Friday, January 2, 2015

'Play Wild' AJ Mobile Device App Coming Soon
( Beta Begins - Sign Up )

Hey jammers! Today I bring you some amazing news! Do you remember a few months ago Snowyclaw published an article on AJS about a new AJ mobile app which is currently in development?  Well, today I have a massive announcement! ^.^
Clark Stacey, AJ's CEO, has tweeted about a brand new AJ app. This app is called Play Wild and will allow jammers to play AJ on mobile and tablet devices! Beta testing for the new Play Wild app begins shortly and you can sign up to become a beta tester for the new app.
Isn't this exciting? If you're interested in becoming a beta tester for the new Play Wild app, please click here to sign up for beta. Beta testers will be able to experience the exciting Play Wild app before anyone else and will be able to test the app.

 I'm very happy Animal Jam is finally launching on different devices. Once Play Wild is released, we'll be able to play Animal Jam in a totally different way on our mobile and tablet devices. It's going to be pawsome and I think the app will be available to download from play stores for free! Woo-hoo!
Don't worry, if you haven't got a tablet device you can still play Animal Jam online. Animal Jam isn't going anywhere it's just AJHQ are creating a different platform for tablets and mobile devices. So if you're on the go, this is perfect for you!
I'm not sure what the release date is, but I'm positive it's very soon! Be sure to keep an eye out. 2015 looks like a pretty good year to me. If there is any updates on Play Wild, I'll post them here for you jammers out there! Are you excited? I am!! :D
Happy jamming! It's almost time to 'Play Wild'! Hehe.

Please note: The Play Wild beta testing is not related to Animal Jam beta testing. Beta testing is a period where players test a new app or game, therefore beta testing will not return to Animal Jam. Animal Jam is fully grown with over 20 million players now.