Monday, April 8, 2013

Rare Sand Dollar Necklace

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway!
Enter every day to increase chances of winning.
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Hey jammers! Today's new rare colored underwater item is the Rare Sand Dollar Necklace, sold on the sixth page of Bahari Bargains.
As a short side topic, there is this interesting problema with one of the older Jam-a-Grams, the one featuring Jamaa Township.
Submitted by Count Desertstone!
Notice . . . the name. Jamma Township?! Haha, it looks like this JAG was from the olden days, when the spelling of Jamaa was still being discussed. This is one of my favorite letters to use when jammers ask me for "autographs." I'm not sure why you guys want them /).^ but I'm happy to give one to anyone if you see me around Jamma.
Wait, Jamaa? Meh, this flaw makes me like this gram even more.

In other news, AJHQ has posted a new article on the Daily Explorer.
Hmm... Notice the highlighted word? Phantoms. o.o I've never needed protection for phantoms before, they've always seemed rather tame. But what if this Spirit Armor of ours strengthens our SPIRIT and protects us from phantoms' corruption (sadness, anger, ect). Does this have to do with the future mysterious quests and/or adventures?
Our mystery today? How about trying to think of and write a story about a grand quest. With your animal as the hero/heroine go off into the unknown of Jamaa - discover uncharted lands, battle fierce phantoms, find magical spirit stones... What can an adventure hold?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog.
Mira art today, be sure to take a look!


  1. First comment... Hopefully.

    1. Yes! You get it! Oh and that means I got first reply of the first commenter and the second comment, right? XP

    2. Lol but i sure wish tht if there are quests PLZ AJHQ LET NON MEMBERS ALSO TAKE PART IN IT ;_;

  2. okay, so I've been thinking... you know how AJHQ has been making a lot of weapons? non member swords, armor, cross bows etc. I think they are preparing us for an epic battle.

    1. Battle of AJ vs who? What game? Probably rival games?
      If they're preparing us for an epic battle then all of those weapons will be for non members, seriously..

    2. I think so too. I'll be pretty geared up for battle then... Tail armor, bow and arrows, swords, spirit armor. This will be interesting

    3. U know? I have been noticing something u no tht ajhq made wings for members and bat wings for non members then freedom leg armor for nm and leg armor for members then they also made pirate swords for nm and swords for members i think ajhq should make EVERY single member item have a duplicate for nm like the wings and bat wings pirate swords and swords etc...

  3. Good post. I'm experiencing some of these issues as well..

    Here is my weblog safe diets

    1. Hello robot.... Are you experiencing Rare Sand Dollar Necklace, Jamma and Jamaa in your techy life?

    2. Trololo :p *naughty troll face*

    3. By the way, I'm Severus, not Serverus... Most people add the "r" in the name Severus..

    4. Hey, now I get it! People think I'м a server of the USA. My gosh, no! XD

  4. Another member item! :(
    Oh Snowy, I read it out loud in my can, trying to pronounce as good as Americans :D

    1. LOL i think i might actually buy the rare today

    2. That's great!
      I love collecting RIMs! X3

    3. I mostly just use the RIM items for trading currency after they've become older items and people start to forget about them. :3

      I got 3 spirit armors last night (3 people in a row accepted!) by trading 12 past monday rares that I had stored on one of my nm accounts... :O

  5. wow they didn't write jamma and 10th comment! =D


  6. So how do you spell Jamma? I always that it was spelled like that D:

    1. It's actually spelled Jamaa! ^.^

    2. Jamaa and Jamma are spelt differently but pronounced in the same way, so some Jammers got mixed up between those two words..

    3. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 10:33 AM

      How do you think it IS pronounced? Jahm-AH, JAM-ah, idk...xD

    4. It's said like "J'maa" in the intro vid now.

    5. Lol i used to think Graham, the monkey shaman, was Grahm. So i didn't know there was an 'a' in between the h and m :P

    I'm offering a Rare Cupcake Hat for three of today's RIM! So grab it before the offer is gone! Reply my comment if you're interested!
    P.S. I might not have any time to be on today, so if you want it be sure to keep the RIM for me, thanks.

    1. No one wants it? Okay I'll wait until next morning..

    2. I have enough cupcake hats to feed an army. xD

    3. I WANT IT I WANT IT! I'm avabug01.

  8. katie7 (Not logged in :P) Owner of Animal Jam Waffles.April 8, 2013 at 6:01 AM

    (Story for Mystery Monday)
    Part One...
    Countess Templepaw heard yelling in Jamaa. (Jamma? O_o Snowy, you confused me with this post x3) She rushed over to the sound, her long black wolf fur swaying in the wind. Countess's fox hat nearly flew off. She caught the white and red bundle, though. Suddenly, there was rustling in the bushes behind her. Countess turned around, one paw on her red sword. The sword was rusty, but she didn't care. Countess didn't like fighting, she went against it. But she just had a sword incase there was some kind of surprise attack laid on her. Anyway, if Countess did have to fight, it had to be with tooth and claw. She saw a green gleaming eye. She caught a slight glimpse of the other eye, sealed with a scar. She saw patches of beige fur on top of brown. Countess just went on running. Suddenly, a crowd of all animals were gathered under a big rock. A gray and white wolf stood on the rock. His name was Earl, Earl Bravehiker. Jamma/Jamaa's wolves were mostly loners that came friends with other species. "We are under attack! Phantoms are being trained by another wolf, one who used to be part of Jamma/Jamaa." (I'ma pick Jamaa for now x3) All of the animals gasped. Earl went on. "The wolf is brown with beige patches of fur and he has scar across one eye. Hes staying out the attack. He controls the phantoms with something, I really don't know what it is...." Earls voice began to trail off, but after a few moments he began to pip up. "Who would like to join the attack?" Countess backed up, hiding under the crowd. Earl was on that big rock, seeing everything in the crowd. Countess sighed, getting back up. It'd be no use. "I will!" A white she-wolf with black stripes jumped up from the crowd. Earl looked down at her and nodded. "Whats your name?" he asked. "I'm Empress Bravestar." the she-wolf replied. Suddenly, more and more spoke up. "We need one more brave wolf." Earl called. His gaze laid on Countess. She gulped. Earl smiled and began to speak again. "How about you?"

    (End of Part One! I had to do parts cuz the story is long, and I had to end the comment for school! x3 So, check later today, around 7:30, for Part 2 and maybe 3 if there is one! Happy jamming, jammers!)

    1. Great story!
      White and red bundle? Why not red and white? Because red and white's the color of my country's flag.. But no prob white and red flag means Poland.. Isn't it?

    2. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 10:26 AM

      Nice story! lol Empress sounds like my main charrie (character) XD

    3. Thx guys! Empress Bravestar is my friend, she can't go on much tho.. :( Anyways, I don't think I'll be doing anymore parts of the story...

    4. No make another part I looved it
      Hows shadowclan Im sorry I haven't been on much :( family issues love ya see u soon - BraveStar ♥

    5. Hey NightFall its me brave im usally on once a day, I never see u anymore, logon once in a while AJ has changed ALOT and finish the story :3

  9. Would be useful for Foot and other Jammers..

  10. Today's rare item actually looks nice! And that's so weird that we never noticed the spelling was wrong! I really hope we do battles and quests! I'm preparing my animals just in case! Stock up on gems! They might give extra points if we have quests and stuff like that. And a story will be coming if I have time.

    1. But AJ is a game that isn't about battles and quests! In my opinion AJHQ won't change AJ..
      I never noticed about the spelling too..

    2. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 6:59 PM

      Personally I'd like battles and quests, but maybe some Jammasians can go off to fight, and others can stay! I guess you won't have to go on quests if you don't want to. Also... I've heard rumors of a strange notification. 0_0 I'm getting to the ToZ right away...

    3. AJ is about quests, but not for battles. AJ = Peace, mah friends. Go in peace. x3

  11. In the early beta times i saw a pic from it and there was a like spade and another tool next to the shaded jamaa gram.

    1. Wow, you remember the detail! :D
      I entered AJ after beta (august/September 2011) so it's not categorized as early beta..

