Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
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Run, run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!

While you're off chasing that rebellious little cookie, here's a diamond to keep your spirit up. ¡QuĂ© bonito!

And some posts from the Daily Explorer!
I realize I haven't paid enough attention to the comment section as of late. I read every comment and enjoy seeing the amazing discussions, but I'm often on the go and have no time to respond. That's why I'd like to invite three new Spirit Jammers to the crew – ShadowCharizard, Help Endangered Species and CloudClaws! You all have been so helpful; if you'd like to have your picture featured, send me your snapshot of choice. Be sure to include a link to the profile you want attached to your picture. Remember everyone, to be a Spirit Jammer you simply need to be an active part of this blog's daily dynamic. Author tryouts will begin this weekend, so there will be even more ways to join! Happy jamming!

Here's an enchanting music video from DisenchantedUnicorn!
To get your music vid featured,
add my channel to your featured bar,
and email me the link –
First! For the first time!
ReplyDeleteCloudClaws is from and i congratulate her from making to her blog to be on this blog please check out
Congrats on first! :D
DeleteCongrats!!!! And, I'll check it out, Coolpapa70232.
DeleteCongrats, New Team, and congrats on first!
DeleteCongratulations Equestria Girl!
DeleteCongrats Equestria Girl! By the way I love your user.
DeleteCongrats! And thanks Amy! :D
Delete*gives golden trophy*
DeleteAlso, I went to the diamond shop today. I was going to by an arctic wolf, but the wolf was blocking the select a name machine! It was also the same with the cheetah, snow leopard, lion, and kangaroo! I am unsure what is going on, but AJHQ should really know about it. So members, be on the look out. Happy Jamming!
ReplyDeleteWell, I think it's the update. Jamaa tends to be glitchy days after an update.
DeleteWeird glitch... o-o
DeleteI wish we could still have an awesome name though, like arctic wolf, king of the jungle, etc...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@ShadowCharizard, I think they fixed that! I'm really excited, because my friend got and arctic wolf card this month and she got the avatar with the name: Arctic Wolf. Anyway, yeah! hope this helps! I was upset when i didn't get the avatar and name but 10 diamonds. I just wish AJ hadn't given every jammer the name tag avatars. It also upsets me that they made a section for dens at the diamond shop. I was looking forward to getting a ginger bread house. I got one, but still... Well, bye!!
I think it's just a update since it's kinda laggy when it comes to updates it kind of messes up..
DeleteOn the topic of the Diamond Shop, the Cosmo den is awesome. :3 But I have to wait a month to get it...
DeleteMy idea of a game:
We have math problems from Kindergarten to 12th Grade level. Each one yields the same amount of diamonds per day, to be fair. You do math problems randomly picked from the Common Core Standards, and when you're finished, you get gems OR diamonds for your performance!
Yeah, its educational, but its more convenient and could help AJ if parents find out that math is involved in gameplay.
Equestria Girl, that's strange.
DeleteAmy, I totally agree! The Cosmo den is awesome! I was saving up my diamonds for something I liked, and then I bought it! If anyone wants to see it, I believe my den is that right now. Also, that's a great idea! It's true, we don't have the chance to save up diamonds in a short period of time.
Yes, the cosmo den is totally amazing. It really suits the theme of all these new adventures coming around. AJ has been really glitchy lately, such as clicking a world and getting logged off immediately.
DeleteYes, I do think you should get the option for choosing names such as "King Of The Jungle" "Arctic Wolf" and "Snow Leopard"
Odd glitch? o-o Hmm, I really wish I was a member so I could get all of those amazingggg animals and such :D
DeleteWe can still get those names! :D
You can just buy a gift card from AJ outfitters, online. ^-^
You won't get the ice armor and diamond bonus though. Only the gem bonus.
Happy Holidays everyone!
But i wish you could i would like the diamonds since well forget the names but you could get the animal you wanted AND a few diamond items :3
DeleteSecond. It's sad Snowys blog doesn't get that much comment anymore... Even tho her post are late the blog is still awesome
ReplyDeleteAgreed, I this blog!
DeletePeople are just busy these days and don't have time to comment.
