Our second mission has begun . . . click here.
Hey jammers! So much has happened, I don't know where to start. First, today's new item - the Aviator Hat!

There is also a Jellyfish Lamp in Sunken Treasures!

AJHQ also has an addition to their collection of home pages (should have posted this earlier). Do you like it?

They also made some posts on the Daily Explorer.
The second spirt contest has ended. I'm sorry if your answer wasn't counted; the requirements were that all the answers were correct, that it was on time (by 8pm AJS time), and that it included descriptions. Click here for the results.
Also, we've reached 500,000 thousand views! Should I wrap the next party in with my birthday this Sunday? I need some fun ideas for party activities too. ^.^ Happy jamming!

I notice that you never put up the earth day party pictures
ReplyDelete(GASP!) 500,000 VIEWS!!! WOW!!! You must have, like, a TON of fans!!!! I am very happy that the party is Sunday, not Monday, because I am out of town Monday- Friday next week. If it was later, I would have missed the SECOND
Deleteparty in a row. :(
I didn't win the contest but congrats to the two winners that won! :)
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm saying this again but...
My account 'blackwings' has been suspended for 3 days.
I didn't even do anything mean ;_;
Well I'm pretty sure I didn't.
If you reported me please tell me why... But you don't have to tell me your username. I'm ok about hearing why I was reported.
I'm temporarily on the account 'n00bie' (Yes, it has no numbers at the end)
Bye peeps T^T (If your mah buddeh on 'blackwings' please buddeh meh on n00bie)
and PS it's n00bie (N-ZERO-ZERO-B-I-E)
DeleteI'm so sad XC
DeleteCan I add you on n00bie? XD
Added already =L
Deleten00bie xD!
hehe found u snowy claw :DDDD
ReplyDeleteOh kitkats XD
Pancakes >.>
Delete=.=" Oh kitkats.....
Deleteok WAFFLES =3
Deletehow about spongebob
ReplyDeleteYea, you should combine them.
ReplyDeleteYour birthday's canada day? Mine's july 4!
ReplyDeleteSo is some of my family! XD
DeleteCool B-day, July 4th is when America got its FREEDOM.
DeleteSo happy B-day to the B-day goes to.
Buddy me -22ar
My baby brother or sister is (hopefully) going to be born on Halloween! :3
my mom was born on christmas! but it must have sucked cuz everyone else got presents 2!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!
DeleteWhy are you supporting the Jammassian Movement? You know what...top hats are human-like. So are ties! And they were out in beta! And tiaras! I'm not trying to say you made a wrong decision, I just think you should think a little bit more about what you are doing. Please.
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of the Jamasian Movement was to bring the CULTURE back not delete "human" items.
DeleteSnowy mentioned something or other about humans and evreybody started going crazy right after a cool new item was out! I like aviator hats and if anyone says they're human I'm gonna scream.
Animals also don't go see movies, but the theater has been on animal jam forever!
DeleteI know! You could have a party at crystal sands, maybe go to the theater afterwards, and go to other huge jamaasian landmarks, and finally, to end it all off, you could have a huge fireworks festival in your den! From, Cisabella
ReplyDeleteWe all dusscused, we get that, but what about PLASTIC SANDLES, that kin of stuff, and CRUISE boats. I like clothe and everything, we all do, but not TOO much morden stuff. I mean, what next, human advitars?
DeleteBtw me and my sis HATE the new start screen! All mem stuff, and it looks just awful.
I almost screamed when the stupid little bird on the new home screen moved! I did NOT expect it to be so ANIMATED!! I hate it too. And I TOTALLY agree with you about the modern stuff. Its called ANIMAL jam, not PEOPLE jam! We already basically have what we want, and even if we don't, why dosent AJHQ make more NATURAL stuff, like leaf necklaces!
STOP TALKING ABOUT HUMAN JAM! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! it is not gonna happen! nothing similar will happen!
Deleteoh hey whats the lol my birthdays the day before you'res july 3d.Also how about for a birthday game find the plushie?
ReplyDeleteOh i man whats that sorry typo.
ReplyDelete...Hmm...I wonder what will happen to Animal Jam.
ReplyDeleteI love that new hat XD
Hey I'm sorry snowy but I'll miss your birthday/view party! :( Happy birthday in advance and I'm sorry.
ReplyDelete-pac10 who's sneaking on to do this
that would be so cool Snowyclaw. I hope i can come i have missed all your other parties. >.< Mabey u can do an activity with something having to do with the 4th of july. Like at the begining and end u can have a fire works show or something. (Oh and commenters reading this comment i think if we can we should throw a surprize Birthday party for Snowyclaw) umm mabey in your den or someone elses we can get like a stage some guitars and have a band and a dance floor. that would be cool :D
ReplyDeleteThat is a WONDERFUL idea! snowy would LOVE a surprise b-day!
Hey snowy I'll miss your party 😢😢😢 on Canada day cuz I'm from Canada so I'm going for the Canada day celebration thing I wish I could come😢😓😥😰
ReplyDeleteLol those question mark thingys r suppose to be sad faces but I guess they didn't work :(
DeleteYup. I have emoij too.
Delete:( When will you post the contest answers, Snowy?
ReplyDeletepoo lol..
ReplyDeletePlease just dont do the party inbetween 12:00-2:00.
ReplyDelete500,000 VIEWS?!?!??!? !!!! !!!! WOWWW!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei mean the party party party not the fight
ReplyDeleteDon't do the party on sunday am going to be gone that day i will be back on monday thou.
Snowy I read something on that the mysterious monkey in Zios before it was replaced and it may be a monkey called King Gassyfoot, created by the person who made Animal Jam. He loved exploring the Temple of Zios. Maybe that's the person?
ReplyDeleteWell, early birthday. ;)
DeleteI got ideas:
ReplyDeleteGames, happy birthday song, and a treasure hunt in your water park den :D!
I hope this sounds fun ;)
DeleteHmm...To add to all of that, maybe a fashion show with you (snowy) to be one of the competitors?maybe not, cause some ppl will whine if they don't win, some are 4 or 5 years old, I bet.... A better idea would be a glitch party! We would all go to your blog, read glitches, and do them!
DeleteHappy Birthday Snowy! My birthday was in Febuary 9th, 2000, i was born around 1:00 PM
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday snowy!!! Do you mind advertising my blog on yor blog? It's www.animaljamnewsclub.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletei was born on september 25 2001 at 9:38 am!
ReplyDeleteMy bday was on June 22. When I came to camp on that day it turned out it was another person's birthday too and he brought cupcakes! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd also, people calm down! Almost every item in Animal Jam is human. Look at beta items like Royal Capes, Top Hats, and Tiaras. The point of the Jamaasian movement is too bring the CULTURE back not to delete every single item in AJ that is "human". I like cruise ships and all those items. I don't think Animal Jam would make human avatars and they WILL keep a balance. The only item I'm against is the mermaid necklace, because that actually has a human in it.
I will NOT support the Jamaasian Movement if you just focus on deleting human items! I want the aviatior hats and cruise ships to STAY and the CULTURE back.
exactly! there will be no human jam! there will be no animal city! there will be know human avatar! We need balance!
DeleteHappy Birthday Snowy!
ReplyDeleteP.S: My new blog animaljampawz.blogspot.com !
:P yeah, I know, im bored so in going on blogs doing the emote, :P.......xD im really thinking I am bored though... Happy early birthday, Snowy! :)
ReplyDeleteThe Jamaasian Movement was created to keep Animal Jam a in balance (half human, half animal). It was not created to destroy all humanity in Jamaa, but to even things out. Also, I don't think many go you want "beta" to come back, since beta is early testing for anything, (online gaming, for example). I think what many of us want to return is the early Jamaa culture, and such. Back where there was a balance and all, culture, shamans, guide visits, and no rarity at all. That is what I think the Jamaasian Movement is trying to do. If you disagree with me, comment on this saying so. I'm just giving my opinion on this Jamaasian Movement and all.
Jamaasians for Jamaa!
~Agent 9
since all this freedom rares are coming out i think freedom wings will be the next or coming item
The new home-page is very nice! It sparks the beauty of Appondale easily, in my opinion. I do wish there was a phantoms home-page or a Mira home-page (Mira by herself or with Zios and the shamans). :3
ReplyDeleteAviator hats... DOES THAT MEAN I CAN PRETEND TO BE THE WRIGHT BROTHERS? It sounds so interesting, yet so weird at the same time. :l
Jellyfish lamps are cool. I didn't get one yet (I don't usually buy ocean stuff), but they look interesting. Very interesting. I wonder if it stings you or it feels slimy. :3
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan