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Hey jammers! Today's daily jamaaliday gift is 600 gems, accompanied by the weekly diamond for members. Today's new ol item is the Jamaaliday Scarf, sold in Jam Mart Clothing.
This is a very popular item among nonmembers, and has been highly anticipated. Members, see if you can help a nonmember buddy out by buying a nicely colored scarf for their jamaaliday outfit. I'm sure they'd love it. ^.^ As you might have noticed, the iOS version of Jump came out in the last few days, and now Apple users can get their very own Joey from the app!
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Click here for AJ Jump Game Guide. |
This is what they look like, and over in the exclusive Play-as-your-Pet Party there are some fantastic head item options.
And for written Wednesday, I had a question I wanted to hear your opinion on it. I found a fun little website where you can design pretty much anything (artwork, picture, etc.) on anything (shirt, iPod case, etc.). I can open a store there, and I can design items that you guys may like to buy. I would earn a little bit of money which I could put back into the blog! ^.^ This could be a future spot for art contest winners – you could get a rare on Animal Jam and your design published in the Spirit Shop. Does this sound like an interesting idea? If the product was slightly expensive, but really cool/pretty/fantastic/superawsomeamazing, would you want to buy it? Let me know, and happy jamming!

OMG 1st!~
ReplyDeleteReal comment:
DeleteReturning item: I think the Jamaaliday scarf is a great new item! :D Im glad it has returned, i love all the colors and im glad its for nonmembers too! ^.^ I also like helping nonmembers my getting them colored items. :)
AJ Jump:
You are so lucky Snowy! I really hope my dad will let me, i will ask him tonight because AJ jump just looks so awesome. ^.^
Written Wednesday:
I think it sounds like an interesting idea but i don't really get it. (no offense, snowy) Do we design our own items and sell them? Im a but confused about this part nut it seems like a cool idea. :)
I mean bit. Sorry.
DeleteAnd i didn't mean nut, i meant but. >.<
DeleteIt is a wonderful idea Snowyclaw I love it!
Congrats on first, cloudy. :3
DeleteYeah it's good to see the original Jamaaliday scarf back. I honestly didn't think it would return, because of the new striped scarf for members that came out last week.
It sounds like an awesome idea!
DeleteIt's a nice idea, but idk if I would buy it. I mean it sounds cool and all, but online ordering is iffy..
DeleteOH MY GOD Firstly, love the scarves, even though I'm a member, second I want the joey, but I'm already paying for membership sooo yeaaaa and third YOU SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE THE SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!! Besides being the FIRST AJ BLOG WITH A SHOP, they will advertise the blog nicely, a great way to earn money AND the designs will be so cool!!!!!! (I can't believe ur a kid who does all this!!! At least i think you are, if you arent sorry!)
If you want a short update about about today's items until snowy posts check out my blog.
Sounds awesome, the problem will be advertising and getting people to buy your product. I think you would need really low prices for them to sell... What is the website called?
ReplyDeleteI don't think advertising will be too much of a problem for Snowy, look how many views and subs she has. XD
Delete3 million is really nothing compared to other websites that have stores...
DeleteYeah i agree if you want them to sell responsible low prices should be.
Snowy, the idea is interesting and all, but you already seem to be super busy and I don't even know if you would have time for that! Plus the fact that you could win a rare... is AJ only about rares now? If I won an art contest, I would just like for it to be all over the site where people could see it and admire it. That would WAY better than recieving a pixelated item.
ReplyDeleteI think she wants to give a rare because it could make jammers happy. But i also agree. AJ shouldn't be all about rares. I HATE all this scamming and hacking! SO many of my good friends have quit :(. In fact, I might not be playing on AJ if it weren't for my best friend, Nwlgal :)
DeleteStay Strong!
The rare is like payment for the art, but it would also be on the website. Besides I think snowy is being nice giving away rares like this. ^^
DeleteSounds cool. But Snowy, you ARE a child...
