Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Hey jammers! Today's returning item is the Witch Mask, featuring last year's color selection. Sold in Jam Mart Clothing!
Helpful tip of the day - there is no such thing as a "free" membership on Animal Jam. Getting a code, even from a close friend, is dangerous to your account's safety! Stay safe jammers. :)
And Thursday is the day for when the Spooky Snapshots contest winners are announced. I hope our picture gets mentioned!
And now for the written Wednesday, which is just a discussion on various random things on Animal Jam and here, on Animal Jam Spirit. I had this odd idea, so tell me what you think. What if we had a Spirit Crew? Like the News Crew formed by AJHQ, but for article subjects I provide here on AJS! Would you submit to such a contest? What kind of prizes should I offer?
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
A clearly amazing music video from Wolfinery!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!
Great post Snowy! c: Also, I love the Spirit Crew idea! :D Not sure what kind of prizes you could give out, maybe you could pick a few items you think people would like and make a poll or get people to vote in the comments of a post? I think that would be a good idea. :]
ReplyDeleteYeah, that would be a good idea to make a poll. ^.^
DeleteYeah. ^^
DeleteWhat do you guys mean about a poll? XD Just curious!
Hey, Congratulations on first comment!
DeleteI think it is a PAWsome idea to do that!
Nice idea, Anon. I think that would work really pawsome on this blog. ^.^ :)
DeleteWhat phantom king statue?
Deletef word.
Omg f word this is bad
DeleteJeez anonymous up there don't say the F word there are little kids looking on this blog. I mean, the least you could do is say omfg or something
DeleteHey Anon.! Eat a snickers, it will help you not say bad words... or be upset.
P.S. Phantom king statue? It might be in the phantom vortex game.
2nd comment!
DeleteCongrats! :)
Also, the idea of Spirit Crew is really awesome! Snowy, you should totally set one crew up. Also, the criteria shouldn't be about the one who comments most, its kinda unfair, sorry if i i offend anyone :(
ReplyDeleteI WOULD TOTALLY WRITE ARTICLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! My exams are over (FINAL FREEDOM!!!!!) and i am free to do watevas i want!!!!!!!!!!! And hope I'm not asking too much, but maybe the prize could a rare, if you have a second of the rare. Like maybe a monday rare, which you have double of. :D
That would be cool if it were to involve prizes!
DeleteSpirit crew should be very similar to news crew.... where snowclaw gives a prompt and peeps write an article about it.... at least that's what I got from her post.
Also, like yesterday, the item will go out of style after halloween, except maybe fashion show jammers
Yeah. Everything has to be current and expensive, or rare. :/
Delete3rd ;p
ReplyDeleteor 5th...
DeleteCongrats ^.^
DeleteCongrats. (^_-_^)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sorry but im not a really big fan of the witch mask. Its a bit weird how its square and it has a square mouth O.O Anyway, about the Spirit crew im not really sure. Its a great idea so maybe I'd say yes. ^.^
Yeah, I think it's a great idea! ^^
DeleteYeah, and did you mention that nose? Gives me shudders...
The Spirit Crew is a pawsome idea! Can't wait to enter. Speaking of contest, I'm sorry if this is advertising, but could you check out my own contest I'm hosting?
Great idea, Snowy! It's harder to do the News Crew because I don't know how to make the screenshot perfect and stuff, but a contest by commenting like the Spirit Crew will be easier for most of us! ^.^
P.S.- I'm not sure what the prize should be... Maybe a rare that's not a Monday Rare? Like the Adventure non-member outfits for example.
Guys, this is totally not Animal Jam related, but I think I'm developing a mental disorder... Body dysmorphic disorder, it's called. I dunno if it's normal, but I feel like I have such a huge nose and a fat, chubby face compared to everyone else, and whenever I smile my face just distorts even more. I'm a bit afraid to confront my friends, I only made them this year when I came to the school and I don't want them to see me as vain :( I don't want to talk to Mum about it yet incase she makes a big fuss about it, like she did when I "almost went anorexic"... I'm totally lost in the world and so afraid of what other people think of me, I just want to stay home and hide mostly, so nobody will judge me by my appearance.
