Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
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Hey jammers! Today's new item appears to be the Jamaaliday Wreath, retuning to the Epic Wonders furniture orb!
And our daily Jamaaliday gift is Candy Cane Lights, returning from the Jamaalidays last year. Aren't they great?

We have a pawsome post over on the Daily Explorer....

And amazing videos from AJHQ!
Aww, look at the little festive bunny!
Happy jamming everyone. ^.^

1st! Bluebirdsdestiny
DeleteWOWMYGOD That wreath's pixels are SOOO COOL!! it looks so real!!!!! OMG LOl oh dear is hILARIOUS I love these animal jam videos!!!!!! cute bunnyyyy!!! Dayummm cannot download the app, it costs some cash ;(
Congratulations on first, bluebird! ^^
DeleteAnd I agree Sarah... that app be to expensive for them parents! XD
Congrats! I just updated Animal Jam Blurb, anyone want to be first on that? I'm still new to the blogging thing. It will be easier for me to post during the month of January. Be sure to check out my blog every night! First person to comment today gets a prize. First Person to email me a glitch also wins a prize!
Real comment: Oh Deer is so funny! XD When the bunny comes, funky music comes out. Can't wait to get the lights! ^.^
ReplyDeleteI think you mean funky music starts playing. I'm pretty much a grammar Nazi.
Delete3rd comment!
ReplyDeleteThese videos are cute! And the items for this month are turning out to be really great!
ReplyDeleteThanks to you Snowy I started my own blog!
And even though not many people ( maybe just my friends know about it) I still want to keep everyone up to date on all things animal jam!
I'll visit it from time to time :)
ReplyDeleteActually that was me
Actually it was a tie. .3.
DeleteLOL you're right!
Real comment: I think I still have a wreath left over from last year XD
DeleteAwesome! I still have a gingerbread garden! o3o
DeleteInteresting... we just got a new wreath yesterday, and this one comes out today on AJ lol.
ReplyDeleteI like candy cane lights. Hehe.
But I HATE actual candy canes. TOOO MINTY (I'm not a fan of minty things).
The app seems pretty cool. Hopefully I can get a phone this Christmas so I can get the app. Yeah, today I just turned 14 and I STILL don't have a phone.
I don't think I've ever gotten so many Facebook notifications regarding my birthday in my whole life o.o
My sister hates minty stuff, too. But I love it :P
DeleteI have a phone and im like 11. :)
DeleteI have a phone and I am 8 years old.
Delete1) I'm not a fan of minty edibles either.
Delete2) I think the wreath was an item two years ago.
3) People above me, it is NOT safe to share your age online, on a public website. Please don't, for the sake of your own safety.
DeleteThe Jamaaliday Wreaths were released last year.
Yep, Leafeon is right! ^^
DeleteI wish I bought more jamaaliday scarves though, they seem really in demand! O-o
Well good morning everyone xD
ReplyDeleteLOL its nightime for me!
Deletejump is for android also apple phones too but tunnel town is only for apple . Not fair ; ((
ReplyDeleteTunnel Town HQ are still working on Tunnel Town for android devices. Android users just have to be patient at this time.
DeleteReally, they are? O.o
DeleteThen why did jump come out so fast for apple devices?
Yeah .... I think that's not fair too.
DeleteTunnel Town seems to be glitching alot. And I mean ALOT. So that could possibly mean something.
DeleteHey snowy! I quit animal jam a few months ago. Anyway I am back on it! One way you might know me is that I was in skyway's animal jam music video scream and shout by Will.I.Am & Britney Spears.
ReplyDeleteBye! ~ 007bond50ifty
When you gonna get membership again?
Delete@skyways I will save up for it.
DeleteReally? Y u no get on Christmas?
Deleteu can say ass on aj
ReplyDelete-foxer fox
Maybe, but there could be a chance that the player could get suspended in a matter of time. By the way, I wonder if they mean donkey.
DeleteYou should be able to say "alicorn"
My sister just got suspended on sunday for saying it.
That wreath is so pretty, too bad it's for members... :( Oh well I shouldn't complain. I probably won't be getting a phone until I leave the house lol! I'm glad for my Chromebook though. (I actually share it with my sis for homeschool but I use it more often!) I love candy canes, real and virtual ones. For those of you who don't like minty stuff, have you considered those strawberry candy canes? :D
ReplyDeleteawwww im broke right now lol
ReplyDeleteI want to be the first person to invent a way to buy apps using bills instead of credit. I know some of you may have the money but just not the ability to pay for the app without using credit or gift cards. I know I do, and it is annoying. Hey, I might even include some partners.
ReplyDeleteThese candy canes are a little different the last years
ReplyDeleteReally? How are they?
DeleteThx Snowy for posting the prizes!
Pardon me, I really hate causing a racket, but I can access my account again, amigos. So, please tell everyone that my account is safe to interact with again. Not checking back on this comment again, though, post stuff on my Amy+ page if you are that desperate to talk to me (although, since I've been gone a while, that has a very low probability...)
ReplyDeleteSay hi to Mia for me. :D
"You won't get past me, Omega!"
~My not-so-OC-character Snowyclaw, Fractured Future
I use Snowyclaw (character) for my stories and purposes, and no, I didn't steal her. Pretty much every AJ story has a piece of her in it.
There once were 2 friends, a deer and a turtle. They lived in a small island called lynphia. Lynphia was close to Jamaa. In fact, it was inbeetween Appondale and Kimbara Outback. But one day, an army of phantoms came and took over the island. Soon, every animal in Lymphia had run away or had been held hostage by phantoms. The deer and turtle were the only ones remaining. Deer said"My friend,we are surronded by these strange creutures who have kidnapped our friends we must go somewhere else. But where?" Turtle replied, " We shall swim across this river and into the land on the other side." (which was Kimbara) "That is an exellent idea my friend, but how will I get there? You can swim but I can't." replied the deer."Don't worry friend,I will help you swim across." answered the turtle.
ReplyDeleteLater that day, Deer had an sudden urge to take a walk. So, thats waht he did. As he was returning home, he was captured by phantoms! The next day, Turtle looked for his missing buddy. But Deer was nowhere to be found. Sadly, Turtle swam away and landed at Jamaa Township.There, he found the Alphas and told them his story. There are still many other animALs trapped in Lynphia. But, now the Deer has been rescued.-purrclaws
Awesome story!
Deletehey guys! my friend downloaded AJ Jump and i go to his house one a week and next week I CAN GET A JOEY! :D
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
I have a Minecraft club/party in my den! All are invited to join. I will accept all,but no gross or bad behavior. (No bullying,mating,bad words,gross words,etc.). Send me a Jam-a-gram with a buddy request in it,or just send me a buddy request if I'm on. Sorry if I'm slamming but I just wanted to let all of you know. -howlingtothemooncausewerewolves
ReplyDelete*spamming. -howlingtothemooncausewerewolves
DeleteUmm, I missed the day when we got one diamond as a gift and the day that we got a gift express, so I was wondering if anyone had any spare items from the diamond shop or a gift express that they could trade to me.
That's why i love bunnies.
ReplyDeleteYeah, have you ever noticed that octopuses, snow leopards, cheetahs, kangaroos, Lions, ect. don't have a shaman either!! >:|
DeleteYeah... think man.
How do you save the youtube videos for AJ? Like the ones above. I tried right-clicking, But nothing. Can you help?
ReplyDeleteI am once again putting up a live server so you can watch me play, Live, on FeralHeart!! I am in a big Clan map, and using my Warrior! To see, post below saying you want to see it!!!
Did you copy my account description?? Can you change it? :"