Read the first movement post . . . click here.
Hey jammers. As you all know, the history of Jamaa is falling apart. It seems very few know about it anymore. We are the ones responsible for keeping it together. We need to remind everyone. We need to spread our knowledge to others. . . Otherwise the culture of Jamaa will truly die.
With this movement I'm not suggesting that we protest against all things modern, I'm just hoping we can create a balance between the new and the old. However, I need help with our goals. What small thing could we change? I need ideas. . . This movement isn't for just me, it's for all of us.
Animal Jam is, and always will be, human. Animals don't wear clothes, or have houses, I get that. I simply love the culture that it used to express. The clothing made out of nature. Masks with feathers instead of sun visors, leg items with leaves instead of flip flops. But really, all I want is a balance, how about you all? It matters more what you think.
If you don't agree with this movement, or don't really care, you really don't have to join in. I only thought many jammers cared about this. I've talked about it with so many it seemed like we all were thinking along the same lines
My sister was doing something interesting the other day. She was lying by Mira, and every time a jammer came up she asked "Do you know who this statue is of?" She would then go on with telling that jammer about Jamaa's history. She did it for fun, and it was just random. What if we all did that? Just once and a while, when you have the time, tell the story of Jamaa. It's actually pretty fun, and you'd be surprised with some jammer's reactions. Perhaps you can think about trying it this week.
Thanks jammers, I'm really happy you feel the same about the movement. As a side note, I think Leafpool really captured what inspired me to start the jamaasian movement. Thank you. :)
"The Jamaasian movement is not about abolishing humanity and bringing back beta. It's about bringing back the culture!" ~Leafpool

Your sister seems pretty cool ^.^ That also sounds fun... Maybe I'll do that tonight. BTW, What do you mean, "Leafpool"?
A jammer by the name of Leafpool sent snowy a quote. The quote was in these little lines "". Here is the quote.
Delete"The Jamaasian movement is not about abolishing humanity and bringing back beta. It's about bringing back the culture!" ~Leafpool
So by writing -Leafpool that meant Leafpool came up with the quote. get it?
She was lying by Mira, and every time a jammer came up she asked "Do you know who this statue is of?" She would then go on with telling that jammer about Jamaa's history. She did it for fun, and it was just random. What if we all did that?
DeleteI try to do that everyday ^^ go snowy's sister who we know nothing about!
DeleteThanks! Now I get it. ^.^
I'm Leafpool! Hi! :D
DeleteWell snowyclaw I will certainly do that, as a proud supporter of the Jamaasian movement. Except I need to memorize the story of jamaa! Its a great thing to bring back the culture,it separates aj from other games with it's imaginative lore! Also as a separate request would you like to be an author for my blog I need some help with it it's alright if you say no.-infinitychips
ReplyDeleteYa, it's surprising how so many people don't know about Mira, Zios, and the shamans. A few months ago, I tried to get Graham to come by telling the story of Jamaa. I didn't achieve that goal. What I did achieve is letting people know about Mira, Zios, and everything else that Animal Jam was all about in the past. And making some things for fun isn't a bad idea. Here are a couple ideas:
ReplyDelete-Make a story contest. Tell the competitors the story of Jamaa, and everything else. Have the competitors make up their own story based on the information given to them. Whoever makes the best and most cultural story wins a cultural prize. (shaman statue, any cultural stuff, etc)
Why good for culture: because you tell them about the history of Jamaa. Most people don't even know who Mira is.
-Have a quiz. Have as many questions as you like, all giving information on a specific shamans. Make a score list. Have answers as a, b,c, and even d, or as
many letters as you like. Have each letter representing a shaman. The person answers the answer that's like them. (example: a. Artistic b. mysterious. A is for peck and Greely is for b. have each letter with one shaman in all the questions). Whichever letter the person answers the most, is the shaman they're most like.
Why good for culture: Because it gives information about the shamans and their personality.
-make a make-a-shaman-name-for-the-unnamed-shamans-and-their-new-personality contest. Choose any of the unnamed shamans, like the giraffe or the penguin. Have each competitor name any of the unnamed shamans. It's not a competition it is just for fun.
Why good for culture: because people can name unnamed shamans and know that AJ is not naming them, anyway, like I said, it's just for fun.
These are just some ideas, think of your own! I made them up myself. :3
Sorry that was so unorganized, the ideas I have are long and I'm doing this on my iPad. It somehow doesn't include the spaces I out before the hyphens.... Anyway, I ill thank anybody who uses my ideas!