    2. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 9:35 AM

      Same, Severus! It's funny how people come up to me and are like "you have BETA STUFF!" and I'm just like "'s not beta..." and I miss the Coral Canyons Shoppe :D Though I guess Sarepia is a better place for it...

    3. Do you mean Epic Wonders? But it wasn't available in betas... Nevermind maybe it disappeared in late betas when I joined...
      People said that maybe because you own some beta stuffs from trading with other person.. Who knows?

    4. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 10:21 AM

      No, like stuff I had from when I first joined. And it was a shop where the 'den shop' in Coral Canyons is right now, it sold plants like the Treetop Gardens does today.

  12. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    Here I go~

    Blizzard lay among the creaky boards of her treehouse, clean, early sunlight filtering through the leaves and branches to touch her pure white fur. She grunted, annoyed, and squirmed around uncomfortably beneath the purple worn blanket. But, just as it always did, the sun forced her eyes open. "Okay, you win," Blizzard smiled wryly as she shook her pelt free of leaves and dust. Of course, she expected nothing to happen. The sun was the sun, and it rose and set, and lit the day. But a voice replied.
    Blizzard stopped in her tracks, whipped around and nearly howled in fright. There before her stood Mira, her turquoise and gold feathers rippling like molten water. Her eyes flashed like crystals, fierce yet kind, strong yet gentle. Blizzard's pet gecko, Nangka, stared too, her pupils wide in the light even though she was nocturnal. This light seemed different. "M-Mira!" Blizzard breathed, instinctively crouching low and avoiding eye contact, a signal of submission, seeing as Blizzard was an arctic wolf.
    "No, no, there's no need for that," Mira extended a wing to raise Blizzard's gaze to meet her own. "I come bringing a gift."
    A gift! But Mira never brought the gifts herself! Why this one? As if reading the young wolf's mind, Mira answered the question. "Because this one is special." And from within her great wings she produced a glistening piece of some unknown metal. Then she took two of her own feathers, still looking like dancing blue flames, and merged them and the metal with a burst of blue fire. Then she presented her gift.
    “But what . . . what is it?” Blizzard dared to ask, pressing her nose to the strange material and running a paw over it.
    Mira only laughed. “It is Spirit Armor. Use it wisely. Make sure you have it when the time comes.” And then she was gone.

  13. CONTINUATION (Lukia26: my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 10:18 AM

    Chapter 1~The Coming of the Second Storm

    Weeks passed without anything big happening, and the Spirit Armor was just another item to trade and to wear if you wanted. But Blizzard had a lingering feeling that something would happen. Perhaps the ‘time’ had not come yet. But one day, it did come. From the cold reaches beyond Mt. Shiveer, as Blizzard sat in a group of friends, the phantoms came. Hundreds and hundreds of them. They blocked out the sun and cast eerie shadows. Blizzard leapt up and backed away from the oncoming monsters, howling a rally call to her friends. Together, they turned and ran, paws slipping on the hard ice. As they crossed the old rope bridge leading to Sarepia Forest, Blizzard’s purple worn caught on one of the posts. She tripped but got to her paws quickly, hastily trying to unhook the blanket from the post. It was nothing rare, nothing special, but a friend had given it to her before they’d moved away. This worn and Blizzard’s gecko were her most treasured possessions—as were her friends. She ripped the blanket free and raced away to help them, her paws pounding the wooden walkways of the forest in a wonderful, uplifting rhythm. She could run for hours. But her friends couldn’t. I have to get them to safety, she thought. The phantoms pursued them in a great storm cloud, lightning flashing in it from all directions. This was no normal storm that the little Jamaasians could run and play in, or even the ones that brought down trees. No. This was nothing like that.
    Where should I hide them? Where CAN I hide them? Blizzard thought desperately as she called to her friends to hurry. “Hey, Blizzard!” one, a raccoon, called, “Where’s this place we’re going?” Blizzard skidded to a halt finally and looked around. She was in Crystal Sands. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized she’d been running blindly, leading her friends into perhaps more danger. No, this wouldn’t do! She had to think straight! And then it hit her. “Does everybody still have their spirit armor?” She whirled around to face them, her brown eyes wild.
    “I think most of us, why?” Asked a black wolf.
    “Because I have an idea!”
    Hehe. X3 I’m leaving the story open so that when this does happen, the many adventures will remain open, still to be seen. Thanks everyone! :D