I don't think she is as young as people want her to be. Plus she can do what she wants. What's wrong with making some money?
DeleteSnowy's description of her age was " Older than some of you but younger than others", I believe.
DeleteShe is mature for her age. :P
DeleteI hope I can buy stuff from the website! ;)
DeleteAlso, like Manxy said, Snowy is mature, and if her parents are letting her do it, I'm sure its fine.
Stay Strong!
I agree with anonymous. XD
DeleteChildren can make money with lemonade stands, this isn't much different.
Hmm i wonder how much the merch' will cost....
DeleteShe's Not a child anymore. Her real name is Hannah, and as a side note, ten year old's don't like being called "kids".
DeleteLol I'm pretty sure she's not ten.... She's probably 13 or 14
DeleteMy name is also Hannah O_o
Delete>:l Nathaniel, I am 11, soon to be 12, and Im always called a "Kid" so please just hush. It gets on my nerves when some one says that. 11 to 12 are basiclly Kids-Tweens.... Once they hit 13 they are a teen. So yeaaah...
Delete~Faolan98 (A.K.A Raggedpelt98 Of FH)
Im doing a live FeralHeart WarriorCats gameplay!! Will post link if people send me a jam-agram to me
Umm 11-12 year olds are kids. Adults consider anyone under 18 kids. It's not good to grow up to fast. What's wrong with being a kid even though I'm 14 I still consider myself a kid. I don't get what's to bad about being a kid.
DeleteOh forgot my user XD I'm dooda123
DeleteI think snowy is 18 or an adult i mean that kids cannot actually do these kind of stuff i mean they are just kids and snowy its not good you can do them for maybe rare aj items but many people cant buy with money so they will be hurt. do you want to hurt us?
DeleteWhat is the website? Also, 8th comment XD
ReplyDeleteSnowy, you are amazing. Keep blogging :)
I'm dawr btw o.o
DeleteHEY PEEPS! Snowy, if you wanna sell stuff, can ya plz add a thing like the other blogs thingy for the selling stuff?
Deleteanybody know if snowyclaw Is a girl/ PLs tell me
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw is a girl.
DeleteLol yes. Snowy is a girl. x3
Deletethank because my voice sounds like a young girl and im a boy
DeleteAww I'm kinda bumbed about the scarves coming out..... :/ but a least other people will be able to buy them. In so excited for jump!!!
ReplyDelete~ dooda123
DeleteI was about to trade my friend a worn for it. I'm glad I didn't...
I don't get why people act as if scarves are rare, they only came out one year ago. o-o But one year is pretty long so yeah.. :P
Well many people like them. Non members don't get very many items and this is one of the most decent ones. Also they were in pretty high demand after they went out of shop. So I don't think people think of them as rare.... Just a high demand good nonmember item and they fact they come I'm good colors so ya :P
Delete~ dooda123
yep, cloudclaws
Deleteyou know, the leap year lion is even rarer i traded 4 lions for them but the person with the red scarf said unfair :C
Yay scarfs \o/ its that time a year already? I remember the last one like it was yesterday >.<
ReplyDeleteI'll forever be nonmember tho. :P
I want colorful scarfs T.T
The joeys are for nonmembers too right? .o.
Yes, joeys are nonmember.
DeleteI wish TUNNEL TOWN will be for androids.
ikr... it's not fair that jump is for both, but the free tunnel town is only for apple... -.-
Deleteapple sucks badly...
DeleteYep, AJHQ is being unfair to people who only have android like me. DX
DeleteNathaniel, if thy suck how come Jump and Tunnel Town are both for apple and not android. Maybe both is for apple and not android because more people have apple products then androids.
Delete~ dooda123
I missed rare item monday! I didn't have time... Can someone trade / send me the rare jamaaliday top hat?
ReplyDeletebtw I'm gosiapi on AJ
It's great to hear back from you every day again, Snowy. I think that it would be a great idea to do a spirit shop, as long as you can, would NatGeo let you use Animal Jam stuff or is that like copyrighted or something? If not I would say do it. I LOVE the Jamaaliday scarf, I just hope that one of my best member friends will change the color for me! :D
It sounds like a WONDERFUL idea, Snowy! I'd really like to see some stuff that you can make! And, it's one of your best ideas yet!
my best friend has recently been banned from animal jam,for no apparent reason! she tried contacting ajhq with no, we need advise!
ReplyDeleteWell... Since it's online, I probably wouldn't be allowed to buy because I do not have a credit card (and won't have one anytime soon lol hence I am a kid) and my parents will not pay on theirs because I get allowence. I would really love it though, it's a nice idea, Snowy.
ReplyDeleteAlso, as pielover was mentioning up there ^^^^^^^, are you sure you're schedule would be freed up enough to do it, Snowy? :)
I hope my opinion is ok. xD
well, as a user of AJ jump! i will give a detailed description of the game. at the start screen, you can personalize your kangaroo, change its clothes and eye type, etc. next you can click play game, where you tilt your screen to steer your hopping roo one way, up.its like a high tech phone version of sky high. any gems earned in the game AND your pet joey can be transferred to your account :D
ReplyDeleteidk what your e-mail is but if i knew i would send you some more screen shots :3 happy jamming!
That description sounds like what MegaJump's (a game similar to AJ Jump) would be like.
DeleteHas anyone else not been able to choose a server today? :/ I want to find out if it's happening to other players before I contact AJHQ about it. This morning I chose a server like normal, but now every time I log in (even if I log in with another account) it just sends me to the same server as last time and I can't pick one anymore. Is this happening with everyone or just me?
DeleteI logged out and logged back into a different browser and that solved it for me...
Okay I found out that if you wait (like 5 or 10 minutes after logging out ) the session expires or something and they let you choose a server again.
DeleteI need to log in to empty servers because my computer is very old, and all the crowds and ppl in the township make it run SOOO LAGGY. D:
I love your idea, Snowy! I would love for there to be more contests and stuff. I really want the new game too! It looks so fun, I guess i'll have to wait.
Hello Jammers!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say Happy Jamaalidays! :D
Also, my B-day is coming up. Its December 25. If anyone wants to come to my AJ b-day, its on the 15th at 2 PM (Eastern Time Zone)
Also, I will be doing a "toy drive" on December 20th. I will be gift/trading new jammers I see around Jamaa gifts. If you know someone new who you want to be gifted, comment below or jam a gram me there user. :)
Stay strong!
ok this is who i think needs some stuff
Deletewolfsirisme -non member-
pawstarleaderofsclan -non member-
i tryed giving them something but my computer is acting up
also they r brothers and they just started 5 days ago
Deletemy friend just started but i know her password. i help her get rares, not lose them. just want to make that clear. anyways, her user is orangekitten1231.
Twirlmewonderfull is a user that could use some items , it's nm tho....
DeleteOMG yes! Do the spirit shop! Everyone will love spending their money for a cool blog item AND to make the blog better! You could make a fortune- for the blog! Soon AJHQ may even have their own little worker, you!
ReplyDelete:/ AJHQ probaly does look at this blog with the croc incidence.... they are normal peeps like us. except they are grown-ups of course x,D and snowy, if you dont mind, I wanna use your wolf for a preset project. Maybe I could show you on a Joinme when its done :] its kinda like a drawing that I fit on a 3d wolf model... I can even do the antlers xD
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the Art idea, I would love to buy a good art piece of a wolf or something for 1$. you mean DEVIANTART???? You make drawings/paintings and can sell them OuO I suck at computer art... better with pencils.
snowy is so lucky i got locked out of my apple account bc my mom forgot a security question ^_^ and so now we have to find the email to unlock our account! im frustrated i dont mind if i dont get the joey i just want to play for fun and i like the idea for the shop i would totally do chores for a i phone case designed by snowy :) ~littlestarm
ReplyDeleteif you change the paw item for the joey, the action changes! none is a moonwalk, boxking gloves is self explanitory! :)
Epic! And hummingbirds also change their action... so are joeys and hummingbirds the only ones? o.o
Deletewell........... i was a member and i going to get membership again soon and i cant wait to get 1 XD LOL
Delete- CMO1st
What's the site called that you're interested in?
