Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Animal Jam Alpha List

Click here to visit the AJS page on Jamaasian history!

Main Alphas

The Panda Alpha
Liza's the first alpha everyone meets on Animal Jam, as she welcomes you to the game on her ship, the Blue Heron. Unlike real pandas, she's bipedal. Her hair is tied up in a braid, and her ears are studded with turquoise earrings. She usually carries a pretty wooden staff with a flower on top. The staff looks as if it's made of bamboo, the favorite food of many pandas. On a DE post, it is states she walked to Jamaa on foot, instead of riding on Mira's back like many others. Her favorite color is pink! Named after Eliza Scidmore, a kind lady who worked for National Geographic, she's bound to be a nice, caring alpha.
Read more about this kind alpha here!

The Wolf Alpha
Greely, the romance hating wolf. This mysterious Alpha is loved by many and feared by all. He has had many an adventure dedicated to him, including Greely's Inferno, and The Search For Greely. His appearance varies depending on the artist. For the most part, he is a blue-gray wolf with a white underside. He dons a golden chain around his neck, and dull anklets. And, his hair? Just woah. Some depict him as yellow-eyed, some as amber-eyed. In older offical artwork, he seemed to have a red stone in his eye, possibly a ruby. You can also find a ruby in his study. It is rumored he was born in July, for ruby is that month's stone. He might be able to play the drums. You can read more about this creepy Alpha here. If you dare!
Sir Gilbert
The Tiger Alpha
"Gilbert has wondered what it must be like to be a monkey. Or a giraffe. Or a penguin, a shark, a rabbit… ALL of the other animals fascinate him. He’s been known to leap at an animal he’s never seen before and pin it to the ground with his terrifying strength, but only to ask them what their fur feels like when it rains."
This wonderful quote from the Daily Explorer showcases why Sir Gilbert is my personal favorite alpha.
He dons a flowing red cape, attached to his back with a gleaming metal strap. He wears shining bangles on his legs. He and Peck are the only alphas not to yet appear in adventures, as of Sept. 30th. 2014. His favorite color is the color of fire, red.
Read more about this curious alpha here.
The Bunny Alpha
Peck is the hot-headed bunny alpha. She's most noted upon by jammers by her creativity, carrying paintbrushes everywhere she goes. She's got a stellar sense of humor, and knows too many pranks to count! You can only imagine Greely's face after one of Peck's little jokes, a shining gleam of amusement in his eyes. Peck can cheer everyone up, and you can see her yourself hopping through the shadows in the Bunny Party. Her statues also appear there, after about bunnies hop on it together. Her looks match her spirit, cute and creative, with a hint of rebellion. She has purple head fur, in sideswept bangs. Her ears are patched, but it is hard to tell in different artworks if it's a covering or a marking. She has purple ribbons on her tail and left ear, and a bell on her right ear. Her favorite color is purple. It is rumored the Art Studio in Coral Canyons is where she makes her home. In the original drafts of the game, it was going to be the Claws ń Paws tree.
Read more about the creative alpha here
The Koala Alpha
Cosmo, inventor of Boomseeds, tender of plants. He is a well mannered koala, always calm. But be warned–he can get pretty snappy if you mess with him! On official album covers, he is shown playing a trumpet. He is often seen with the reappearing red bird of AJ, on his staff. His favorite colors is green, the colors of plants. Makes sense, because he can understand plants. Really understand them. Hear how they feel. Amazing, huh?
Read more about the good-spirited alpha here!
The Monkey Alpha
When I was making this list, I found it hard to describe Graham. He's just so...awesome! He's the "geek" of the alphas, the one who tinkers with gears and levers. While Liza depends on teamwork, and Sir Gilbert on brute strength, Graham depends on machines. This was illustrated in a story on DE, which you can find here.  He built the tail fin for Tavie in Turning the Tide. He seems to be an older monkey, with the experience of many years. This is shown in part by his white hair and dull markings. His favorite color is yellow.

Tavie (& Venus)
The Dolphin Alpha(s?)
There are two dolphin alphas, one known to us more than the other. Let's start with Tavie. Tavie is the dolphin alpha that appears in In Too Deep and Turning the Tide. She was born without a tail fin, and she went on a long journey to find someone skilled enough with prosthetics to replace it. Graham made the tailfin she wears. She's a musically inclined alpha, like her name implies. Tavie is derived from 'Octavia', which can come from octave. Octave is a musical term. She's part of a band, and plays a guitar made out of a pink nautilus shell. A pretty, pale pink tiara lies on top of her head. She is the only alpha known to have a pet, her seahorse Rio.
The other dolphin, Venus, was presumed to be an alpha due to her statue in Sunken Treasures. It is worth noting, however, AJHQ changed the statue's name after Tavie's arrival. It is called "Dolphin Venus Statue," instead of "Venus Statue." Tere are continued questions of her alpha status, which AJHQ has neither denied nor confirmed. She and Tavie both appear Bottlenosed Dophins.

Lesser Alphas
The Lesser Alphas, as we call them, are alphas that have not yet appeared in Adventures. They are usually found on statues. 
We haven't written summaries for some of these Alphas yet! Help out Animal Jam Spirit by writing one yourself! You can send it to spiritjammer@gmail.com!

Harper (& Poseidon?)
The Seal Alpha(s?)

The Elephant Alpha

The Rhino Alpha

The Crocodile Alpha

The Horse Alpha

The Penguin Alpha

The Giraffe Alpha

The Fox Alpha

The Raccoon Alpha

The Deer Alpha

The Cheetah Alpha

The Kangaroo Alpha

The Hyena Alpha

The Arctic Wolf Alpha

The Snow Leopard Alpha

The Otter Alpha

The Lion Alpha

The Eagle Alpha

The Shark Alpha

The Octopus Alpha

The Turtle Alpha

Pictures and Characters owned by Animal Jam.