Hey jammers. Today's new items are the Marble Bench and Chair (similar to the Ship Bench and Chair). They are sold at the Kani Cove furniture shop, Sunken Treasures.

You may have seen flying jammers around. Click here to learn more about the new skyway methods.

There isn't much else new. What I wanted to ask you all though, is wether I can delay posting new items a bit. I should have them up before 10am AJS time though. I would post rare Monday items and Thursday updates at the normal time, but simple new items about six hours late. Give your opinion in the poll, I'm just trying to get a bit more sleep jammers.

Of course you can Snowy!
ReplyDeletethere isen't much difference right?... as long as its on the same day its alright with us (well me)
Just don't turn out to be like Pangaea (Wando20) She doesn't post alot anymore... just tells us glitches that's it...
OK feel free to delay that's what im saying
It wouldn't really change for me because anyways the updates on blogs are always a little too late... I'm about a day ahead... (because I live on Jupiter XD jk Note: I don't really know if Jupiter is ahead earth; I'm too lazy to check :L
ReplyDeleteWell I don't think people should be saying that you have to be right on time because sleeping is important. Your life is better than some kids game. In math it would look a little like this:
Snowyclaw's sleep time > Animal Jam Updates
Well yeah that all I gotta say :3
Cya online!!
I don't mind. What's wrong with getting more sleep? I usualy wake up at 5 AM in my itouch is nearby, but you have no reason to wake up early. ~norty
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind at all! Sleep is more important than anything!
ReplyDeleteWe all don't mind, Snowyclaw!
Snore away DX -pokemon798
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way! I used to try to wake up eariy for my blog posts but i found out i was wasting sleeping time because i wouldnet get it done anyway and would have tilo finishin the afternoon after school. My point is you need some sleep!
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the new den yet it is a under water den if you want to see it come to my den
ReplyDeleteI don't mind! :D
Hey snowy!
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know that I have made a new glitch! It is the wolfs only party glitch! Contact me if you would like to learn this glitch by posting on my blog at: The Animal Jam Daily Roar.
Thank you!
i find this a bit.... well.... difficult because i vistit this blog everyday and im in the UK, so if you delay by a few hours then i might have to stay up all night on my DS waiting for you to post again and that will meen that i will lack on school work.... oh well i'll just have lie-ins on the weekends.....
ReplyDeleteWell it's me against everyone else...
i voted sorta btw
ReplyDeleteAs long it is on the same day I don't care what time. I usually check 2 times 1nce in the afternoon and once in the evening.
ReplyDeleteMessage for lots of people to send to support@animaljam.com...
ReplyDeleteYou are taking away monkeys????!!!! They are one of the few non member animals! Non members have been getting fewer and fewer things! Now you're TAKING AWAY things???!!! I know you need money, but over three fourths the people in Jamaa are members! you can at least give non members some new animals! Please make octopi non member! if you don't, you will be hearing many complaints. -(your name, or username)
(by Missflo)
Dear AJ:
Taking away a non member animal when we have so few already?
You already give members about 4 new things AT MINUMEM each update
and non members only 1 or less!
And No offence, but i think if you keep making membership stronger, Non mems will leave, members will lose member ship and leave, members friends will leave and the memebers leave because of it, members notice nobody is playing anymore and leave, and etc.
Once again, no offence, but it is how i really feel. - (your username)
Why is Animal jam sooo unfair to nonmems?
ReplyDeleteI mean srsly their nat geo kids why would they need more money they already have like 1,000 or more members playing! and Member Ship already costs like $20.00 a month so unfair. Can anyone do anything about this?
snowy! they r getting rid of the poor monkeys! i was wondering if you could make a protest party in jamaa... it's just a suggestion though..
ReplyDeleteoh and its k if ya wanna get some rest! i don't usually check til like 11 AM
ReplyDeleteI am a non member and if they EVEN DARE take monkeys away i will start protesting right away! what the heck do they think they are! I know that they are The HQ but... we have rights too! If jammers start noticing this they will stop playing and other jammers will stop etc.
That way they will go back to beta and loose money how do you feel about that HQ'S?!
Make Octopi non member... please! Its not fair! Im a non member so are all of my friends... (well... 3/4 of them!) And to nonmembers thats not fair! Did you know some people can't aford memberships!? and HQ is making it worse! Like petpet Park! everything for members! and only members play! This is an amazing website and kids game and i don't want to see it fall apart! U put 4 member things every update and only one for us!? AJ HQ please do something to stop this... please!
Genuinedeal ^.^'
Hey, Snowyclaw! Did you see the lost ruins den or whatever it's called? Just asking, because I think it's really cool!
ReplyDeleteAlso, even though I am a member, I agree with missflo2, emeson (who I am friends with) and everyone else who doesn't want monkeys to leave Jamaa!
If they're going to take away monkeys, at least make some of the other animals nonmember!
Just sayin, lol.
They're taking monkeys away?! Where's everyone hearing tht from?!!!!
Wait, nvm I know now!
Wait, nvm I know now!
I voted yes!
Sleep is importaint! I try to... but i just can't. :(
I love sleeping, and there's a new den and monkeys are going endangered in Jamaa they will leave in a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteThe monkeys aren't leaving permentaly they are just not gonna be in the store
ReplyDeleteI don't mind at all that you get more sleep!
The simple new items would stay there, unlike the Monday rares, which you are posting at the same time.
Six hours of sleep is A LOT if you think about it.
Thanks for posting early; I never realized you would need more sleep!
Your fan~
Umm.. People that are complaining about non member rights.. I agree, sorta.. But AJ has to make money! I see how some want a membership but there parents won't let them.. And that can make people angry and sad.. But why do y'all have to complain about it? 😥
ReplyDeletePlease don't take this in a mean way.. I would hate that!! 😖
ReplyDeleteAJ already has lots of members. Over three fourths the people are members. The only non members are people who aren't allowed to have membership and people who just joined and people who haven't played since beta days. I am a non member, and my mom won't let me get membership, and my sister (real life)has quite AJ because membership is to strong. Many members don't notice the few priblidges non mem get, and AJ HQ doesn't knwo how the non mem feel because their test accounts are all mem. -missflo2
Snowyclaw, did you notice you were dancing on the cactus???
Snowy ya should do whatever u think about the 6 hours delayed, i mean it IS your blog..! ^^
ReplyDeleteSnowy ya should do whatever u think about the 6 hours delayed, i mean it IS your blog..! ^^