I get it! I barely every get to get on the blog anymore! I think Snowy is amazing! i wouldn't be able to do what she does. I mean, she makes videos daily, makes daily posts, and she keeps up with school work! How does she do it? At least she has the help and support of her followers.
Yeah it is slowing down i don't know why since i returned this year it kinda changed from population
DeleteSelfish Answer: Oh great... Since I was gone, everything dwindled? AJS IS TIED TO MEHHHH!
DeleteMy Answer: My guess is as good as yours.
yeah respest :p
DeleteYeah, mid term exams slowed me down in commenting. School slows everyone down with homework and studying. I personally want to get good grades on exams and tests, so I work long into the night working....curse you homework, we already spend 8 hours a day in school.......
DeleteI know, you're right, I don't see much activity which is very sad. This is just my random theory: the old AJ users, like myself, the ones who were really interested in the stuff on here, I really think a lot of them have quit since betas have returned like Top Hats, Pilgrim Hats, Nm Swords, etc and I don't know it just seems like a lot of my old friends have quit...Sad, but true. I just think maybe AJ's not as exciting anymore? And people get older and busier, so it's EXTREMELY hard to keep up.
Deletewait..nm swords are BACK!!!!!!
DeleteLol so sorry to get you all excited... Not back totally, but MUCH less rare because you can now win them in Sky High and Adventures.
DeleteI think its because ppl are at school and we are getting older and the teachers push us soo hard . Also in the uk I am in year 7 ( just started a new school in sept ) and we start choosing our subjects in year 9 ready for GSCE in year 11
being in year 9 i have to study so hard (i hate studying and i just forget about my homework and cheat :p i'm so bad..we already had about 8 hours of learning why homework?
DeleteWell, I think a lot of people comment....
DeleteYay, congrats to the new Spirit Jammers! ^.^
ReplyDeleteThanks! Congrats to the other two, too! :D
DeleteCongrats! All of you!
DeleteI have a thing of congratulations. If you were not familiar with Diana the Glam Racoon, then you shall be.
Delete*Diana appears out of nowhere and her theme starts playing*
Enough is enough.
~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, So now we have Papad, Diana, and Chutes. :)
congrats to them all /)o?0)
DeleteCongrats to them all...
Yes, congrats!
DeleteThank you all so much! I'm SUPER SUPER excited! :D And congrats to Shadow and Cloudclaws as well! ^.^
DeleteThanks! And congrats to you and shadow too. :D
DeleteCongrats on second by the way. :3
Yay 5th comment!!!!! User nat95201
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 5th! ^.^
DeleteCongratulations! :)
DeleteNice! and Shadow...congrats!
DeleteCongrats! .3.
DeleteCongrats. ^-^
DeleteSnowy, I dunno if you read it but I sent an email about the author tryouts. Please read it!
ReplyDeleteShe reads everything, just give her time to check. ^.^
DeleteAs a blogger who gets comments sometimes, comments get delivered to an e-mail address, so basically you have to read them. She gets all comments and reads them so yes she will see your comment, and most likely the e-mail! I hope you become an author! Good Luck!
DeleteNot sure if Snowy reads all the comments, but I'm pretty sure she reads most of her emails! It just takes time because she's veryyyy busy and gets a TON of emails I bet! :P
DeleteSnowyclaw will probably read your email when she has time. ^_^ Snowy probably gets lots of emails everyday, and because she's very busy, she can't read all of them at once. Don't worry though, Snowyclaw will eventually read your email! ^_^ Im sure she checks her emails and reads as much as she can.
6th comment! :D
ReplyDeletei have been waiting for the Gingerbread Man to come!
Congrats to the new Spirit Jammers! Good luck staying SJs! -thinks of Amy- :3
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
snowy, could u make Anonymouses Spirit Jammers? I really haven't been a big deal on a blog :(
Deletebut it's k if not! im not asking to be an author because idk how to take screenshots basically IDK HOW TO DO ANYTHING BLOG-RELATED D:
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
If you have Google Chrome, Kiki, then go to the 'Store and search up "Screenshot", then look around. You should find "Screenshot and Annotate" something there. The image is a camera lenses. Download it, then try it out!
