Friday, November 18, 2011

Things of Today

Hey jammers! Sorry for my lack of posts of late. Nothing much seems to be happening in Jamaa, and I've had a heavy homework load at school (two large projects at the same time...). I hope you understand! Anyway, on to the next pressing subject; sizzlerat. I met her today, and she seemed quite normal...
But reminded me of a shaman in the way she talked... I'm not really sure why, maybe because of her general way of answering questions. I guess that's why I wasn't surprised when a shaman turned up. She/he danced a bit, and left a few seconds later; sadly, no photo. But I did find this quite odd:
 Does anyone else think they look almost similar? Or am I just going crazy? Probably I'm just going loco. Anyway, another strange thing...
How can you buy 100,000 gems-worth of items before earning even 1,000 gems? My guesses - a hacker or an AJHQ test account. Who knows. What do you guys think?

However, on the more cheerful side of things, we have reached 50,000 views and 60 subscribers! Thank you so much for you support everyone, I'm so amazed on how far this little blog world has come. I will keep blogging for at least a while longer, if you guys approve. I wouldn't want to lose such an amazing group of jammers! Jam on and keep with your Animal Jam SPIRIT!


  1. That's great! The achievements, I can explain. Since you can buy stuff that will bring down your gems, it equals to 100,000, when that person was done, boom, earned up to 1,000 gems


  2. Occasionally they get mixed up. I know this, because for some reason one of my Overflow achievements (50 Levels) was after another (100 levels). It didn't exactly make sense.

  3. dear, snowyclaw
    it is me yomamajama, i am sad to inform you but i am being harassed on animal jam. many jamma-a-grams followed by being reported up to thirty times a day. i have been banned many times from the same user. but the focal point of this conversation is that i have switched to a new user under the name of cyborgwolfgirl. if i could ask you to friend my new account that would be great. i hope my online stalker doesnt find me. your blog fan, friend, and formaly yomamajama,

  4. What do you mean R.I.P eye?! Did she die?!

  5. dml99dog,

    who is eye66ytht and how did she die snowyclaw????

  6. dml99dog

    She had a private death.


  7. Maybe the achievement switch is another one of those little animal jam glitches... it wouldn't surprise me if it is, that stuff happens all the time.
    (Once i logged on and saw that my One of a kind achievement was before my First pet one)
    Who's Eye???

  8. @Jammers
    Great ideas jammers! The achievements being switched around would make sense, but I couldn't find any achievements about gems other than that, does that mean something?

    And about eye, as Wando says, it is private. All you need to know is that she was a friend of mine and I wanted to honor her memory.


  9. dml99dog

    ok i just wanted to know. Im very srry for ur friend snowy :(

  10. what do you mean its privit? Nobody really nows who he/she was. And Snowy how did you even now that he/she died, if its that privit, HUH?

  11. did eye66ytht have any relatives, because i was just on AJ and it said that he was on AJ.

  12. Snowy, tinydog98 is cussing on your chat!!!!

  13. Yeah same. I feel bad i havent given her a proper R.I.P. message :l. ill giv her 1 here
    R.I.P. Eye66ytht
    Anyways, Snowy i was gonna ask if you wanted me to draw or attempt to draw something for your blog.

  14. @Anonymous
    No one knows... Let's just leave it at that.

    Apparently the one online was her sister...


  15. Wow congratulations on the blog achievements. And cool, I really think she has something to do with the guide.

  16. @ Rubin99
    That would be awesome if you drew something for the blog, Rubin! You could become a Spirit Artist if you'd like to.

  17. Okiee ^-^
    Wolf with some cool words on it?
    Ill get started right away! ^-^!!

  18. Hey! Could you put my blog on the Other Blogs page?

    I am Wolfy39179, add me on animal jam!

    Plus I follow your blog! I'm a big fan!

    And your not going loco i think those pics kinda look similiar!

  19. err, snowy? did you miss my post? its very important. urg i am getting noticed less and less lately :(

    Here it is snowy. Sorry its so dark >.<

  21. @Rubin99
    Looks wonderful! I'll post it on my Spirit Art mini blog. Thanks Rubin! :D

  22. @yomamajama
    No, I noticed it! Could you send a friend request again? Thanks, sorry, much confusion lately. :(

  23. ok, thnxs. its so sad though. this one person i knew in real life managed to ruin my entire life online. she came down to even hacking my account and taking items. wose off she had about twenty accounts so there is no way i could ever keep her off the sight. but oh well. nothing i can do

  24. i am so so curios right now i only saw eye ones and then the next thing u know shes done :( iam so so sad i really wanna know how she died was she sick or did she have an accident ahhh pls. someone tell me

  25. ?!? WHAT ABOUT EYE!

  26. If everyones wondering I guess I can tell...

    Eye66ytht was my sister and her blog (which I took over) is
    I hate it when I'm wondering about something so I guess I have too tell...
    She died of cancer about 2 weeks ago. She was with me and online she was with wando and may.
    10 minutes after she got off she passed.
    Sorry to depress you but that's what happened..

  27. theres a glitch in one of the games so some people have alot of gems like ovr a 5 million so yuh

  28. @Mimi61782
    Really?! O.O How do you do it?! I'm so poor, I need gems. -.-

  29. 0_o I GOING LOCO TOO!!! I THINK THEY SIMMALAR!!! ~The Legendary norty

  30. I always try typing sizzlerat's name but it says does not exist n AJ.

  31. Wow, nice! Yes, I totally know what you mean with the two projects at once...Saps the strength out of you XD. That's neat; I joined February of 2011, and I still have yet to see a Shaman or a Animal Jam Guide. Intriguing...sizzlerat does look like a Guide, almost.

  32. It is so nice you think that way. I want her to rest in peace. But why would someone be glad she died? That's just bad.


  33. cmon people dont ask those questions its private im very sorry for your loss snowy kind regards-wackywolf81

  34. 60 subscribers? Snowyclaw actually once had 60 subscribers? Wow! It's been 3 years and i can see why her subscribers increased rapidly.

  35. TheRainbow NyancatJuly 17, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    Hi Everyone! I am vampirewolf55555. I am trying to make a sucessful youtube channel, but failing... I play Town Of Salem, Animal Jam, and some other games. (NO HORROR GAMES 0.0) Please if you can, help me out. I got 9 subs and my channel is Colorfulpawproductions. Also if you can, send me things for my mail time video. My vid ( if i get ANY gifts ) Will be on the 20th of July. Also if you can, Subscribe to my friend Frosttail. We try to put smiles on your faces :) I dont really record with my voice, but i will try to do more voice recordings. I know some people will think "WHY ARE YOU ADVERTIZING ON HERE ITS RUDE" I am sorry i just couldn't think of another way to tell my channel to the world. I hope i didn't waste your time and have a good day :) ~Colorfulpaws

  36. I'm so sorry for your loss! May she rest in peace and be happy in a better place. It's these stories that motivate us to find a cure to cancer. God bless you, your family, and your sister!


  37. i searched the username and nothing came up


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw