Friday, December 7, 2012

Candy Canes and Candles

Hey jammers! Today's daily item is from last year, the Candy Cane Lights, and a returning rare, Candle Ornaments!
AJHQ has made multiple posts on the Daily Explorer.
There is also an all new New Crew Contest, happy reporting!
Many jammers have noticed that our animals can now be controlled with the arrow keys! What an improvement. ^.^
I also noticed as I was making a new storage account that Liza has changed. A LOT. She doesn't seem to fit anymore. . .
Similar the 3D items shift, the shamans are changing. For better or for worse? Finally, there is another post on the Daily Explorer with the Return of the Alphas video, higher quality!
It's also uploaded onto YouTube, you can watch it here.
Happy jamaalidays everyone, see you around!