Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little Clothing Glitches

Look at bottom of post for void glitch.

Hey jammers, nothing much is new around Jamaa, but I thought I'd post (and re-post) about little clothing glitches that still work. First up is one discovered by GreatShot I believe. The amazing floating Yeti Mask! It works on bunnies, all those with a Yeti Mask should try it!
Bunnies seem to have a lot of glitches, when playing their ears warp things, such as a witch mask.
I didn't get a good picture, but when you are doing it you can see your eye flash under the mask! It's quite strange. Another bunny glitch found by Oranoo was that when you dance in a bunny your Elf Bracelets (Cuffs) fly off!
Even my horns crumpled! Next up is an old one, the Viking Hat. When a tiger if you sit down the colors switch around! 
This also works with Bunny Hats, they swap around when tigers sit down. Cool huh? Well this was where I was going to end my post but something came up...

A crazy void glitch has appeared again! This time it's with a tree, it moves, and it's in only one jammer's den! We better get a name for it, shall we call it the Void Tree Blob? xD Here are some pictures from Stickers' den.
The user of the jammer's den is, again, Stickers. 
 What do you guys think caused this weird glitch? Be sure to visit sometime soon jammers, and have fun with your Jamaasian adventures! See you there. :)

Note: Thank you 22ar for the scuba helmet!


  1. COOL!The same thing happened to me at a buddies den srry don't remember the user but it was a baby palm tree!

  2. Hi snowy claw!!! i wanted to send you some of my art work for the artwork page.....can you tell me how i can send artwork to you oh and my name is ollie42 i know you dont know me much but i really like your blog ,thanks!!!

  3. Well if it isn't a glitch then the owner is moving it. But it's probably a glitch.

  4. there is a void in cantbegood's den

  5. I am worried that people will hack my account I need to visit it soon...:(

  6. Cool glitches! I like to see glitches, but Animal Jam didn't have much of glitches when it first started out.

  7. Funny glitches! :P

    Actually, I did not find that glitch, from what I understand, I think it's Mayksufi. I don't own a Yeti Mask though...

  8. How do you make a blog?

    1. U have to go on blogger, make an account then u have ur own blog!

  9. Stickers is on my friends list!!! :D!!! P.S check tht out at my den, purplebelle1 is my user. if u get to see it, can u post it on here?

  10. hey people i have the void glitch in my den too stickers not the only one just go to the tree and glitch!
    my username Lilly368

  11. Is that Pangaeae With you beside the tree!?

  12. The tree blob thing... I once found it during like... decemeber or november... The void glitch was a huge glitch that no one really knew about then. I made some forest out of the void tree now. XD-maryp7

  13. that is cool why does it always happen 2 me?????!!!!!


  14. I noticed that when you sleep with a penguin with a necklace (those 45 gem ones), the necklace's string thing disappears. O.O You can only see the gem when you sleep with a penguin wearing a 45 gem necklace. O______O'

    ~Wolfinery~ x3x

  15. hey snowyclaw! i read your article on pizzadrop, and i went to his den. there i saw something a bit like the crazy void glitch, just it wasn't moving and it was in a big rectangle shape. It was behind some of his epic items. also when i tried to walk on the squares i was moving slowly! i couldln't move fast! it was so weird! Wolf7739

  16. Also the other day when i was my bunny i started to dance when suddenly my had no eyes or clothing for a few seconds. it was so weird. it happened to me 3 times that day. It's true! Bunnies DO have a lot of glitches!

  17. i saw a glitch when i was in the water. so my friend was a turtle and i saw him with his shell on his front not his back. . . . it was weird

  18. The tree glitch is AWESOME!!

  19. viking hats change color when monkeys dance with them on!

  20. i notice that when a bunny looks at a certain direction
    with a neck item and wings the neck goes over the wings
    0______0 -minecraftpiggywiggy-

  21. hey umm just asking mind if you unlock your den i want to see it again plus u epic :P

  22. i found a glitch that you can slide a cross the floor in the juice Hut XD

  23. Hi. Can i become an author? Just asking.

  24. The tree glitch is putting a lot of 1 item in the same place causeing black.

  25. I wanna go to Sticker's den!

  26. Everybodylovescheese:OJune 9, 2015 at 12:09 PM

    i know what the void thingy is hue hue. just do da black box glitch and slowly remove some untill it looks like that o3o

  27. Everybodylovescheese:OJune 9, 2015 at 12:11 PM

    i have that void thingy in my den :3 my username is mlprarity03 if u wanna see it :O

  28. do u have a clothes glitch or a spike glitch


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw