Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fez Hat Arrives

Hey jammers Today's new item is located in Jam-Mart-Clothing, be sure to purchase the new Fez Hat for 450 Gems! This item is for all Jammers, which is a special treat!
Don't forget - the Summer Carnival is leaving Jamaa on Thursday! There's a sale on all accessories, be sure to head there now by clicking the sings around Jamaa to play some fun games before the fun ends!

Departing from Jamaa is the Horn Hat in Jam-Mart-Clothing! If you would like to purchase the Horn Hat before it departs be sure to head to Jam-Mart-Clothing to grab it!
I would like to share some wonderful art work from King Arcticstone which is on display in Jammer Central! So cute, what a fantastic piece of creative artwork, well done!
Moving on, I'm ever so sorry for my lack of posting; school has been getting stressful! Snowyclaw will be back soon so posting will continue as normal. Thank you to all the other Spirit Jammers for covering for me! ^.^
See you in Jamaa!