Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gifts and Games

Hey jammers! Lots of new little things around Jamaa, but here are some good things to mention. First of all  is that multiplayer/single player game menus have changed, you now are directly presented with the two options. 
This, I believe, was first discovered/posted by GreenFun. Next is the complete list of Jamaaliday gifts which gave been given (by AJHQ) so far. Starting on Day 1, a Snowflake Rug.
Day 2 - 200 Gems
Day 3 - Snow Man Family
Day 4 - Winter Window
That's all the presents at the moment, jammers. Sadly, if you miss a day you miss that present (everyone gets the same present each day). Meanwhile, I'd like to mention a jammer named pizzadrop. He is in possession of not only Tan Carpet (go to his den to see it, it's strange) but also has a Blanket.
If you repost this on your blog please mention your source. . . .  A Blanket is one of the items from the Best Dressed game, this is pizzadrop's explanation of how he got it.
Mysterious huh? Any ideas on how and why it survived past beta? And what is with this weirdo tan carpet thing going on?

New: More artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!
Thank you kakaloua and malory for the plushies, and MN16 for the gloves!