Hey jammers! Today's new item is a member pair of Golden Wings, now sold in the clothing orb of Epic Wonders.

Also, with the last update, you can now have the last part of you animal name be "fox," has anyone used it yet?

We are having a poll right now about the next AJS contest. The one coming up very soon is a spirit contest (questions about past Jamaa) but I want you guys to decide the next one!

Be sure to vote and check back soon for the upcoming Jamaasian Movement and contest posts! Happy jamming.

New artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!
Woot like the wings, soon I"ll be all gold.
ReplyDeleteum karie kat?are u thee
DeleteThen that's perfect for you outfit! :)
awesome honestly i vote story contest people say im good at them so anyways cool golden sings i,m gonna post it :)
ReplyDeleteI voted for spirit questions, but here are my choices in order:
DeleteChoice 1: spirit questions
Choice 2: eye-spy
Choice 3: story contest
Choice 4: art contest
hi this is starheartstarheart here and i would like to tell u some things so ncluding glitches ill tell u some stuff u might need 4 your blog 1 thing is sooooo epic figure wat is sooooo epic by reading so first
ReplyDeletebutter slide glitch:go to crusie ship party
go to the end of the boat
click far away
quickly click an action like dance
and your sliding!!!!!!!!!!!
so next is called
super free chat:
u need a acount with no free chat
now type any letter
look at the word above heres an example
do an action like dance
letter is gone
but the word is still there click the word like
100000000000000 times
then push enter and look at your chat bubble
well heres somthing to post
u cant really do pit glitch any more
its kinda (very hard)hrad 4 me but some people can do it there way(not my way)(snowyclaws way)so see if u can do it.
um if u can meet me in my jammer it would be great just when your on please find starheartstarheart(not a copyer any more)i will always join u where ever u go well yeh youll see me ok happy jamming
omg i love your commet it so help full to me thank u so much!
Deletelol u know them all but thanks anyway...
DeleteWow that's really cool!!!!! I didn't hear about the second one I'm going to go try it out right now!
i heard about the second won...
are u there?
ReplyDeleteYes. LOL
Yay, 3rd comment! Probably cuz I'm up at one in the morning. -.- Like the wings... They should make like, bird wings or somthing. Then we could all be griffons... Or pegasuses. I think saber tooth tiger teeth are a good idea too. :D By the way, I voted
Beta Tester
yeah....kinda honestly....but however its alright...
DeleteI agree! Anonymous, that's some nice ideas! I should ask AJHQ about them.. ^.^
DeleteWoah, one in the morning! You are an early bird! :D Eye-spy was like my second choice because I liked the last contest, and that was Eye-Spy. Yeah that would be really cool, I like your thinking!
I know you on Animal Jam! I'll ask AJHQ as well. Maybe they will do it!
hey its starheartstarheart:
ReplyDeletetheres a new knight helmet in the :
jam mart clothing happy jamming
Star, that was Friday item ;)
It's fine don't worry about it. :)
@ Kerri. If you had Anonymous setting on your, I could post there to .. Maybe help to get it more well known , I don't have aim or any thing like that, and I bet many others don't
ReplyDelete~ footclane
I have used that last update as my name for my fox
ReplyDeleteMy fox's name is little cool fox
I like it
and also the wings look cool and I will save up my gems
Anyways I voted for eye spy in the poll because I like looking around animal jam trying to find what our task is, it's really fun because I have done it before
I hope that is the winning poll vote :D
DeleteThat name was actually on yesterday too. I posted about it yesterday. :P I like it too. I like the eye-spy too. I hope too but I also like spirit questions so either one is okay for me. :D
Hello Jammeres, Okami11 is writing again, I'm very gratefull for the person who joined my blog, wich put me in an amazing mood since the blog is only 2 days old now!
ReplyDeleteAs for the people who are asking whats my blog, its about saving animals who are very close to being swiped away from existance, like polar bears and siderian tigers etc. every month we will be talkking about a different animal, and how we can save it. so if you too are interested please click on my user and go to "Saving the animals with Okami11" and hopefully we will make a diference.
"Every person counts" -Okami11-
I'll join if you at least view mine once in a while!
DeleteI was the person who joined your blog first. :) I love animals and love the blog, so what more could I do than be a follower and comment! Always happy to make someone's day. :D
Ooooh those look like the legendary wings that they never released! -Zebrafish
ReplyDeleteHey Snowy, I made a blog today: AnimalJam EagleEye! And I want you to post about it so I can get some views...and how do you change your background on your blog? Like this cool camo one you have? I'm still confused! And how do you get all of these fonts? And the pictures? DX I'm so confused I'm asking to many questions! Please help me!!!
ReplyDelete@Madison Frank
DeleteThat's a great name for a blog! Ok, if your on blogger, then here's how to do all that stuff:
Changing the Background-Sign into your blogger account. Click the blog you are going to work on. Find where it says 'New Post', and look beneath that. It should be an orange button. 'My BLogs' should be right above it. Find and click where it says 'Template'. Click that. Then click 'Customize'. It will take you to the Blogger Template Designer. Go to 'Background', right underneath 'Templates'. Click 'Background'. Then, click the square with a sort of pattern in it. It will give you lots of different patterns to choose from. When you find one you like, click 'Done'.Then Click 'Apply to Blog' in the top right corner. Then click 'Back to Blogger', also in the top right corner.
How to Change Fonts-Sign into your Blogger account. Click the blog your going to work on from your list of blogs you own. Find where it says 'New Post' and look underneath it until you find where it says 'Template'. Click that. Then, once this different screen pops up, click 'Customize'. It will take you to the Blogger Template Designer. Find where it says 'Advanced' and click that. It will bring up a list of things that you can change the font for, and a list of fonts. It will allow you to change the color of your font, bold it, italicize it, and change how big or small it is! Once your done, click 'Apply to Blog' and then wait until it says, 'Template Applied' at the middle-top. Then click 'back to blogger'.
How to Get/Take Pictures- Open Paint. (You can find it by clicking 'Start', then 'All Programs', and then 'Accessories'. You will find it there). Then, log into Animal Jam and find what you want to take a picture of. Press 'Printscreen' on your keyboard. It can also be abbreviated like this: PrtScn
Find that key and press it when you have what you want to take a picture of. Then open your Paint again. Press Ctrl (control) -v (paste) and your picture will show up in paint. Click where it says 'Select' and then drag it across what part of the picture you want. Right-click inside the square/rectangle and click copy. Then click 'File' and select 'New'. It will say 'Do you want to save changes to Untitled?' Select 'No'. Then it will take you to a new paint. Right click and select 'Paste'. Your square of the picture you wanted will appear, and then click 'File' and then 'Save AS' to save it. Then log into blogger and click which blog you will be posting on. Find where it says 'New Post' and click that button. It will take you to the posting area. Find the little icon next to the black movie-scene icon. It is to the right of it. The picture-adding icon has mountains on it so click that. If you scroll over it it will say 'Insert Image'. Anyways, click that. It will take you to where you upload pictures. Click 'Choose Files'. Then it will take you to all the pictures you have taken with Paint. Find the one you want and let it upload. Then click the pictures you want (they will have dark blue lining around them if they are being added to your post). Then click 'Add Selected'. All done!
Hope I helped, even if I'm not Snowyclaw!
Please, please, please can we have an art contest? Eye-spies are way too easy. And the story one will be kind of unfair, unless it's freestyle, anything about the Jamma Culture. I'm pretty sure all of us know the legend and shamans well for the spirit one.
ReplyDeleteSo I want art, but my second choice would be spirit.
Story one is freestyle. :3 My best shot.
DeleteI think the last Eye-Spy was sort of hard, but you don't have to agree. :P
Hai. I want some of you Jammers to visit my blog: www.AnimalJamEagleEye.blogspot.com! I just created it today and I just want some pageviews. Please! Tell your friends in real lofe and on AnimalJam!
I'll be sure to go look at your Blog! I clicked it, and nothing came up. :( Oh well, I guess it was a great Blog, though!!
DeleteI will look at your blog right now! It sounds great!
I think you have to type in the full address. :)
hey snowyclaw what time are you on i really want to meet you
ReplyDeleteSnowy is on usually in the mornings, but she can't really go to specific timings (example:3:35). Sorry!
I want to meet her too! And yes, Sriha123 is correct. Also, you can check the bottom of her post for the time she posted it. It will give you an idea of when she gets on. :)
Shiny..... O_o
Lol elektronik!
Um, snowy, I told you about the fox name thing in the comments yesterday, I would really appreciate if you gave me some credit. Thanks!
Oh, you did! I was wondering who found that out. ;) I'll be sure to give you some credit on my Blog! (Not offending anyone.)
Hi elektronik and Skerrymalas! (I know you both, lol). Yeah Snowy should give you some credit and I just saw it on a fox yesterday, so that's why I posted about it on my blog.
