Tuesday, December 6, 2011

AJ HQ's Response

Hey jammers! Good news, AJHQ replied to your amazing ideas, and the response was very good! Click for full size.
Thank you Marin for such a thoughtful and thorough answer! I sure hope some of our ideas make it to the AJ drawing board, jammers. If you submitted your ideas, thank you! If I missed your user than I'm really sorry, it was quite hard organizing all the ideas in one email.

Next up is the ideas for the blog, I've organized the general ones into this list... Can you think of any more to add?
Does this cover it? And as for the holiday blog decorations, what would you guys like changed? I need to be told again, I'm easily confused. ^^ Thanks again for the wonderful ideas in AJ and the AJS. See you in Jamaa and Happy Jamaalidays!

UPDATE: New post on the Spirit Artwork mini blog!
Note: Thank you chevyhemi, oliviacrafts, 22ar, and chris0209 for the gifts!