Hey jammers! Feast of Thanks in Jamaa is here! Lot's of new little things around around in Jamaa. Here are new items you can find around in Jamaa Township...

In the Furniture shop...

In Appondale...

In Mt. Shiveer..

In the Temple of Zios...

In Bahari Bay...

In Kani Cove..

Meanwhile in the music shop Sarepia Forest music is now available! Of course it's for members only, but still.

Plus tons of new colors for animals, something we've all been hoping for for quite a while I believe!

And with the new color chart comes a new secret color! Simply click on the far right of the purple color (bottom left color). What you get is what jammers are calling sky blue, ice blue, or dolphin blue. What will you call it?

Some of the best news yet is that you are able to design your own pet, with tons of colors, eye, feet, head shapes and more!

This post is already pretty long jammers, I'll post some more additions to Jamaa as well as future excitement in the next post. See you in Jamaa, jammers!

Note: Thanks you for the pot silverstorm99!