Oh I didn't know you had a blog ducier!!! I'll check it out!!
ooh i have used "fox" in my name :D my fox's name is Fabulous Frillyfox. and the contest, i wish i could vote three times cuz i would like to do the eyespy, art, and story contest. i voted for eyespy contest though cuz those are the easiest for me lol. For spirit contests, does she mean like, she'll ask questions about AJ shamans and the culture and stuff? cuz im not really good at those :| (no offense to people who want the spirit contest, i actually think you are pretty smart for knowing that stuff lol) and yay an upcoming Jamaasian Movement! (\(^.^)/)
ReplyDeleteI like the eye-spy too! It's my second choice I would vote for the spirit questions and the eye-spy. Not that I know all this stuff about culture and stuff but I think ti would be fun!
(Nice bunny by the way!)
I voted for eye-spy also..
darn. the wings are member, they look so cool!
ReplyDeleteyeah ikr im member but still...
DeleteI know! I wish a lot more things could be nonmember. It would be so much more fair! It almost seems like they are making you get a membership so their company can have more money...:P
omg!!! the Winter's Dance song at the play wild party is STILL FOR SALE!!! O.O
DeleteOh my gosh....It is WAY PAST WINTER!!!!
Hey all jammers out there! Two things, first, keep a sharp eye out for that last rare fox! If you find it, email me or Snowyclaw about it! My email is zebrasavveh@gmail.com! Second, check out my blog, jammerblast.blogspot.com today!! I hope you can make it! Also, calling all foxes to my den!! My den is unlocked and you may go in it any time to see the biggest forest yet!! Hope you can make it to my den too!! My username is Zebrasavvy.
ReplyDelete@Zebra Savvy
DeleteWhat do you mean by "that last rare fox"?
Also snowy, I found 3 new fox toys, the is on with a tuxedo and sunglasses, a soccer one and one with no clothes. I will send you the pictures!!!
That's so cool elektronik!!
awesome Snow will be happy to know the news :)
DeleteYep! Does she read the comments though?
Woah, AJHQ is really going hardcore on the golden stuff! Have the stuff in Epic Wonders is golden!
Golden Wings.... *yawn* They could do better.
ReplyDeleteyea at least golden ANGEL wings i need em...
DeleteYeah those would be cool...!
Lol, a golden angel! Now that'd be cute, but then... a golden devil with these new wings? Naw.
DeleteI don't feel that sick anymore :)tho it may come back...
ReplyDeleteI guess we are having an art contest The votes are high...I don't draw that good and I can't enter :(
I voted for eye-spy.
Oh well the next contest will be different...
ReplyDeleteYou were feeling sick? I hope you feel better and stay better. :)
Same. I really don't want the art contest but I guess we can't all get what we want. I voted for the spirit questions. I also liked the last eye-spy though so I would be okay with that too. :)
i voted story
DeleteThanks, but it's back :(
ReplyDeleteSick again...
Oh that's not good. :(
Delete:( I hate being sick. :( And you probably don't like it either. :(
hi please look and comment on my blog it's animaljamclam.blogspot.com. please enter 1 of the contests!!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'd love to enter one of the contests!!! I love contests!!! I'll visit right away!
Hi Snowy! I bought those wings and everyone thinks there legendary wings. Do you have any information on those? Does anyone have a pair you think? Anyways, thx for reading!!! BYE!!! ~Hellopinky c:
ReplyDeletetoday i saw an AJ moderator named Magical Snowypuppy (i cudnt click on her nametag). she wanted to hear suggestions ans i suggested that they let the shamans come back. she also said anyone caught dating would be suspended for 3 days!
i just wanted u to know this because i think ur blog and the jamaasian movement r really good ideas!
Wow! How did you know that it is a AJ Moderator, though? Did it have an AJ tag?
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!
never mind it's just the regular one
Wings! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI name all of my animals DAredevil Smarty __________ and in the blank goes whatever the animal is. On the first day that foxes were out, I could not get that name so I didn't get a fox. It was the same case for the giraffe. I had to make my giraffe Daredevil Smartyjammer :(
Owner of blog- Animal Jam Groove
ReplyDeletetoday i was at a xmas party!!! i bought tons of rares!!!!!! it was rad i wish radom partys will come more ofen!
tootie2303 now who has a bunch of rares!
Me too! I was in the Jamaalidays but non member.
DeleteNow I have reindeer! :)
If you will trade blue lava for bubblegum machine say me.
ReplyDeleteI chose Spirit Questions because I want to test my knowledge on shamans and the awesome legends. Eye-Spy is okay, but in my opinion, Spirit Questions are better. I did not choose Art Contest, because I don't know how to enter AND I don't draw really good. :<
ReplyDeleteI didn't choose Story contest, because of the fact I don't know how to enter. (MY FIRST CONTEST!!! >:l)
So that's my opinion and things. :l
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
pretty wings
ReplyDeleteaww cute! :)
ReplyDeletethats an awesome idea XD i name all of my animals
ReplyDeleteMiss Daisy Joy
me too! XD