DeleteI attempted to meet Peck, in the bunnies only party, hopping. I told the story of Jamaa AND Jamaa's story just to result in nothing.
DeleteIn order to meet Peck, a lot of people have to hop on the big drum.
DeleteYou don't have to tell the story. Just enough people. I think about 6 people have to hop on the drum to have peck come in the diamonds.
DeleteOmg, I just tried the shaman contest idea, and it was a big hit! Everyone who came was especially pleased with their result. Try this idea, people will learn about the shamans without even knowing it!
DeleteWhen I said the story of Jamaa AND Jamaa's story I meant and Peck's story.
DeleteO.O that must be the longest comment on this blog ever
DeleteI guess. I've seen comments a similar length.
DeleteOk, I just saw a longer comment made by TheOneAndOnlyTrueSpiderFan. Check the comments far below.
DeleteI tried the story contest idea, but one guy was like "I wanna make a story about tacos!" And the rest were Like, " That topic is lame! Let us pick!" And then that first guy was like " Taco! taco! taco!" And I kept thinking "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"
DeleteHi! I made the REALLY long comment VERY FAR below! :3
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
Wow! Beautiful [Starts to Cry @ cHU714'S statement and Snowclaws]
DeleteI'll do whatever it takes! Juts contact me, I'm Wolves900 on Aj, or post a comment on my blog!! :DD
I personally don't know that much about the history of Jamma myself, although I do know the BASICS. I totally agree with chu, you shoud have a contest. Also, post all you know about Jamma! Make people more intertesed!
Or maybe instead of a contest we should work together and yell out history in jammamy user on animal jam is jjjjj1234
DeleteI honestly believe that we need to bring back the culture as well, but I would also like even just a LITTLE beta back! I love and miss the beta times!
I was thinking of balance too. And honestly, sometimes it got a little annoying when a new item came out and someones like OMG TOO HUMAN!. But, the thing is, all those "animals" in Jamaa are human players.
Me too! I mean, everyone's all like, " OMG A FLIP FLOP!WAY TO MUCH HUMANITY!" or "CRUISE SHIP?!?! SOON JAMAA WILL BE HUMAN JAM!NOOOO!" and even, "THEY WILL TURN THE TOWNSHIP INTO NEW YORK!" Seriously there will be no human jam! There will be no new york animal jam. GO LEAFPOOL!
DeleteEarlier today Kinyonga and I were chanting in Jamaa Township, and we were saying things like, "Bring back the old Jamaa!" and "What happened to Jamaa's culture and spirit?"
ReplyDeleteNobody joined in, and most people kept saying "Nothings happened to Jamaa". Then others thought we wanted Beta back, and were saying, "You're so greedy, you just want more rares!"
None of those jammers understood what was so different about the old Jamaa, with the shamans and stories. I may never have seen the old Jamaa because I began in November of 2011, but if everything I've heard about it, it seems much cooler than the literally humanized one we have today.
And we could balance. Instead if berets, maybe a camouflage hat covered in leaves. Animal Jam is played as animals. Animals dont need flip flops, or sun visors. Some items I've noticed that kind of the animal theme were leaf necklaces, leaf armor, ad basically anything tying in with nature or animals.
I agree to bring back the old Jamaa!
I agree with you. How about we all go in jamma township or anywere and go, BRING BACK JAMMA! It sounds great!
DeleteAnimals also don't need not can they make leaf necklaces and flags made of tree limbs
DeleteWats your sisters username?
Deletei totally agree with you !!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteSnowy, I think that chu714's idea for the contest's what's very fun and cultural. I'd liked to suggest that the new un-named shamans by us,not AJHQ ,I suggested that to animal jam and they send me back a message,a short one,here it goes: Dear fellow jammer,it's great of you thinking of the past of animal jam,but the new statues are just named they are,the giraffe statue,the penguin statue,the crocodile statue, and the other statues that have an animal name are just regular statues,so there is no shamans for those animals,
ReplyDeleteThat is kinda stupid by their side,but I von't give up on the jamasian movement,we need to get animal jams culture back ant we don't need to get the beta times back,that what's just animal jam testing time,but we need to get the AJ's culture back! So I think that you should accept chu741's ideas! they are creative and I believe that we should be amused with your contest and quiz decorations,questions and stories!
I have some ideas :)
DeleteTansy the Horse
Quarts the Penguin
Maple the Giraffe
Its not like these are important... btw I agree with you Perry.
New names:
DeleteIris the Horse
Brayden the Penguin
Jungle the Giraffe
Thank you. :) Maybe I should try one of the three choices every day. I think the story contest will work best, but I might as well have it on a blog, because no one will have enough room to record all the stories. Anyone willing to help me by lending me some space in a blog?
