~ Music is life. That's why our heart have beats. ~
Heyyy jammers (: Smile here once again with another weekly AJMV post! Summer is ending soon for some, I hope you all made some fantastic memories over the course of the summer <3 Out of curiousity, did any of ya go to Snowy's Jam Con? Anyway, back to the post...
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✿ G U E S S T H E S O N G: ✿
"When the light started out they don’t know what they heard. Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world."
(answer at end of post)
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To start off, we have a fantastic AJMV created by Flowercat4 Aj, that will hopefully brighten up your day [haha puns wow I'm lame]. Presenting the music video, Bright by Echosmith!
This is put together amazingly, and it's your FIRST?! I loved the greenscreening at areas but you still combined raw scenes into it, making it diverse and interesting to watch <3 The song is pretty calm so I love how your choice of clip speed matches it, wonderful job! x
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Now we have another fabulous AJMV, created by the awesome Liz A. This AJMV is accompanied by the song Willow, by Jasmine Thompson [OMG HER SINGING IS BEAUTIFUL]
Now we have another fabulous AJMV, created by the awesome Liz A. This AJMV is accompanied by the song Willow, by Jasmine Thompson [OMG HER SINGING IS BEAUTIFUL]
This AJMV was really cute, I love the song choice and you did splendid with the editor you had!! Even though it's short it's really cool, and I loved how you got your buddies to help you and how you used a variety of scenes, greaat job <3
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Lastly, we wrap up today's trio of AJMVs with Animatronic Nyan's Still Here AJMV by Digital Daggers! (:
I loved how you made the best with what you had, and even though it wasn't recorded with a screen recorder, it turned out FANTASTIC <3 I loved the varying effects in each scene and how calm it was, matching song's beat and rhythm. Awesome job x
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★ A J M V T I P O F T H E D A Y ★
If you're just starting out with editing, no worries! There are tons of easy editors you can start with, and then continue to move on to more difficult ones [More effects and options ^-^] Some good ones to start off with are...
iMovie [If you have an Apple product]
Windows Live Movie Maker [For Windows Users]
Camtasia Studios [For both Apple and Windows, there is a 30 day free trial]
There are a lot of tutorials on YouTube for all of them, good luck!
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♦ Q U E S T I O N O F T H E D A Y: ♦
What other games do you play online other than AJ?
I don't play any games online anymore, but I used to play Transformice and when I was younger I played Club Penguin and Moshi Monsters xD
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If you want one of your AJMVs to be featured, send them over to either spiritjammer@gmail.com or my personal, xxsmileyouarebeautifulxx@gmail.com (:
♡ Don't forget to SMILE today! ♡
Social Media Link: YouTube
Answer to song quote: Burn - Ellie Goulding