Hey jammers, here are the new items today. In Jamaa Township's Jam Mart Furniture, a Frozen Bush.

It can buy them as snowy, springy, or dead.

There are also Clover Tubes in Kani Cove's Sunken Treasures.

There also may be new names to choose from. How long have these been around? Have I just missed them?

I also, very recently, had a glitch. My three rare Elf Tail Armors (black/red, blue, and orange) all disappeared from my user. Just . . . gone. Is this strange? All my other rares are still there... Has this happened to anyone else? I'm I just going crazy?

You could have been hacked x.x
ReplyDeleteBut then they would have token everything :-/
The names... I'm pretty sure they were both here from before...
-blackwingsy (lol xD)
Omg!! I know!! Maybe u put them in ur trade part... Cuz when I clicked ur user it was in ur trade thingy .3.
ReplyDelete-blackwingsy (is it only me who finds this funny? :D)
That could be it and it sounds funny to me too (what blackwingsy). Also I'm losing interest in animal jam a bit...
ReplyDeletesorry i meant what blackwingsy said.
ReplyDeleteIt happened to me,but it's no glitch.It's a hack!(dun, Dun, DUN!!)It starts as a glitch,but then,it lets people into your thing.I also got another glitch for you.Well,I would have to show you it.If you want to see it friend me then unfreind me after I show you(only if you want to friend and unfriend me).Anyways,my user is,TheHowler.I'll show it to anyone that wants to see it.It's a super weird 1!
*Sighs*AJ is offline.I hope it comes back on soon!Then the new stuff will be here,and it won't go off again!I'mma post comments till it's back on.Hehe.
snowyclaw i think this dissapering elf tail armor is a hack someone wants our tails XD.but they would steal the other rares we have...maybe its is just a glitch.oh right i saw that there was some kind of glitch with the new lucky party items if someone has them on their trade list i cant see the image of the item.weird huh??
ReplyDeleteoh no.. a hacker?!! I've been hacked before i dont wanna be hacked again...
ReplyDeletewow. so many member things....... :'(
ReplyDeletei used to love AJ. now i find its mostly mem stuff. ONLY mem stuff coming out. I HATE IT! why is AJ being so unfair to me?
it happen to me two man! i got two extra bows from my other accounts and next time i loged in it just wasen't there??!!... how could this happen! not fair >:( i wish that no other jammer will get this bad luck!
ReplyDeleteHasn't happened to me... I suppose it could though. Maybe if you wear it...? Cause I always wear mine and it hasn't gone away. I had this AWESOME glitch um.. I can't exactly remember when but anyways I was is my new Snow fort den (cool huh? XD I saved up fast) and I was a seal (that's normal, I know) but I was SWIMMING!!! And all the decorations were gone! My friend was there too and she was a penguin. I opened up the decorations, they were underwater, and set them out and asked her how it looked she said that she couldn't see them! And then she acidentaly (ugh I don't think I can spell that right this instant I just got up) logged out she came into Jamaa Township like a koala then came to my den looking like a dolphin and acting like a koala! Odd, isn't it? Anyone else seen this? At first it creeped me out... lol... but it is fun!
"animal" has been there for a long time already, though "Lucky" is new.
ReplyDeletehave you heard of Superhacky and The Hot Pink Rhino? they are PROFESSIONAL hackers. The Hot Pink Rhino is a nice hacker but Superhacky is evil...
ReplyDeleteNo kidding my stuff happend to be gone also its very weird! D:
ReplyDeleteI think it's a hack! You should reoprt it to Animal Jam HQ right away!
snowyclaw can u make a advertising page like wolfrock12 did where it had parties and blogs thx! if u do if u do my blog is animaljamajblog.com
ReplyDeletethe name"lucky"is new.animal has always been there.
ReplyDeleteB.T.W. you should make "Aj Movie of the Month".like how aj has movies in the seripia forest movie theater except yoy record them and post them on the blog.just a recomendation u dont have to :)
I agree liveloo6! I think that is a great idea!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your 3 lost/hacked tail armors SnowyClaw!, I hope you will be able to find out what happened to them!, maybe you should contact AJ HQ!
For me, all of my furniture has disappeared. Have I been scammed or hacked? Or is it just some weird glitch? I have reported this to animal jam but I hope they fix it soon. Has this happened to anyone else?
I think I had this before Dance287, For me it was a glitch, hopefully you get all your items back!
Ahhhhhh my stuff in my den is invisble but visible to other ppl ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cries) (wets self) (cries more)
ReplyDeleteCan you check if the skyway glitches still work? I spent thirty minutes yesterday and they wouldnt work.. And im a master at it. I wonder if it's the spring change.
hey snowy, on ur animal sorting poll, there should be a "kinda" option.
ReplyDeletesnowy! PLZ PLZ PLZ! tell me if i have been acting like a jerk. apperenelty someone hacked my gmail wich has ll of my friends,accounts,youtube vids, everything. also, yes i did change my account and this is me ~ aurorakismet9
ReplyDeleteI have a weird glitch too... None of my den items show up anywhere for me. On my trade list the two den items I had on trade show up as unremovable blank spots. In my den none of my items show up, while other people can see them just fine. The customize den button also does nothing when I click it..
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know whats going on? :C
I'm starting to loose interest in AJ also, earlier commenter.
ReplyDeleteIt got weird. It's not as fun anymore.
It's got it's fun things, but still... wtevz. Just me?
maybe my reason why i feel bored of animal jam is i feel like... my buddies aren't really having fun with me much anymore and... my buddies who see my comment don't crowd my den because of this. or... maybe i miss being a non member and it's crazy you know but don't cancel my membership yet because i'm still experiencing (to AJ if they see this: about membership).and i don't blame my buddies for this also.
ReplyDeleteSNOWYCLAW SNOWYCLAW SNOWYCLAW!!!!!I FOUND A NEW CORAL CANYONS GLITCH!!!!!!!!!ill teach u it when u r on...
My phantom plushi the big ones from Halloween, mines GONE~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have realized that many people have glitches... Maybe someone hacked animal jam!! O.O
ReplyDeleteI hope my things r ok... D:
I hope all of u get ur things back too! Animal jam going crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy...?
SnowyClaw! Did you notice anything odd before you lost your tail armors?
u had black tail armor? I've been looking all over the place for black, but i cant find it!
ReplyDeleteoh well, hope u get ur stuff bak!
Keep on keeping on!
~Darling Wingedbird
hahaha every time I come out of the adventure the grass disappears =D ha ha ha