  14. Okay, I just had the suckiest AJ memory ever. I got scammed my party hat, and many other rares. It was a stupid scam I fell for so I would NOT like to share that part of it. The thing that bothers me is that I have played for about a year and a half and I STILL fell for it! I feel really stupid that I didn't catch it before I did it. The worst part is, I can't get the rares back and I don't know the username of the scammer :'(


    1. lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 11:00 AM

      Haha, yes. Oppa Aldan Style. >.< Don't worry, it happens to all of us, we all feel stupid XD

    2. Aldan is where the snobby brats hang out. But they also have really great trades, so if you ever want to ask them what something is worth, send them a peace offering gift by jam-a-gram and and they might let you ask them a question about what something is worth without blocking you or ripping your head off.

      And yeah they do scam a lot there... *dramatic voice*... if you can survive there, you can survive anywhere.


    3. Thanks for trying to make me feel better.

    4. @Manxylion

      I agree XDDDDDDD

    5. Thanks :)

    6. I once got scammed of my tail armors and raccoon tail by flashing. =C Thanks to Julian2 and Wooty this happened DX

  15. Hey guys, I'm back from playing Transformice and coming back to jamaa o/~

    ~Kittycat904 c:

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Animal jam had always been a calm place, yet that is, until one jammer made a stand. This is the (dramatic) story of when phantoms invaded.

    It is a snowy day of jamaa. It is getting to the state of blizzard warnings on tv. Phantoms can't get in during snowstorms so we were safe, we thought. This happened when jamaa was just coming to be in 2010, the alphas were here and it was a good life. Then something terrible happened. The phantoms got a way in. Everyone was nervous, but not me. I, snowy majorhiker was about to save the day.
    I got out my sword and was ready for battle, but I was missing ONE thing. Phantoms can fly so I needed an aircraft that could shoot them down quickly! I was set to work making it.
    A few days later I was fighting phantoms like it was my job!(although it kinda was) Soon the phantoms were all gone and thus, creating the game phantom fighter.

    I hope you liked my story everyone!I am typing on my kindle fire so sorry about typos.

  18. what animal is on the spirit armor?

    1. Hey love angel 16612,
      I don't know but hi!!!

  19. Thanks severus .. Mines always on lock .. So that didnt help

    Good plan tho

  20. So by now I'm sure mist players / bloggers know I got hacked the other day .. Well even tho 90% of my best items are gone I'm still pretty rare , anyways I was thinking of quitting , told a few friends .. And was shocked by there response , most if my * friends * were like , CAN I HAVE CAN I HAVE !! ..

    So nice

    1. Type*O due to my lovely phone ;)

    2. If I quit AJ someday, I'm going to give away all my virtual material possessions to the people who mean the most to me on there, then I will give the rest to random kind people I see doing nice stuff for others.

      My friends know this, so I won't be surprised if they would react like yours did if I said I was leaving. But that's how things are with online games sometimes.

    3. I am a millionaire on AJ too so someone will be getting a lot of stuff. xDD

    4. Manxylion, in my opinion, even if we aren't buddies and we met like today, I consider you a friend. You helped support me today when I was sad and that meant a lot. Thank you.


    5. Awww thank pupp. :3 You seem nice and I don't like when people are sad.

    6. Your welcome, you are really nice!!

  21. ok im sure there would be many quests and they get harder as you complete them, one of the many may be where you fight phantoms or grow a crop of carrots for bunnies idk! theres so many, and how will we play quests? as our animals that we already have? or create one animal that we cant change the colors after and it becomes a hero/heroine. so many possibilities! well until the future quests come, Happy Jamming!