DeleteThe jamaasian movemont is one thing every jammer must be included in. If we dont help in it all hope is lost. If we do help... we will return the culture of jamaa.
I know jamaa is changing because of scammers, hackers, trickery and much more!
ReplyDeleteSince I played AJ from beta..I've been watching it evolve.There have been many good things about it,but double times more bad things like the evolution of a scammer.
My only wish is to have AJ back to its original state.
Where there we're no rares just friends, games and fun!
your's truly,
and always will be,
and always beta,
And I agree with the fact of not bringing back beta, but bringing back the culture and friendship, what an epic post you've done :)
DeleteYou've brought hope to us beta players!
Thank You Snowyclaw!!
and what do you mean by "leafpool?"
Isn't that the retired med cat from warriors?
I agree- thanks snowy! Hey- just to be official, snowy, can u be our leader?
Delete-pac10/packtin who first asked you
Leafpool is a user who made the comment. Probably someone who likes warriors.
DeleteI bet you, jamaa will be a better place if we all work together!
We should bring the culture of jamaa back! I mean, Like many people area INVADING jamaa with humanity! P.s Dens are homes for like wolves and foxes so..........
ReplyDeletePandas and other bears live in dens as well, just pointing that out.
DeleteMany people dont knw who Mira and the shammans are O.O I mean, Liza introudouces you to them! SHES EVEN A SHAMMAN! I guess people dont really care about jamaa...... :(
ReplyDeletethey need to take the rare out of rares! we need the old jamaa dens back! we need all things modern to go away! i want the old jamaa back!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI heard about 1 den that seemed so cool! It was during Beta, and it was like a tree house with three stories and a bridge!
Delete...Mango,That den is still in our JAMAA! I hope they get like meadow dens and like Get the Cullture of jamaa!I know that this is not jamaa! Our jamaa(The CULTURARL one) is somewhere in Miras heart! We arent gonna kill her to get it... =.=
DeleteWe need to work together!
My friend Rosey Icywolf was at Bunnies Only Party, and they were hopping on the drum. Someone said: " Hop to see the rare rabbit." Rosey said: " That's Peck, the rabbit shaman." Then they said: "What's a shaman?"
ReplyDeleteRosey tried explaining to him that Liza was the first shaman he met and all.
Their response: "Knock off that shaman stuff before I report you."
I mean, seriously?
I was there too!!! I was the one rabbit hopping ans saying "Hop to see Peck the very actual rabbit shaman!" But they didn't report me I was like "Would you rather sit around of your computer and be like a couch potato or get up and do something!?" Then they all stopped jumping and said "Come on guys theta get away from this SCAMMER" and I said "How can I scam when I'm not asking for anything???!!?!!??!" then they kept saying "SCAMMER!!! LIVIELOO6 IS A SCAMMER!!! REPORT HER!!!" I was sad that they would listen to such a retarded bunny!!!
Deletei was doing this to a said hop to see peck! someone said whos peck?i said shes a shaman.she said whats a shaman.i told her what a shaman was.she said that sounds lame.then she said come guys lets stop this stupid stuff and do something fun!i am with you 2
Deleteomg wow people r so rude these days, if i didn't know what the shaman stuff was, and if someone told me about it, and if i didn't like it i would just say, "oh. ok"
Deletei wouldnt report someone for saying that, cuz whoever reports people for no reason are basically tattletales.
i think the new players never rlly got to enjoy our jamaa though, animal jam took the privilege away from them. They have no idea what a shaman is, to them, mira and zios are just words that sound good, and they just think that we older players are crazy and are trying to make their lives worse. Plus the fact animal jam is getting really overpopulated and the new players think animal jam is just a game we play for fun. But they say "no, this is a game, you old players should get off, you're weird" half of them don't even know what a rare is either...
Delete@nyanstar I agree with you, however I'm a new player, and I've learned all about the culture through snowyclaw. It sounds fantastic and I think we really need to get ppl to read this blog. Maybe whenever someone logs onto the site it could give a message explaining the jamaasian movement to everybody.
And all of that rudeness comes from the skip button! I mean, it's all right THERE! LIZA the SHAMAN is talking about MIRA, otherwise known as MOTHER SKY. It's all right there! And I heard someone called Liza a fat panda. This is getting too ridiculous! People are being called lame and scammers because of the SKIP BUTTON!
I'm getting a little frustrated at how rude people can be. If one person's angry, it causes another person to be angry, and then it causes another person to be angry, and then pretty much the whole world is angry.
