Hey jammers! A nice big update today, firstly let's start with the new item! Be sure to purchase the new Wheelbarrow Planter in Tiptop Gardens located in Sarepia Forest!
Pet Monkeys have arrived in Jamaa and they're waiting for you in the Diamond Shop! They are so adorable, but can be very cheeky at sometimes - they are so worth 3 Diamonds!
Spot On is the newest game to arrive in Jamaa! You can play Spot On at Kimbara Outback today!
![]() |
Play Spot On here! ^.^ |
Pandas of Jamaa are returning, all Jammers will be able to play as a panda once again! So happy the pandas are finally returning, they're beloved!
Autumn has arrived in Jamaa! The leaves have changed colour, the weather has got cooler which means Autumn has arrived & Jamaa's spooky celebration, Night Of The Phantoms is coming! Boo!
AJHQ has also adopted a real-life otter! AJHQ loves helping animals which I think is amazing, and that's why I pay for my membership so AJHQ has funds to help animals in need!
The Summer Carnival has left Jamaa but will return next year! Pretty cool update this week, huh? See you in Jamaa!
Yay! One of my favorite seasons is in Jamaa again!
ReplyDeleteSecond, and Fall is my all time fave season, and my first fall in Jamaa, joined last Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMonkeh :p
ReplyDeleteCongrats on First comment!
ReplyDeleteWhy couldn't i be in time to play TBA... ;-;
ReplyDeleteHappy Fall/Autumn everyone! :D
ReplyDeleteI wanted to play TBA
ReplyDeleteThey are letting me on
ReplyDeleteI'm on now tho weird...
ReplyDeleteSame here actually!
ReplyDeleteTo be announced?
ReplyDeleteHai look below though...
ReplyDeleteIts not there anymore tho
ReplyDeleteJoined 3 years ago in August
ReplyDeleteEveryones excited for this, but what for?
ReplyDeleteI am not that excited though...
ReplyDeleteIts just pandas, if everyone liked pandas why didnt they buy them? I saw like none before and after they were 'endangered'
ReplyDeleteyesh but they still endangered tho ^o^
ReplyDeleteAJ cares nothing about reptiles, their main focus is on mammals, i havent seen anything about endangered reptiles yet!
ReplyDeleteI joined in January 2012
ReplyDeleteIt is 12:00 pm in Utah and it shouldn't be ... its not the right time ...
ReplyDeleteUtah? What???
ReplyDeleteI joined a few months before you :3
ReplyDeleteAJS TIME!
ReplyDeleteAJS's time is an hour ahead of mine
ReplyDeleteYeah whats your time now
ReplyDelete11:20 AM, im surprised its morning
ReplyDeleteBut it says on the time at the top that its: 12:00 pm Animal Jam Spirit Time and that isn't correct....
ReplyDelete12:20, its correct
ReplyDeleteI wonder why 12:00 AM has to be midnight, i mean seriously, it would be like 100x easier to learn how to read clocks if its like 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM, and not 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
ReplyDeleteYeah lol.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the map i made in transformice, lets play hockey
ReplyDeletei love the new update! it's EPIC!
ReplyDeleteIts not that great....
ReplyDeleteIT SAYS THAT AJ IS OFFLINE.............
ReplyDeleteWhats so great about it? -Grumbles with disapointment-
ReplyDeleteGood thing I am on the bus and I can have a wait because I can't get on anyways
ReplyDeleteoh rifht
ReplyDeleteShould i make a wolf pack map?
ReplyDeleteYeah you should!
ReplyDeleteAkachip Made A Mistake Pandas Haven't Returned Yet.
ReplyDeletefunny story: i told my friend at recces today that i thought i was getting hacked she was afraid she was too so i had to unbuddy her ends up it was just my pc because it dosent happen on this computer :) YAAYY
ReplyDeletei feel the same way dude (im a girl by the way)
ReplyDeleteit says it 1:22 right now ITS 3:22
ReplyDeletebut does anyone know who couldve hacked me if i really was getting hacked
ReplyDeletebesides fman or recycledbeards
ReplyDeleteIt's the rarity mentality. Meaning, if something unpopular becomes rare, ppl suddenly want it. XD And if it comes back they'll be all "OMG I WANT ONE" then get bored with it in 2 hours. lol
ReplyDeleteAnyone you ever shared your password with can hack you. Even if it's your BFF that you have known your whole life and they are like a brother or sister to you and pinky promised they wouldn't hack you. I don't care who it is or how they promised. If you shared your password you CAN be hacked. And if you did not share it with anybody, then you have nothing to worry about, unless your password is easy to guess...
ReplyDeleteYup, I can only trust my sister, though she doesn't play AJ
ReplyDeleteIf they don't play AJ it helps I guess. but I still wouldn't share mine with anyone. :P
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't share my password with anyone, and when I quit or grow out of AJ I'll just leave my account in peace and maybe give away my items.
ReplyDeleteakachip is dead !
ReplyDeleteI think Snowyclaw may have moved to a different country. :)
ReplyDeleteHai :D
ReplyDeleteAnyone have info on TBA? I saw it this morning and my friend ( in real life) said she got a porch swing from it. Any details? I checked and it was gone today.
ReplyDeleteTBA? What's that? :O
ReplyDeleteAdventure. My friend didn't make it up because I didn't tell her.
ReplyDeleteIt was an adventure but its gone now it was weird though
ReplyDeleteI got a TON of Betas. You can check out my den and I will show you them! My AJ username is lilhoginpitt. It was a pet adventure. I think it was released on accident, and still are working on it, becuase it had a ton of glitches.
ReplyDeleteIdk what your'e talking about :o
ReplyDeleteMy friend said it was about pets, and it had a cheat button. Odd.
ReplyDeleteNah, look what I just said
ReplyDeleteYeah you were a pet and you had to do stuff in 15 minutes
ReplyDeleteSure! Going on now.
ReplyDeleteWhat does TBA stand for? :O
ReplyDeleteI dont know
ReplyDeleteI searched up TBA and it means "To Be Announced" Just like TBH-To be Honest
ReplyDeleteI don't like the update today :O
ReplyDeleteIts not a good updae
ReplyDeleteIkr :o
ReplyDeleteactually, I didn't expect a update today but I'm waiting for the night of the phantoms thingy and no it's not a good update
ReplyDeleteI mean the new game is okay
ReplyDeleteNvm, I don't know what you guys mean about this TBA
ReplyDeleteYeah I am gonna be addicted to the spot on game though XD
ReplyDeleteYeh the game is okay
ReplyDeleteEvery new game i fall into but then Swoopy eagle was just a lame copy of flappy bird
ReplyDeleteyeah lol
ReplyDeleteAww... No more uniqueness for my pet monkey...
ReplyDeleteI got my pet monkey when it was a member gift, oh well.
I'm reallyyy happy~ :D
ReplyDeleteSame i miss monthly member gifts :( AJHQ should at least give us 2 diamonds whenever it's the 1st though because they every said in the diamond shop update this will be replaced instead of monthly member gift. Sereiusly
ReplyDeletey y
ReplyDeleteYou need to make a post about the TBA, I'll send in some info
ReplyDeleteYay! :D
ReplyDeletei remember monthly gifts
ReplyDeleteSAME! Just with hummingbirds
ReplyDeleteAt school we're designing our classroom :D
ReplyDeleteCool! I did the same last year to a study room with my class and another class they didn't actually do it until about 3months later though :l
ReplyDeleteIdk why but it sounds like a basketball acronym
ReplyDeleteIn at my school we are thinking of things that would make our classroom better :D
ReplyDeleteYes~ :D