it sure would be embarrassing! I mean.. like jammers r supposed to be NICE especially on SNOWY'S blog!! If ppl who dont like aj aren't being nice.. you dont have to yell and start war. I mean maybe the person will STOP if you explain their mistake to them nicely! Eg- Teachers. They explain ur mistakes nicely! Right? Same way :) Not taking any sides here.. just helping to defend the reputation of AJS Jammers :D
DeleteOh ya.. umm I think the phantoms were trying to camouflage with the bush!? XD BUT THEY CAN'T >:D
DeleteI always thought that AJHQ made the phantom eyes visible through trees on purpose because people (probably little kids) were complaining that the game was too hard because you can't see where the phantoms are and the phantoms kept sneaking up on their animal. So they solved it by making the eye always visible. Make sense? :D
DeleteWhy congrats :D
Delete@Kukky Pandey,
DeleteCongratulations! :D
THANK U EVERYONE!!! :D.. O.O why am I so excited?!
Delete~kukky12345 who ish to wazy to wog win lol *w* language :P
Delete12th Comment. :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats me. :)
Congrats :D
DeleteYAY!!! Throws conffetti and gummy bears everywhere! Congrats!
@Sweetpanda AJ,
DeleteHaha! Congratulations! *throws party*
Herp derp, hey guys! Sorry for not commenting in, like, forever (aka, four days xD) I've been sooooo busy with homework >_<
ReplyDeleteSo, uh... Apparently headdresses are coming out. Is this true? Do any of you know? I'm a bit anxious, I'd really like for everyone to have a cool headdress cause everyjammer knows they make TOTALLY EPIC outfits :D But then, I and many other jammers have worked super-hard for them. I wouldn't be SO disappointed, I mean in the end, they're pixels. But I'm thinking about those jammers that WOULD be sad. I know many of my friends care alot about their rares, and most of them have headdresses... I don't want them to quit! They're such fun! There would be consequences... Ah well... Just wanted to rant, as usual, cause that's what I do best right? xD
~Mimkid82 (aka. The Ranter (inside joke with my friends at school xD)
To be honest, I've never really liked headdresses, so I don't know how rare they've gotten, but I'm pretty sure they're going to come out sooner or later.
DeleteI honestly dont't know... But I am sure the rarest ones will come out and the RARE headdress ( Purple and white) is probally not going to come out again D:!
DeleteI did a TOTAL over trade for a rare headdress, (my dream item,) the other day and they ACCEPTED!! :D but rare headdresses I am sorry to say are NOT coming out again.
Non rare headdress ARE coming out again!!! They do every thanksgiving :) but guess what else? Their coming back in newer cooler awesomer colors! How do I know? Let's put it this way, I research 0.0
DeleteAs long as they look nice, I'll buy the headdresses. Do you have proof that there will be different colors by taking a screenshot on researching? My favorite items. EVERY FAVORITE ITEM I loved are turning into different color combinations that I don't or might not like. :( It will also making scamming worse because scammers will try and steal the rarest colors.
About your research, they might be lies. They just want to make someone exciting or not. I've heard peeps say that they're from AJHQ but they're not really. If maybe you can take a screenshot, I might believe you.
P.S.- Do they still have the old colors? If not and if I don't like the new colors, I'll cry all day. ;-;
DeleteLike I said, I think they're lies if it's from a person's blog.