    - lovelion123

  22. here is my story hope you like it =3 (P.S Im wackywolf81 im not logged in because my laptop is gone and its hard to do things on a tablet..)

    just nosing around as usual, CountessCanyonjammer creeped round the trees in sarepia forest. She suddenly froze, her ears pricked up and she laid her body to the ground. She heard a twig snap somewhere behind the bushes. She only dared to look what was back there. She creeped nearer and nearer to the bushes until she heard yet another twig snap. Suddenly the sky turned dark.... she looked around trying to find what was causing this terrible darkness. Then she looked up a huge black body with one eye was above her it had long tentacle like arms the eye stared down at her. she cowered behind a tree as the big black creature followed her. The sky became darker. There were now milllion tiny creatures just like the big ones flooding the sky with darkness. As one of them came closer she heard another noise from behind. The sound of voices chatting. She quickly screamed for help and a bulky rhino and another arctic wolf rushed to her side.

    End of part one part 2 will be posted soon! -wackywolf81

  23. hi i am board on aj can some one add mwe im ashleyva!!!!!!!!!!! plz :D

    1. Sure! My buddy list is full on my main account, I'll add you on my storage account, LeapingDaringClaw776. Long username xD

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. There is a crystal graham statue to in epic wonders.. ~scooter7722

  26. Change ur password. There is no magical secret way to get hacked. It is happening because either:
    1. A person guesses your pw because it was too easy.
    2. You told someone it. They could hack you, or tell someone else your pw who then hacks you.
    3. You set your browser to "remember password and username" and you left your computer open and a sibling who also plays AJ got your computer and signed in as you and stole your stuff.

    Change. It. Now.

    If you share a computer with a fellow jammer, do not check "remember password" when your browser asks you.

  27. Here's the story:
    Eternal Magiclily woke up to Amelia, the fox alpha, shaking her. Eternal sat up, yawning. "What's wrong?" Amelia stood up. "Greely has seen phantoms. They're coming to destroy Jamaa!"
    Eternal leaped to her feet. "We have to warn the other animals!" Eternal raced out of her den, Amelia right behind her. "We'll split up!" Amelia called out to Eternal, before swerving to the right and heading to the next den. Eternal went the other way.
    She went to many dens, where she woke the animals and told them to go to Jamaa Township. When there were no dens left, Eternal quickly went to the Township, where all the animals were gathered, and the alphas were gathered.
    Amelia stepped forward, walking towards Eternal. "Thank you, she whispered in her ear before walking to the front of the crowd. "Everyone, put on your spirit armor," called Amelia. "It will protect you. "But if the phantoms shock your stone, the spirit armor will not protect you any longer. You can't tell if it is shocked because it will no longer spurt flame, and the stone will be dull."
    All of a sudden, an evil laugh rang through the air. "Now go!" Amelia struggled to raise her voice over the noise. "Fight!"
    The clearing immediately turned into chaos. Black shapes flew into the crowd, shocking anything they could see. Animals shrieked and started fighting. Eternal felt herself being pushed back to the bridge to The Temple of Zios. She turned around and ran across the bridge, knowing that hardly any animals were there. The Temple of Zios needed protection.
    When she got there, she saw that the phantoms from the pit were rising, and were flocking towards the Chamber of Knowledge, where the spirit stones were. Eternal knew that if the phantoms shocked a spirit stone, that species of animal would cease to exist. She sprinted as fast as she could and barged into the Chamber of Knowledge. She saw that almost all the spirt stones were gone, hidden in a secret hiding spot. Only none remained. The fox spirit stone.
    Eternal pushed her way past the phantoms and grabbed it quickly. All of a sudden, she felt a push from behind her. She fell to the ground and felt the spirit stone slip from her paws. She felt despair creep over her. She had failed. Then, out if nowhere, Amelia appeared and caught it. Then she turned around and started running, calling back over her shoulder,"I'll take it to the other spirit stones! Nice work!" Eternal stood up and zapped the phantoms with her spirit armor. When they had all faded away, Eternal decided to look in the less obvious spots.
    She decided to check Epic Wonders. The whole way, she was a little disconcerted, for it looked like another fox was ahead of her, sneaking to Epic Wonders. When she got there, she gasped at what she saw. The Phantom King was towering over Amelia, who's spirit armor was dull and had no flame. The other alphas were trapped in a cage that hung over the pool, which was ever so slowly going down.

