Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bubble-Tron and Autumn

Hey jammers! The monthly member item is here, sorry all you nonmembers who didn't get it, but here's the scoop. 
Here is the card they sent...
And the gift...
And an early one that
appears to be a glitch color
(picture by Mayksufi).

These gifts are clothing items!
Meanwhile, autumn in Jamaa is here! You can find piles of colorful leaves all around Jamaa.
Plus there are some fun new mini places to see! One is on the roof of the Jam Mart Clothing shop!
Thank you for showing me iamcool2c2!
And now you can wander up to the edge of the mountains in Appondale. You can even see the future Mountain Pathway!
Find anything else new in our autumn Jamaa? Don't forget to stock up on clearance items, dens, music, and bats!
See you in Jamaa.