ReplyDeleteI wish the scarves hadn't come back. I really valued mine, and it was my favorite item. (Besides my spike) But yeah, I'd buy it!
Oh yeah, I also got a Joey Pet. They are really cute. ^_^
DeleteYa learn something new every day.
:P :P :P
(I'm being sarcastic)
Manxy that's rude I know your being sarcastic but still.... Some people value different items and when it comes back in stores it loses its value.
Delete~ dooda123
i would buy one for a nm but im broke. X_X
interesting idea snowyclaw. i enjoy drawing and i agree with you. i hav 100,000 gems and i'd be more than happy to buy the items.
ReplyDeleteCan you get more than one joey for more than one account from the app? If so, HOW?!?!?!?
Because both me and my sister want the joey, but we have only one android device to share...
U get one free Joey and if u want another u have to wait 7 days and pay 5000 gems ( I looked it up on aj support)
DeleteWell do you have any apple products? It came out on those.
Delete~ dooda123
@dooda nope...
DeleteI don't have a single apple device
I couldn't get tunnel town >.<
Aww they should make Tunnel Town for androids so its more far since jump is on most.
Delete~ dooda123
Snowy why do you never post aj vids on ur channel?!
hi snowy yeesu shoild but i cant buyvas my mum dont have a job srry Stay awesome snow *from darkchild from her bros ph
ReplyDeletesry bouy the spelling
SNOWYCLAW NEVER STOP BLOGGING! I CHECK THIS SITE EVERY DAY! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete-moonberries (sorry for caps lock, i just LIKE THE BUTTON SO MUCH)
:D -my thought
DeleteAwesome post, Snowy!
ReplyDeletePS The app seems really awesome! I hope my parents will let me purchase it!
ReplyDeleteWe are Kay and Kei, and trying to start a blog about fun random things and stuff. :)
Live Love Kay Kei
(PS this is not one of those weird ads that has a virus thingy. I hate those).
~Kay & Kei
Delete@manxylion correct. SPAM! @Kay &kei if u want ppl to look at ur Blogh just tell them on Animal Jam! -howlingtothemooncausewerewolves.
DeleteLOL the irony ^
Deleteahhh im on aj and i cant see myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im at epic wonders and there r a bunch of people glitching!!! HELP ME!!!
there are many glitches so wut do u want me to do about thats? i luv ggliches ther so much fun LOL XD
DeleteThe Joey is soooooo cool
ReplyDeleteI got my joey today! Its soo cute! I also have all of the Jamaaliday scarfs from last year... :P I got the AJ jump app its SO fun. I am addicted. I already beat my buddy's high scores!
ReplyDeleteI posted on my blog. Check it out please!
Thanks! Mldriver
please check my blog out!
Does anyone have a jammalidays sweater that they will trade for an anemone head bow? I have three colours to choose from. I was unable to get on the computer that day because AJ wouldn't load. So please send or trade it to my user which is meow68! Or send it and I will add you and send the bow back.
ReplyDeleteOMG I can't change world on AJ!!! When I log in, the choosing world screen doesn't appear...
ReplyDeletehi snowy....
ReplyDeletenice blog
My black one got scammed. If you have an unwanted black one, please jamagram me! My username is AngelicWolves.
ReplyDeleteYou have one.
ReplyDeleteLol! I clicked on this and it's like a year later than when this was posted xD