    1. That was part 1. Here's part 2.

      Eternal knew that the water in Epic Wonders was dangerous, and would wash away all the alphas' powers. And suddenly, it hit her. Amelia was the fox she had been following! She had come to save her friends, and instead had been lured into a trap.
      Eternal looked from the trapped alphas, to Amelia. She knew who it was her duty to save first. With growl, Eternal flew through the air and bowled over the Phantom King. He was too shocked to move. Eternal zapped him with her spirit armor, and he faded away. Eternal then raced over to the alphas. She launched herself onto the trap, then picked the lock. They all raced out. Eternal let out a cry of triumph. Then she noticed Amelia, who was still huddled on the floor. Eternal quickly went over to her. Amelia looked up sadly.
      "My spirit armor is dead. My powers are leaving me." She shook her head. "Goodbye Eternal."
      "No!" Eternal looked at her spirit armor and knew what she had to do. "I can die, but you must live!" She pulled the stone out of her armor and swapped it with Amelia's. Amelia stood up, new energy flowing through her.
      But Eternal felt herself growing weaker. The objects around her started going fuzzy. Soon, she couldn't see anything. All she could hear was Amelia's frantic cry. "Help!"...
      Eternal woke up to see Amelia pacing worriedly next to her. She was back in her own den. "I'm alive!" Exclaimed Eternal. "Yes," Amelia said. "Greely took the old stone ad enchanted it again. You're really lucky. That's really hard to do. It took up almost all of Greely's power. He's resting right now. He must really be grateful to you, you know. Greely would never do that to someone else."
      "Now come on. There's a celebration!"
      When they arrived at the party, everyone started cheering for Eternal. Eternal felt herself go red. "It wasn't me. Amelia helped me the whole time. And I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Greely." She flashed a grateful look at him. "So don't celebrate me. Celebrate the alphas! They're the real reason why we're alive today!"

    2. WHOA! That is an amazing ( and long! lol) story! You did GREAT, Tallstar! I hope you write more stories!

    3. Thanks! My blog ( has a story page with two, soon to be three because I wrote another one, stories on it. Check it out if you like. And lol, I usually end up writing long stories. You know that feeling you get, where you have like a whole story planned in your head, and then when you write it down it seems so long and it gets stretched and takes forever? That's what happens to me.

  28. Thanks for this idea of a story Snowy. This really got me thinking.
    ~The Forgotten Crocodile Realm~
    Count climbed up from Bahari Bay to Crystal Sands. He was collecting coral peices to put in the gem in his Demon Hat and some sort of underwater power to use as fuel for his Spirit Armor. He returned to his treehouse den and went to his bedroom on the top floor. He looked out the window and looked at all you could see with a naked eye above Jamaa.
    I'll write more soon.

  29. Lol gianni I saw you at crystal sands remember? i was an arctic wolf (pink) i saw u a couple minutes ago

  30. Sorry jammers! I have been not commenting for two days! I will admit it, it is hard to live without AJS D: . Even for just two days...Anyways, onto the item, I LOVE today's RM! I think I will go get on my storage, I think I have like 30000 gems on there o.o. So I can buy the RIM, of course! :)

  31. I think that Crocs should be an underwater animal....thoughts?

  32. Aww man, the RIM is member, so I cant buy it on my storage..... :|. Aww whatever. I'll just go earn gems lol. Peace out! I'm going to go play Sky High! :D

    1. kara (not logged into google account....)April 8, 2013 at 5:10 PM

      i just sent you a rm! i hope you like it. =)

    2. Thank you, Kara! I didn't know that you knew about AJS! :D

  33. Guys! A notification said to "meet your friends in the place to hide from the phantoms"… what does that mean?

    1. Lukia26 (my AJ user)April 8, 2013 at 5:52 PM

      Oh my gosh what notification????!!??!?!? :O *gets all excited*

    2. Yea i just saw that!!!!!11

    3. Seriously! Like a notification that comes up on the AJ screen? Oh my gosh...SNOWY'S DEN! No...the Temple of Zios! Um, um, yeah! The top room with the telescope 'n stuff so we can see them coming?!? IDK! AAAH!!!! That must mean SOMETHING!! WOOT! Btw I just saw Snowy, she was giving an interview in her den :)