DeleteIt's disappointing to see people not care for our history... I went online and said, "Who likes human items in Animal Jam?" A random wolf was yelling "ME!" I was thinking, "ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR HISTORY???"
DeleteThat really happened. It's super annoying now. Hardly everyone visits the Mira statue. The Temple of Zios is becoming a place of clans and violence. Not much people dance for Mira in the Sarepia Forest. This is getting too far! What has AJ done to our history?
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
It appears that Peck, the rabbit shaman has been demoted to "the rare rabbit". It makes me sad!
Deletefrom now on when ever i go on to animal jam i will visit mira as soon ad i get on
Deleteps. im bringin beta back all them jammers don't know how to act lol a little parody of sexy back X3 sorry wanted to have a little fun
DeleteOtay. :)
ReplyDeleteComing from me, that's yeehaws, cheers, applues, ect ect.
@ GreatShot
Dear fellow Jamaasians, I am quitting Animal Jam. I have recently sent a message to AJHQ asking them to stop putting more modern items in AJ. I had not told you guys about this because i was hoping to tell you when they replied with a good answer. I think that AJHQ will never bring back Jamaa's history, and that makes me very very sad. It may stop putting more modern items in Jamaa, but to me the history matters the most. If this movement does work out, i will have been long gone. I wish you all the best of luck.
Copy and paste this ( the whole thing even the copy and paste part):
ReplyDeleteWe Jamaicans
have passion
that we can
start this again
We want the spirit
So lets hear it
Come on shamans
start over the lands
We had the rares
which was fair
but now all we need is
-by animallover1925
Jamaicans? I think you mean Jamaasians!
Deletethis made me cry a little
Thank you Snowy!! I put a lot of thought into that comment and I am glad you liked it! :D
I think that we could have weekly meetings to brainstorm ideas. But the first thing that we should do is name those statues!
ReplyDeleteCopy and paste this ( the whole thing even the copy and paste part):
DeleteWe Jamaicans
have passion
that we can
start this again
We want the spirit
So lets hear it
Come on shamans
start over the lands
We had the rares
which was fair
but now all we need is
-by animallover1925
ReplyDeletesame thing i said: We had the rares, but now we need the spirit
also i put A LOT effort in the comment above Scott Lipton's i will say it again:
Copy and paste this ( the whole thing even the copy and paste part):
We Jamaicans
have passion
that we can
start this again
We want the spirit
So lets hear it
Come on shamans
start over the lands
We had the rares
which was fair
but now all we need is
-by animallover1925
That was awesome
Deletethank you :D
ReplyDeletesame thing i said: We had the rares, but now we need the spirit
also i put A LOT effort in the comment above Scott Lipton's i will say it again:
Copy and paste this ( the whole thing even the copy and paste part):
We Jamaicans
have passion
that we can
start this again
We want the spirit
So lets hear it
Come on shamans
start over the lands
We had the rares
which was fair
but now all we need is
-by animallover1925
Wow, I agree. I'm willing to do anything that it takes to help on this project, snowyclaw. Let's make Jamaa a better place!
ReplyDeleteWow, I got all choked up and teary-eyed just reading that... Thank you, Snowy.
ReplyDeletethat post truly inspired me, snowy. :) alone, we are weak, but together we can make a difference! (hopefully) I hope ajhq hears our pleas to bring the culture back!
ReplyDeleteI believe in you i know we can do it if we work together i know we have a time difference so could next time you say eats AND west coast that's all i have to say happy jamming snowyclaw and thanks for friending me on snowyclaw55 it meant a lot
ReplyDeleteyour biggest fan,Nonasweety
p.s i check your blog almost every day!!
sorry i meant east no eats lol
People are not treating Animal Jam as a kids game, safe game. They had "the thing that created us all" if you know what i mean. It was truely disgusting. We hope he's banned... nasty. (sorry if comment is innaproprite)
ReplyDeleteIdk wat u mean
DeleteWhat? I have no clue what you are talking about.
DeleteWas it the hacker who made his name n___________ f___________
DeleteI really don't have a problem with mating in terms of roleplaying, (except if it's graphical) but since Animal Jam is for kids... pretty disturbing.
DeleteHere's my post supporting the Movement:
Dear Snowyclaw, I am very sorry I did this without asking, but I copy and pasted your words about the movement and now it is on my blog too. But I did give you FULL CREDIT for those being your words because I am a Jamaa Citizen.