Herp derp, hey guys! Sorry for not commenting in, like, forever (aka, four days xD) I've been sooooo busy with homework >_<
ReplyDeleteSo, uh... Apparently headdresses are coming out. Is this true? Do any of you know? I'm a bit anxious, I'd really like for everyone to have a cool headdress cause everyjammer knows they make TOTALLY EPIC outfits :D But then, I and many other jammers have worked super-hard for them. I wouldn't be SO disappointed, I mean in the end, they're pixels. But I'm thinking about those jammers that WOULD be sad. I know many of my friends care alot about their rares, and most of them have headdresses... I don't want them to quit! They're such fun! There would be consequences... Ah well... Just wanted to rant, as usual, cause that's what I do best right? xD
~Mimkid82 (aka. The Ranter (inside joke with my friends at school xD)
Even though I feel bad for the peeps who work hard for the headdresses, I want them back! If AJHQ makes new colors, I am going to cry. ;-; Especially for next month which is Thanksgiving in the US. They should put the old colors because most of them match on a lot of colors. I really hope they come back in the same colors! >.<
I dunno if headdresses will be back. But it is true that they originated in the we'll see. :D
DeleteI traded hard for my pink and purple one, but I wouldn't mind at all if they returned.
Delete- Thunderwonder
The ranter? Lol nice!
I don't want them to come back
DeleteI worked hard for a rare headress!
It would be cool if they came out in new colors! :D
DeleteYou posted your comment twice! But that's okay! :)
DeleteI don't really like the new color combinations that AJHQ are bringing out lately. I think it's the best time to bring the old colors back. They look more Jamaasian and more matching on colors. Even if I already have a headdress, it matches well on some colors. If you see my arctic wolf, the colors on her matches with the headdress. I hope the old colors will still be there. Scamming will get worse if not!
Don't the treasure prizes change every time? Like I don't think there's the same thing in a certain box, aren't I right?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThey are the same every time. I have the box prize order of every mode of every adventure typed out and saved on a text file.
DeleteWhat throws some people off is that the clothing items in "return of the phantoms" hard mode are always in the same boxes. However....the clothing items DO shuffle randomly between rare and nonrare, but the boxes that contain clothes always stay in the same spots, and the boxes that contain gems are always in the same spots. But no two adventures have the same box order. :P
I hope this helped. :3
Hey Manxylion, could you post your text of the box prize order for all the modes and adventures? It would be pawsome! Thanx!
DeleteI honestly think they change up the prizes with the betas and rares and stuff like that.. Other then that I dont really know!
Delete- Thunderwonder
Okay...due to request, I'll post it. Get your notepads ready, people! :D
Top left: Bunny Fence
Top center: Bunny Statue
Top right: Stone Circle
Bottom left: 500 Gems
Bottom right: Wheelbarrow
Top left: Random clothing item (rare is possible)
Top center: 1000 gems
Top right: Random clothing item (rare is possible)
Bottom left: 1500 gems
Bottom right: Random clothing item (rare is possible)
Top left: Cave Crystals
Top center: Green Alpha Stone
Top right: Explorer Crate
Bottom left: 500 Gems
Bottom right: Phantom Pipe
Top left: Random clothing item (rare is possible)
Top middle: 1500 Gems
Top right: Random clothing item (rare is possible)
Bottom left: 1000 Gems
Bottom right: Random clothing item (rare is possible)
Top left: 750 Gems
Top middle: Beehive
Top right: Greenhouse Window
Bottom left: Wall Garden
Bottom right: Cosmo’s hammock
Top left: Blue Glowing Mushrooms
Top middle: Stony Wall
Top right: 1500 Gems
Bottom left: Boomseed Tree
Bottom right: 1000 Gems
Top left: 1000 Gems
Top middle: Orange Alpha Stone
Top right: Fire Drum
Bottom left: Orange Mushroom Patch
Bottom right: 750 Gems
Top left: Blue Fire Pit
Top middle: Phantom King Statue
Top right: 1500 Gems
Bottom left: Phantom Pod
Bottom right: 1000 gems
Cool items manxy! Btw I wonder if anyone could trade me a green house window and a blue fire pit? I have been seaching for people with them but they alway decilne my trades. My username is XxMinecraftIsEpicxX. It would really help if you could trade me thise items. :) btw I will be on tomorrow
DeleteManxylion? Umm is the phantom statue in the adventures like in the phantom portal or is it new in style?