DeleteGlad to see that I'm remembered~
Also if you have a PC the keyboard has a print screen key. Then paste it into paint and you can crop it. That's what I do. Don't know about macs tho.
Delete@ Amy - i have Chrome im on it now :P and i shall use that! (if i can find the store D:)
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
DeleteIf you have chrome, press the print screen button and then paste to screenshot somewhere you can edit pictures, like paint or Microsoft picture editor (in my case)
Crop the image to the parts you want and copy and paste it to where you need. Or sometimes you have to save it as a .jpg image to put it somewhere. I hope this helped!
Also, yes kiki thats a good idea because you are commenting and helping answer questions a lot!
DeleteThanks! <3 And yes that's a very good idea! (:
DeleteThanks for all the tips! I might use them later when I create a Google account (and then start a blog ^_^)
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Has anyone had trouble with the greelys inferno adventure it's been so glitchy
I've had trouble logging into AJ!! >.<
DeleteIt's been the laggiest it has ever been yesterday.. for me at least...
My computer is laggy so i can't tell if it's AJ or just my computer i guess it's Aj
DeleteYes, I have. It's incredibly glitchy, its hard, and I couldn't find the frickin' doorway for the last part of it. >.<
Deletei only got up to the castle 0-0
DeleteYes, I have. I just played it now and I was moving so slow that I just logged off xD I hope AJHQ fixes it.
DeleteI can't personally go on Greely's Inferno adventure -sobs-
DeleteMy friends told me that Greely dies in the end. Is it true? If so....-screams into pillow and tries to bring him back from the dead-
ALL of AJ is laggy for me. I went to crystal sands and my animal moved an inch per HOUR (at least it felt like that.....)
Yeah, since nonmembers cannot do it, I wouldn't know, sorry! But I've seen lots of other comments on here saying the same-very laggy! Hopefully AJHQ will get to it soon! Maybe they're just having the members test it so that when it's available to all Jammers it'll be in tip-top shape?
DeleteCosmo said Greely MIGHT have died, so don't worry, Greely still might be alive! :3 And since AJ is a kids game, i doubt Greely is dead.
I wish Animal Jam would just make a nonmember adventure without the NM'S having to wait. D: Why can't all jammers do Beta testing? :(
S-Claw, you're only one follower away from 1,200 followers. And, you might have not realized this but, you have a lot of other fans of the blog, it's just that they don't have Google accounts, so don't think only your followers and commenters know who you are and what your blog is about, because I assure there are a lot of other blog readers out there.
ReplyDeleteInteresting posts, glitches and more, all on the Animal Jam World Blog.
Yeah, true! I don't think I follow this blog but I'm an avid viewer and commenter! :D
DeleteAnd my blog is <3
Maybe Snowyclaw could throw a Christmas/New year party when she reaches 1,200 followers! ^_^
DeleteIf everyone had a Google account, I think this blog would probably have 1 million follows. :D
Has anyone ever felt like Scrooge during the holidays?
ReplyDeleteGingerbread Man theory, Tarzan's Circle of Life, and more, all on the Animal Jam World!
Lol yeah since the last two Xmases kinda sucked for me i am kinda being a Scrooge this year..i dred i will like this Christmas just like the rest...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletei like my prezzies and yes you are right even if i am not religious in any way i just hang in the snow awkwardly acting like a gen 1 pony lol
DeleteNo not really, I love the Holidays! ^.^ But sometimes I get selfish and get disappointed with my presents on Christmas Day... I know I know, shameful right?
Deletewell, i finished greelys infereno, and discovered the sad news, greely probably didn't make it. however, i won't loose hope. i made this for greely, a history of what he's done for a jammer like me.
ReplyDeleteGreely, a friend, a mentor, someone who does not give praise lightly, the greatest trainer I have ever recieved, an alpha that pushed me to my limit, made me work as hard as i could to achive my dreams and goals of overunning the phantom king, if he truely is gone, then her died doing what he wanted, saving jamaa.
I hope you like it and greely likes it too :)
I kind of doubt that Greely is dead, since he's one of the most popular Alphas, and its a frickin' KIDS GAME. However, I checked the Wiki, and there is a probable 50/100 chance that Greely is dead.