Go to my blog to see your movement:
Animal Jam has turned a little too modern, and is erasing all culture. If we can stand together, we can change Animal Jam history. This movement is not about erasing new Jamaa but about bringing back the Jamaa we all knew and loved, in a peaceful way, while keeping new and bringing old, we can all be happy.
ReplyDeleteSo spread the word one Jammer at a time! If we work together, we can change Jamaa!
If you want, copy paste this on YOUR blog! Show that you care!
- Juliaparker
I know we are trying to save animal jam from humanity, but i think your going a little TOO far here. We can not control Animal jam headquarters. It's THEIR site FYI. You are on the ridge of going crazy about this. I know i cant stop you, and yes, i approve of the movement, but its going a little high. I was really never in the beta days,
ReplyDeletebut i heard a lot about it. Snowy claw, instead of protesting, and declaring, and being a little bit dramatic, can you just send animal jam HQ a email explaining how we care? I understand your protest. But they are improving animal jam so little kids can understand too! I under stand the movement, and i understand we cannot get rid of the new and go into the old. Please, cant you just send a email? We have not done anything about this yet, but i don't want a war to start over this.Let Mira live on, keep the new and the old!They want little kids to understand all this mumbo jumbo!
Well, people have already tried sending AJHQ emails. I did a few weeks ago, and they just said the usual: "We are sure to pass along your feedback, blahblahblah..." and then I sent them the email AGAIN hoping for a better response, but it was the exact same thing. Hope this helps.
DeleteAnimal jam used to be so jamaasian,cultural and had a lot of spirit. But now it is turning too modern. I mean, we had a cruise ship party, a carnival, and flip flops. That is way too human-like. We are kids, but we do understand that animals do not go to cruise ship parties, carnivals, or wear flip-flops. We also understand that when AJHQ says " Pesky phantoms are messing up Animal jam today" means that there has been a problem with something. We are kids but we are not that bad at understanding computer problems.
ReplyDeleteAnimal jam, we had the rares, but beta is not what we want. We want the culture, the jamaasians, the spirit.
You can put this whole comment on your blog if you want. If you don't have a blog tell your friends this online. Either way is fine, but be sure to spread the word! Jamaasians for Jammers!
Animals also don't wear clothes or have houses. We are talking about balance here. Not all animal. Not all human. A nice even balance.
DeleteSorry if that sounded mean. :(
DeleteI 100% agree with Leafpool. It's okay to have some human stuff but we need some anal stuff 2.
Delete*animal stuff* sorry
DeleteYou guys are not obviously understanding what this is about! It nonsense how you all repeat the same thing, too human. The Jamaasian movement isn't about removing the human. We can live with that I'm sure we wouldn't care about flip flops. The jamaasian movement is about bringing back the history, and shamans, and making it a game where people understand the meaning of kindness and how it goes a long way! It's not about getting rid of human things the way you all perceive it to be, im cool with all the human things just bring the history back, AJ HQ just bring us the reason why Mira is in Jamaa township, Why her spirit appears in Serapia, Why Zios sculpture is in Temple of Zios. Why theres a wolf carving in coral canyons, why Mt. Shiveer has a seal cave, what phantoms are why do we celebreate them in october,Why peck appears at the bunny party, The biggest blog was removing Sir Gilberts carving on the side of old crystal sands. -jam on-dartagnan
ReplyDeleteExactly! It. is. about. the. CULTURE!
DeleteI'm not saying this is ALL about being modern. I'm saying that we don't want beta back, we want the jamaassian back ,the culture back, the spirit.
I'm kind of getting annoyed....
I mean to say blow on that last sentence.
ReplyDeleteEvery update is one step closer to Human Jam or Animal City... This is getting too far! Animal Jam HQ doesn't help our culture problems much anymore! Instead, the news usually talks about rares... :(
ReplyDeleteHardly anyone goes to the Mira statue in Jamaa Township. People report innocent people when they try to explain what a shaman is. the Temple of Zios is becoming a place of clans and violence. I even went online and this happened:
Me: "Who likes human items in Jamaa?"
A Random Wolf: "ME!!!!"
Me (in my mind): Why is everyone crazy lately about rares? I guess this is one step towards Human Jam/Animal City... D:
This really happened. If the culture problem doesn't improve, soon this might happen:
Me: "Do you want to see Peck in the Bunnies Only Party?"
Buddy: "Who's Peck?"
I explain who Peck is.
Buddy: "That sounds wrong. Let me report you quick."
Seriously. My buddies might never report me, but it's kind of scary that one day, people would report you just for saying who a shaman is. This might happen too:
Me and My Buddies: "BRING JAMAA BACK!!!!"
