Friday, January 9, 2015

Mohawk and Basic, Epic, & Alpha Healing Staffs

Hey jammers! Sorry to be so late to posting, I'm rather sickish – hoping to be well enough to make a video or two soon. Anywho, today we have a returning item to Jam Mart Clothing, the Mohawk!
Though never among the most popular of items, the Mohawk has made its mark (and opinionated fashion statement) on the history of Jamaa. Another fascinating clothing item that we have mentioned before on AJS is the Healing Staff... And while it no longer exists in Jamaa, I thought we should give it a little study on its possibilities...

 Some may remember the appearance of these mysterious items, yes? The most prominent versions was the one adorned with blue crystals, known as the Epic Healing Staff. Three appeared around Jamaa!
The others were present in Jamaa, one of each, atop wooden staffs in green and red hues – Alpha and Basic Healing Staffs respectively.
All evidence of such items has sine left Jamaa – from each account the staffs were deleted! But I'm quite sure they will be part of an adventure or a Diamond Shop shelf in the near future. We'll be keeping our eyes out for it! Which one are you most excited to try on?
 The last day to purchase a leaf rug has come upon us. Be sure to purchase it while it's here! The Lit Topiaries are also on their last legs (be it one, two, three, four, who knows – can you count the ways?).
Oops, don't forget the Crocodile Claw!!
 I leave you with a silly little glitch of repetition. AJHQ must remind us that where we are going is, in fact, a den.
Thanks for submitting Ndude5!
It is evidently the den of dens. If one was by the name of Den, would one then live in denDen's Den? Or DenDen? denDenDen's Den? I fear this all may go to nonsense. But that's alright. We're all mad here.
Happy jamming!!