DeleteYep, I like that little blurb. Very nice. :3
i (kinda) think so but if he is i am gonna goo run outside in the snow and cry so hard the snow melts 0-0
DeleteI haven't finished Greely's Inferno yet, but I hope Greely isn't dead. He's my favorite alpha! D:
DeleteI'm going to be posting a memoir to Greely on my blog. I hope you guys read it!
DeleteI certainly hope Greely isn't dead... :(
DeleteAnd wow, that was really inspiring/touching, thanks for sharing (:
he's my fave too :( thanks for the support
Delete@warriorcats0987 I will definetly check it out :)
I made a little shrine for greely in my den, hope you come to see it ^^
I just hope Greely isn't dead.. :C He's one of the favorite alphas, the other being Peck. But i doubt that will happen, as Amy said, this a kids game. I mean, AJHQ wouldn't just kill of Greely would they? They probably decided to add a little drama to make the adventures more interesting/exciting. But if Greely really is dead, i think he would still me able to mentor wolves as a spirit. And also, that was a nice little blurb. ^-^ It was very good. :3
Here is a song just for the winter:
ReplyDeleteIn the stillness, of the winter, beauty calls to me. It has set me free in this symphony, called winter. Hear the birds call, see the snow fall, up on silver lawns. It will soon be gone so let's join the song, of winter. Snow, is falling (snow is falling, falling.) Angels calling (oh can't you hear them calling?) When the time is right, we shall see the light, this winter. Look away now, look away, from the biting darkness. Winters brought us, one more day, of frost covered windows, and stories untold, laughter and singing untouched by the cold. Oh soon you will see how the beauty unfold in winter! In the stillness, of the winter, beauty calls to me. It has set me free in this symphony, called winter! Called winter! In Winter!
In Winter
By Rebecca Rossiter
Merry Christmas Jammers!
Cool song! ^.^
DeleteMerry xmas Equestria (i love that user being a pegasister myself) and am gonna sing that sound :D
DeleteMERRY X-MAS! *gives 5,000 pretend gems*
DeleteI like that song! :)
Delete:O -faints from the amazingness of the song-
DeleteEquestria you should consider singing it for a talent show or something. Then, if you become famous you can say in interviews, "Everything started on Snowyclaw's Animal Jam Spirit Blog as a winter song themed comment..."XDD
Awesome song! Happy holidays! :D
DeleteThat was a wonderful song. :O
DeleteYour very talented. ^_^ I just love the the song! C:
Welcome, new spirit Jammers! Snowy, I am still a Spirit Jammer, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you still are.
DeleteGingerbread Man theory, Tarzan's Circle of Life and more, all on the Animal Jam Word Blog!
Oh ok. Thanks, Ronen! :)
DeleteMia, you still are. Your picture is still on the left under Spirit Jammers.
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, everyone's favorite papad, second place in miss bogen county (anyone get that?)
Yep.... but what happened to Goldfishypuppy and Amy? O.o
DeleteSC, I simply quit. :/
DeleteAnd yes, Mia, you are still one. XD
Blessings to your Spirit Jammer career, new Spirit Jammers. Here are some tips from my Spirit Jamming days...
1. Be considerate. If you get this job, you probably already have this, but its very important. Before I quit, I got crabby at people and argued a lot. That leads us to...
2. Try to respect other opinions. If somebody goes like "HA HA SUCKAH U ARE SO F***ING RETARDED AND YOUR MAMA IS FAT!" or something else stupid, DON'T REPLY TO THEM! I've actually been the insulter before, and all the insulter wants is the insultee to reprimand them and make fools of themselves. Most stupid people usually want attention. Also, if somebody disagrees, embrace that and say something like: "Well, I don't think that way, but I can see why you think that."
3. Think before you type. Seriously, I got into too much drama just ranting on and on about people being stupid. Many Jamaasians have already been through AT LEAST one scandal, so please don't horrendously give them more trouble.