Random People: "You're just greedy."
Me and My Buddies: "We're not. We're bringing the culture back!"
Random People: "What is the culture anyways?"
My buddies and I explain about the culture to the random people.
This might never happen but it's scarier, because people report you for no reason... What has Animal Jam done to their Jammers?
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
P.S.- You can copy and paste the second paragraph. I don't mind. You can also copy and paste almost everything except the end. (the signature) Just give credit to me though, if you want to copy and paste anyway.
that really did happen..
Deleteme:hop to see peck!
random person:whos peck i just want to see rare bunny
me:tells about shamans
random person: stop your shaman stuff before i call aj on you
true story...
im bringin beta back (yea!) the jamaasian movement gonna bring it back! (yea!) lolz i support the jamaasian movement 100% i started one in jamaa one day and some said " i disagree i think animal jam is perfect with it's human and modern stuff" ugh!!
ReplyDeleteok, that whole post totally went over your head...
DeleteIT ISN'T ABOUT BETA! It is about the culture. Try reading it again!
I agree with you snowyclaw because i have seen things that actually shouldn't be on the game. The most recent was the first time i was frightened.
ReplyDeleteHere's what happened:
I was in Jamaa Township when me and a friend decided to go down towards Mira's statue. Mira was glowing. We were speechless until the world around us went black so it was only Mira me and my buddy. She said "Find someone famous. Anyone. Have them help you fix the culture. 30 other jammers will hear this message today." then we were back. I swear on my life im not lying. But i remembered you are famous so i came to you with this. Thats all. All the things happen when me and my buddy were with each other so maybe that has something to do with this whole situation.
I can't say I believe you. This situation would require AJHQ and they aren't exactly helping with the jamasian movement. Besides, I don't think mira would care weather or not the person was famous.
DeleteMira doesn't really exist guys...and I believe you, but it was from someone hacking.
DeleteThat situation would mean that AJHQ would program mira to go against what there doing? That doesn't seem right. Unless it was a hacker
DeleteFor the trillionth time, The Jamaasian movement isn't about abolishing humanity in the world of Jamaa. When you think about it it's just like how the world went from cavemen thing to a factory and technology thing, The thing is AJ HQ isn't doing anything to preserve the culture! Come on, seriously it's not like AJ plans on bringing humans into jamaa, treat the new stuff like we jamaasians are more knowledgeable and invented the stuff.The fact of the matter is AJ HQ needs to bring back the culture that made jamaa unique and a good thing to be a part of.- please take the time to read my two comments and understand.-dartagnan
ReplyDeleteI said it before and I'll say it again. Flip flops. are. not. the. dooms day. device. of. Jamaa. And there is no threat of human Jam! They will not go that far! They won't do animal city either! It will still be animal jam but If we don't do something, It will be an animal jam without culture.
DeleteI agree with this movement and I'm trying the best i can to help! Like you were saying tell people that aren't familiar with the culture of jamaa, this person was new and they said they wanted to know the past of jamaa. So i was telling him about the stories and shamans. He screamed at me saying "SHUT UP!!! I WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE PAST, BUT YOU ARE BORING AND YOU ARE LYING!!!" I was like huh? I told him I'm not lying and he got mad and said to everyone "report TheSafari07 because she was bullying me" Thankfully no one believed him since they were watching the whole time. Anyway, i will try to tell more people about this movement.
ReplyDelete-TheSafari07 :)
Dear snowyclaw,
ReplyDeleteI am pawmagicz and i'm one of the hundered founders among all thousands of jammers and i'm so sad seeing jamaa being a total human wasteland. "But in every jamaasian founder, the culture lies in their hearts, forever."
Some times i wory to much about Jamaa changing and becoming 'to human'. Then, i feel like an idiot. Jamaa isn't gunna change THAT much. Its not like Jamaa will be exctly like the real world. Jamaa migh change a little, like ya, we have the cruise ship party but thats not that bad. Its not like Jamaa will be BETTER without the humaly things, but it wont be WORSE with them. Just calm down. And Jamaa wasn't built around 'the world as we know it', it was build around 'our creativity'. And if we dont like the new things in Jamaa, then just dont attend the cruise ship party or the carnival. Miss out on that stuff. That, is your problem, not all ours to fix it. Some of us might LOVE the humally added things. So miss out on the swords, blankets, and stuff like that. To bad for you. Ya, i dont LOVE the humaly things but you see me wearing a skirt and headdress on animal jam. I enjoy it. Hope you can learn to enjoy the human side of animal jam youself. ~rubyrose1
ReplyDeleteYeah swords and blankets have been around for ever, and people are still complaining about them.