  34. Snowyclaw! I just wanted to tell you, a jammer - Meateater4322 - i think, copied
    Old Frozenspirit. The only thing differant was tail armor

  35. The Adventures of The Wanderer

    I was born in Coral Canyons, in the wolf pack of Aurora. I was a night-sky blue wolf with dark red flames all over my pelt. I was born twelve years before the end of Beta. When beta ended and the Phantoms attacked, my home was destroyed. I and my sister, Arlen, were the only survivors. We had been hunting in the woods when the Phantoms.
    "Stay here Arlen," I said to my younger sister. "I have to go see what's happening!"
    "B-but Aria??" she wailed. "I'm scared!!!!!"
    "Stay here," I ordered, before rushing off, unslinging my bow as I went. When I arrived, the Phantoms were everywhere. The Phantom Lord was there, which was unusual, but at the time, I didn't have time to wonder. I rushed in and started firing my bow at the Phantoms. I saw my brothers, my parents, my friends fall to the ground with bolts of dark energy buried in them. With a scream of rage, I unsheathed my long dagger and launched myself at the Phantom Lord.
    To this day, I remember his eyes, staring at me in surprise, his turning so that the knife I'd intended for his heart end up in his shoulder. He screamed, a sound so piercing that everyone in Jamma heard it.
    'Well, well," he snarled, wrenching the knife out of his shoulder. "What do we have here?" He walked toward me. "A wolf, hmmm? What should we do with you?"
    "Let me go so I can rip your face off!" I growled. (I'd always had a bad temper.)
    "No, no," he said thoughtfully. How about I torture you instead?"

    The Wanderer

    1. Continued.. The Adventures of The Wanderer

      How long he tortured me, I don't know. All I know was that the pain was indescribable beyond words. Eventually, blackness came, and with it, and end to the pain and suffering. My only thought was that my little sister had no family anymore.

      When I awoke, I was in a warm, soft bed. I could see my little sister, with her white fur glowing in the darkness of the room/cavern. The blue swirls on her seemed to move in the dim light.
      "Aria?" she said."Please, don't die."
      I had no strength to answer and fell again into the comforting blackness.
      When I awoke for good, there was a koala standing over me. I tried to move, and he must have seen it, because he came bustling over.
      "Good, good," he murmured. "Your sister will be happy to learn that you've survived. GREELY!"
      I winced, but he ignored me.
      Suddenly, out of the darkness, there came a big wolf. He looked at me, then said, " What, Cosmos? I'm tired. And after what happened to Mira..."
      "What?" I said. "What happened to Mira?"
      Cosmos turned to look at me, then shook his head. "Greely, she wasn't supposed to know till she's strong enough. None of the patients are."
      "Just tell her anyway," he rumbled. "I think she's strong enough. After all, she did manage to wound the Lord Phantom."
      Cosmos turned to me again, and sighed. "Mira defeated the Lord of the Phantoms, but she perished doing so. The last of her mind has been transmute into the statue in Jamma Township."
      I began to feel tears leak out of my eyes. I then realized I needed to ask something else. "What happened to my village.?"
      "I'm sorry, no one but you and your sister survived."

      In the weeks that followed, I trained. I trained with any of the Alphas who would give me a lesson. Finally, Greely Took me on as his apprentice. When I graduated, with knowledge of all his arts, I started to wander, searching for the Phantoms. Eventually, I found their homeland, and told the Alphas. They left, but I stayed behind. I had my sister to look after. By this time, ten years had passed.

      When my sister was old enough to go out on her own, I departed. I never got used to Jamaa's new ways, the ways of the After-Beta. I wandered the land, and became known as The Wanderer. I defended those who needed it, and whenever I found the traces of the Phantoms, I contacted Greely with the magical arts he'd taught me.
      Eventually, I stopped wandering, and became settled down in my den. I hade a ammased a considerable fortune on my travels, and I now am waiting for the Alphas return, so that I may adventure once more with them.