4. Be sure to say "Congrats", joke around, and make friends. I was semi-popular because I always made jokes and made people feel better (I hope), and Mia was (and still is) popular because she's considerate, nice, and very, very wise. We were (and are) great friends, just from uniting to keep AJS a fun blog.
5. Get used to being stressed and having to stay online for at least 30 minutes a day. I quit partially because of that, so if you can't handle it, then don't join.
6. Don't be scared to make your own comments. Sure, much of a Spirit Jammer's career is spent replying to other people's comments, but just because a bajillion other comments are out there without replies doesn't mean your job is over! You can do it anywhere from making useful advertising, having fun with others, making notes,.. and most important of all..
What I mean by that is don't be afraid to be diplomatic and strict. Yes, its part of the job.
Blablahblah is threatening to hack AJ and make statues of him/herself everywhere and make everyone work for him/her every time they log on to achieve certain monotonous tasks. (Yes, this actually happened. Not the enslavery, but the threat.)
You ignore them at first, but then the situtation gets severe as Blablahblah is bullying people, getting in arguments and screaming at others. (Yes, this also happened.)
What you need to do is to not directly reply to Blablahblah, but actually either contact Snowyclaw or another Spirit Jammer to handle things with you, and then post a comment like this:
"Blablahblah, you have to stop your current activity, because it is enroaching on the pleasure of other Spirit Fans, and all these comments are SPAM: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Although yes, you could keep on posting, I can't stop you. I've already gotten others involved, and if you continue this activity, I will give you more warnings if you continue.
This is your first warning."
So, got it? Don't be afraid of diplomacy!
6. There are spambots on AJS frequently. Got it? Don't make a big deal; although its good to make jokes about what they say.
7. Once a Spirit Jammer, always a Spirit Jammer. If you need further help with Spirit Jamming, or need tips on becoming one, contact me on my blog @ by going on my Ask Page!
~Amy Jiao
I wish i would read so much :p
DeleteI think your taking this a bit too seriously. Replying to comments on a blog isn't that big of a deal.
DeleteYes Mia I am 100% sure you are a spirit jammer still. Your picture is still there right? Or do I need my eyes checked.....
DeleteThank you Mia! Pretty sure you're still a Spirit Jammer! And thanks for the advice, Amy! :D
DeleteIm sure that your still a spirit jammer Mia. ^.^
DeleteAnd thanks so much for the advice Amy! It was very good advice. :3
Hey guys! Does anybody have a blue masquerade mask? You know, those feathered ones?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I am willing to trade anything for it. Here is my whole trade list:
.Epic Dragon Skull (the skeleton dragon one)
.Red clover blanket
.Blue holiday sweater
.Firefly necklace (blue)
.Giant snowglobe
.Mystical Morning music
.Great Escape music
Yeah, I know none of those are really that good, but please, if you have a spare, reply to this comment if it's a deal or jam-a-gram me. Plz no comments like "no way those items suck blah blah blah"
Oh and I have 4,500 gems, so if you want me to buy an epic wonder item that you want to trade for I can do that.
There's masquerade masks? Why have I never seen them? O.o
DeleteThey are the feathered masks that always come out at Halloween. They are sold at epic wonders, and they look like a fox mask. It has swirly designs, as well. The feathers are on the back of the head.
Oooooh well I've seen those before, but I don't have one, I don't think I do at least... Good luck with your trade though!
DeleteIf only I got one... DX
DeleteMy friend, tereziwolf has a bunch, maybe you can ask her.
DeleteI don't have one either, sorry, but I wish you the best of luck in getting one! :)
DeleteI have one _cat10091_
DeleteSorry i don't have one. >.<
DeleteOh and i think the offers are fine. ^.^
Maybe add a clearance item?
We used to have this creepy book that had the Gingerbread Man and talked. O.O
ReplyDelete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, And you were all anxiously awaiting my return, correct?
DeleteMy sister has something against talking toys... She freaks out whenever I play the sound on them XD
RCSC, lol! 0.0
DeleteI have that Derped princess Cadence which talks and the stuff she says is not like her lets dance... hello i'm princess Cadence my dress is so pretty and stuff it's just weird Cadence from the show is nothing like that :p
DeleteLol yeah the talking ponies XD Rhe Nightmare Moon one is like "brush my mane :U".