Deletethis is all true. no lies are involved.
ReplyDeleteAbout 2 years ago, when Shamans like Sir Gilbert and the others (i used sir gilbert because, well you'll see) still roamed Jamaa me and 3 of my buddies were relaxing in old crystal sands by Tiger Rock waiting to see a shaman. After almost fifteen minutes (we were bored) Sir Gilbert appered out of the rock. He came up to us and said all his shaman-y stuff like about the Jamaa culture and such. Then, about a moth ago, me and the same buddies were talking about the old crystal sands. Then i brought up the time that we saw Sir Gilbert. They said exactly this... 'Sir Gilbert? Who in Jamaa is HE? Jammers dont have names like that.' I explained that Sir Gilbert was a shaman. They didnt know what a shaman was so i explained that. Then, rght away, 3 of the 4 buddies i had with me at the time told me 'A shaman? Realy? We never saw a shaman. Dont LIE to me. I think your dreaming!' the other one told me simply 'i dont rember but i belive you' and went on there way. The other two said they were gunna report me for lieing and, as you know, lying isnt a reasont to report. It was harsh.
:O I never knew some jammers DIDN'T know about the culture of Jamaa!! I mean one day I went to the Bunny Only Party and I told people to jump on the drum thing so you could see the shadow of Peak. Lots of jammers asked me, "Who's Peak" I told them the story of Peak and then the jammers said, "I never knew about that! Do you know any other stories" or "What can we do to get these stories back?" So I told them about the Jamaasian Movement and other things like passing on this story to other jammers. I hoped this helped to get the culture back:)
well, something to bring back could be the original den! that would be really cool! a blast from the past! plus it was rather nature-y, not a giant condo or a cruise ship! maybe i'll say something about it so AJHQ next time there's a den contest!
ReplyDeleteYeah the beta house was natures condo! XD
DeleteI have been doing that, story telling, and people love the stories!
ReplyDeleteI give a reading section, and lots of people come and listen. I'm telling them the phantom story, the creation story, and im gonna do the shaman storys. Thats the best way of helpng the Jamaasian movement, I think.
Originally, I thought we should have formed a picket line. Then, I figured out that that would do nothing, as the HQ doesn't monitor AJ. I think everyone has a better idea. An complaint E-Mail attack. Keep it going! Jamaasains for Jamaa!
ReplyDeleteI think I'm the only one with good news XD! Anyway every time I told the story, Everyone already knew it! It's working!
ReplyDeleteI like Animal Jam and all but are you serious?! Animal Jam is a game run by humans, of course they will put that stuff in there. Oh and another thing don't you think that it is hard to run a game! So what if they miss naming a couple Shamens.I say be happy that there is a game where you can learn all these things. It is called change
ReplyDeleteyeah just leave animal jam alone
DeleteI'd like to see beta days but i welcome change.
DeleteAll Jammers! Alert, Code red!
ReplyDeleteI repeat, ALERT CODE RED!!!!!
ZacEckert01, also known as EVIL SANTA, Is eating all the innocent people of Jamaa! Be on the look out! If you see him, attack him! Just look up ZacEckert01 and look at his animal that is a panda. it will either be Evil Santa, Or the hulk. But if you see either of them, attack them!
He can't actually eat them.
DeleteI told the story of Jamaa by Mira statue, and only 1 jammer actually thought it was any good... The others disappeared half way through, and one said i was a weirdo...
Oh, I get it now. I too think that the culture of Jamaa should come back, as well as the education behind it.
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw and others,
ReplyDeleteIf you are SOOO unhappy with Animal Jam now then why don't you just quit!?
If you are SOOO unhappy with this post then why don't you just not comment!?
DeleteI support the movement. I joined a year ago, and I know it was better back then. Beta must have been awesome! It's not necessary to restore beta completely, but we want the shamans, Mira, phantoms, and others in Jamma's history back, and to be part of the game!
Beta was okay-ish.
DeleteI am in!!! We are the only chance that tiny truly cultural and beautiful and not modern piece of Animal Jam has!
ReplyDeleteAs always, ~puppyupooch1
me too im in i support jamaa and nothing will get in the way of me from giving back jamaa's cultural and to all that needs to know and bring back there beauty!!!!
DeleteI'm doing a storytelling party at my den on....sunday, this week. At....time will be decided later.
