Hey jammers! Today's new item is the lovely returning Sun Hat, found on the first page (and the fifth slot) of the Summer Carnival clothing booth. Why AJHQ keeps adding out of order, we may never know.

Over in the fourth slot (on the first page) of the plushie booth we have the mighty Giant Octopus Plushie's welcome appearance...

Anyway, It's your last day to go pick up your very own Cactus Fence.
This fence will sure keep those pesky phantoms out of the way!
Now, for a little glitch.
I guess this bridge has been here for a very long time, but it's not nice to suddenly leave us standing in the air.
Me: Bad bridge!
Bridge: AJ took me! I have been kidnapped!
Me: Alphas! Help the bridge!
Alphas: No need, they put another one back in.
Moving on, today's Trivia Tuesday!
For today's Trivia Tuesday I will be letting everyone know about one more animal that was almost forgotten by the modern jammers. Today's Trivia Tuesday will be about.... Crocodiles!
Did you know that crocodiles are the largest reptiles in the world, in terms of mass? Each crocodile jaw carries 24 sharp teeth ment to grasp and crush, not to chew. They swallow stones that grind their food inside their stomachs. The teeth are continuously replaced along the crocodiles life. Often crocodiles stay on the river banks with their jaws wide open. That is not an agressive posture, but a way to cool off; they sweat through their mouths! Crocodiles can swim just with the help of their powerful tail, and stay underwater to 2-3 hours.
Well jammers, that's it for today's sad post with no new items. Be nice to others, jam on, and have a nice day, bye!
ReplyDeleteSecond comment! :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats! :D -hands you a piece of cake-
ReplyDeleteHmm, I wonder why AJ keeps forgetting to put out the new daily items... Maybe they're running out of ideas?
ReplyDelete*Stuffs cake in face due to a lack of maturity* B)
ReplyDeleteThat's odd. I can't imagine why animal jam would do that. They've also been kinda late with the daily explorer posts lately... I wonder why!
ReplyDeletethere is indeed a new item
ReplyDeleterook in the prushie shop in the summer carnivar
I remember when I used to have a blog, it was so annoying to go all over the map just to find the new item was, say, in the Summer Carnival, or there was no new item >.<
ReplyDeleteI actually never noticed the Cactus Fence was in stores o3o
For more Animal Jam fun, a 50 subscriber party, and an upcoming rare spiked collar giveaway, check my channel: https://www.youtube.com/
Thanks everyone!
Congratulations, Blue! *hands pecan sandies*
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Unique!
ReplyDeleteAJHQ: US? WHAT? NEVER!!!
ReplyDelete(whispering to alphas) Ideas for dat item, and get 'em quick, they were due dis mornin'!
AJHQ: Ahh, yess, see, we were on top of it... (fades into incoherent mumbling)
ReplyDeleteThe new items are the Star Hat and the Octopus plushies in the Summer Carnival. Just wondering, do you check the Summer Carnival Isa?
ReplyDelete"That glitch is cool"seeing I just commented it a cupple posts ago😿
ReplyDeleteLOLZ jk jk 😹😹😹
"Oh and I found a new glitch this happened to my friends" even though it was on a few post ago.................
And also, the sun hat in the Summer Carnival, too ^.^
ReplyDeleteThey aren't forgetting, they're just making them very difficult to find these days as the never place them in the first slot of the shop anymore. :P
ReplyDeleteAJHQ: HAHA!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post (isa?) :D
ReplyDeleteNice post, isa! I believe I was correct about the giant octopus plushie ;3
ReplyDeleteMe neither... I'm like whaaaa?
ReplyDeleteThank you Isa for reminding us about the crocodiles! I agree, they are a forgotten animal!
ReplyDeleteCrocodiles swallow stones? Wow, chickens, turkeys, and quails do to! They swallow stones and it goes down to the bird's crop, (which is on there chest) and it helps them grind up food too. There crop is actually so close to there skin that when they eat a bunch, their crop gets bigger, and it looks like they have a big lump of feathers on there chest, lol.
ReplyDeleteye we do
ReplyDeletebut i must sacrifice my precious rock collection for this
*grabs box*
oh my
ReplyDeletewe are oh i didn't realize
ReplyDeletetbh i dont need a daily item but a weekly item at least
ReplyDeletemy croc:oh
ReplyDeleteSpinosaurus looked like and enormous Croc,
ReplyDeleteIt most likely walked on its knuckles, and it had webbed feet, it spent most its life in water, feeding of fish.
oh my eh
ReplyDeleteBut the cactus juice..
ReplyDeleteYay! The sun hat is one of my favorite items in the summer carnival!! Also, it looks great on bunnies and foxes! The octopus plus how is so cute just like its littler cousin!
ReplyDeleteI thought it was 60?
ReplyDelete):U ajHQ!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Gives pie
ReplyDeletex3 don't worry, there are others like u x3 ( hint hint; me) xD
ReplyDeleteXD that's wat I would do!!!
ReplyDeleteCactus Juice it's the quenchiest!
ReplyDeleteYay! I've been waiting for you to post! No post pic though?
ReplyDeleteThere's no such word as quenchiest
ReplyDeleteShe just made it up
ReplyDeleteXD I no
ReplyDeleteBye I love your profile pic, did chu draw it yourself?
ReplyDeleteAnybody know how to view the top commenters?
ReplyDeleteMeant btw not bye lol
ReplyDeleteNo, sorry
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yes, I did draw i-
ReplyDelete''NO, IT'S ME POSING IN IT! >:U''
Rain, shushhhhhhh!
Rain.. I told you I was going to pay you..
In 5 years :3
Click on "Animal Jam Spirit" next to the amount of comments. A little widget should pop up with the latest discussions, then click on "Top commenters" next to "Latest discussions."
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, that pun XD
ReplyDeleteCx I no
ReplyDeleteLol! Still love it though
ReplyDelete(not like I believed that or anything XP)
No dear?
ReplyDeleteLook at them with a fox hat on it xD
ReplyDeleteDrink Cactus Juice!
ReplyDeleteNothing's quencher
ReplyDeleteAJHQ Just could have said ''You have to be an animal to use this item!''
You do know? TIGERLYPAWS IS BACK ON AJ!!! Fluffles can't deter her!! You upvoting fluffles, ( Yes, I saw someone here call you fluffles instead of haters. I personally think that is an awesome idea.) Sooo the Fluffles have not won!! Upvote me all you want, Fluffles, but I did ask Tigerly, we have been jam a gramming, and she said she didn't know but she may come back. And she had a ton of people at her den.
ReplyDeleteFluffles will never win. Brave nice inspiring people will overcome them forever!!!
Hey there kids, sorry I'm late <3 I know it's half eight pm but I just didn't have the time to get on yet, argh
ReplyDeleteGreat fence, leaving already?! Sorry 'bout the bridge, kiddo! ;)
And wonderful post, thanks for posting about crocs, yes they're being forgotten and I deleted mine... but yeah
That exists now?
ReplyDeleteThanks, AurorMoon!
ReplyDeleteDo you say "no" to be cute or do you seriously not know how to spell "know"? Hehe, if you don't then yash.
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting!
ReplyDeleteThanks <3
ReplyDeleteThe poultry I named can only swallow pebbles but the crocs will be please >:D
ReplyDeleteWhile on the whole evolution topic, we all began as single-celled organisms, that's amazing don't you think?
ReplyDeleteI was just gonna say they do it to help them grind up food, hehe. Thanks for commenting, NutterButters!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA That's so amzaing
ReplyDeleteYeah, or "You must be on AJ to use this item!" or "You must exist to use this item!" XD
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting!
ReplyDeleteVelcome :D
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the russian accent? XD
ReplyDeleteDunno :3
ReplyDeleteAww bai I'm going on AJ laterz
ReplyDeleteAww darn I gtg and you just came :( well goodbye Fezcatdoctor.
ReplyDeleteBye Gemma D:
ReplyDeleteisn't it a shame that viruses aren't considered organisms
they exist and can reproduce and die
Yeah, but the party was for 50 o3o Literal me lol
ReplyDeleteIkr, I thought that was the new item!
ReplyDeleteAJHQ: Yes, of course... a, uh... treasure hunt!!! Haha, we were thinking of that the whole time...
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who didn't notice, Tallstar107 has assumed the role of AJHQ for today (XDDD)
ReplyDeleteAJHQ: *mumble mumble*
ReplyDeleteAJHQ: Well, aren't puzzles better? Haha, like that treasure hunt... *mumble mumble*
ReplyDelete:3 Herro! I really like the Giant Octopus Plushie, it's so adorbs!
ReplyDelete*sigh* Just got back from school... SO hot DX
ReplyDeleteANYways. Great post Isa4322!
Crocodiles are rather interesting, actually! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post Isa. <3
Your a mod?
ReplyDeleteI know!