ReplyDeleteI need advice, quick. It's depressing me so, so much. What on earth should I do? Help, please...
thinking your fat isn't gonna make u any thinner, thinking ur horrible won't make you any better. BUT thinking your g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s WILL help ur confidence up!! Iv been there girl, i have a super round face, and I too have a huge nose (=_=) Now, if people round you do judge you about ur appearance, thats their problem, because they are too shallow to look past appearances. Heres something I learnt, I became so freaking vain pot, i looked in glass when i passed by. BUT I realize people notice these stuff I do, and thatttts why they never hung out with me. Key is confidence. I know, it sounds all messed up, like 'omg why should i listen to some jammer blablabla-ing' but its worth it. Smiling is highhhhly unlikely to scientifically distort your face so smile big! Come to think of it, I'm still conscious about my looks, but I sorta found a hairstyle, that made my face look less round. Play around with your styles, but don't make it major, like giving yourself a haircut (DONT ever do this, unless u want to end up with one inch of hair left, like me -_-) About your friends ; Do they also judge you according to their 'criteria'? If so, they don't sound like good friends. If they are friends, they will stick by you, no matter what happens. If you choose to tell them, don't spring a surprise, by announcing it, explain it to them. If they are really friends, you will hear something like 'hun, you never looked better' or 'what are you talking about?!?! You look beautiful!' or something like that ;) Meanwhile, god created you to be who you are, He always has a reason for everything, even you asking this, its part of his huuuuge plan. LIVE IT!!!!!!!!!! :D
DeleteAlso sorry this comment was wayyyy long, and might be considered spamming or crap X(
Dear Mimkid82,
DeleteDon't let your appearance bother you. I sometimes go through stages like depression and such. Let me tell you one thing, you are beautiful, I can just fell it. The people who are beautiful and mean aren't really beautiful. But the ugly people who are nice are really beautiful.. on the inside. But when you make it to Heaven, your body will change and you'll be gorgeous. So don't get depressed because, you're beautiful.
If it helps, my AJ username is cutegirl2001, lets be buddies, mimkid82. Sry the advice above might sound sucky and be wayyyy too long to read, but, bottom line is your beautiful whether u think so or not! :P XD Even though your beauty might not be super evident outside, if your beautiful on insides, as in ur feelings, your soul, that beauty will shine :D:D:D:D:D:D
Oh and when stupid people make fun of your looks, just hold your head high and act as it doesn't matter, cuz guess what? IT DOESNT!!!!!!! If you wanna say something to them, say something like 'your trying to make me feel bad about myself. not gonna work!' or 'don't you get tired of insulting people…' Please don't feel like I'm only writing this to make you feel better, i seriously think you are amazing. And even though you feel being 'different' (which i doubt you are), is bad, it isn't, maybe some people even think it maybe be cool, or pretty. Mostly, people judge you by your attitude. Like example, I'm a serious nerd, but when it comes to obnoxious boys, i just show 'attitude' like i pretend it doesn't get to me, even when their horrible insults do. I always add a twist to their insults ;) like if they call me fat, i think that fat is hot, and when they call me ugly, i think they have a crush on me. Okay, ignore that part, who knows, it might help. Unless the government makes school optional (which is SHOULD be), u'll have to go back, but just remember that you are beautiful!!! Some songs of inspiration:
DeleteBrave - Sara Bareills
What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction (DUN KILL ME IF UR A ONE D HATER!!!!!! ^.^)
Thanks Cutegirl2001 and Haven, that made me feel a bit better. I'm not getting teased a lot, I guess, but then my looks have been made fun of by a couple of my friends before. I dunno if they meant it or not, but they hurt my feelings.
DeleteLook up Body Dysmorphic Disorder if you must, I feel like I'm showing all or most of the symptoms. Maybe I'll talk to Mum about it on the weekend.
I guess part of the problem is, boys are staring at me weirdly all the time in school. I feel like they're looking down on me, or comparing my looks to that of my friends, or something...