      **THE END**

      The Wanderer

      (Sorry for it being in two parts; I typed the first part in my mom's classroom, the second part at home.)

  36. When i log in at animal jam it says ACTION=INDEX AND CONTROLER GAMES weird right? i wonder if that means the "action" is going to be the adventure?!

  37. What do u mean by lock ur account?? Do u umm lock ur den or something??

  38. My name is Cinalta, and I am an Arctic Wolf. Let me tell you of the time I first got my Spirit Armor...
    It was dusk, and then sun was going down behind the mountains. I was sitting near the crackling Serapia campfire where the Alphas were meeting. Their faces were lit up by the firelight. We were all happy because the Phantoms were leaving Jamaa in peace. But it was then that I heard a haunting sound. I quickly spun around and saw a dark shadow flicker in the corner of my eye. I fearfully rushed to warn the Alphas, but they ignored me and said that the Phantoms were long gone. The meeting soon broke up, and all the Alphas hurried home to their dens. I stayed, sad and scared. Suddenly, I heard a voice like an echo off water. I gasped and saw Mira hovering ghostly above me. She handed me a silver set of armor with sparkling mist swirling around it. "This is Spirit Armor, and it will protect you from the Phantoms," Mira said. I slipped it on joyfully and ran home. I didn't sleep all night for fear of the Phantoms, but the Spirit Armor made me feel better. I was startled when I heard I wolf scream at midnight. "The Phantoms are among us!" I rushed outside, but it was too late. Phantoms swarmed in dark clouds, zapping the helpless plants and animals. I watched in horror as all the wolves around me disappeared with a flash of blue light. The Spirit Stone of the wolf had been shattered! I rushed to the Chamber of Knowledge, where I found the shards of the stone. They glowed with the spirits of wolves that the Phantoms stole. I summoned my spirit as I laid my paws on the broken pieces. The swirling mist around my armor began to glow, and so did my sea-green eyes. I felt all the power of the wolves rush through my paws as my spirit was strengthened by the Spirit Armor. The Spirit Stone was made whole in a flash of blue, and all the wolves' spirits were freed. Mira appeared and thanked me for saving the wolves. She gifted the all the Jammers Spirit Armor, and she gave the Non-Members special invisible armor. The Alphas were proud of me, especially Greely, and they granted me the privilege of being junior Alpha of the Arctic Wolves. I was a heroine!
    . : hannahandmemy : .

  39. Lukia26 (who is right now kinda hyper...)April 8, 2013 at 7:46 PM

    OH MY GOSH! GUYS! "Meet your friends in the place to hide from the phantoms"—the trapdoor in the Temple of Zios!!!!!!!!!! :o I literally yelled that out loud at the dinner table lol! No joke...I'm so weird... /).<

    1. I love yelling random stuff at the dinner table! Once, my sibling ordered a 'stomach sandwich' at the dinner party... It was weird!


  40. Manxylion thanks for the help , I did change my password three times , finally my dad came home and I was able to change the email password , and animal password again , but it was to late

    Top if all off I made epic dens today :( I'm den looks like crap ..

  41. Ugh... I can't log in on Animal Jam because I have too much homework so I won't have time to earn gems... so will anyone send me the rare item monday for today? My user is ShadowCharizard(Sorry if this is spam...)


  42. My story. Achem...

    Jamaa was once a peacefull place, that everyone liked and loved, until Zios disappeared. Mira cried and cried her tears of anger and sorrow creating spider-like evil creatures, that want to make jamaa their home. Fortuneately, the Alphas and Mira where powerfull enough to banish the phantoms for five years.
    Mira was still in dispear, witch made everyone else also in the terrible mood. But Pouncing MagicCrock could not stand it any longer. The Crock ran to the temple of Zios in search of a clue. Inside he found a portal! "I never saw this before..." she thought.

    Sorry I cant finish right now. I will tomorrow. Good night everyone.

  43. hey snowy! i got a prob bout the chat on ur blog some ppl r saying wth and stuff and i dont want little kids on aj to see tht :c -lilysquinkies

  44. the word heroine reminds me of Herobrine

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