ReplyDeleteWhat is it?
ReplyDeleteCorrection what cake WAS it?
ReplyDeleteMe? No, I'm not a mod. Why do you ask? c:
ReplyDeleteHey snowy, this might not be interesting to you guys but I'm in a video with QTANGEL!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLook at the last video she posted, I'm Countess Arcticwolf, I have a black baseball cap black rare bows and black and blue elf tail on. I'm horselover13141 on Animal Jam so please please PLEASE gift me as I traded my non rare silver spike collar for alot of bad rares for some reason... don't ask me why I did it. They wouldn't trade back, either.
Mean jammers sometimes :(
Anyway this is getting long so bye jammers!
Why does it say your a spirit Jammer then?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteLol Okay HQ.
ReplyDeleteOh whoa, it makes my stomach weird to watch myself on youtube!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry if it sounds like I'm bragging it's just so exciting.
Honestly, I don't know. :P I became an author on AJS about two days ago, so that could have something to do with it. I'm not really sure how Disqus works, but when I went to comment on this post today I had a little Spirit Jammer thingy beside my name.
ReplyDeletespirit authors get the spirit jammer thingy
ReplyDeleteCongrats on becoming a Author
ReplyDeleteThank you <3
ReplyDeleteAnd snowy?
ReplyDeleteHas a jammer named heunhouse been in one of your videos?
I know her in real life (sorry if that sounded like personal info but it's true...
If you type her up and she's a nm, that's because her membership expired. It's so sad. Oh and by the way search me up on aj I'm horselover13141!!!!!!!! Byeeeeee.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHold on, heunhouse is gonna post.
ReplyDeletehey guys lol im fman lol no im not jk
ReplyDeleteHey guys?
Meepers bleepers deepers derpers im a robot meepers bleepers deepers derpers meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Oooh, you're a new author? WELCOMEEEEE <3 (I'm so late lol I just checked the blog after like 3 weeks xD)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I just saw the pun! "Leafing" Cactus haha lol
ReplyDeleteOMG yay! Congratulations :D I can't wait to see more posts :D
ReplyDeleteThat's what happened to me! 'Cept I think I'm a mod o3o
ReplyDeleteNO YOUR MAJESTY *Bows down to AJHQ*
ReplyDeleteLol yeah me to
ReplyDeleteIs Rain one of your AJ characters that you decided to name? :P lol it's cute
ReplyDeleteHi. Sup
ReplyDeleteContemplating if i should get out of bed and do something with my life or stay in bed and watch youtube. (youtube is winning XD)
ReplyDeleteLol. I totally get that feeling.
ReplyDeleteMhmmm. Im so lazy on the holidays lol. I wanna go on aj but I'm suspended
ReplyDeletePros and Cons of having cats:
Good excuse for not doing homework
Wake up alarm 3:30 AM
Nothing else- There Pawsome!
Oh? What happend?
ReplyDeleteasking a friend i know irl if she wanted to Skype XD
ReplyDeleteCATSSSS Another pro: Warrior cats. Warrior cats in general.
ReplyDeleteI got suspended for asking someone to trade me their arctic wolf XD
It was totally for a joke but AJHQ can't take a joke :P
ReplyDeletelol XD I am suspended for 24 hours. I have my other account called burrito, but i don't wanna play on it cause i have like no buddies XD
ReplyDeleteYeah I have other storage accounts too.
ReplyDeleteYeah, she's based on an AJ wolf I did. :3
ReplyDelete''You hired me >:I''
How many times have I told you about interrupting..
Keep doing this, and you'll get no pizza >:U
I also have two others, too! I've recently made Reddo! He's like a half cowboy half ninja o3o
ReplyDelete''Your a horselover..
ReplyDeleteI'm the true robot! >:3''
ReplyDeleteRain is so cute!
ReplyDelete*secretly gives her pizza*
ReplyDelete''I now officially love you :3''
ReplyDeleteI just got 2 Howl Plaques in a row for the howls I submitted :O: Thanks AJ!
ReplyDeleteYep, totally pawsome!!! GO CATS!
ReplyDeleteHuh! My friend was banned too for almost that same reason! She told me she was playing an adventure with someone she was Skyping, and it just banned her!! REALLY AJHQ, Skype has nothing to do with AJ at all really... :1
ReplyDeleteXD LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks!! :3
ReplyDeleteMe.... "ha" "ha" "ha" "shut up"
ReplyDeleteHmm. Odd.
ReplyDeleteOh ya completely agreed