DeleteI don't know you that well, I'm still pretty new but yes, I'M GLAD YOUR BACK!
Lol that's kind of random/creepy, but welcome back! :D
Deleteblah blah blah blah blah
DeleteThere are a lot of conversations going on. Lol!
DeleteYAY DIAMONDS FOR ME :D anyway i would really eat that gingerbread >:D
Delete1 month until I can get it... *hyperventilates*
Lol..a month..i can get it now..but i won't :p (maybe) nono it's fine.. I WILL GET IT...okay i'll chilled :p
DeleteKerriecat, I want to eat it too! Mwah ha ha ha! >:D
DeleteLol me too I'm hungry... I WANT DOMINO'S... XD
Delete*goes to bahari bargins and quickly eats gingerbread man*
I want the gingerbread man, but I am a non member
Delete-claps paws- YAY FOR YOU GUYS!!!-looks at table- want a cookie? WEASEL COOKIE! (only people who read Throne Of Fire will get that)
ReplyDelete*steals cookie* MUHAHAAHAHAH MY PRECIOUS >:D
Delete*takes sprinkles and stuffs mouth with dem*
DeleteI'm just wondering how many references we are gonna get into this :p
DeleteXDDDD @avabug
DeleteI GOT THE JOKE HAHAHA I love the Kane Chronicles!
*looks confusedly, but takes cookie and runs away quickly*
DeleteYou all are so funny! Lol!
DeleteBlessings to your Spirit Jammer career, new Spirit Jammers. Here are some tips from my Spirit Jamming days...
ReplyDelete1. Be considerate. If you get this job, you probably already have this, but its very important. Before I quit, I got crabby at people and argued a lot. That leads us to...
2. Try to respect other opinions. If somebody goes like "HA HA SUCKAH U ARE SO F***ING RETARDED AND YOUR MAMA IS FAT!" or something else stupid, DON'T REPLY TO THEM! I've actually been the insulter before, and all the insulter wants is the insultee to reprimand them and make fools of themselves. Most stupid people usually want attention. Also, if somebody disagrees, embrace that and say something like: "Well, I don't think that way, but I can see why you think that."
3. Think before you type. Seriously, I got into too much drama just ranting on and on about people being stupid. Many Jamaasians have already been through AT LEAST one scandal, so please don't horrendously give them more trouble.
4. Be sure to say "Congrats", joke around, and make friends. I was semi-popular because I always made jokes and made people feel better (I hope), and Mia was (and still is) popular because she's considerate, nice, and very, very wise. We were (and are) great friends, just from uniting to keep AJS a fun blog.
5. Get used to being stressed and having to stay online for at least 30 minutes a day. I quit partially because of that, so if you can't handle it, then don't join.
6. Don't be scared to make your own comments. Sure, much of a Spirit Jammer's career is spent replying to other people's comments, but just because a bajillion other comments are out there without replies doesn't mean your job is over! You can do it anywhere from making useful advertising, having fun with others, making notes,.. and most important of all..
What I mean by that is don't be afraid to be diplomatic and strict. Yes, its part of the job.
Blablahblah is threatening to hack AJ and make statues of him/herself everywhere and make everyone work for him/her every time they log on to achieve certain monotonous tasks. (Yes, this actually happened. Not the enslavery, but the threat.)
You ignore them at first, but then the situtation gets severe as Blablahblah is bullying people, getting in arguments and screaming at others. (Yes, this also happened.)
What you need to do is to not directly reply to Blablahblah, but actually either contact Snowyclaw or another Spirit Jammer to handle things with you, and then post a comment like this:
"Blablahblah, you have to stop your current activity, because it is enroaching on the pleasure of other Spirit Fans, and all these comments are SPAM: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Although yes, you could keep on posting, I can't stop you. I've already gotten others involved, and if you continue this activity, I will give you more warnings if you continue.
This is your first warning."
So, got it? Don't be afraid of diplomacy!
6. There are spambots on AJS frequently. Got it? Don't make a big deal; although its good to make jokes about what they say.