But seriously, thanks for your support guys, it made me feel a bit better about myself.
haters r gonna hate….. also, you should talk to your mom, like really talk to her about girl girl stuff. I do, i know its abnormal, usually girls don't talk a lot with their moms. i just do :D And if they look weirdly at you, just look weirdly at the right back. They will be lost for words. Also, confront your friends about that teasing, don't be too aggressive. Just quietly say 'don't tease me about that XP' and talk about something else. It doesn't matter if they meant it or not, if it hurt your feelings, you should talk to them about it. About they symptoms, all of them, no matter how many, theres a cure. Have confidence. c-o-n-f-i-d-e-n-c-eeee.. now it doesn't sound english =_= I used to do that, look in the mirror and see huge hips, thighs and fat arms, but i see all these girls, even fatter than me, wearing mini skirts, and shorts, and i think, if they can do it so can i. Eh, its not as bad as it seems like ;) Keep ur head up! god (guy who created only EVERYONE and is on ur side
Mimkid, a true friend would never judge you for that. If your friends judge you, maybe they aren't real friends. If they start to tease you, talk to your teacher or an adult around you (that sounds weird xD). If you aren't comfortable with talking to your mom, maybe talk to your dad (if you have one) instead. This may be the least-helpful comment here, but I just wanted to say that. I really hope it helps, although it may not, ^.^
Deletetrue friends don't mind your appearance (like mia said)
And never let ANYONE hurt your feelings! If they are teasing you, maybe they aren't really a TRUE friend. If you are starting to get teased more, talk to your teacher or dad. Ok sorry this isn't really helpful but i hope it does help. ^.^
DeleteDon't feel bad! I feel that way sometimes too, but always look at yourself as BEAUTIFUL. :D. No one is prettier than ANYBODY. Opinions are opinions. Facts are facts. Think of yourself as beautiful, it's much better than thinking of ugly. And if you are teased, talk to your parents or a very close relative about it. Or your teacher. Hope this will help. :D
Snowy such a great idea i would sumit and maybe random items like one headdress and one a glove
ReplyDeleteBut i dont think it fait the person who commets the most becuse i am break from school and once shool starts i cant comment and opps tipo in the front sorry doing this on ipod its says not fair
DeleteSnowy, I have a question. How come the AJS time has changed? Have you moved? Just curious, sorry ^_^
ReplyDeleteWow thats i good ??? i dono i cant even answer that sorry XD well sorry to bother you with being interested
DeleteNo, but she used to call it "AJHQ's Time" I think, because it was Utah time where AJHQ is. Now (I think) she has changed it to her time.
Deletehey I LOVE the spirit crew idea. thing is I don't think I could do it because I don't have an email. or an account on here. this id another idea. I want 2 have a animal jam LORE CLUB. when we all get together and talk about the stuff here on the blog. and stuff in aj! ps I hate the witch mask- hano313
ReplyDeleteHey i will make you an email or you can make one but to my point you sound nice
DeleteThis is a great suggestion! I'd absolutely LOVE to be member of this club! Maybe some items (in colors different from their default ones for non-members like me) would be a start...
ReplyDeleteThanks a million for creating this blog!!!! :)
I had forgoten that witch masks were a returning item DX Oh well, I would love to be part of this Spirit Crew! It would be awesome to just talk about maybe something certain rumors and say if you believe its fake or true. Good prizes would be some nice items that aren't buyable I suppose. :P I don't really care about prizes but it is worth it ^_^ The Spirit Crew would be nice!
ReplyDeleteMy blog:
Cool! Ill buy a witch mask! Also, the Spirit Crew would be a great idea! ^.^
ReplyDeleteIf there is a Spirit Crew, it would be helpful with no way to identify it. Cuz I think AHMAHGAWD YER IN DA SPIRIT CREW LOLZ is worse than NEWS CREW MEMBA BAN (INSERT USERNAME HERE)! MAKE ME A MEMBER! SIGN MY TOUNGE! (Lol, nobody asks me to sign their tounge)
ReplyDeleteOoops! Forgot to sign
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, Im sickkkkkkk
lol.... That would be funny if you signed someone's tongue... but wouldn't it rub off? O.o
DeleteI like the news crew badge... it makes you feel like that user is buddies with everyone XD
guys, i was trying to find good music on YouTube to watch, and IT'S BEING HACKED! :(
ReplyDeletei'll show u what i mean it's super long but i'll show the English part xDxDxD
500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information: the information is just stuff DX
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
nvm it's working again I:3
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
DeleteThem programmers are funneh.
SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0-0
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Oh my gosh, the music video is epic! I love the song Clarity. <3
ReplyDeleteI know right.... I like how they showed the bloopers at the end. ^.^
Ugh so many betas returning..
ReplyDeletefirst of all, Witch Hats from 2012 ARE NOT BETA!!! .-.
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
People always get confused between betas and simply popular items. Even the rare spiked collar isn't beta. It has to be from 2010 to be beta.
The Rare Spiked Collar is not Beta. Shadow is right.
Delete(my opinion) Rare Spiked Collars are actually worth LESS than a dragon, mummy, or lava glove because we (or I) calculate rares by time and popularity.
Just my opinion. :)
DeleteO O O O !!!!! I have a great idea for music video for halloween. I saw a video and it was to This is Halloween from Nightmare before Christmas! Awesome movie.
good idea! i can imagine seeing that music video on YouTube and on AJS! ^-^
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
ooh! i'll send u a prize for the AJSC (Animal Jam Spirit Crew) i want to join so badly and help you so other jammers know how it feels like to win a contest! ^-^ im one of those ppl sadly >_>
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
P.S. im on a roll with these comments! xD
the spirit crew is a great idea! itll allow other jammers to be on a crew.
ReplyDeleteculprit is sweetz808
ReplyDeleteSomeone discovered a glitch to change any ones den. Someone did it on snowyclaw's den.
ReplyDeleteTo me, the witch mask looks odd... that big scary wart on the nose! O_O
Definitely! A Spirit Crew would be SOOOO fun! It could be to report on happenings in Jamaa. Also, if you can you could take screenshots. Contests could be things like writing a "AJS article" for fake and there could be a whole section with articles we write and e-mail or post on the blog. You could make us all authors! Prizes could be rares and betas, or hanging out with Snowy for a day!
I kinda disagree with the email part . Snowy could post a subject and we could comment on the post and then after a week she could look . The comments could not be published until the contest has finished
I like the prize that we get to hangout with Snowy for a day. But sadly, she's always busy and stays in AJ for a short time (mostly) because of school, the torture of us, kids (and teens)! I would agree with emailing AND posting comments in the blog.
Yep, but google doesn't always let me log in, so I could use e-mail as a backup. I COMPLETELY agree with torture and school. I get close to 3 hours of homework a night :(
Deleteauthor tryouts on my blog plz come
ReplyDeleteWhy do witches always have large, warty noses? Is a large and warty nose a requirement to be a witch? O.O
ReplyDeleteRead the book Beautiful Creatures. It is about witches, but they are beautiful!
DeleteDear Snowy,
ReplyDeleteI'll give you some ideas to start with the AJSNC(Animal Jam Spirit News Crew). First, you can make an event (or more things like Mystery Monday, things like that.). Then you can make things like draw a picture of (e.g. Mira) Etc. Or you can do things like writing contests and all of that fun stuff. PAWsome idea to start the AJSNC! :D. I can't wait!
The old and not-rare-but-considered-a-rare items are returning... This is sad for some people...
ReplyDeleteAlso, happy halloween for everyone!
What is the new items for today? anything?
ReplyDeleteI NEED HELP.I have a friend she goes to my school and plays on animal jam.I have a online mom she got mad at me.She said in a jam - a -gram " Never see her again or i go offline forever." PLease help me and fast.-Sokling99
ReplyDeleteBtw I am off line right now and i dont want to say anything to my mom that she is cyber bullying i DONT want to cause trouble. _ sokling99
DeleteWhos more important? A REAL FRIEND or an ONLINE FAKE MOM? A real Friend, right? Ignore your online mom....
DeleteHope i helped!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI think the Spirit Crew would be awesome. Another idea is that sometimes you interview a random jammer about their opinion on bits and bobs about AJ.
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ReplyDelete:I snowy.... /).-