Delete@Anonymous,'re right in a sense! When a Hard mode comes on a adventure, the Easy mode gives different gifts! Hope this helps! :D
@Julienne, Yes. The phantom statue from the hive looks like the phantom king. It is different than the phantom vortex ones. You can check out the one in my den. :D
DeleteKewl ^D^
DeleteI think so. Me and Shadow Charizard spent some time playing adventures and we became two Rainbow Dashes from the Rainbow Factory. And Shadow sent you some pictures. ( If you ever post them, that is. You don't have to though! :-) IPod656
ReplyDeleteLol Hai! I sent her those pictures, along with a bunch of other ones too XD
ReplyDeleteDon't friend zone your bacon. Marry your bacon.
DeleteBacon deserves to be eaten O3O
Delete- Thunderwonder
Be friends with bacon. Hug a pig. :D (no offense vegetarians!)
DeleteGood enthusiasm! @Manxylion, I've hugged a pig and I like tofu! :D
DeleteNone taken :D.. Ya I am a vegetarian.. why yall' lookin' at me for? XD LOL
hai snowy, well guess what i saw today? A BLUE FIRE DRUM!!!!!!!! OMG ITS WAS AMAZING ,but then i saw something amazinger-er-------A PHANTOM KING STATUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blue fire drum directions: Top left box in The Hive's hard mode. :3
DeletePhantom king statue directions: Top center box in The Hive's hard mode.
You can also win one of those gross phantom egg sack things from the bottom left box... but that is my least favorite prize. xD
Top right and bottom right contain gems.
Probably from The Hive: Hard Mode? But wow! Those items sound cool. :3
DeleteIs that still members? Snow1334111
ReplyDeleteIsn't that Meet Cosmo thingy the prizes from hard mode? Because the normal mode prizes are like the greenhouse window and stuff. Right? That's defo the normal mode prizes for The Hive, though.
ReplyDeleteI hope someone can make sense of my jumbly comment! :D
Yes you are correct. :D I think the hard mode prizes are listed my Manxylion (Manxy... :3) somewhere up there, I just saw them. xD
DeleteI posted the full lists a couple posts above. :D I think snowyclaw should make a new blog page just for treasure box cheats. ;)
Delete:D Cool post! I love to greet new jammers. For some reason whenever they get to the middle part of Jamaa Township, they just say. something like " I'm new." hmmm
ReplyDeleteIt's very fun to give new jammers tours, and a good way to make friends. ^_^
DeleteYeah, I do that sometimes. It's fun! :)
Whoa there is a lots of comments.And btw on AJ can any of Send me non-member stuff because I got scam on headdress went I was member
ReplyDeleteNot really, because you haven't stated your username.
DeleteYay! You finally got to see them from the e-mail! :D Thanks Snowy!
Oh, btw, Hope you enjoy my Guides to Adventures, Jammers! ;3
Hey, not to be mean or anything, but, the winning News Crew person didn't use proper Punctuation or Capitalization. I don't think it was very good....I bet there were better ones out there..
Congrats on getting your guides posted on AJS, they are very helpful! I always forget what's in which box.. :P
From Sir Tiny-tiger
ReplyDeleteOkay, a LOT of weeks ago, Snowy-Claw put up a video of her fan-mail. Well, there was a person who thought she was being "Stuck up" "Showing off" "Thinking she was better then everyone else" When she really wasn't, and Amy Jiao angrily replied to her. Now, I was mad too, Snowy-claw is AWESOME, and she wasn't being stuck up. (Somebody asked her to make that video, so she was doing what the people wanted, not being stuck up and selfish) ANYWAY! I also wanted to angrily reply to the person too, so before I posted my Reply, I read the comments five times each, and watched the video, well, durring that time, I accidently got confused with who said what! And in the end, I left myself believing Amy was the one who said Snowy was all mean and rude and blah blah. (I can put vivid simulations into my head, and in the end, i can turn out believing the total opposite of what really happened.) ANYWAY! just today I went back, and saw a new comment and read it, and I figured out what happened. I AM SO SORRY AMY, I JUST GOT CONFUSED. I was on Amy's side the whole time, I just got the people who wrote the comments mixed up. PLEASE forgive me. Wait, is it Amy's side, or Snowy's side, I'm (Surprisingly) bad with grammar. If you knew me you would be surprised, because apparently, I talk Proper. ANYWAY! SO SO SO SO SO SUPER SORRY AMY! (I'm a very confuse-able person) I really do hope you forgive me Amy.