7. Once a Spirit Jammer, always a Spirit Jammer. If you need further help with Spirit Jamming, or need tips on becoming one, contact me on my blog @ by going on my Ask Page!
~Amy Jiao
Thank you so much for the wonderful advice, Amy! I'm super excited but I know it's going to be tough! :P
DeleteYou'll get it soon!
Deleteamazing advice for new spirit jammers and i hope that no one teases the new spirit members
DeleteThank you Amy! This really helped. :D
Oh Snowyclaw i am kinda waiting till you do your next what are they called with the mysterious stories and stuff even i can't remember been gone for a year since it since i have got kinda good at fan fics and i am hoping i would possibly have a chance
ReplyDeleteMystery Mondays? They are still there; although I think its best to open up your own blog to post those, as I have here:
I got my own blog it's been around for about 2 years now a year after i joined Aj well not too sure but i think :p
DeleteStory blog? :P
Deleteno to be honest i might even know :p
DeleteI have a blog! It's called The Animal Jam Aqua! >.< Not as gone as Snowy's blog though! XD
DeleteI will visit it.
DeleteI'm confused. Why a gingerbread man in water? wouldnt it get ruined in real life?
ReplyDeleteYep but that's the randomness :D
DeleteThe welcome randomness that is Jamaa. :3
DeleteTrue true, welcome to animal jam, where wild animals wear clothing! XD
DeleteWow. I haven't been on this site in forever! Sorry guys, I'm gonna try to be on more often!
ReplyDeleteIt's fine! I returned recently as well! ^.^
DeleteRun gingerbread man, run! Run from Tallstar107, who is about to eat you!
ReplyDeleteI think it's nice of AJHQ to give diamonds out of gifts, because as of before, the only way nonmembers could get them was to earn them in the Daily Spin, and the change of earning them in the Daily Spin wasn't very big at all!
The Greely's Inferno adventure looks so exciting! I can't wait to do it!
Congratulations CloudClaws, Help Endangered Species, and ShadowCharizard on becoming Spirit Jammers!
Thank you sooooo much! Everyone's been so kind in congratulating us! THANK YOU ALL <3
DeleteWARNING:FMAN is back with like a bunch of accounts....seriously no joke some of them are fman22 fman11 fman15 and 122namf and 112namf and much more !!!!!!im scared if anyone wants to save jamaa from viruses report therm maybe even mail aj or call them! -wait fman might be lolkingcentury1 coming back for revenge!im super scared!~zipper787
ReplyDeleteOMG! YOU COULD BE RIGHT, ZIPPER! now im scared because i think that lolking hacked me ;-;
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
ShadowCharizard, Cloudclaws, Help Endangered Species,
ReplyDeleteAmazing job at becoming Spirit Jammers! I am so happy for you and I hope you are excited for the news, especially since it's around Christmas! My dream is to become a spirit jammer, and I'm glad you guys are because you deserve it more than anyone does, including my self. ShadowCharizard, I think you should make a blog. Your writing skills are amazing and your opinions would be valued. I see all of you becoming as famous as snowyclaw in the near future. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteok, i was coming downstairs to see my dog, and then i hear a rattling. it's sorta like a plate rattling, so i went into the kitchen and nothing was there! no plates, NOTHING! im not scared, i was shocked o-o
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
:O oh nu!
DeleteUH OH! O_O
DeletePlz don't scare me im only 9 years old ;'( I have nightmares if I hear about that kiki.\
It's not that bad, my mom said it was only spirits, but I believe it's just a harmless ghost not knowing where he or she is. Did I mention that the house I live in, I'm the first owner? I don't get how it's possible.. o.o
DeleteSorry, smart, for giving u nightmares I didn't know u were 9. And the comments above, I know, it's freaky at first o-o
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Okay, everyone! Really sorry that I saw this post so late. But SO grateful to Snowyclaw for giving me the opportunity to be a Spirit Jammer! ^.^ I'm really really really excited! :D And also, thank you all for the kind words, congratulations, etc! I really appreciate that, and I love all of you! This blog wouldn't be the same without everyone coming together and contributing! :3 Happy holidays everyone! <33
ReplyDelete@Help Endangered Species
DeleteAre you a member or nm?