ReplyDeleteToday I used a glitch to go into the firepit at sarepia forest and pretended to be the fire. I told everyone to dance to make Mira appear, and when she came, i asked everyone if they knew who she was. If not, I told them the history of Jamaa. After a little while, a Jammer came up and said, "hey, she's pretending to be Mira! Report her!" I told them, "I'm not pretending to be Mira, i AM Mira, and so are you! Mira lives within the spirits of us all!" He didn't question me anymore. I wasn't trying to be funny, or mean, I just wanted to stand up for what i believed in, which is the culture of Jamaa. It's what makes Jamaa unique! Currently, Jamaa is a special world where kids can come to leave behind their problems and just have fun in a whole different world!!! Without its culture, Animal Jam will become just another virtual world, where it doesn't seem real and players are judged depending on their appearence, money, and name. Jamaa is a special place. True, Animal Jam IS a virtual world, but it's a virtual world that seems real, and pushes aside all the things that players are judged upon, so everyone can feel included. Some people may not agree, but I'm just stating my opinion.
I saw some really crazy people in animal jam! OK, so today, I saw a person in the township saying "Come to my den to kill a human!" And I thought, " oh no." So I went and saw a monkey who was wearing a skirt, head phones, and flip flops saying things like, " I AM A HUMAN! I DON"T GIVE ONE ABOUT JAMAA'S CULTURE!" and " HEY I KNOW! LETS GET RID OF ANIMAL JAM AND MAKE HUMAN JAM!" And i said "What are you doing?" And the guy from the township said, " i'm supporting the Jamasian movement!" And I said, no you aren't." And I explained the jamasian movement and said what Leaf pool said. And he said "NO! I REPORT YOU! KILL THE HUMANS!" But you know, in real life he is a human. He got the jamasian movement super duper wrong and there were like twenty people there to "kill the human". They need a reality check. The jamasian movement is about the culture!
ReplyDelete0.o thats scary.
DeleteI can't say I believe you. It seems to insane to be true, but if it is, I am concerned.
DeleteI think that they should bring back Coral Corner, its the roof with the plants and pots underneath and it is really old and you can get old pots and plants. I wish it would come back.
Omg guess whati did yesterday???
ReplyDeleteI gave a tour to two ppl. I showed them the Mira statue and explained and told them about their shamans!!! It was so cool becuz they were like wow when I told them that the phantoms want to destroy Jamaa and how when they play games like phantom fighter they help save Jamaa!! They loved learning about shamans too
I will Do wat ever it takes to save Jamma. I think we should Right letters to aj telling them to bring back the spirit of aj . Now new jammers don't even know what a shaman is!
ReplyDeleteHey ummmm SnowyClaw i have some AJ myths that you might want to add to Jamaa my user is thenut5678 so if you want them we can organize something..... THANKS!
ReplyDeletesounds fun but what if some other jammer says im faking?
ReplyDeleteHi SnowyClaw,Whenever any of my friends or indeed myself AJHQ comes up with the same answer it's really getting annoying and it's like AJ isn't listening to us like they say they do. P.S I want otters and they said that Polar Bears are coming to AJ :D!
ReplyDeletewhen i made myself a new account:there was the return of alphas video(normal)
but when i SAW liza she looked diffrent?!?!?!?
its weird and i went through the whole thing again and she did not say anything about mira.
ok i know its weird right.....and a bit off topic
ReplyDeletethat means new jammers dont even know about mira!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
pLUS when i was dancing near the fire in sarepia forest we where all making wishes to mira for them to come true and all of a sudden:who's mira?
WE HAVE TO MAKE OTHERS JOIN!!! before its too late!
so true
Deletei COMPLETELY agree with u cloudclaws. Return of the Alphas, Exile of the Sky Mother.
Er... bad thought.
Maybe shamans are bad and they're trying to hide mira + zios.
Maybe they're in league with phantoms.
Maybe phantoms are ones we should trust and they're good not shamans...
I hate having bad thoughts like this.
im leafpool in my clan best known med cat I have trained jaypaw and nightmarepaw and now training featherpaw :) I am the eldest med cat and im proud to honour my clan. xx I agree mira is the mother of AJ!!!!! phantons are back o_o
ReplyDeletehey its cool4leaf got freedom wings rare bow soon will have a fox hat as well
Hey peeops i'm back cool4leaf here and im on in crystal sands now the world is Congo so be aware if you see a monkey with a bow or freedom wings or wolf with wings or bow
P.S tons of friends buddy list almost full!
back was scammed thinking was member by bbaakk
ReplyDeletewho was it who said hardly anyone goes to the mire statua anymore? because I love going to the mire statue, to me its a magical place, its the place where I was when i first changed my fur colour.~wolfprincess675