Now, if you excuse me, I got to go and fix another problem, that is a lot like this one. Oh, and P.S. Don't say I talk proper, even though I typed this to you all. It isn't funny, and besides. It's already happened to me before.
I feel bad.. Ive made comment mistakes too! Every one makes mistakes! I bet amy will forgive you!
It's okay. You made things right now. :)
DeleteSnowyclaw is a patient person and she is really forgiving. So just remember it is probably her fans that are more offended by the haters than she is. You don't have to let them win by getting mad.
Snowy, do u have a second for a tiny chat? :p
Well, do you want to know the WORST FOUR things ppl do at a fashion show?
1. When someone gets out or gets a JAG, they're like "you're men im going 2 report u" and they tell their friends and they report u for NO FLIPPING REASON -.- trust me, i've been there before .-.
2. when you go to a fashion show and some person says "I WANT TO BE JUDGE I WANT TO BE JUDGE" first of all, there IS NO JUDGE other then the HOST itself. and they say "UR OUT UR OUT UR OUT" when the theme hasen't even STARTED.
3. when ppl start a theme, and then they change their mind. they say "theme is scary" and then when almost everyone is ready, they say "theme is christmas" O_O WHAT THE BLEEP! my worst one -.- and then they send you a JAG saying "you're out, srry XD" and u get ticked off and yell at them (it happened TODAY .-.)
4. when someone just randomly joins the show (i can understand if it's my buddy ;p) but when they're like "can i join" IT MAKES IT 10x LONGER WITH THEM! -.-
~a VERY ticked off kiki51772 peace love spiders~
what?! nobody commented or even AGREED? this is good stuff ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
I've only ever been in one fashion show.... but now I'm scared to go to any. O.o
AHH -screams WHY ME!?!? NO NOT ASTRONAUT :c :judge: UR OUT! :me: NU!!!! -
DeleteGarfieldgirl307 p.s. Totally right
So... A friend of mine has a blog and I want to tell you whats up with it this week. She hates beyond hates bullies and she wrote a post with someone about it. thanks, Aiilil
ReplyDeleteYeah I am the one who wrote the post about the blog. The name of the blog is
Very cool glitches! ^.^
ReplyDeleteThey should make more expressions of Jack-O-Lanterns... One for every emote on the emote menu.. A phantom one would look really cool! :D
i actually have a question i saw this jammer with a "King Phantom Statue" me and my friend were wondering where you find them it looked like the king phantom but his aura was purple so if anybody can help me i would give them a big thanks
ReplyDeleteTop middle treasure box: The hive,hard mode. Idk why the purple aura, in The Hive, I thought he had a orange aura? lol. Thanks Manxy for posting the really helpful adventure box cheat comment above:)
ReplyDeleteO-O nope.... I haven't
Delete- Thunderwonder
Late comment XD
ReplyDeleteI have encountered the 5th picture 13 times. And it is true!
ReplyDeleteTreseaur detector: Beep. beep. Beep... BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!
ReplyDeleteMan: Oh my goodness, gracious! I have found something!
He digs up where the detector beeps...
He finds a map...
On it it says:
Your problems have been solved traveller. You are in search of a great blog, you seek, Am I mistaken. SHHH warrior. Enter this code in the holy task bar:
He tries. It works.
And then he twerks :T