Nonmember. Used to be a member. XD
DeleteWelcome to WIERDANDDUMBSTUFF! and I am a gingerbread man,my trick today is to fall in water. AHH .... wait why am I not dissolving?Just kidding im a wolf that can turn into a dolphin but THERE IS A GINGERBREAD ON MY BACK AHHHH!!!! GET IT OFF MEH!!!!!!!
P.S.I wonder where The alphas get that glowing ball from. They are just regulr animals but with skills.wierd right?How do they do it?
Well, I think they were given their powers by Mira and Zios :P
DeleteThank you so much for inviting me to become a spirit jammer Snowy! :D Im very excited! ^.^ And thank you everyone for congratulating. C: And congrats to Shadow and Help Endangered Species too!
Thanks, Cloud! I'm very excited as well! :D
DeleteHey Jammers! Here is a story about after Greely's death, ENJOY!
ReplyDelete** It was dark where he was, wet.. wait that was drool, or was it slime? Greely wasn't sure but everywhere his body ached with soars and broken flesh. He might be in Heaven where Mira was, or did someone save him? He wasn't so sure but wherever he was it was it was pitch black and smelled of raw meat and blood.
"Greely... we have been waiting for you." Said a hissing voice.
"Who- who are you?" He choked.
"I am the Phantom King, the one you have been studying. I could save you, but you have to do me a favor." Said the Phantom, his voice static and dry. "I would never do anything for.. you." Greely coughed up blood and felt so sick he WANTED to die.
"Well, then I guess I have to do it.. the hard way." Said the phantom lifting him up with his... paws?
His teeth were glinting, he was a wolf. A wolf he remembers, he can't put his paw on it but he was sure he knew him.
"Your not the phantom king!" He coughed looking at his red eyes that filled with death.
"Yes, this is my wolf form. Have I told you I once was a wolf?" He laughed and grabbed Greely by his neck, his eyes filled with murderous lust. "I want the book." He hissed his claws digging into his neck.
"What.. what book?" Greely gasped trying to break free.
"THE book, the one about hmm.. Oh! My old friend Mira, and her beloved Zios, I think it was a diary you STOLE from her. You wanted to rule Jamaa, you were as evil as me"! He bellowed smiling, but it was more of a scowl. "I don't know what your talking about!" Greely growled breaking free from his grasp and falling on the floor. His back paws to weak to support him. "Fine then! Don't tell me, you will die in this very chamber!" He turned on the lights and phantoms seeped out of their hiding spots, in cracks, behind walls, and under books. Greely counted about 15 of them and knew he could not win this battle. "Sweet dreams, Greely." The Phantom King said, "Or.. sweet death!" He shut the door and the phantoms started to come toward him, he had no where to escape.
"Please spare me.." He winced waiting for his death.
"I don't think so." A voice as sweet as a melody but as dark as blood said.
"Who are you?" Rasped the phantom on my right, turning to what seemed like a glowing figure.
"I am Mira, mother of life, mother of Jamaa." **
Stay Tuned for more!! I know I am kinda random but ehhh XD
Wow, that was an AMAZING story! You had me hooked throughout the whole thing! Keep writing, you're certainly a talent! ^.^ And I can't wait to see if Mira saves Greely! :O
DeleteHere's a question for the new spirit jammers! :)
ReplyDeleteDo farts have lumps in them?
(If not.. I think I really badly crapped my pants..)
One thing why ask that. I have not played the new quest. What's freely up to. Anyway I had an idea what about nm only items. It would be a great oppitunety for nms but for m as well.
ReplyDeleteI meant Greely not freely
ReplyDeletePlz will you buddy me .. I really want to meet you for once plz buddy me your the best u my hero! Your posts are entertaining..
not to be a tattle tale or aything but a lot of people are using not very nice words they use swear words but in different ways i just wanted to make sure animal jam knows it becaue a lot of people are quitting because of it use: oliver0203
ReplyDeletePlz help me I am poor just look up rainbowdash2020 just send me anything
ReplyDeletePlease visit my blog at
ReplyDeleteMy animal jam name is furrymonkeyx! Please help me get lots of page views! Thanks!