Thursday, November 24, 2011

Feast of Thanks

Hello all you jammers out there celebrating Thanksgiving, Turkey Day, or Feast of Thanks. I'd like to wish you all a happy holiday and that I hope you have much to be thankful for this year. I know I'm thankful for all you wonderful jammers out there who make this blog so fun, I couldn't do it without you!
When Thanksgiving first began it was a celebration of the end of the growing season, people were thankful for their plentiful harvest. But now is a different time period, and we are thankful for different things. What are you thankful for?

Meanwhile, aurorakismet9 had an idea for what the building in Coral Canyons is. What if it will become a clothing shop for pets?! It could be anything, but the strange thing is that there is a hint on the pet article in the Jamaa Journal...
And on the very next page there is...
All very suspicious right? Well, tell me what you think and what other ideas you guys can come up with about the mysterious structure in the waterfall. What else could it be?
And here we are, wishing you a Happy Turkey Day. Be sure to thank the turkey that you eat this evening! Have a wonderful holiday everyone, I hope to see you in Jamaa!