Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Animal

Hey jammers! Well, it looks like Zebra won as the most wished for animal, although quite a few jammers thought the wild horse sounded like a good option. What do you think AJHQ is planning for this hoofed mammal?
What do you hope the animal will look like? I'm hope for lots of cool actions, and hopefully they'll be a ton of fun to play as. Do you think they'll be member or nonmember?
What do you think the shaman will be like? I wish shamans and guides would appear in Jamaa more often, I'd love to meet another one. They should come around Jamaa during the Jamaalidays and give out presents! xD
Is anyone excited? It seems like an amazing new animal, I can't wait to get one! Meanwhile, I've been going through my computer latley and I found these pictures...
 What do you think? They're pretty cool in my opinion, but I'm not sure what to use them for. Got any ideas, jammers? Meanwhile I was told of a new glitch!
If you wear a turkey hat on a monkey you get a colored stripe down your body. Is that strange? It occurs with every color, sometimes making different colored strips (brown, blue, ect.). Anyway, see you in Jamaa!

Note: New post on the Spirt Artwork mini blog!